60 research outputs found

    Molecular quantification of tissue disease burden is a new biomarker and independent predictor of survival in mastocytosis

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    A high allele burden of the KIT D816V mutation in peripheral blood or bone marrow aspirates indicates multi-lineage hematopoietic involvement and has been associated with an aggressive clinical course of systemic mastocytosis. Since mast cells are substantially underrepresented in these liquid specimens, their mutation burden likely underestimates the tumor burden of the disease. We used a novel previously validated digital polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method for KIT D816V analysis to systematically analyze the mutation burden in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded bone marrow tissue sections of 116 mastocytosis patients (91 with indolent and 25 with advanced systemic mastocytosis), and to evaluate for the first time the clinical value of the tissue mutation burden as a novel biomarker. The KIT D816V mutation burden in the tissue was significantly higher and correlated better with bone marrow mast cell infiltration (r=0.68 vs. 0.48) and serum tryptase levels (r=0.68 vs. 0.58) compared to that in liquid specimens. Furthermore, the KIT D816V tissue mutation burden was: (i) significantly higher in advanced than in indolent systemic mastocytosis (P=0.001); (ii) predicted survival of patients in multivariate analyses independently; and (iii) was significantly reduced after response to cytoreductive therapy. Finally, digital PCR was more sensitive in detecting KIT D816V in bone marrow sections of indolent systemic mastocytosis patients than melting curve analysis after peptide nucleic acid-mediated PCR clamping (97% vs. 89%;

    STAT3 regulated ARF expression suppresses prostate cancer metastasis.

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    Prostate cancer (PCa) is the most prevalent cancer in men. Hyperactive STAT3 is thought to be oncogenic in PCa. However, targeting of the IL-6/STAT3 axis in PCa patients has failed to provide therapeutic benefit. Here we show that genetic inactivation of Stat3 or IL-6 signalling in a Pten-deficient PCa mouse model accelerates cancer progression leading to metastasis. Mechanistically, we identify p19(ARF) as a direct Stat3 target. Loss of Stat3 signalling disrupts the ARF-Mdm2-p53 tumour suppressor axis bypassing senescence. Strikingly, we also identify STAT3 and CDKN2A mutations in primary human PCa. STAT3 and CDKN2A deletions co-occurred with high frequency in PCa metastases. In accordance, loss of STAT3 and p14(ARF) expression in patient tumours correlates with increased risk of disease recurrence and metastatic PCa. Thus, STAT3 and ARF may be prognostic markers to stratify high from low risk PCa patients. Our findings challenge the current discussion on therapeutic benefit or risk of IL-6/STAT3 inhibition.Lukas Kenner and Jan Pencik are supported by FWF, P26011 and the Genome Research-Austria project “Inflammobiota” grants. Helmut Dolznig is supported by the Herzfelder Family Foundation and the Niederösterr. Forschungs-und Bildungsges.m.b.H (nfb). Richard Moriggl is supported by grant SFB-F2807 and SFB-F4707 from the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), Ali Moazzami is supported by Infrastructure for biosciences-Strategic fund, SciLifeLab and Formas, Zoran Culig is supported by FWF, P24428, Athena Chalaris and Stefan Rose-John are supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Grant SFB 877, Project A1and the Cluster of Excellence --“Inflammation at Interfaces”). Work of the Aberger lab was supported by the Austrian Science Fund FWF (Projects P25629 and W1213), the European FP7 Marie-Curie Initial Training Network HEALING and the priority program Biosciences and Health of the Paris-Lodron University of Salzburg. Valeria Poli is supported by the Italian Association for Cancer Research (AIRC, No IG13009). Richard Kennedy and Steven Walker are supported by the McClay Foundation and the Movember Centre of Excellence (PC-UK and Movember). Gerda Egger is supported by FWF, P27616. Tim Malcolm and Suzanne Turner are supported by Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Nature Publishing Group via http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ncomms873

    PGC-1α Inhibits Oleic Acid Induced Proliferation and Migration of Rat Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells

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    BACKGROUND: Oleic acid (OA) stimulates vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferation and migration. The precise mechanism is still unclear. We sought to investigate the effects of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma) coactivator-1 alpha (PGC-1alpha) on OA-induced VSMC proliferation and migration. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Oleate and palmitate, the most abundant monounsaturated fatty acid and saturated fatty acid in plasma, respectively, differently affect the mRNA and protein levels of PGC-1alpha in VSMCs. OA treatment resulted in a reduction of PGC-1alpha expression, which may be responsible for the increase in VSMC proliferation and migration caused by this fatty acid. In fact, overexpression of PGC-1alpha prevented OA-induced VSMC proliferation and migration while suppression of PGC-1alpha by siRNA enhanced the effects of OA. In contrast, palmitic acid (PA) treatment led to opposite effects. This saturated fatty acid induced PGC-1alpha expression and prevented OA-induced VSMC proliferation and migration. Mechanistic study demonstrated that the effects of PGC-1alpha on VSMC proliferation and migration result from its capacity to prevent ERK phosphorylation. CONCLUSIONS: OA and PA regulate PGC-1alpha expression in VSMCs differentially. OA stimulates VSMC proliferation and migration via suppression of PGC-1alpha expression while PA reverses the effects of OA by inducing PGC-1alpha expression. Upregulation of PGC-1alpha in VSMCs provides a potential novel strategy in preventing atherosclerosis

    Hedgehog partial agonism drives warburg-lie metabolism in muscle and brown fat

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    Diabetes, obesity, and cancer affect upward of 15% of the world&rsquo;s population. Interestingly, all three diseases juxtapose dysregulated intracellular signaling with altered metabolic state. Exactly which genetic factors define stable metabolic set points in vivo remains poorly understood. Here, we show that hedgehog signaling rewires cellular metabolism. We identify a cilium-dependent Smo-Ca2+-Ampk axis that triggers rapid Warburg-like metabolic reprogramming within minutes of activation and is required for proper metabolic selectivity and flexibility. We show that Smo modulators can uncouple the Smo-Ampk axis from canonical signaling and identify cyclopamine as one of a new class of &ldquo;selective partial agonists,&rdquo; capable of concomitant inhibition of canonical and activation of noncanonical hedgehog signaling. Intriguingly, activation of the Smo-Ampk axis in vivo drives robust insulin-independent glucose uptake in muscle and brown adipose tissue. These data identify multiple noncanonical endpoints that are pivotal for rational design of hedgehog modulators and provide a new therapeutic avenue for obesity and diabetes.<br /

    Antioxidants / Role of Heme Oxygenase as a Modulator of Heme-Mediated Pathways

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    The heme oxygenase (HO) system is essential for heme and iron homeostasis and necessary for adaptation to cell stress. HO degrades heme to biliverdin (BV), carbon monoxide (CO) and ferrous iron. Although mostly beneficial, the HO reaction can also produce deleterious effects, predominantly attributed to excessive product formation. Underrated so far is, however, that HO may exert effects additionally via modulation of the cellular heme levels. Heme, besides being an often-quoted generator of oxidative stress, plays also an important role as a signaling molecule. Heme controls the anti-oxidative defense, circadian rhythms, activity of ion channels, glucose utilization, erythropoiesis, and macrophage function. This broad spectrum of effects depends on its interaction with proteins ranging from transcription factors to enzymes. In degrading heme, HO has the potential to exert effects also via modulation of heme-mediated pathways. In this review, we will discuss the multitude of pathways regulated by heme to enlarge the view on HO and its role in cell physiology. We will further highlight the contribution of HO to pathophysiology, which results from a dysregulated balance between heme and the degradation products formed by HO.(VLID)491093

    ETV6/RUNX1 induces reactive oxygen species and drives the accumulation of DNA damage in B cells

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    AbstractThe t(12;21)(p13;q22) chromosomal translocation is the most frequent translocation in childhood B cell precursor-acute lymphoblastic leukemia and results in the expression of an ETV6/RUNX1 fusion protein. The frequency of ETV6/RUNX1 fusions in newborns clearly exceeds the leukemia rate revealing that additional events occur in ETV6/RUNX1-positive cells for leukemic transformation. Hitherto, the mechanisms triggering these second hits remain largely elusive. Thus, we generated a novel ETV6/RUNX1 transgenic mouse model where the expression of the fusion protein is restricted to CD19+ B cells. These animals harbor regular B cell development and lack gross abnormalities. We established stable pro-B cell lines carrying the ETV6/RUNX1 transgene that allowed us to investigate whether ETV6/RUNX1 itself favors the acquisition of second hits. Remarkably, these pro-B cell lines as well as primary bone marrow cells derived from ETV6/RUNX1 transgenic animals display elevated levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) as tested with ETV6/RUNX1 transgenic dihydroethidium staining. In line, intracellular phospho-histone H2AX flow cytometry and comet assay revealed increased DNA damage indicating that ETV6/RUNX1 expression enhances ROS. On the basis of our data, we propose the following model: the expression of ETV6/RUNX1 creates a preleukemic clone and leads to increased ROS levels. These elevated ROS favor the accumulation of secondary hits by increasing genetic instability and doublestrand breaks, thus allowing preleukemic clones to develop into fully transformed leukemic cells