3,792 research outputs found

    Forming Process, Pattern and The Need for Intergovernmental Management in Indonesia

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    Cooperation among neighbouring region is commonly termed regional cooperation. Inter-region cooperation in the study of public administration is categorized as public management especially intergovernmental management. Inter-region cooperation in Indonesia has been for a long time trying to find its form. However, in the middle of its process, the implementer is trapped in doubt. The paper aims to trace the institutional form and its problem in the neighbouring region cooperation. The research is done through literature study, observation on inter-region cooperation especially in the central Java and some facilitation done by the writer in the several regions in Indonesia. There are two forms of referred institution which is developed on the basis of this networking pattern; they are intergovernmental relation (IGR) and intergovernmental management (IGM). In the mean time, the governmental support on inter-region cooperation which is supposed to form collaboration is hampered by the inconsistency of regulation which is issued by several parties (ministries) in the central governmen

    Value’s of Mathematics Education and Citizenship Education

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    Currently, the Indonesian plane of life is miserable, inparticular on behavior. It is shown by the mushrooming acts of corruption, bribery, anarchy, public deceiving, traffic incompliance, etc. This mean any problem in nation character. The nation character building is the duty of citizenship education. The mission of citizenship education in Indonesian is develop or build the nation character as the instructional effects and nurturant effects. Whereas, another courses include mathematics course have to develop the nation characters through the nurturent effect of the instructional. This paper discussed about the relationship between values of mathematics education and characters contained in Citizenship Education. Key word: value, character, mathematics, citizenshi

    Plasma injection into a solar coronal loop

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    Context. The details of the spectral profiles of extreme UV emission lines from solar active regions contain key information to investigate the structure, dynamics, and energetics of the solar upper atmosphere. Aims. We characterize the line profiles not only through the Doppler shift and intensity of the bulk part of the profile. More importantly, we investigate the excess emission and asymmetries in the line wings to study twisting motions and helicity. Methods. WeusearasterscanoftheInterfaceRegionImagingSpectrograph(IRIS)inanactive region. We concentrate on the Si iv line at 1394 {\AA} that forms just below 0.1 MK and follow the plasma in a cool loop moving from one footpoint to the other. We apply single-Gaussian fits to the line core, determine the excess emission in the red and blue wings, and derive the red-blue line asymmetry. Results. The blue wing excess at one footpoint shows injection of plasma into the loop that is then flowing to the other side. At the same footpoint, redshifts of the line core indicate that energy is deposited at around 0.1 MK. The enhanced pressure would then push down the cool plasma and inject some plasma into the loop. In the middle part of the loop, the spectral tilts of the line profiles indicate the presence of a helical structure of the magnetic field, and the line wings are symmetrically enhanced. This is an indication that the loop is driven through the injection of helicity at the loop feet. Conclusions. Iftheloopisdriventobehelical,thenonecanexpectthatthemagneticfieldwill be in a turbulent state, as it has been shown by existing MHD models. The turbulent motions could provide an explanation of the (symmetric) line wing enhancements which have been seen also in loops at coronal temperatures, but have not been understood so far.Comment: 26 pages, 11 figures, Accepted for publication in A&

    Intermittent heating in the solar corona employing a 3D MHD model

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    We investigate the spatial and temporal evolution of the heating of the corona of a cool star such as our Sun in a three-dimensional magneto-hydrodynamic (3D MHD) model. We solve the 3D MHD problem numerically in a box representing part of the (solar) corona. The energy balance includes Spitzer heat conduction along the magnetic field and optically thin radiative losses. The self-consistent heating mechanism is based on the braiding of magnetic field lines rooted in the convective photosphere. Magnetic stress induced by photospheric motions leads to currents in the atmosphere which heat the corona through Ohmic dissipation. While the horizontally averaged quantities, such as heating rate, temperature or density, are relatively constant in time, the simulated corona is highly variable and dynamic, on average reaching temperatures and densities as found in observations. The strongest heating per particle is found in the transition region from the chromosphere to the corona. The heating is concentrated in current sheets roughly aligned with the magnetic field and is transient in time and space. This supports the idea that numerous small heating events heat the corona, often referred to a nanoflares


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    Tulisan ini merupakan hasil karya tari inovatif yang bersumber dari gerak-geraksilat dan gerak keseharian perilaku anak.. Perwujudan karya tari tidak terlepasdaya imajinatif pengkarya sebagai masyarakat akademis dalam memahamifenomena sosial dalam kehidupan masyarakat terutama fenomena perilaku anak. Proses kreatif dalam pembentukan karya tari merupakan interpretasi darifenomena sosial budaya perilaku anak dalam bersosialisasi antar sesama. Dengan dasar ini karya tari yang bertemakan sosial diberi judul : Kurenah dengan landasan koreografi. Hasil karya disajikan dalam rangka Festival Lomba Seni Siswa Nasional (FLS2N) se kota Bukittinggi April 2017.This paper is a result of innovative dance work that comes from the motion ofmartial arts and the daily motion of children's behavior. The realization of danceworks is inseparable from the imaginative power of the creator as an academicsociety in understanding social phenomena in people's lives, especially thephenomenon of child behavior. The creative process in forming dance works is an interpretation of socio-cultural phenomena about children's behavior insocializing among others. On this basis a social theme dance is titled: Kurenahwith the basis of choreography. The work is presented in the framework of theNational Student Art Competition Festival (FLS2N) throughout the city ofBukittinggi in April 2017.

    Tinjauan Hukum Islam Terhadap Akad Perjanjian Sewa Rumah Di Desa Randusari Teras Boyolali

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    Pemenuhan kebutuhan akan tempat tinggal merupakan kebutuhan pokok yang sangat penting bagi setiap manusia. Namun demikian, tidak semua manusia mampu memenuhinya dengan memiliki rumah sendiri karena keterbatasan kondisi ekonomi akan biaya. Maka sewa menyewa rumah kost merupakan alternatif bagi setiap manusia yang belum memiliki akan tempat tinggal sendiri. Masyarakat di Desa Randusari pada umumnya mayoritas beragama Islam dan bekerja atau berprofesi sebagai petani, untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari masyarakat Desa Randusari menyewakan kamar kost sebagai tambahan pemasukan. Bisnis ini adalah bisnis yang saratnya dengan resiko, sehingga memerlukan penyelesaian yang benar sesuai dengan prinsip ijarah dalam Islam apabila terjadi wanprestasi ataupun penyimpangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana tinjauan hukum Islam terhadap akad perjanjian sewa rumah di Desa Randusari Teras Boyolali. Apa saja masalah yang timbul dan apakah penyelesaiannya sudah sesuai dengan prinsip ijarah dalam Islam. Manfaat dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan wawasan keilmuan tentang tinjauan hukum Islam terhadap akad perjanjian sewa menyewa rumah serta penyelesaian wanprestasi maupun masalah lainnya yang sesuai dengan prinsip ijarah dalam Islam. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan dengan analisis data secara deskriptif kualitatif. Data tersebut diperoleh dari hasil observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi yang penulis lakukan di Desa Randusari secara langsung. Untuk menarik kesimpulan dari data tersebut penulis menggunakan pendekatan normatif, yaitu kesesuaian antara data lapangan dengan hukum Islam. Kesimpulan dari tulisan ini adalah bahwa akad perjanjian sewa rumah di Desa Randusari Teras Boyolali telah sesuai dengan hukum Islam, hanya saja sebagian belum menerapkan salah satu azas hukum kontrak dalam Islam yaitu Al-Kitabah (Tertulis). Tentang perintah untuk pembuatan perjanjian secara tertulis, jika suatu saat terjadi perselisihan antara kedua belah pihak maka para pihak memiliki alat bukti. Sedangkan dalam hal wanprestasi yaitu masalah keterlambatan membayar sewa biasa terjadi dikarenakan lalai dan kondisi keadaan si penyewa sendiri. Sehingga dalam keadaan memaksa tidak terkena hukum berdasarkan dalam fiqh Islam. Penyelesaian wanprestasi yang dilakukan oleh penyewa adalah dengan musyawarah kepada pemilik kamar kost dan membayar denda sesuai kesepakatan oleh kedua belah pihak. Hal ini menurut fiqh muamalah adalah boleh, karena segala resiko yang timbul dari suatu perjanjian ditanggung oleh pihak yang telah lalai

    On gravitational echoes from ultracompact exotic stars

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    At the dawn of a golden age for gravitational wave astronomy, we must leave no stone unturned in our quest for new phenomena beyond our current understanding of General Relativity (GR), particle physics and nuclear physics. In this paper we discuss gravitational echoes from ultracompact stars. We restrict our analysis to exact solutions of Einstein field equations in GR that are supported by physically motivated equations of state (EoS), and in particular we impose the constraint of causality. Our main conclusion is that ultracompact objects supported by physical EoS are not able to generate gravitational echoes like those that characterize the relaxation phase of a putative black hole mimicker. Nevertheless, we identify a class of physical exotic objects that are compact enough to accommodate the presence of an external unstable light ring, thus opening the possibility of trapping gravitational radiation and affecting the ringdown phase of a merger event. Most importantly, we show that once rotation is included these stars -- contrary to what usually expected for ultracompact objects -- are not plagued by any ergoregion instability. We extend our analysis for arbitrary values of angular velocity up to the Keplerian limit, and we comment about potential signals relevant for gravitational wave interferometers.Comment: 44 pages, 20 figures, references adde

    Using coronal seismology to estimate the magnetic field strength in a realistic coronal model

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    Coronal seismology is extensively used to estimate properties of the corona, e.g. the coronal magnetic field strength are derived from oscillations observed in coronal loops. We present a three-dimensional coronal simulation including a realistic energy balance in which we observe oscillations of a loop in synthesised coronal emission. We use these results to test the inversions based on coronal seismology. From the simulation of the corona above an active region we synthesise extreme ultraviolet (EUV) emission from the model corona. From this we derive maps of line intensity and Doppler shift providing synthetic data in the same format as obtained from observations. We fit the (Doppler) oscillation of the loop in the same fashion as done for observations to derive the oscillation period and damping time. The loop oscillation seen in our model is similar to imaging and spectroscopic observations of the Sun. The velocity disturbance of the kink oscillation shows an oscillation period of 52.5s and a damping time of 125s, both being consistent with the ranges of periods and damping times found in observation. Using standard coronal seismology techniques, we find an average magnetic field strength of Bkink=79B_{\rm kink}=79G for our loop in the simulation, while in the loop the field strength drops from some 300G at the coronal base to 50G at the apex. Using the data from our simulation we can infer what the average magnetic field derived from coronal seismology actually means. It is close to the magnetic field strength in a constant cross-section flux tube that would give the same wave travel time through the loop. Our model produced not only a realistic looking loop-dominated corona, but also provides realistic information on the oscillation properties that can be used to calibrate and better understand the result from coronal seismology.Comment: Accepted for publication on A&

    Mathematical Connection Communication Learning Model and Information Technology for Students

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    One of the successes of student learning outcomes depends on the way of communication between students and teachers using information technology media, combined with learning mathematical connections through communication will produce new innovations. The purpose of this research is to find out the Mathematical Connection Communication Learning Model and Information Technology for Students. This research method Analysis method of this research was analyzed using a quantitative method approach where the analysis used was descriptive statistics and hypothesis testing with partial least squares (PLS). The sources of information were 30 students majoring in mathematics. The results of this study increase the value of the Mathematical Connection Communication Learning Model and the Use of Information Technology will increase Student Learning Outcomes both in terms of comprehensive understanding abilities, critical and analytical thinking skills and the ability to be creative and innovativeOne of the successes of student learning outcomes depends on the way of communication between students and teachers using information technology media, combined with learning mathematical connections through communication will produce new innovations. The purpose of this research is to find out the Mathematical Connection Communication Learning Model and Information Technology for Students. This research method Analysis method of this research was analyzed using a quantitative method approach where the analysis used was descriptive statistics and hypothesis testing with partial least squares (PLS). The sources of information were 30 students majoring in mathematics. The results of this study increase the value of the Mathematical Connection Communication Learning Model and the Use of Information Technology will increase Student Learning Outcomes both in terms of comprehensive understanding abilities, critical and analytical thinking skills and the ability to be creative and innovativ
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