39 research outputs found

    Analisis Pesan Dakwah pada Kisah Dua Putera Adam dalam Alquran

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    This article focuses on analyzing da\u27wah messages that can be learned from the story of Adam\u27s two sons in the Alqur\u27an. This study shows some aspects of da\u27wah messages that are relevant to learn; First, sincerity and intention as conditions for receiving worship. Habil\u27s attitude in dedicating himself to his sacrifice was acceptable to God. Unlike Qabil, because he was not honest in carrying out sacrifices, causing his sacrifice to be rejected by Allah swt; Second, the holy soul can control humans from evil behavior; and Third, Citing Lessons could be taken even from Animals Behavior. In many verses of the Alqur\u27an which tell people to take \u27ibrah (parable) from the behavior of animals and birds

    Peaceful Da’wah and Religious Conflicts in Contemporary Indonesia

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    At least there are two trends in contemporary da'wah challenges; First, the tendency of some Preachers to be extreme and strict in understanding religious notions (da'wa ethics) and trying to force these ways in delivering da'wah. Second, other tendencies are permissive acts to religious practices and accommodating negative attitudes and thoughts that came from pop culture and modern life. Both of these trends can be observed from the Al-Qur‘an statement about al-guluww fi al-din (excessive attitudes in religion) in Q.S. al-Ma'idah / 5: 77. In a more specific aspect, it can be observed that the university curriculum at the Da'wah Faculties of Indonesian Islamic Universities is still lacking in emphasizing the aspect of peaceful da'wah, especially in the Indonesian perspective. The ideal Da’i (Islamic Preachers) insight is at least not only on normative theological aspects but requires other insights such as world view, human rights, cultural insights and local traditions


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    The dynamics of Islamic media have a fundamental problem in the position of global communications controlled by Western hegemony so strong and become the main players. Islam does not have a significant position. Countries that have a majority Muslim people much depend on the information provided by the West, especially the United States. In terms of communication media, generally third world countries, including Islam only as consumers whose utilization has not been maximally felt by all citizens. Moreover, being a producer in creating communication media, it seems too far to be expected. The implications arising from such an Islamic position, in global communication, of course, Islam does not yet have the power to play a significant role. The presence of Islam in global communications is only limited to the discourse that has great potential to rise. In order to further enhance its role in global communications, Muslims should make systematic efforts to catch up. Efforts should be made are: First, make the teachings of Islam as a source of vitality of civilization; Second, establishing harmonious cooperation between Islam and the West, especially the media; Third, improve the ability of Muslims in the mastery of science and technology, especially communications and build world news agencies; Fourth, Islamic institutions can play their part in the global arena; Fifth, cooperation between Islamic countries needs to be improved


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    The subject matter raised in this paper is how acculturation of Islam and local culture in Indonesia. Using historical text studies. In this paper suggests the success of Islam that came from Arabs managed to dialogue and accepted in the local cultural landscape that has long been rooted in the archipelago. The findings are that Islam is able to understand the existing local cultural setting and internalize the cultural setting so that its existence can be accepted by the community. This success is inseparable from the cultural approach adopted by Islamic preachers of the XIII century who acculturate Islamic and local culture so that it becomes an inseparable unity.Pokok permasalahan yang diangkat dalam tulisan ini adalah bagaimana akulturasi Islam dan budaya lokal di Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan studi teks sejarah. Dalam tulisan ini mengemukakan keberhasilan Islam yang datang dari Arab berhasil berdialog dan diterima dalam lanskap budaya lokal yang telah lama mengakar di Nusantara. Hasil temuannya adalah Islam berhasil memahami setting budaya lokal yang ada dan melakukan internalisasi dalam setting budaya tersebut sehingga eksistensinya dapat diterima oleh masyarakat. Keberhasilan ini tidak terlepas dari pendekatan budaya yang dilakukan oleh pendakwah Islam abad XIII yang melakukan akulturasi budaya Islam dan lokal sehingga menjadi satu kesatuan yang tak terpisahkan

    Pemikiran dan Gerakan Dakwah Tuan Guru M. Zainuddin Abdul Madjid di Lombok NTB

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    Hasil penelitian ini menyajikan tiga pokok analisis kritis yang meliputi: Pertama, eksistensi para Tuan Guru di pulau Lombok NTB secara potensial dapat dicermati dari empat faktor utama, yaitu pendidikan, dakwah, sosial kemasyarakatan dan kepemimpinan. Empat faktor ini merupakan bagian dari identitas yang dapat diidentifikasi dari gerakan para Tuan Guru. Kedua, pemikiran dakwah Tuan Guru M. Zainuddin dapat dianalisis dan dicermati dari sikap moderatnya (al-wasatiyyah) dalam merumuskan proses transformasi dakwah. al-Wasatiyyah sebagai metode dakwahnya tercermin dalam Ibadah dan syiar agama serta akhlak. Konsep ini dapat dicermati pada setidaknya empat hal mendasar yaitu wawasan keagamaan yang komperehensif (al-Tafaqquh fi al-din), penahapan dan prioritas dalam berdakwah (al-tadarruj wa al-awlawiyyat fi al-da’wah), mendahulukan kemudahan daripada kesulitan (al-taysir qabl alta’sir) dan dakwah berbasis realitas kekinian (al-da’wah al-waqi’iyyah). Dan ketiga, gerakan dakwahnya secara mendasar dapat dicermati pada aspek Manajemen Dakwah (tanzim al-da’wah) dan Kearifan Dakwah (da’wah bi alhikmah). Pada aspek manajemen dakwah terbagi menjadi tiga konsepsi, yaitu: Optimalisasi dakwah berbasis pendanaan dakwah (masarif al-da’wah), berpolitik di bawah bendera dakwah (al-da’wah bi al-hukumah), dan tahapan dakwahnya (al tadarruj fi al-da’wah). Sedangkan pada aspek kearifan, ia menekankan tentang dakwah Islamiyah yang berorientasi kearifan. Implementasi kearifan dapat berupa bijak dalam menentukan hukum fikih yang sesuai dengan konteks, mempermudah sebelum mempersulit, bersikap tidak kontra-produktif dalam hubungannya dengan pemerintah dalam pembangunan, dan lainnya. Dakwah berbasis kearifan inilah, selanjutnya, mentransformasi seorang Da’i menjadi lebih moderat (al-wasatiyyah) dalam berdakwah

    Dakwah Pemberdayaan Perempuan: Telaah Pemikiran Qasim Amin Tentang Kesetaraan Gender

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    Artikel ini menguraikan pemikiran Qasim Amin tentang kesetaraan gender dalam perspektif dakwah pemberdayaan perempuan. Wanita dalam Islam sebenarnya mempunyai kedudukan yang tinggi, tetapi adat-istiadat yang berasal dari luar Islam mengubah hal tersebut, sehingga wanita Islam akhirnya cenderung memiliki kelas yang rendah dan terbelakang. Ide Muhammad Abduh inilah yang kemudian dikembangkan oleh Qasim Amin dalam karya-karyanya. Gagasan Qasim Amin banyak membahas reposisi wanita dalam bidang pendidikan, pemakaian hijab, dan kedudukannya dalam lingkungan keluarga. Bagi Qasim Amin, salah satu penyebab kemunduran umat Islam disebabkan oleh ketertinggalan kaum wanitanya. Pendidikan bagi wanita bukan hanya untuk kepentingan mengatur rumah tangga secara baik, tetapi lebih daripada itu untuk dapat memberikan didikan dasar bagi anak-anak mereka. Wanita tidak akan mencapai derajat atau eksistensi yang sempurna, jika selalu berada dalam keterpasungan dan mengikuti tradisi lama. Oleh karena itu, wanita perlu diberi kebebasan berkarya sesuai dengan fitrah dan petunjuk syariat. Pemikiran Qasim Amin menyangkut kedudukan wanita dalam kehidupan keluarga adalah dari segi perkawinan, poligami, dan talak. Selanjutnya, gagasan-gagasan Qasim Amin ini sejalan dengan ketentuan yang berlaku di Indonesia, khususnya UU No. 1 Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan dan Kompilasi Hukum Islam (KHI)

    Zakat for Mama Biang in Maluku, Indonesia: Ulama Opinion on Fīsabīlillāh in the Perspective of Islamic Legal Anthropology

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    Giving zakat to mama biang is one of the problems of zakat distribution that has attracted controversy. In the people of Negeri Iha, Maluku, the giving of zakat mama biang has become a tradition that has survived into the modern era. The purpose of this study is to study the practice of distributing zakat to Mama Biang, the opinions of tafsir scholars and  the implications for  Islamic law. The study uses empirical legal studies with an anthropological approach to Islamic law. While data collection techniques are in-depth interviews and literature studies. This study concluded that the controversy over the distribution of zakat mama biang occurred due to differences in scholars' interpretations of the meaning of fīsabīlillāh which had implications for differences in people's understanding of Islamic law. People who maintain the tradition of zakat mama biang understand that the distribution of zakat mama biang is in accordance with Islamic law, relying on the opinion of scholars who expand the meaning of fīsabīlillāh to include mama biang. Meanwhile, some people understand that mama biang zakat is not in accordance with Islamic law.  The controversy over the distribution of zakat to mama biang also occurs because zakat is not distributed evenly to all existing asnaf, this  can also trigger gaps in society. Therefore, in the perspective of legal anthropology, the practice of giving to mama biang can continue as a local tradition, but this gift can be categorized as infaq or sadaqah, not zakat. So that this can give birth to harmonious legal implications between Islamic law and adat which has become living law

    Analisis Pesan Dakwah Moderasi Dalam Novel Kidung Rindu Di Tapal Batas Karya Aguk Irawan Mn.

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    The development of da'wah in the digital era is inseparable from the problem of society as a target for da'wah and so many media are used as a means of da'wah. One of the means used by many preachers to deliver their da'wah material is through written media and literacy such as novels. The novel is one of the alternative dawah for delivering dawah material to the target of preaching or mad'u, many stories in the novel are promoted as messages of propaganda in the form of film media. This article has a very positive purpose in understanding the contents of da'wah what are the meanings in a story that have elements of nationalism and da'wah by using descriptive qualitative methods, then linking them to interpretations of the Qur'an.The development of da'wah in the digital era is inseparable from the probelmatika of society as a target for da'wah and so many media are used as a means of da'wah. One of the means used by many preachers to deliver their da'wah material is through written media and literacy such as novels. The novel is one of the alternative dawah for delivering dawah material to the target of preaching or mad'u, many stories in the novel are promoted as messages of propaganda in the form of film media. This article has a very positive purpose in understanding the contents of da'wah what are the meanings in a story that have elements of nationalism and da'wah by using descriptive qualitative methods, then linking them to interpretations of the Qur'an. The results of this research are first the theme of da’wah moderation  raised in this novel about Garuda in my chest, in the da’wah moderation scheme the presence of dissatisfaction, sadness, sadness of life in his country but they eat in other countries, semantic messages of moderation means tolerance and  help each other, and belief in God Almighty

    Aplikasi Digital Risalah Ilmu Tajwid dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Baca Alquran

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    This article discusses the using of risalah of tajwid digital apps in increasing the students of SMA Negeri 4 Pinrang abilities in reading al-Qur’an. The using of risalah of tajwid digital apps was by optimazing the technology of computer that running by risalah of tajwid digital apps, that able to create the learning environment to prepare the options that can stimulated the students to use the potential cognitive. The objectives of this research was to get the empirical data about the students’ ability in reading Alquran before and after taught by using risalah digital of tajwid science and to get the empirical data about students’ ability in reading Alquran before and after using text book as well as to get the information about the difference in students’ level of ability in reading Alquran at the experiment class and the control class. The research design is used nonequivalent control group design, it means that in this design the experiment class nor the control class was not selected randomly.The research results are: (1) The level of students’ ability in reading Alquran in the experiment class before the treatment was classified in poor category, however, after given the treatment it was in good category. (2) The level of students’ ability in reading Alquran in the control class before the treatment was in poor category, however, after given the treatment it was in good category. (3) There are difference of students’ level ability in reading Alquran in the experiment class and the control class