1,401 research outputs found

    Vibrational pocket modes: predictions by the embedded crystallite method and their experimental observation

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    Simulation studies based on the embedded crystallite method are used to predict, with no free parameters, complex dynamical behavior for a simple alkali halide defect system, Na+ in KI. Far infrared spectroscopic measurements, including uniaxial stress, confirm the predicted vibrational properties, indicating that this methodology can readily be used for complex and extended defects in ionic crystals

    Matrix-assisted ionisation in vacuum mass spectrometry and imaging on a modified quadrupole-quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometer

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    Matrix-Assisted Ionisation in Vacuum (MAIV) is a new ionisation technique which ionises non-volatile compounds producing electrospray ionisation-like spectra. Its simple, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation-like sample preparation allows for rapid analysis, with no requirement for external energy in the form of a laser or high voltage to produce ions. Ionisation occurs when the matrix (often 3-nitrobenzonitrile) is exposed to sub-ambient pressure. Here, the first use of this revolutionary new ionisation technique to image biological samples is reported. A commercial quadrupole-quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometer was modified to incorporate control of the ion source pressure and a reduced sampling cone orifice diameter. In initial experiments, optimisation of source pressure and matrix composition was carried out to increase the longevity of ion formation. It was noted during these experiments that ion production was only observed when the sample was directly under the sampling cone. Optimisation of sample extraction into the MAIV matrix by the addition of 5 % chloroform enabled MAIV mass spectrometry imaging of lipids in rat brain sections to be carried out in raster imaging mode. Modification of the size and position of the sampling cone improved the selectivity obtainable in these images. Although the quality of these initial images is relatively poor, work is underway to improve the spatial resolution by further modification of the ion source and progress is reported

    Flecainide reduces Ca2+ spark and wave frequency via inhibition of the sarcolemmal sodium current

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    AIMS: Ca(2+) waves are thought to be important in the aetiology of ventricular tachyarrhythmias. There have been conflicting results regarding whether flecainide reduces Ca(2+) waves in isolated cardiomyocytes. We sought to confirm whether flecainide inhibits waves in the intact cardiomyocyte and to elucidate the mechanism. METHODS AND RESULTS: We imaged spontaneous sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca(2+) release events in healthy adult rat cardiomyocytes. Variation in stimulation frequency was used to produce Ca(2+) sparks or waves. Spark frequency, wave frequency, and wave velocity were reduced by flecainide in the absence of a reduction of SR Ca(2+) content. Inhibition of I(Na) via alternative pharmacological agents (tetrodotoxin, propafenone, or lidocaine) produced similar changes. To assess the contribution of I(Na) to spark and wave production, voltage clamping was used to activate contraction from holding potentials of −80 or −40 mV. This confirmed that reducing Na(+) influx during myocyte stimulation is sufficient to reduce waves and that flecainide only causes Ca(2+) wave reduction when I(Na) is active. It was found that Na(+)/Ca(2+)-exchanger (NCX)-mediated Ca(2+) efflux was significantly enhanced by flecainide and that the effects of flecainide on wave frequency could be reversed by reducing [Na(+)](o), suggesting an important downstream role for NCX function. CONCLUSION: Flecainide reduces spark and wave frequency in the intact rat cardiomyocyte at therapeutically relevant concentrations but the mechanism involves I(Na) reduction rather than direct ryanodine receptor (RyR2) inhibition. Reduced I(Na) results in increased Ca(2+) efflux via NCX across the sarcolemma, reducing Ca(2+) concentration in the vicinity of the RyR2

    Enhanced immunogenicity of a functional enzyme by T cell epitope modification

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    BACKGROUND: T helper epitopes are necessary for the induction of high titers of antigen-specific IgG antibodies. We are interested in the epitope modification of intact proteins as a method to enhance their immunogenicity for the generation of recombinant protein-based vaccines. RESULTS: Hartley strain guinea pig T cell epitopes were mapped for two related bacterial proteases. Two T cell epitopes were found in one of the proteases, while a comparatively reduced immunogenicity protease had no detectable T cell epitopes. A T cell epitope sequence homologous to the immunogenic protease was created in the less immunogenic protease by changing a single amino acid. Proliferative responses to the whole protein parent enzyme were two-fold higher in splenocyte cultures from variant-immunized animals. We found that the single amino acid change in the variant resulted in a protein immunogen that induced higher titers of antigen-specific IgG antibody at low doses and at early time points during the immunization protocol. The serum from parent- and variant-immunized guinea pigs cross-reacted at both the protein and the peptide level. Finally, animals primed to the variant but boosted with the parent enzyme had higher levels of antigen-specific IgG than animals immunized with the parent enzyme alone. CONCLUSIONS: With a single amino acid change we have introduced a T cell epitope into a comparatively low-immunogenic enzyme and have increased its immunogenicity while retaining the enzyme's original proteolytic function. The ability to immunomodulate proteins while leaving their function intact has important implication for the development of recombinant vaccines and protein-based therapeutics

    Aspects of the analytical ultracentrifuge determination of the molar mass distribution of polysaccharides

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    Molar mass or ‘molecular weight’ is one of the most fundamental parameters describing a macromolecule. Because of their polydisperse nature, polysaccharides are usually described by distributions of molar mass. SEC-MALS (size exclusion chromatography coupled to multi-angle light scattering) is often a convenient method of choice, but there are many instances where it is unsuitable. Modern AUC (analytical ultracentrifuge) methods provide a valuable alternative – now easier to use than before – and, after briefly reviewing some older procedures, we highlight two recently published and complementary methods, namely, the ‘Extended Fujita’ approach for the analysis of sedimentation velocity data and SEDFIT-MSTAR for the analysis of sedimentation equilibrium data. Nonideality needs to be considered and can be dealt with in a standard way. These methods can also indicate if associative phenomena are present, which can then be quantified using more complex AUC algorithms

    Anthropometric indices of Gambian children after one or three annual rounds of mass drug administration with azithromycin for trachoma control.

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    BACKGROUND: Mass drug administration (MDA) with azithromycin, carried out for the control of blinding trachoma, has been linked to reduced mortality in children. While the mechanism behind this reduction is unclear, it may be due, in part, to improved nutritional status via a potential reduction in the community burden of infectious disease. To determine whether MDA with azithromycin improves anthropometric indices at the community level, we measured the heights and weights of children aged 1 to 4 years in communities where one (single MDA arm) or three annual rounds (annual MDA arm) of azithromycin had been distributed. METHODS: Data collection took place three years after treatment in the single MDA arm and one year after the final round of treatment in the annual MDA arm. Mean height-for-age, weight-for-age and weight-for-height z scores were compared between treatment arms. RESULTS: No significant differences in mean height-for-age, weight-for-age or weight-for-height z scores were found between the annual MDA and single MDA arms, nor was there a significant reduction in prevalence of stunting, wasting or underweight between arms. CONCLUSIONS: Our data do not provide evidence that community MDA with azithromycin improved anthropometric outcomes of children in The Gambia. This may suggest reductions in mortality associated with azithromycin MDA are due to a mechanism other than improved nutritional status

    Capability engineering -an analysis of perspectives

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    The terms "capability" and "capability engineering" are now widely used across industry and in government procurement, but it is clear that different communities use the terms with similar, but distinctly different meanings. Using a soft systems methodological approach, an INCOSE UK working group has identified eight perspectives of capability, which have been related to Ring"s value cycle and the Hitchins" five layer model of systems engineering. It is asserted that capability is the ability to do something and that capability engineering is the overarching approach that links value, purpose, and solution of a systems problem. It is equivalent to layers 1-4 of Hitchins" Five Layer Model and is equivalent to an holistic perspective of systems engineering. There are significant practice and examples of capability engineering from (at least) the UK rail provision, defence, and Information Services and it is the view of the working group that further INCOSE guidance may be needed to ensure engineers are properly equipped to deal with capability and capability engineering.©2011 by Michael Henshaw, Duncan Kemp, Peter Lister, Andrew Daw, Alan Harding, Andrew Farncombe, Malcolm Touchin. Published and used by INCOSE with permission

    Introducing structured caregiver training in stroke care: findings from the TRACS process evaluation study

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    Objective: To evaluate the process of implementation of the modified London Stroke Carers Training Course (LSCTC) in the Training Caregivers After Stroke (TRACS) cluster randomised trial and contribute to the interpretation of the TRACS trial results. The LSCTC was a structured competency-based training programme designed to help develop the knowledge and skills (eg, patient handling or transfer skills) essential for the day-to-day management of disabled survivors of stroke. The LSCTC comprised 14 components, 6 were mandatory (and delivered to all) and 8 non-mandatory, to be delivered based on individual assessment of caregiver need. Design: Process evaluation using non-participant observation, documentary analysis and semistructured interviews. Participants: Patients with stroke (n=38), caregivers (n=38), stroke unit staff (n=53). Settings: 10 of the 36 stroke units participating in the TRACS trial in four English regions (Yorkshire, North West, South East and South West, Peninsula). Results: Preparatory cascade training on delivery of the LSCTC did not reach all staff and did not lead to multidisciplinary team (MDT) wide understanding of, engagement with or commitment to the LSCTC. Although senior therapists in most intervention units observed developed ownership of the LSCTC, MDT working led to separation rather than integration of delivery of LSCTC elements. Organisational features of stroke units and professionals’ patient-focused practices limited the involvement of caregivers. Caregivers were often invited to observe therapy or care being provided by professionals but had few opportunities to make sense of, or to develop knowledge and stroke-specific skills provided by the LSCTC. Where provided, caregiver training came very late in the inpatient stay. Assessment and development of caregiver competence was not commonly observed. Conclusions: Contextual factors including service improvement pressures and staff perceptions of the necessity for and work required in caregiver training impacted negatively on implementation of the caregiver training intervention. Structured caregiver training programmes such as the LSCTC are unlikely to be practical in settings with short inpatient stays. Stroke units where early supported discharge is in place potentially offer a more effective vehicle for introducing competency based caregiver training

    California Current seascape influences juvenile salmon foraging ecology at multiple scales

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    Juvenile salmon Oncorhynchus spp. experience variable mortality rates during their first few months in the ocean, and high growth during this period is critical to minimize size selective predation. Examining links between the physical environment and foraging ecology is important to understand mechanisms that drive growth. These mechanisms are complex and include interactions among the physical environment, forage availability, bioenergetics, and salmon foraging behavior. Our objectives were to explore how seascape features (biological and physical) influence juvenile Chinook salmon O. tshawytscha foraging at annual and feedingevent scales in the California Current Ecosystem. We demonstrate that forage abundance was the most influential determinant of mean salmon stomach fullness at the annual scale, while at the feeding-event scale, fullness increased with greater cumulative upwelling during the 10 d prior and at closer distances to thermal fronts. Upwelling promotes nutrient enrichment and productivity, while fronts concentrate organisms, likely resulting in available prey to salmon and increased stomach fullness. Salmon were also more likely to consume krill when there was high prior upwelling,andswitchedtonon-krillinvertebrates(i.e.amphipods,decapods,copepods)inweaker upwelling conditions. As salmon size increased from 72−250 mm, salmon were more likely to consume fish, equal amounts of krill, and fewer non-krill invertebrates. Broad seascape processes determined overall prey availability and fullness in a given year, while fine- and meso-scale processes influenced local accessibility of prey to individual salmon. Therefore, processes occurring at multiple scales will influence how marine organisms respond to changing environment

    Mortality from all cancers and lung, colorectal, breast and prostate cancer by country of birth in England and Wales, 2001–2003

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    Mortality from all cancers combined and major cancers among men and women aged 20 years and over was compared by country of birth with that of the whole of England and Wales as the reference group. Population data from the 2001 Census and mortality data for 2001–2003 were used to estimate standardised mortality ratios. Data on approximately 399 000 cancer deaths were available, with at least 400 cancer deaths in each of the smaller populations. Statistically significant differences from the reference group included: higher mortality from all cancers combined, lung and colorectal cancer among people born in Scotland and Ireland, lower mortality for all cancers combined, lung, breast and prostate cancer among people born in Bangladesh (except for lung cancer in men), India, Pakistan or China/Hong Kong, lower lung cancer mortality among people born in West Africa or the West Indies, higher breast cancer mortality among women born in West Africa and higher prostate cancer mortality among men born in West Africa or the West Indies. These data may be relevant to causal hypotheses and in relation to health care and cancer prevention