1,802 research outputs found

    Chandra detection of the radio and optical double hot spot of 3C 351

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    In this letter we report a Chandra X-ray detection of the double northern hot spot of the radio quasar 3C 351. The hot spot has also been observed in the optical with the Hubble Space Telescope (R-band) and with the 3.5m. Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (B-band). The radio-to-optical and X-ray spectra are interpreted as the results of the synchrotron and synchrotron-self-Compton (SSC) mechanisms, respectively, with hot-spot magnetic field strengths ~3 times smaller than the equipartition values. In the framework of shock acceleration theory, we show that the requirement for such a relatively small field strength is in agreement with the fitted synchrotron spectral models and with the sizes of the hot spots. Finally, we show that the combination of a lower magnetic field strength with the high frequencies of the synchrotron cut-off in the fitted synchrotron spectra provides strong evidence for electron acceleration in the hot spots.Comment: 16 pag. + 2 .PS figures (fig.2 color), ApJ Letter in pres

    Ventilation-on-Demand: Quantity or Quality — A Pilot Trial at Barrick Gold\u27s Bousquet Mine

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    Common to many established mines in Canada, is the problem that their ventilation systems are continually being stretched to meet new needs that were not anticipated in the original design. This can be the result of a variety of different factors, such as the discovery of new reserves at depth, accelerated production, new worker exposure regulations or a change of mining method. At Bousquet, the ventilation of a new multilevel mining block over 1 km away from the existing bottom of the mine presents a challenge. The airflow available for this region is limited to 57 m3/s by the size of a ventilation drift and raise, and by the total volume the mine can supply. This volume is sufficient only if it can be directed to the desired locations, namely where the diesel equipment is operating and with minimal losses (\u3c10%). Due to the mobile nature of the mining equipment and changing production areas, such tight management of air can only be achieved with Ventilation on Demand . This paper describes a pilot trial, within the existing mine, of an automated demand based ventilation management system. Vehicle tracking and identification determine ventilation demand, location and duration. Specific air volumes are achieved with remote controlled regulators, and auxiliary fan systems and verified with airflow monitors. Air quality is monitored with gas sensors. Based upon this trial the mine will be able to determine the viability of an air quality driven system over an engine based air quantity dictated system. This would then, with the approval of the local regulators, allow the mine to operate its ventilation more efficiently and gain the maximum benefit of cleanengine technology and exhaust treatment devices

    Measuring fidelity to behavioural support delivery for smoking cessation and its association with outcomes

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Behavioural support increases smoking cessation in clinical settings, but effect sizes differ among providers, due possibly to variations in delivery. This study evaluates a measure ('fidelity index') intended to capture fidelity to delivery of content- and interaction-based items of a behavioural support (BS) for smoking cessation and the association of fidelity with quit rates. METHODS: A fidelity index for scoring the adherence and quality domains of a specific BS intervention, '5As for quit', was developed by classifying the intervention components using the taxonomy of behaviour change techniques. The index was applied to code 154 BS sessions audiotaped among 18 chest clinics in Pakistan to assess their fidelity and explore reliability of coding. The association between intervention fidelity and successful quit achieved by the same providers in a previous study was explored using regression analysis. RESULTS: The index represented two domains: adherence to delivery of content-based activities of 5As (37 items) and quality of interaction-based activities (eight items). The intercoder reliability was good for content-based (average Krippendorff's α = 0.80) and moderate for interaction-based (average Krippendorff's α = 0.66) items. Approximately 70% (intraclass correlation coefficient: adherence scores = 0.72, quality scores = 0.71) of variation in BS delivery was contributed by providers, which increased to 97% (g-coefficient: adherence scores = 0.973, quality scores = 0.974) after accounting for other sources of variation. Higher quit rates were positively associated with average quality scores [risk ratio = 2.15; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.43-3.24], but negatively associated with average adherence scores (risk ratio = 0.55; 95% CI = 0.40-0.77) within services. CONCLUSIONS: The fidelity index is a reliable measure for quantifying intervention fidelity of delivering smoking cessation behavioural support. Recommended revisions of the fidelity index include incorporation of additional interaction-based items, such as the relational techniques used in motivational interviewing

    Radio Lobes of Pictor A: an X-ray spatially resolved Study

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    A new XMM observation has made possible a detailed study of both lobes of the radio galaxy Pictor A. Their X-ray emission is of non thermal origin and due to Inverse Compton scattering of the microwave background photons by relativistic electrons in the lobes, as previously found. In both lobes, the equipartition magnetic field (Beq) is bigger than the Inverse Compton value (Bic), calculated from the radio and X-ray flux ratio. The Beq/Bic ratio never gets below 2, in spite of the large number of reasonable assumptions tested to calculate Beq, suggesting a lobe energetic dominated by particles. The X-ray data quality is good enough to allow a spatially resolved analysis. Our study shows that Bic varies through the lobes. It appears to increase behind the hot spots. On the contrary, a rather uniform distribution of the particles is observed. As a consequence, the radio flux density variation along the lobes appears to be mainly driven by magnetic field changes.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, ApJ accepte

    The origins of X-ray emission from the hotspots of FRII radio sources

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    We use new and archival Chandra data to investigate the X-ray emission from a large sample of compact hotspots of FRII radio galaxies and quasars from the 3C catalogue. We find that only the most luminous hotspots tend to be in good agreement with the predictions of a synchrotron self-Compton model with equipartition magnetic fields. At low hotspot luminosities inverse-Compton predictions are routinely exceeded by several orders of magnitude, but this is never seen in more luminous hotspots. We argue that an additional synchrotron component of the X-ray emission is present in low-luminosity hotspots, and that the hotspot luminosity controls the ability of a given hotspot to produce synchrotron X-rays, probably by determining the high-energy cutoff of the electron energy spectrum. It remains plausible that all hotspots are close to the equipartition condition.Comment: 49 pages, 16 figures. ApJ accepted. Revised version fixes a typo in one of the Tables and corrects a statement about 3C27

    X-ray Emission Properties of Large Scale Jets, Hotspots and Lobes in Active Galactic Nuclei

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    We examine a systematic comparison of jet-knots, hotspots and radio lobes recently observed with Chandra and ASCA. This report will discuss the origin of their X-ray emissions and investigate the dynamics of the jets. The data was compiled at well sampled radio (5GHz) and X-ray frequencies (1keV) for more than 40 radio galaxies. We examined three models for the X-ray production: synchrotron (SYN), synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) and external Compton on CMB photons (EC). For the SYN sources -- mostly jet-knots in nearby low-luminosity radio galaxies -- X-ray photons are produced by ultrarelativistic electrons with energies 10-100 TeV that must be accelerated in situ. For the other objects, conservatively classified as SSC or EC sources, a simple formulation of calculating the ``expected'' X-ray fluxes under an equipartition hypothesis is presented. We confirmed that the observed X-ray fluxes are close to the expected ones for non-relativistic emitting plasma velocities in the case of radio lobes and majority of hotspots, whereas considerable fraction of jet-knots is too bright at X-rays to be explained in this way. We examined two possibilities to account for the discrepancy in a framework of the inverse-Compton model: (1) magnetic field is much smaller than the equipartition value, and (2) the jets are highly relativistic on kpc/Mpc scales. We concluded, that if the inverse-Compton model is the case, the X-ray bright jet-knots are most likely far from the minimum-power condition. We also briefly discuss the other possibility, namely that the observed X-ray emission from all of the jet-knots is synchrotron in origin.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal, vol.62

    Canonical Particle Acceleration in FRI Radio Galaxies

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    Matched resolution multi-frequency VLA observations of four radio galaxies are used to derive the asymptotic low energy slope of the relativistic electron distribution. Where available, low energy slopes are also determined for other sources in the literature. They provide information on the acceleration physics independent of radiative and other losses, which confuse measurements of the synchrotron spectra in most radio, optical and X-ray studies. We find a narrow range of inferred low energy electron energy slopes, n(E)=const*E^-2.1 for the currently small sample of lower luminosity sources classified as FRI (not classical doubles). This distribution is close to, but apparently inconsistent with, the test particle limit of n(E)=const*E^-2.0 expected from strong diffusive shock acceleration in the non-relativistic limit. Relativistic shocks or those modified by the back-pressure of efficiently accelerated cosmic rays are two alternatives to produce somewhat steeper spectra. We note for further study the possiblity of acceleration through shocks, turbulence or shear in the flaring/brightening regions in FRI jets as they move away from the nucleus. Jets on pc scales and the collimated jets and hot spots of FRII (classical double) sources would be governed by different acceleration sites and mechanisms; they appear to show a much wider range of spectra than for FRI sources.Comment: 16 figures, including 5 color. Accepted to Astrophysical Journa

    LABOCA observations of nearby, active galaxies

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    We present large scale 870 micron maps of the nearby starburst galaxies NGC253, NGC4945 and the nearest giant elliptical radio galaxy Centaurus A (NGC 5128) obtained with the newly commissioned Large Apex Bolometer Camera (LABOCA) operated at the APEX telescope. Our continuum images reveal for the first time the distribution of cold dust at a angular resolution of 20" across the entire optical disks of NGC253 and NGC4945 out to a radial distance of 10' (7.5 kpc). In NGC5128 our LABOCA image also shows, for the first time at submillimeter wavelengths, the synchrotron emission associated with the radio jet and the inner radio lobes. From an analysis of the 870 micron emission in conjunction with ISO-LWS, IRAS and long wavelengths radio data we find temperatures for the cold dust in the disks of all three galaxies of 17-20 K, comparable to the dust temperatures in the disk of the Milky Way. The total gas mass in the three galaxies is determined to be 2.1, 4.2 and 2.8 x 10^9 solar masses for NGC253, NGC4945 and NGC5128, respectively. A detailed comparison between the gas masses derived from the dust continuum and the integrated CO(1-0) intensity in NGC253 suggests that changes of the CO luminosity to molecular mass conversion factor are mainly driven by a metallicity gradient and only to a lesser degree by variations of the CO excitation. An analysis of the synchrotron spectrum in the northern radio lobe of NGC5128 shows that the synchrotron emission from radio to the ultraviolet wavelengths is well described by a broken power law and that the break frequency is a function of the distance from the radio core as expected for aging electrons. We derive an outflow speed of ~0.5c at a distance of 2.6kpc from the center, consistent with the speed derived in the vicinity of the nucleus.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Multidimensional continued fractions, dynamical renormalization and KAM theory

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    The disadvantage of `traditional' multidimensional continued fraction algorithms is that it is not known whether they provide simultaneous rational approximations for generic vectors. Following ideas of Dani, Lagarias and Kleinbock-Margulis we describe a simple algorithm based on the dynamics of flows on the homogeneous space SL(2,Z)\SL(2,R) (the space of lattices of covolume one) that indeed yields best possible approximations to any irrational vector. The algorithm is ideally suited for a number of dynamical applications that involve small divisor problems. We explicitely construct renormalization schemes for (a) the linearization of vector fields on tori of arbitrary dimension and (b) the construction of invariant tori for Hamiltonian systems.Comment: 51 page

    An X-ray study of magnetic field strengths and particle content in FRII radio sources

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    We present a Chandra and XMM-Newton study of X-ray emission from the lobes of 33 classical double radio galaxies and quasars. We report new detections of lobe-related X-ray emission in 11 sources. Together with previous detections we find that X-ray emission is detected from at least one radio lobe in ~75 percent of the sample. For all of the lobe detections, we find that the measured X-ray flux can be attributed to inverse-Compton scattering of the cosmic microwave background radiation, with magnetic field strengths in the lobes between (0.3 - 1.3) B_eq, where the value B_eq corresponds to equipartition between the electrons and magnetic field assuming a filling factor of unity. There is a strong peak in the magnetic field strength distribution at B ~ 0.7 B_eq. We find that > 70 percent of the radio lobes are either at equipartition or electron dominated by a small factor. The distribution of measured magnetic field strengths differs for narrow-line and broad-line objects, in the sense that broad-line radio galaxies and quasars appear to be further from equipartition; however, this is likely to be due to a combination of projection effects and worse systematic uncertainty in the X-ray analysis for those objects. Our results suggest that the lobes of classical double radio sources do not contain an energetically dominant proton population, because this would require the magnetic field energy density to be similar to the electron energy density rather than the overall energy density in relativistic particles.Comment: 44 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap