342 research outputs found

    Perilaku Bullying pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni (Fbs) di Universitas Negeri Surabaya

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis perilaku bullying, peran mahasiswa yang melakukan bullying, karakteristik mahasiswa yang menjadi pelaku dan korban bullying serta untuk mengetahui akibat dari perilaku bullying yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni (FBS) Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei, dengan menggunakan teknik random sampling untuk mengambil sampelnya, didapat 3 angkatan mahasiswa Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni (FBS) sebagai sampel dari penelitian yaitu mahasiswa angkatan 2011, mahasiswa angkatan 2012, dan mahasiswa angkatan 2013. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan hasil bahwa pada mahasiswa Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni (FBS) Universitas Negeri Surabaya secara keseluruhan terdapat perilaku bullying pada mahasiswa dan perilaku bullying yang banyak terjadi yaitu perilaku bullying pada jenis verbal, isyarat, dan pengucilan sedangkan perilaku bullying jenis fisik, pemalakan, dan cyberbullying kecil terjadi pada mahasiswa Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni (FBS) Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Pada perilaku bullying di Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni (FBS) Universitas Negeri Surabaya terdapat peran yaitu pelaku bullying (49%), asisten bully (45%), korban (61%), pengikut (52%), pembela (75%), dan penonton yang tidak perduli (61%). Karakteristik mahasiswa yang menjadi pelaku bullying di Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni (FBS) Universitas Negeri Surabaya yaitu tidak mempunyai empati, mempunyai fisik yang kuat, dan mudah terprovokasi sedangkan korban bullying mempunyai karakteristik pendiam, mempunyai fisik yang lemah, dan merasa rendah diri, sedangkan dampak bullying mengakibatkan rasa rendah diri, frustasi, dan depresi bagi korbannya. Kata kunci: bullying, mahasiswa yang melakukan perilaku bullying&nbsp

    Kajian Kualitas Air Sumur Gali Dan Perilaku Masyarakat Di Sekitar Pabrik Semen Kelurahan Karangtalun Kecamatan Cilacap Utara Kabupaten Cilacap

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji kualitas air sumur gali warga di sekitar pabrik semen, mengkaji perilaku masyarakat dan menganalisis hubungan perilaku masyarakat dengan kualitas air sumur gali di Kelurahan Karangtalun. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada survey skala, adalah kualitas air sumur dianalisis dengan Metode Storet dan perilaku masyarakat secara purposive random sampling dengan kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas air sumur gali di Kelurahan Karangtalun tercemar ringan hingga tercemar berat, terutama pada Stasiun I, V, dan XIII yang berada pada kondisi “cemar berat”. Masyarakat Kelurahan Karangtalun memiliki pengetahuan yang cukup, bersikap negative dan bertindak aktif sehingga perilaku masyarakat secara umum adalah berperilaku netral mengenai keberadaan tempat penyimpanan kapur. Kualitas air sumur gali di Kelurahan Karangtalun sebagian besar tercemar sedang dan perilaku masyarakat cenderung netral. Hasil analisa Chi – Square menunjukkan bahwa nilai Sig 0,506 > 0,05 maka Ho ditolak, sehingga antara kualitas air sumur gali dengan perilaku masyarakat tidak ada hubungan. Sebaiknya kajian kualitas air sumur gali dilakukan pula pada musim hujan untuk diperoleh perbandingan hasil pengamatan

    Peranan Organizational Citizenship Behavior dalam Memediasi Pengaruh Kepuasan Pegawai dan Praktik Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia terhadap Kualitas Pelayanan Hotel Bintang Lima di Jakarta Pusat

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    The purpose of this research is to propose a model which organizational citizenship behavior and jobperformance mediate the influence of job satifaction and human resources management practicestoward service quality at Grand Sahid Jaya Jakarta.The conceptual framework consists of the following constructs : job satisfaction, human resourcesmanagement practices, organizational citizenship behavior, job performance, and service quality.Moreover, four hypotheses were developed and tested. Instrument test of validity and reliabilitywere used to test the validity of the measures, while multiple regression from Statistical Package forSocial Science (SPSS) was used in hypotheses testing. Data were collected from Grand Sahid Jayaemployee, Jakarta.The objectives of this research is to analyze the job satisfaction influence organizational citizenshipbehavior at Grand Sahid Jaya Jakarta, analyze the human resources practices toward organizationalcitizenship behavior, analyze the organizational citizenship behavior influence job performance andanalyze job performance influence service quality at Grand Sahid Jaya JakartaThe result indicate that all hypothesis was supported, indicated that job satisfaction have significantinfluence toward organizational citizenship behavior, human resources practices have significantinfluence toward organizational citizenship behavior, organizational citizenship behavior havesignificant influence toward job performance and job performance have significant influence towardservice qualit

    Analisis Kinerja Satker Pengawasan Sumberdaya Kelautan Dan Perikanan (Psdkp) Di Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Palabuhanratu Sukabumi Jawa Barat

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    Fisheries surveillance of fishing areas are Civil Servants (PNS) were given the duties, responsibilities, authority, rights in full by the competent authorities to conduct surveillance of fishing activities include licensing documents fishing effort, the catch, the crew, loog book fishery , region capture, utilization of fish resources and the environment and other related arrest. The purposes of this study were to identify the functions and roles of PIU PSDKP performance, and analyze the activities of Satker Supervision Analyzing Marine Resources and Fisheries in the Palabuhanratu Nusantara fishing port, Sukabumi, West Java. The method used in this research was descriptive based on case studies. The sampling method used was census. The results obtained performance of Satker Monitoring of Marine Resources and Fisheries has said as well, that is the fundamental duty of each employee would have held but for surveillance at sea can be said to be less good. This is due to the facilities and infrastructure that are not conducive to such monitoring. Need to increase the number of speed boat fleet to support performance monitoring Satker Monitoring of Marine Resources and Fisheries

    "Face Work" on Social Media - Implementing the Theory of Face Work in the Context of Women’s Personal Conflict on Social Media

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    This study observed the way in which Indonesian women experienced face works on social media, particularly Instagram. The main locus of Face Work theory is at the interpersonal level of communication. However, the substantial development and the interactive nature of social media have established the platform for implementing face works’ elements in the context of social media.  Thus, the primary objective of research was to explain the way in which Indonesian women expressing face works in the contexts of personal conflicts on social media. The theoretical framework of this research drew on Goffman’s thought of face works. Sara Mills’ critical discourse analysis was used to reveal the way face works are implemented by women on social media. The result indicated that women are indeed implementing face works on social media. Therefore, in terms of theoretical implication, this study underpinned the notion that face works are important forms of expressions on social media particularly for women who are experiencing personal conflicts. The research also suggests the importance in understanding various women’s expressions that are commonly neglected due to the notion that the expressions are beyond the dominant male languages. 

    Pemaknaan Lokal Terhadap Teks Global Melalui Analisis Tema Fantasi

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    : This study focuses on exploring the use of Fantasy Theme Analysis for examining local interpretation on global media texts, particularly the way in which Indonesian girls interpret Disney princesses. The main theory used in this research is Symbolic Convergence Theory in which the theory is used as a tool to analyze the chain of meanings. This research uses fantasy themes analysis as the method of analysis. The results indicate that the girls perceive the beauty images constructed by Disney as ideal. Consequently, they have negative perception to the dominant physical characteristics of Indonesian women

    The Prevalence and Risk Factors of GERD Among Indonesian Medical Doctors

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    Background: Based on our knowledge, the study of gastrointestinal reflux disease (GERD) among certain profession has never been conducted. The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence and risk factors of GERD among Indonesian doctors. Methods: A consecutive study involving 515 doctors was conducted in October 2015. The GerdQ score was used to the diagnosis of GERD and determined its impact on daily life. All possible risk factors were also analysed. Results: A total of 515 subjects completed the questionnaire. The mean age of them was 41.37 ± 11.92 years old. Fifty-five percent of them were male and 60.6% general practitioners. The prevalence of GERD was 27.4% of which 21.0% was had GERD with low impact on daily life, and 6.4% was GERD with high impact on daily life. The statistically significant risk factors of GERD was found in age >50 y.o (p = 0.002; OR = 2.054), BMI >30 kg/m2 (p = 0.016; OR = 2.53), and smokers (p = 0.031; OR = 1.982). Sex and education level were not found significant statistically as the risk factors of GERD. Conclusions: The prevalence of GERD among Indonesian physician was 27.4%. We found that age over 50 y.o, obesity and smoking habit were the risk factors of GERD in Indonesian doctors.&nbsp

    Reading Miscue Analysis Of Second Semester Students In Study Program Of English Universitas Brawijaya

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    Reading is one of language skills that is important to be mastered. Reading can help the reader to get new information and knowledge through printed media. Reading miscue analysis is one of the main research instruments in reading. As readers, it is important to know their own strategy and skills when reading the text, and Retrospective Miscue Analysis (RMA) can help them to discover it. In RMA, the students are asked to read the text orally, retell the context and discuss together with the writer. The writer conducts a study on reading miscue analysis of three good readers of second semester students in Study Program of English of Universitas Brawijaya. There are two problems in this study: (1) What oral reading miscues do the good reader of second semester students in Study Program of English make? (2) Why do the good readers of second semester students in Study Program of English do the oral reading miscues?In this study, the writer analyses the types of miscue by using theory of Goodman and Burke (1973) and the three cueing systems by using Goodman's theory (1969). This research used a qualitative method because this study focused on the depth of understanding and the writer records the process of collecting the data.The results of this research showed that even a good reader produced miscues and there were fifty nine (59) miscues, 20 omissions (34%), 17 mispronunciations (29%), 9 substitutions (15%), 8 self-corrections (14%), 3 insertions (5%) and 2 repetitions (3%). There was no reversal miscue produced by the students. The three of the students were good reader, because in retelling session they could predict the word that they did not know and could make a general conclusion in the text. Their skills were good, because they were fluent when reading the text and they were able to comprehend the text.This research hopefully can help the participants to know their own strength and weakness in reading and can be the additional source or teaching materials for the lecturers. The writer hopes it can give new contribution for the next researcher to conduct the same research in different object

    “Korban dan Kuasa” di dalam Kajian Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan

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    Most of gender studies on violence against women are mainly concerned with the way in which women are the victim of patriarchal power domination. Even though researches and studies on women as a victim are still important, it is also necessary to start looking at the potency of women in gaining the power and challenging their position as a victim. This paper shows the possibilities of shifting the dominant perspective on women studies.Exploring women\u27s writing is one way of seeking alternative point of views that are able to challenge the patriarchal domination on the social construction of women

    Correlation Between Company’s Lock Out Tag Out (LOTO) System with LOTO Implementation Behavior of Mechanic in Plant Department

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    Lock Out Tag Out (LOTO) is a system of locking and labeling on an energy source of isolation equipment. LOTO aims to protect mechanics on maintaining and servicing. Application of Lock Out Tag Out is influenced by behavior. This study aimed to analyze the correlation of LOTO system that has been implemented in the company, involving the LOTO training, supervision, and reward and punishment with the LOTOimplementation behavior of mechanics. This research was observational with crosssectional study. Samples were 50 respondents taken by simple random sampling with a population of 97 mechanics. Data were analyzed statistically using Chi Square test (α <0.05) and continued by observed value of phi coefficient. The results showed that most of the mechanics in the Plant Department of PT. X (mining company) had implemented LOTO in every maintaining and servicing equipment well. Statistical analysis showed the variables have a significant correlation with LOTO application on mechanics was supervision (sig = 0.047; phi value = 0.312). LOTO training, reward, and punishment did not have significant correlation with LOTO application. In conclusion, supervision had significant correlation with LOTO implementation on mechanics. The mining company should increase transfer knowledge to mechanics by putting LOTO signs around workshop area, increasing supervising role of the foreman and OSHE Department, making a LOTO training and refresh training schedule and evaluating it,and also giving rewards to mechanics regularly. Keywords: Lock Out Tag Out (LOTO), mechanic, mining compan
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