192 research outputs found

    The role of a group III AQP, AQP11 in intracellular organelle homeostasis

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    AQP11 is a member of a new aquaporin subfamily which includes many aquaporin homologs with low amino acid identities, around 20% of previously identified AQPs. Although these AQPs have unusual NPA sequences, these AQPs have a completely conserved and functionally indispensable cysteine residue downstream of the second NPA box, suggesting that they belong to a specific AQP subfamily, which we propose to name the group III AQPs. On the other hand, the NPA boxes are highly conserved in previous AQP subfamilies : the group I AQPs, original water-selective aquaporin family and the group II AQPs, aquaglyceroporin family. Currently the roles of the group III AQPs are only known with AQP11 as the disruption of intracellularly located AQP11 in mice produced huge vacuoles in the proximal tubule leading to fatal polycystic kidneys at one month old. This review focused on the classification of AQPs based on primary structures to obtain insights into the function and the role of AQPs. With the accumulation of new AQP-like sequences through genome projects, this classification will be useful to predict their functions as each group may have specific characteristics in its function, distribution and regulation


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    東京都新島村式根島には,自然界におけるCO2の噴き出し(CO2シープ)が存在し,海洋酸性化による影響に関する研究が行われている。本研究では,その海域を利用するダイビング事業者と漁業従事者へのヒアリング,ダイビングツアーで撮影された写真を通して,海域を頻繁に利用する者がどのような認識を示しているかを明らかにした。CO2シープによって漁業従事者は悪影響を認識し,避ける場合がある一方で,ダイビング事業者は好影響を認識し,積極的に利用しようとする認識が示された。また,海底から噴き出る泡とその周辺で観察できるウミガメというCO2シープに起因すると考えられる景観構成要素が観光資源として価値を有することが示唆された.While a series of biological, environmental and ecological studies regarding ocean acidification is taking place at a shallow CO2 seep occurring in an offshore location of Shikine Island, Tokyo, Japan, we studied the human dimensions of the seep’s existence. In order to assess the resident’s recognition, we interviewed regular users of the area whose livelihoods were likely affected by the seep, i.e., fishermem and diving operators. While we found negative recognition by more than half of fishermen, a diving operator exhibited positive recognition. We further assessed visual components which contributed to the positive acceptance byanalyzing photographic records. We found that bubble vents and sea turtles were the components unique to the seep area, and were used as tourism resources

    RIM1 confers sustained activity and neurotransmitter vesicle anchoring to presynaptic Ca2+ channels.

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    International audienceThe molecular organization of presynaptic active zones is important for the neurotransmitter release that is triggered by depolarization-induced Ca2+ influx. Here, we demonstrate a previously unknown interaction between two components of the presynaptic active zone, RIM1 and voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels (VDCCs), that controls neurotransmitter release in mammalian neurons. RIM1 associated with VDCC beta-subunits via its C terminus to markedly suppress voltage-dependent inactivation among different neuronal VDCCs. Consistently, in pheochromocytoma neuroendocrine PC12 cells, acetylcholine release was significantly potentiated by the full-length and C-terminal RIM1 constructs, but membrane docking of vesicles was enhanced only by the full-length RIM1. The beta construct beta-AID dominant negative, which disrupts the RIM1-beta association, accelerated the inactivation of native VDCC currents, suppressed vesicle docking and acetylcholine release in PC12 cells, and inhibited glutamate release in cultured cerebellar neurons. Thus, RIM1 association with beta in the presynaptic active zone supports release via two distinct mechanisms: sustaining Ca2+ influx through inhibition of channel inactivation, and anchoring neurotransmitter-containing vesicles in the vicinity of VDCCs

    Robotic rehabilitation training with a newly developed upper limb single-joint Hybrid Assistive Limb (HAL-SJ) for elbow flexor reconstruction after brachial plexus injury: A report of two cases

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    This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of using the upper limb single-joint Hybrid Assistive Limb (upper limb HAL-SJ) during elbow flexion training following elbow flexor reconstruction for brachial plexus injury (BPI). We present the cases of two patients in whom the upper limb HAL-SJ was implemented 5 and 7 months postoperatively following elbow flexor reconstruction for BPI. They underwent elbow flexor reconstruction with intercostal nerve crossing-to-musculocutaneous nerve (ICN-MCN crossing) after BPI. Postoperative training using the upper limb HAL-SJ was started from the Medical Research Council (MRC) grade 1 elbow flexion power to MRC grade 3 once every week or every 2 weeks. Both patients could implement elbow training using the upper limb HAL-SJ even in MRC grade 1 of their elbow flexion power. Training with the upper limb HAL-SJ was performed safely and effectively in two patients with elbow flexor reconstruction with ICN crossing after BPI

    In vivo imaging models of bone and brain metastases and pleural carcinomatosis with a novel human EML4-ALK lung cancer cell line

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    がん進展制御研究所EML4-ALK lung cancer accounts for approximately 3-7% of non-small-cell lung cancer cases. To investigate the molecular mechanism underlying tumor progression and targeted drug sensitivity/resistance in EML4-ALK lung cancer, clinically relevant animal models are indispensable. In this study, we found that the lung adenocarcinoma cell line A925L expresses an EML4-ALK gene fusion (variant 5a, E2:A20) and is sensitive to the ALK inhibitors crizotinib and alectinib. We further established highly tumorigenic A925LPE3 cells, which also have the EML4-ALK gene fusion (variant 5a) and are sensitive to ALK inhibitors. By using A925LPE3 cells with luciferase gene transfection, we established in vivo imaging models for pleural carcinomatosis, bone metastasis, and brain metastasis, all of which are significant clinical concerns of advanced EML4-ALK lung cancer. Interestingly, crizotinib caused tumors to shrink in the pleural carcinomatosis model, but not in bone and brain metastasis models, whereas alectinib showed remarkable efficacy in all three models, indicative of the clinical efficacy of these ALK inhibitors. Our in vivo imaging models of multiple organ sites may provide useful resources to analyze further the pathogenesis of EML4-ALK lung cancer and its response and resistance to ALK inhibitors in various organ microenvironments. © 2015 The Authors