11 research outputs found


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    摘出ラット上頸交感神経節を用いて,刺激頻度と薬物作用との関係を検討し,次の結果を得た。1.Hexamethonium,d-Tubocurarine,PhysostigmineおよびParaoxon作用下では,神経節伝達抑制作用が低頻度刺激よりも高頻度刺激により増強された。このような薬物効果をType Aとした。2.Adrenaline(Adr.),Nor-Adrenaline(Nor-Adr),MgCl_2,MnCl_2ならびにCa^-deficit Ringer(0.1〜0.4mM CaCl_2)では,低頻度刺激時にみられた抑制効果が高頻度刺激下で著しく回復され,この効果をType Bとした。3.ProcaineおよびPropranolol作用下の抑制効果は,刺激頻度の多少にほとんど影響されなかった。この効果をType Cとした。4.Adr.,Nor-Adr.のType B効果はPhentolamineにより拮抗されたが,ほとんどPropranololの影響をうけなかった。MgCl_2,MnCl_2およびCa^#-deficit効果は,α-,およびβ-効果遮断薬により影響されなかった。5.Type B作用群薬物の効果は,high Ca^-Ringer(9mM CaCl_2)で消失され,low Ca^-Ringer液中で増強された。6.Ringer液中のNa^+およびK^+イオンの増減ならびにOuabain(10μM)はType B効果に影響を与えなかった。7.Sucrose-gap法による実験で,Type B作用群薬物は単発刺激による神経節のspike potentialを消失し,比較的大きなsynaptic potentialを生じた。このsynaptic potentialは,300msec以下の刺激間隔で与えた2発刺激により容易にspike potentialに発展した。また高頻度刺激によっても漸次増大するspike potentialが容易に発生した。8.Type B作用群薬物の作用機構についてとくに神経終末からの伝達物質遊離抑制面から考察した。The relationship between the rate of stimulation and effects of drugs on the superior cervical ganglion was investigated. Under the effect of hexamethonium, d-tubocu-rarine, physostigmine or paraoxon, ganglionic transmission was blocked more effectively with higher rate of stimulation than lower rate of stimulation (Type A drugs). Under the effect of adrenaline, noradrenaline, MgCl_2, MnCl_2 or Ca^-deficit Ringer (0.1-0.4mM CaCl_2,) solution, ganglionic transmission was depressed with lower rate of stimulation, but it was restored with higher rate of stimulation (Type B drugs). The inhibitory effect of procaine and propranolol on the ganglionic transmission was not affected by frequency change in transmission (Type C drugs). The effect of adrenaline or noradrenaline, those belong to the type B group, was blocked by phentolamine but not by propranolol. Phentolamine and propranolol had no effect on the action of MgCl_2, MnCl_2 and Ca^-deficit Ringer solution. The effect of the type B group drugs was decreased in Ringer solution containing higher concentration of Ca^ and augmented in Ringer solution containing lower concentration of Ca^. The effect of the type B group drugs was not affected by increasing or decreasing of the concentration of Na^+ or K^+ in Ringer solution. Ouabain (10μM) had no effect on the action of the type B drugs. By means of the sucrose-gap method, the spike potentials evoked by applying single stimulation were transferred to the synaptic potentials under the influence of the type B drugs. When the synaptic potential was evoked by the doubleshock stimuli of an interval shorter than 300 msec, the synaptic potential easily devoloped to the spike potential. In this work, the mechanism of action of the type B drugs was discussed on the standpoint of the depressed transmitter release

    I mongoli tra Oriente ed Occidente: la rappresentazione dell'alterità

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    Dai contributi contenuti nel fascicolo appare evidente come l'argomento dell'alterità e dei rapporti culturali sia declinabile in diversi termini; ma soprattutto emerge la complessità e la ricchezza degli studi mongoli che spesso richiedono allo studioso – in considerazione proprio delle molteplici culture, da Oriente a Occidente, con cui vennero in contatto – competenze linguistiche specifiche tali da permettergli di accedere alle fonti scritte, presupposto indispensabile per lo studio della storia e della cultura mongola nelle sue molteplici sfaccettature

    Additional file 7_14dpf_5HT_aTub_DAPI_lateral

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    Confocal z-stack showing 5-HT-LIR (purple), aTub-LIR (cyan) and DAPI staining (dark blue) of the 14 dpf stage. Lateral view. Note that the staining of peripheral nerves is scarce

    Additional file 1_1dpf_FMRF_aTub_DAPI_lateral

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    Confocal z-stack showing FMRFamide-LIR (purple), aTub-LIR (cyan) and DAPI staining (dark blue) of the 1 dpf stage. Lateral view. Note that the staining of peripheral nerves is scarce

    Additional file 5_14dpf_FMRF_aTub_DAPI_apical

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    Confocal z-stack showing FMRFamide-LIR (purple), aTub-LIR (cyan) and DAPI staining (dark blue) of the 14 dpf stage. Apical view. Note that the staining of peripheral nerves is scarce

    Agricultural price policy and its impact on export and food production in Cameroon. A farming systems based analysis of pricing policies: Interim report

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    Ce rapport d'étapes comprend les études suivantes : la politique des prix et la dynamique du système productif dans la zone cotonnière au Cameroun; l'impact de la politique des prix agricoles sur les exportations et la production, exemples du café et et du cacao; l'analyse des principes et des programmes de l'ajustement structurel en Afrique; les effets économiques du programme sur les fertilisants sur les systèmes productifs de café; le raphia face à la crise, production négligeable ou élément d'ajustement économiqu

    Additional file 2_7dpf_5HT_aTub_DAPI_apical view

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    Confocal z-stack showing 5-HT-LIR (purple), aTub-LIR (cyan) and DAPI staining (dark blue) of the 7 dpf stage. Apical view. Note that the staining of peripheral nerves is scarce

    Additional file 3: of Evidence for a centrosome-attracting body like structure in germ-soma segregation during early development, in the urochordate Oikopleura dioica

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    Antibody staining of an epitope localized to the postplasm in the germ line precursor line. Confocal microscopy of embryos labelled for microfilaments (green), DNA (blue), and phosphorylated histone H3 (phosphorylated serine 28) (red). Only the overlays are shown here. The developmental stages are: A 4 cell-stage embryo (A). Animal view of an 8-cell stage embryo (B). A 16- cell stage embryo (C). In panel A and B, the antibody recognizes an epitope of the postplasm plus condensed phosphorylated chromosomes. The arrow head points to the non-chromosomal subcellular domain recognized by the H3S28 antibody. (PDF 2029 kb

    Additional file 2: of Evidence for a centrosome-attracting body like structure in germ-soma segregation during early development, in the urochordate Oikopleura dioica

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    Detection of two large refractive structures in one of the B6.4 cell at gastrulation stage. In situ hybridization was performed with a DIG-labeled RNA probe. Developmental stage: An embryo at late gastrulation stage (A). Close-up views of the two B6.4 cells containing pum1 transcripts (panels B and C). In panel B, the circumference of the two B6.4 cells are marked in white. In panel C, visible nuclei are marked by asterisks. White asterisks are used where two nuclei are observed within one B6.4 cell, while a black asterisk is used in the cell where only one nucleus can be observed. (PDF 1257 kb

    Functional specialization of chordate CDK1 paralogs during oogenic meiosis

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    <p>Cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) are central regulators of eukaryotic cell cycle progression. In contrast to interphase CDKs, the mitotic phase CDK1 is the only CDK capable of driving the entire cell cycle and it can do so from yeast to mammals. Interestingly, plants and the marine chordate, <i>Oikopleura dioica</i>, possess paralogs of the highly conserved CDK1 regulator. However, whereas in plants the 2 CDK1 paralogs replace interphase CDK functions, <i>O. dioica</i> has a full complement of interphase CDKs in addition to its 5 odCDK1 paralogs. Here we show specific sub-functionalization of odCDK1 paralogs during oogenesis. Differential spatiotemporal dynamics of the odCDK1a, d and e paralogs and the meiotic polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1) and aurora kinase determine the subset of meiotic nuclei in prophase I arrest that will seed growing oocytes and complete meiosis. Whereas we find odCDK1e to be non-essential, knockdown of the odCDK1a paralog resulted in the spawning of non-viable oocytes of reduced size. Knockdown of odCDK1d also resulted in the spawning of non-viable oocytes. In this case, the oocytes were of normal size, but were unable to extrude polar bodies upon exposure to sperm, because they were unable to resume meiosis from prophase I arrest, a classical function of the sole CDK1 during meiosis in other organisms. Thus, we reveal specific sub-functionalization of CDK1 paralogs, during the meiotic oogenic program.</p