1,609 research outputs found

    Sediment-Phosphorus Relationships in Deer Creek Reservoir

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    Summary and Conclusions: Laboratory analyses of sediment samples recovered from Deer Creek Reservoir showed the sediments to have amoderate potential for serving as a source of phosphorus (P) for the overlying water solumn under anaerobic conditions. This source could account for the occurrence or exacerbation of blue-green algal blooms in the upper end of the reservoir when the sediment surface becomes anaerobic late in the summer. It could also delay the response of the reservoir to programs that decrease external P loading, if the upper end of the reservoir still has large enough algal blooms to render the sediment-water interface anaerobic. The redox cycle of Fe is closely associated with P release in the reservoir sediments, and aerobic P release rates are probably insignificant in the phosphorus budget of the reservoir. Sediment profiles indicate that the tropich state of the lake has probably not changed significantly since the reservoir was first filled. The profiles do indicate, however, that much of the P input to the lake may be in the relatively unreactive apatite-P traction, and attempts at reducing P loading from external sources should take into account the degree of availability of the P thus removed

    Calculation of the effect of random superfluid density on the temperature dependence of the penetration depth

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    Microscopic variations in composition or structure can lead to nanoscale inhomogeneity in superconducting properties such as the magnetic penetration depth, but measurements of these properties are usually made on longer length scales. We solve a generalized London equation with a non-uniform penetration depth, lambda(r), obtaining an approximate solution for the disorder-averaged Meissner effect. We find that the effective penetration depth is different from the average penetration depth and is sensitive to the details of the disorder. These results indicate the need for caution when interpreting measurements of the penetration depth and its temperature dependence in systems which may be inhomogeneous

    Hydrothermal alteration mapping of Siberian gold-ore fields based on satellite spectroscopy data

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    The mapping of the hydrothermal alterations in Urjahskoe and Fedorov-Kedrov gold-ore fields was conducted by applying channel relationship method (band ratio) based on ASTER spectral-zonal satellite image data. It was determined that the calculated mineral indices in ore-bearing structures are zonal. Outer ore-bearing structures revealed increased ferric mineral index values, while inner - high epidote- chlorite- calcite and muscovite- siderite mineral index values. Detected regularities could be used in identifying potential gold-ore bearing areas within identical fields based on remote sensing survey data

    Multifocal Fluorescence Microscope for Fast Optical Recordings of Neuronal Action Potentials

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    AbstractIn recent years, optical sensors for tracking neural activity have been developed and offer great utility. However, developing microscopy techniques that have several kHz bandwidth necessary to reliably capture optically reported action potentials (APs) at multiple locations in parallel remains a significant challenge. To our knowledge, we describe a novel microscope optimized to measure spatially distributed optical signals with submillisecond and near diffraction-limit resolution. Our design uses a spatial light modulator to generate patterned illumination to simultaneously excite multiple user-defined targets. A galvanometer driven mirror in the emission path streaks the fluorescence emanating from each excitation point during the camera exposure, using unused camera pixels to capture time varying fluorescence at rates that are ∌1000 times faster than the camera’s native frame rate. We demonstrate that this approach is capable of recording Ca2+ transients resulting from APs in neurons labeled with the Ca2+ sensor Oregon Green Bapta-1 (OGB-1), and can localize the timing of these events with millisecond resolution. Furthermore, optically reported APs can be detected with the voltage sensitive dye DiO-DPA in multiple locations within a neuron with a signal/noise ratio up to ∌40, resolving delays in arrival time along dendrites. Thus, the microscope provides a powerful tool for photometric measurements of dynamics requiring submillisecond sampling at multiple locations

    The Sum over Topologies in Three-Dimensional Euclidean Quantum Gravity

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    In Hawking's Euclidean path integral approach to quantum gravity, the partition function is computed by summing contributions from all possible topologies. The behavior such a sum can be estimated in three spacetime dimensions in the limit of small cosmological constant. The sum over topologies diverges for either sign of Λ\Lambda, but for dramatically different reasons: for Λ>0\Lambda>0, the divergent behavior comes from the contributions of very low volume, topologically complex manifolds, while for Λ<0\Lambda<0 it is a consequence of the existence of infinite sequences of relatively high volume manifolds with converging geometries. Possible implications for four-dimensional quantum gravity are discussed.Comment: 12 pages (LaTeX), UCD-92-1

    Mersenne Primes, Polygonal Anomalies and String Theory Classification

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    It is pointed out that the Mersenne primes Mp=(2p−1)M_p=(2^p-1) and associated perfect numbers Mp=2p−1Mp{\cal M}_p=2^{p-1}M_p play a significant role in string theory; this observation may suggest a classification of consistent string theories.Comment: 10 pages LaTe

    Beta-decay branching ratios of 62Ga

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    Beta-decay branching ratios of 62Ga have been measured at the IGISOL facility of the Accelerator Laboratory of the University of Jyvaskyla. 62Ga is one of the heavier Tz = 0, 0+ -> 0+ beta-emitting nuclides used to determine the vector coupling constant of the weak interaction and the Vud quark-mixing matrix element. For part of the experimental studies presented here, the JYFLTRAP facility has been employed to prepare isotopically pure beams of 62Ga. The branching ratio obtained, BR= 99.893(24)%, for the super-allowed branch is in agreement with previous measurements and allows to determine the ft value and the universal Ft value for the super-allowed beta decay of 62Ga

    Pathways between childhood victimization and psychosis-like symptoms in the ALSPAC Birth Cohort

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    Background: Several large population-based studies have demonstrated associations between adverse childhood experiences and later development of psychotic symptoms. However, little attention has been paid to the mechanisms involved in this pathway and the few existing studies have relied on cross-sectional assessments. Methods: Prospective data on 6692 children from the UK Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) were used to address this issue. Mothers reported on children’s exposure to harsh parenting and domestic violence in early childhood, and children self-reported on bullying victimization prior to 8.5 years. Presence of children’s anxiety at 10 years and their depressive symptoms at 9 and 11 years were ascertained from mothers, and children completed assessments of self-esteem and locus of control at 8.5 years. Children were interviewed regarding psychotic symptoms at a mean age of 12.9 years. Multiple mediation analysis was performed to examine direct and indirect effects of each childhood adversity on psychotic symptoms. Results: The association between harsh parenting and psychotic symptoms was fully mediated by anxiety, depressive symptoms, external locus of control, and low self-esteem. Bullying victimization and exposure to domestic violence had their associations with psychotic symptoms partially mediated by anxiety, depression, locus of control, and self-esteem. Similar results were obtained following adjustment for a range of confounders and when analyses were conducted for boys and girls separately. Conclusions: These findings tentatively suggest that specific cognitive and affective difficulties in childhood could be targeted to minimize the likelihood of adolescents exposed to early trauma from developing psychotic symptoms

    The Evaluation of V_{ud}, Experiment and Theory

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    The value of the V_{ud} matrix element of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix can be derived from nuclear superallowed beta decays, neutron decay, and pion beta decay. We survey current world data for all three. Today, the most precise value of V_{ud} comes from the nuclear decays; however, the precision is limited not by experimental error but by the estimated uncertainty in theoretical corrections. Experimental uncertainty does limit the neutron-decay result, which, though statistically consistent with the nuclear result, is approximately a factor of three poorer in precision. The value obtained for VudV_{ud} leads to a result that differs at the 98% confidence level from the unitarity condition for the CKM matrix. We examine the reliability of the small calculated corrections that have been applied to the data, and assess the likelihood of even higher quality nuclear data becoming available to confirm or deny the discrepancy. Some of the required experiments depend upon the availability of intense radioactive beams. Others are possible today.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figure, LaTe
