466 research outputs found
Scientific results of the Bryotrop expedition to Zaire and Rwanda : 7., life strategies of epiphytic bryophytes from tropical lowland and montane forests, ericaceous woodlands and the Dendrosenecio subpáramo of the eastern Congo basin and the adjacent mountains (Parc National de Kahuzi-Biega/Zaire, Forêt de Nyungwe/Rwanda)
Life strategies of epiphytic bryophytes are studied along an altitudinal gradient from the eastern Congo basin (tropical lowland zone) to the mountains of the East-African graben (tropical subalpine/alpine Zone; BRYOTROP III-transect). Three strategies, Colonists, Perennial shuttle species and Perennial stayers can be observed, which are further subdivided according to their reproduction tactic (high sexual reproductive effort, high asexual reproductive effort, moderately or low sexual and asexual reproductive effort). Of these, only taxa with a long life span (perennials) are of importance, indicating the unchanging and constant ecological conditions and long-lasting microsites, provided by the epiphytic habitats. The basis for the life strategy pattern analysis along the altitudinal gradient were plant sociological investigations and the determination of the mean percentage cover values for the different life strategy categories. By this, the distribution and occurrence of the different strategies within the communities and the altitudinal zones can be shown
Molecular epidemiology of multidrug resistant Acinetobacter Baumannii clinical isolates from two Bulgarian hospitals
Objectives: To investigate the molecular epidemiology of multidrug resistant (MDR) Acinetobacter baumannii isolates collected from patients in two Bulgarian Hospitals (H1, H2) during the period 2005-2012.Materials and Methods: A total of 93 nonduplicate MDR A. baumannii isolates collected from Intensive care units (ICUs) and surgical wards were studied. Antimicrobial susceptibility was tested by VITEK 2 (bioMérieux, Marcy l`Etoile) and Phoenix (BD) and the results were interpreted according to the current CLSI guidelines. Detection of carbapenemase encoding genes was performed by PCR. Isolates were genotyped by PFGE and rep-PCR DiversiLab system (bioMerieux) and compared against a library of A. baumannii strains representing the international clones (IC) 1-8.Results: Twenty seven isolates were carbapenem resistant and were associated with OXA-23 and OXA-58 enzymes. The majority of the investigated isolates (n=65) clustered with ICs 1, 2 and 8. Twenty five isolates from H2, collected during the period 2005-2007, did not cluster with any of the representative strains for the ICs 1-8 and formed a separate unique clone, which was found to persist in 2012.Conclusions: Our results reveal the epidemic and endemic potential of A. baumannii as well as persistence of clones over time. Multidrug resistance in A. baumannii from the investigated Bulgarian hospitals was associated with intrahospital dissemination of IC1, 2 and 8 and with unique local clones
Small Colony Variants of Staphylococcus aureus and Pacemaker-related Infection
We describe the first known case of a device-related bloodstream infection caused by Staphylococcus aureus small colony variants. Recurrent pacemaker-related bloodstream infection within a 7-month period illustrates the poor clinical and microbiologic response to prolonged antimicrobial therapy in a patient infected with this S. aureus subpopulation
Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der BRYOTROP-Expedition nach Zaire und Rwanda : 6., Lebensformen und Adaptionen zur Wasserleitung und Wasserspeicherung in epiphytischen Moosgesellschaften im östlichen Kongobecken und den angrenzenden Gebirgsstöcken (Parc National de Kahuzi-Biega/Zaire, Forêt de Nyungwe/ Rwanda)
Life forms, water conducting and water storing structures of epiphytic bryophytes are studied along an altitudinal gradient from the eastern Congo basin (tropical lowand zone) to the mountains of the East-African graben (tropical subalpine/alpine zone; BRYOTROP III-transect). Based on a phytosociological analysis, these adaptations were put in relation to the distribution pattern of the bryophyte communities, as well as to the ecological gradient. The interpretation is based on the mean percent cover of each group. The tropical lowland zone is dominated by the life form mat, which is distinctly correlated with watersacs and taxa of the Jubulaceae, Lejeuneaceae and Radulaceae. In the following perhumid montane zone a clear alteration concerning the life form and the adaptations can be observed. The physiognomy of the primary rain-forests now is dominated by fan-forming Plagiochila species which are standing off the phorophyte by its flattened shoots. They are able to condensate water vapour from the fogs as well as using the low light intensities. Within the epiphytes of the bamboo zone of the upper montane zone, similar adaptation strategies to those of the lowland zone can be observed. The communities of the anthropogeneous montane woodlands of this zone, which are rich in mosses, show an ecomorphological wide spectrum [weft and tall-turfs correlated with a central strand (hadrome), hyalocysts and rhizoids]. Within the tropical subalpine/alpine zone exposed to great diurnal variations of climate, mat, weft and cushion-forming tall-turfs dominate, indicating the more xeric conditions (drought stress) by 88 water storing structures (alar cells, central strand, hyalocysts, rhizoids). In this zone, also structures reach a high mean percent cover, which enables the condensation of water vapour from the fog and mist rising from the upper montane zone or which show a groove-like arrangement of the leaflets. This may be recognized as a mechanism enabling a permanent water supply as well as a drain off of surplus water.Aufbauend auf einer pflanzensoziologischen Analyse werden die Lebensformen und die wasserleitenden und wasserspeichernden Strukturen epiphytischer Bryophyten entlang eines Transektes vom östlichen Kongobecken (Tieflandstufe) zum zentralafrikanischen Grabenrand (tropischsubalpine/ alpine Stufe; BRYOTROP III-Transekt) analysiert und in Beziehung zu den Moosgesellschaften und dem ökologischen Höhenstufengradienten gesetzt. Grundlage für die Interpretation ist der mittlere Gruppenmengenanteil. In der tropischen Tieflandstufe dominiert die Lebensform Decke, die eine auffallende Korrelation zu dem Strukturmerkmal Wassertasche und Wassersack sowie Sippen der Verwandtschaftskreise Jubulaceae, Lejeuneaceae und Radulaceae zeigt. In der sich anschließenden humiden Bergwaldstufe kommt es zu einem deutlichen Wechsel im Lebensformen- und Anpassungsspektrum. Wedelbildende Plagiochila- Arten bestimmen die Physiognomie der primären Regenwälder, deren abstehendes, planares Sproßsystem sich sowohl zum Nebelkämmen (Wasserdampfkondensation) eignet als auch als Anpassung an die lichtarmen Bedingungen interpretiert wird. Sonderfälle stellen in der oberen Bergwaldstufe die Epiphyten der Bergbambuswälder, mit ähnlichen Anpassungssyndromen wie die der Tieflandstufe, und die der offeneren, anthropogenen Bergwälder dar, deren laubmoosreiche Gesellschaften ökomorphologisch reicher strukturiert sind (Korrelation von Filz und Hochrasen mit Hyalozyten, Rhizoidenfilz und Zentralstrang). In der durch starke Klimaschwankungen gekennzeichneten tropisch-subalpinen Stufe dominieren Decke, Filz und posterförmige Hochrasen, die durch wasserspeichernde Strukturen (Alarzellen, Hyalozyten, Rhizoidenfilz, Zentralstrang) auf die bereits xerischen Bedingungen (Trockenstress) hindeuten. Hohe Anteile im Spektrum erreichen hier aber auch Strukturen zum Nebelkämmen (Nutzung der aus der Bergwaldstufe häufig aufsteigenden Treibnebel) und die Rinnenbildung
Temperature dependent second-order Raman scattering in CuI
We report second-order Raman scattering spectra of copper iodide bulk single
crystals aside from the fundamental TO and LO mode. The spectral shape was
reproduced by a 2-phonon density of states calculated by DFT. Characteristic
multi-phonon features were identified and assigned to combination, overtone and
difference modes. In this way, the energy of acoustic zone-boundary phonons was
determined. The temperature dependence of those modes and the fundamental
optical phonons was analyzed by means of phonon-phonon interactions and lattice
expansion effects up to room temperature. Processes related to the mode energy
shift and width were identified for phonons at high symmetry points. The shifts
due to lattice expansion are in accordance with the predictions by DFT in
quasi-harmonic approximation using PBEsol functional.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables. Submitted to Phys. Rev.
Staphylococcus lugdunensis Pacemaker-related Infection
We report the first known case of a device-related bloodstream infection involving Staphylococcus lugdunensis small-colony variants. Recurrent pacemaker-related bloodstream infection within a period of 10 months illustrates the poor clinical and microbiologic response even to prolonged antimicrobial drug therapy in a patient infected with this staphylococcal subpopulation
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