6 research outputs found

    Ultrasound Image Synthetic Generating Using Deep Convolution Generative Adversarial Network For Breast Cancer Identification

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    Breast cancer is the leading cause of death in women worldwide; prevention of possible death from breast cancer can be decreased by early identification ultrasound image analysis by classifying ultrasound images into three classes (Normal, Benign, and Malignant), where the dataset used has imbalanced data. Imbalanced data cause the classification system only to recognize the majority class, so it is necessary to handle imbalanced data. In this study, imbalanced data can be handled by implementing the Deep Convolution Generative Adversarial Network (DCGAN) method as the addition of synthetic images to the training data. The DCGAN method generates synthetic images with feature learning on a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), making DCGAN more stable than the basic generative adversarial network method. Synthetic and original images were further classified using the CNN GoogleNet method, which performs well in image classification and with reasonable computation cost. Synthetic ultrasound images were generated using a tuning hyperparameter in the DCGAN method to adjust the input size on GoogleNet for imbalanced data handling. From the experiment result, the implementation of DCGAN-GoogleNet has a higher accuracy in handling imbalanced data than conventional augmentation and other previous research, with an accuracy value reaching 91.61%, which is 1% to 4% higher than the accuracy value in the previous method

    Leukaemia Identification based on Texture Analysis of Microscopic Peripheral Blood Images using Feed-Forward Neural Network

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    ABSTRACT Leukaemia is very dangerous because it includes liquid tumour that it cannot be seen physically and is difficult to detect. Alternative detection of Leukaemia using microscopy can be processed using a computing system. Leukemia disease can be detected by microscopic examination. Microscopic test results can be processed using machine learning for classification systems. The classification system can be obtained using Feed-Forward Neural Network. Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) is a neural network that has a feedforward structure with a single hidden layer. ELM chooses the input weight and hidden neuron bias at random to minimize training time based on the Moore Penrose Pseudoinverse theory. The classification of Leukaemia is based on microscopic peripheral blood images using ELM. The classification stages consist of pre-processing, feature extraction using GLRLM, and classification using ELM. This system is used to classify Leukaemia into three classes, that is acute lymphoblastic Leukaemia, chronic lymphoblastic Leukaemia, and not Leukaemia. The best results were obtained in ten hidden nodes with an accuracy of 100%, a precision of 100%, a withdrawal of 100%

    Penanganan Imbalanced Data Dengan Penambahan Citra Sintetis Ultrasound Pada Klasifikasi Tingkat Keparahan Kanker Payudara Menggunakan Metode Googlenet-Kelm

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    Kanker payudara merupakan jenis kanker dengan jumlah penderita dan penyebab utama kematian paling banyak pada wanita. Global cancer burden memperkirakan terdapat sekitar 2,36 juta jiwa menderita kanker payudara. Banyaknya kasus kanker payudara yang menyerang wanita-wanita di dunia dapat dicegah dengan melakukan identifikasi kanker payudara pada tahap awal. Identifikasi kanker payudara dapat dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD). Pemanfaatan CAD dalam klasifikasi kanker payudara dilakukan dengan melakukan analisis citra ultrasound. Pada penelitian ini, klasifikasi citra kanker payudara dengan mengaplikasikan salah satu arsitektur Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) yaitu GoogleNet. GoogleNet memiliki kinerja yang baik dalam klasifikasi citra, namun memiliki kekurangan pada lamanya waktu training dan komputasi yang tinggi pada proses klasifikasi. Untuk mereduksi waktu training dalam arsitektur GoogleNet, pada penelitian ini menggabungkan proses feature learning pada GoogleNet dengan metode klasifikasi Kernel Extreme Learning Machine (KELM) yang memiliki waktu training pada proses klasifikasi yang relatif cepat. Sehingga hybrid GoogleNet-KELM diharapkan dapat mengklasifikasi citra ultrasound dengan akurasi yang tinggi dan waktu yang relatif cepat. Citra ultrasound BUSI dataset yang digunakan pada penelitian ini memiliki jumlah data yang tidak seimbang pada masing-masing kelas, sehingga dilakukan penanganan imbalance data dengan Deep Convolution Genereative Adversarial Networks (DCGAN) pada klasifikasi tingkat keparahan citra ultrasound kanker payudara menggunakan GoogleNet-KELM. Penanganan imbalanced data menggunakan metode DCGAN yang dimodifikasi mampu meningkatkan akurasi klasifikasi sebesar 3% dibandingkan metode konvensional transformasi geometry augmentation, dan metode DCGAN original. GoogleNet-KELM mendapatkan akurasi terbaik yaitu sebesar 92.90% dengan waktu training 0.089 detik. Dengan nilai akurasi yang tinggi dan waktu yang sangat cepat, metode GoogleNet-KELM sangat efisien dalam klasifikasi citra ultrasound kanker payudara. ============================================================================================================================== Breast cancer is a type of cancer with the highest number of sufferers and the leading cause of death in women. The global cancer burden estimates that 2.36 million people suffer from breast cancer. The number of breast cancer cases that attack women worldwide can be prevented by identifying breast cancer at an early stage. Breast cancer identification can be made using Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD). The utilization of CAD in breast cancer classification is carried out by analyzing ultrasound images. In this study, the classification of breast cancer images applies one of the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architectures, namely GoogleNet. GoogleNet has good performance in image classification but disadvantages in the length of training time and high computation in the classification process. To reduce training time in GoogleNet, this study combines the feature learning process on GoogleNet with the Kernel Extreme Learning Machine (KELM) classification method, which has a relatively fast training time in the classification process. So that the GoogleNet-KELM hybrid is expected to be able to classify ultrasound images with high accuracy and relatively fast time. The BUSI ultrasound image dataset in this study has imbalanced data for each class. So imbalanced data handling is performed using Deep Convolution Generative Adversarial Networks (DCGAN) for the severity classification of breast cancer ultrasound images using GoogleNet-KELM. Handling imbalanced data using the modified DCGAN method can increase classification accuracy by 3% compared to the conventional method of geometry augmentation transformation and the original DCGAN method. GoogleNet-KELM got the best accuracy of 92.90% with a training time of 0.089 seconds. With high accuracy and speedy time, the GoogleNet-KELM method is very efficient in classifying breast cancer ultrasound images

    Klasifikasi Citra Kanker Kulit Menggunakan Convolutional Neural Network Model Googlenet

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    Kanker kulit memiliki sepertiga bagian dari keselurahan kasus kanker dan diperkirakan akan terus bertambah. Keganasan kanker kulit, dapat diatasi dengan deteksi dini pada area kulit yang mencurigakan dengan pemeriksaan visual. Deteksi dini yang dilakukan secara manual sangat mengandalkan ketrampilan pengamat dan memungkinkan untuk terjadi kesalahan, sehingga diperlukan perhitungan komputasi untuk mempermudah dan menimalisir kesalahan oleh pengamat. Deteksi dini kanker kulit menggunakan perhitungan komputasi dilakukan dengan mengklasifikasi data citra area kulit yang mencurigakan. Pada penelitian ini, proses pembelajaran fitur dan klasifikasi data citra dilakukan dengan mengaplikasikan salah satu bagian deep learning yaitu GoogleNet yang merupakan arsitektur dari algoritma Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) yang diperkenalkan oleh Google pada tahun 2014 dan menempati peringkat pertama dalam kompetisi ILSVRC 2014 sebagai arsitektur dengan kinerja terbaik. Sistem klasifikasi yang dibuat menghasilkan nilai akurasi, sensitivitas, dan spesifitas masing-masing, 100%, 100%, dan 100% dengan pembagian data 90%, 0.4 dropout layer, 8 batchsize. Hasil evaluasi sistem menunjukkan bahwa pengaplikasian arsitektur GoogleNet pada algoritma CNN merupakan cara yang efektif untuk mendeteksi kanker kulit berdasarkan hasil klasifikasi data citra pada area kulit yang mencurigakan

    Pengolahan Citra Digital untuk Identifikasi Kanker Otak Menggunakan Metode Deep Belief Network (DBN)

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    The brain tumor is a dangerous disease for humans that can interfere with the functioning of the human brain. Brain tumors can develop into malignant brain tumors or brain cancer and cause death, so early detection is necessary to diagnose brain tumor disease. One way of early detection is to use the anatomy of an MRI scan of health images. The MRI scan results can diagnose patients, but it takes longer time. Therefore digital image processing is needed to facilitate an analysis so that it can be seen in the brain image there are tumor cells or not. In addition to digital image processing, a system that analyzes and detects data is also needed. The Deep Belief Network (DBN) method is used to identify data. This study conducted trials on the learning rate and network architecture. The results of the identification of brain cancer using the DBN method obtained a sensitivity (TP rate) value of 90.9%, a specificity (TN rate) of 100%, an accuracy of 95%, and a precision of 100% with a learning rate of 0.1 and using a 4-12-10-1 network architecture