195 research outputs found

    Rapid computation of far-field statistics for random obstacle scattering

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    In this article, we consider the numerical approximation of far-field statistics for acoustic scattering problems in the case of random obstacles. In particular, we consider the computation of the expected far-field pattern and the expected scattered wave away from the scatterer as well as the computation of the corresponding variances. To that end, we introduce an artificial interface, which almost surely contains all realizations of the random scatterer. At this interface, we directly approximate the second order statistics, i.e., the expectation and the variance, of the Cauchy data by means of boundary integral equations. From these quantities, we are able to rapidly evaluate statistics of the scattered wave everywhere in the exterior domain, including the expectation and the variance of the far-field. By employing a low-rank approximation of the Cauchy data's two-point correlation function, we drastically reduce the cost of the computation of the scattered wave's variance. Numerical results are provided in order to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach

    The second order perturbation approach for elliptic partial differential equations on random domains

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    The present article is dedicated to the solution of elliptic boundary value problems on random domains. We apply a high-precision second order shape Taylor expansion to quantify the impact of the random perturbation on the solution. Thus, we obtain a representation of the solution with third order accuracy in the size of the perturbation's amplitude. The major advantage of this approach is that we end up with purely deterministic equations for the solution's moments. In particular, we derive representations for the first four moments, i.e., expectation, variance, skewness and kurtosis. These moments are efficiently computable by means of boundary integral equations. Numerical results are presented to validate the presented approach

    Multilevel Quadrature for Elliptic Parametric Partial Differential Equations in Case of Polygonal Approximations of Curved Domains

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    Multilevel quadrature methods for parametric operator equations such as the multilevel (quasi-) Monte Carlo method resemble a sparse tensor product approximation between the spatial variable and the parameter. We employ this fact to reverse the multilevel quadrature method by applying differences of quadrature rules to finite element discretizations of increasing resolution. Besides being algorithmically more efficient if the underlying quadrature rules are nested, this way of performing the sparse tensor product approximation enables the easy use of nonnested and even adaptively refined finite element meshes. We moreover provide a rigorous error and regularity analysis addressing the variational crimes of using polygonal approximations of curved domains and numerical quadrature of the bilinear form. Our results facilitate the construction of efficient multilevel quadrature methods based on deterministic high order quadrature rules for the stochastic parameter. Numerical results in three spatial dimensions are provided to illustrate the approach

    Rapid computation of far-field statistics for random obstacle scattering

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    In this article, we consider the numerical approximation of far-field statistics for acoustic scattering problems in the case of random obstacles. In particular, we consider the computation of the expected far-field pattern and the expected scattered wave away from the scatterer as well as the computation of the corresponding variances. To that end, we introduce an artificial interface, which almost surely contains all realizations of the random scatterer. At this interface, we directly approximate the second order statistics, i.e., the expectation and the variance, of the Cauchy data by means of boundary integral equations. From these quantities, we are able to rapidly evaluate statistics of the scattered wave everywhere in the exterior domain, including the expectation and the variance of the far-field. By employing a low-rank approximation of the Cauchy data's two-point correlation function, we drastically reduce the cost of the computation of the scattered wave's variance. Numerical results are provided in order to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach

    Bembel: The fast isogeometric boundary element C++ library for Laplace, Helmholtz, and electric wave equation

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    In this article, we present Bembel, the C++ library featuring higher order isogeometric Galerkin boundary element methods for Laplace, Helmholtz, and Maxwell problems. Bembel is compatible with geometries from the Octave NURBS package, and provides an interface to the Eigen template library for linear algebra operations. For computational efficiency, it applies an embedded fast multipole method tailored to the isogeometric analysis framework and a parallel matrix assembly based on OpenMP

    Acoustic scattering in case of random obstacles

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    In this article, we deal with the numerical solution of acoustic scattering problems in case of random obstacles. We compute the second order statistics, i.e. the expectation and the variance, of the solution's Cauchy data on an artificial, deterministic interface by means of boundary integral equations. As a consequence, we are able to rapidly evaluate statistics of the scattered wave everywhere in the exterior domain, including the expectation and the variance of the far-field. By using a low-rank approximation of the Cauchy data's two-point correlation function, the cost of the computation of the scattered wave’s variance is drastically reduced. Numerical results are given to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach

    On the Best Approximation of the Hierarchical Matrix Product

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    The multiplication of matrices is an important arithmetic operation in computational mathematics. In the context of hierarchical matrices, this operation can be realized by the multiplication of structured blockwise low-rank matrices, resulting in an almost linear cost. However, the computational efficiency of the algorithm is based on a recursive scheme which makes the error analysis quite involved. In this article, we propose a new algorithmic framework for the multiplication of hierarchical matrices. It improves currently known implementations by reducing the multiplication of hierarchical matrices to suitable low-rank approximations of sums of matrix products. We propose several compression schemes to address this task. As a consequence, we are able to compute the best approximation of hierarchical matrix products. A cost analysis shows that, under reasonable assumptions on the low-rank approximation method, the cost of the framework is almost linear with respect to the size of the matrix. Numerical experiments show that the new approach produces indeed the best approximation of the product of hierarchical matrices for a given tolerance. They also show that the new multiplication can accomplish this task in less computation time than the established multiplication algorithm without error control

    On the best approximation of the hierarchical matrix product

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    The multiplication of matrices is an important arithmetic operation in computational mathematics. In the context of hierarchical matrices, this operation can be realized by the multiplication of structured block-wise low-rank matrices, resulting in an almost linear cost. However, the computational efficiency of the algorithm is based on a recursive scheme which makes the error analysis quite involved. In this article, we propose a new algorithmic framework for the multiplication of hierarchical matrices. It improves currently known implementations by reducing the multiplication of hierarchical matrices towards finding a suitable low-rank approximation of sums of matrix products. We propose several compression schemes to address this task. As a consequence, we are able to compute the best-approximation of hierarchical matrix products. A cost analysis shows that, under reasonable assumptions on the low-rank approximation method, the cost of the framework is almost linear with respect to the size of the matrix. Numerical experiments show that the new approach produces indeed the best-approximation of the product of hierarchical matrices for a given tolerance. They also show that the new multiplication can accomplish this task in less computation time than the established multiplication algorithm without error control
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