9 research outputs found


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    This article discusses the understanding, actors, and the drivers of trafficking and also the impact of trafficking in Indonesia. Trafficking is one form of violence committed against children, which concerns physical, mental and/or sexual violence. The purpose of writing this article is to explore the trafficking issue from the human rights perspective and to understand its impact and to seek the solution to this kind of crime. In article 4 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) it has been argued that slavery and trade of slaves in any form shall be prohibited. In addition to the provisions of this article, the prohibition of human trafficking as a violation of human rights is also contained in Article 8 of the ICCPR. Trafficking practices have been conducted in various ways, including threats, coercion, kidnapping, and fraud. Traffickers include the initial trading party, the providing party and the end party ie theĀ recipient or the buyer. The vulnerable targets for trafficking victims are the children, especially street children. In short, people who are looking for work and do not have enough knowledge will also be targeted. So then the women and children who are in conflict areas or become refugees. In addition to the list, women, and children from poor families and women and children residing in border areas between countries, as well as women and children whose families are in debt. The targets expanded to the victims of domestic violence and victims of rape. The list shows us that it can be concluded that the main factor of the rampant crime of trafficking is poverty. As a result of this crime, from the physical aspects, the victim will get the disease, and from the psychological side, the victim will experience the depression. The solutions could be obtained from two ways: people follow government counseling on employment system, or the government expanding employment fields. It is expected that the government, along with religious leaders and parties concerned with criminal acts of trafficking in Indonesia, to be willing to provide counseling to the community. The government is also expected to maximize the performance of the national child protection commission, national human rights commission, and the government is expected to maximize SMEs (UMKM) in order to make the field work more widely


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    Jaringan Perempuan Usaha Kecil (Jarpuk) Mekar Sari Kabupaten Karanganyar berdiri sejak tahun 2004 yang lalu. Anggota maupun pengurus Jarpuk Mekar Sari mayoritas adalah ibu rumah tangga dan telah berusia lebih dari 40 tahun. Sehingga usaha yang dimiliki dan dijalankan para anggotanya relatif sudah berlangsung lama dan masih tradisonal dalam segala aspeknya. Meskipun usahanya sudah berjalan lama, mayoritas para anggota belum memahami arti penting sebuah Nomor Induk Berusaha (NIB). NIB adalah identitas pelaku usaha dalam rangka pelaksaanaan kegiatan berusaha sesuai bidang usahanya. Permasalahan lain adalah para anggota Jarpuk juga mayoritas belum menyusun laporan keuangan usaha, karena mereka menganggap menyusun laporan keuangan adalah hal yang merepotkan. Solusi yang ditawarkan untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang dihadapi mitra adalah dengan pelatihan dan pendampingan pembuatan legalitas dan laporan keuangan dengan menggunakan aplikasi Siapik. Untuk melihat efektivitas dari pelatihan ini, maka diperlukan pemeriksaan untuk memastikan ketersediaan NIB dan laporan keuangan versi aplikasi Siapik dari anggota inti Jarpuk

    Analysis of Cybercrime Potential in E-Commerce Buying and Selling Transactions

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    The research aims to analyze the potential for cybercrime in e-commerce buying and selling transactions. The research method used is normative juridical. The type of primary data is interviews and discussions related to e-commerce, and secondary data is library literature. Data collection techniques used literature studies, interviews, observation, and documentation. The data analysis technique is descriptive qualitative which is used in the form of an interactive analysis model. The research results show that the potential for cybercrime in e-commerce buying and selling transactions has increased significantly, including minimal knowledge, waste of money, being tempted by fake gifts, high levels of unemployment and poverty, and less strict government security policies. Forms of cybercrime in e-commerce include hacking, identity theft, data breach, phishing, spamming, pharming, pretexting, qui pro quo, and contacting the victim directly. Specific solutions are needed to overcome the cybercrime problem of e-commerce buying and selling, namely Backup, Use of SSL Certificates, Firewall, E-Commerce Security Plugin, Multilayer security, User and Staff Education. The conclusion of this research is that the potential for cybercrime in e-commerce buying and selling transactions has increased significantly so it is very necessary to prevent specific solutions in resolving cybercrime problems in e-commerce buying and selling transactions


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    The right to life is one of the human rights listed in the Constitution of the State as described in Article 28 (a) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. Abortion often occurs in this village. The health expert has not yet given a definitive response, vaguely seen the agreement that abortion can be done by considering the cause, the future of the child and the psychological reason of the family, especially the mother, provided that it is done in ways that meet certain conditions and conditions. So also with social experts who have a view that is not much different from health experts. This study aims to analyze the rights of women from the perspective of human rights and the application of criminal sanctions for perpetrators of criminal acts of abortion. This research method using normative juridical, which both research data obtained from references of literature and applicable legislation, and analyze from court decision. It is concluded that the application of criminal sanction by Judge to perpetrator of abortion crime in Indonesia is still very low compared to criminal threat contained in Criminal Code


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    Jika ditarik kronologis dalam jangka waktu yang lebih jauh, isu kekerasan seksual juga menjadi problematika yang menyeruak di berbagai kalangan. Terutama terkait pro kontra dari Rancangan Undang-Undang Penghapusan Kekerasan Seksual (RUU PKS) dimana masih terdapat perdebatan antara berbagai pihak yang menyebabkan belum rampungnya pengesahan aturan hukum ini.Penjelasan pada pendahuluan terkait dengan pentingnya wawasan terkait tindak pidana kekerasan seksual bagi masyarakat Desa Sapen Mojolaban Sukoharjo Jawa Tengah, maka kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat berupa Penyuluhan Hukum dilakukan guna memberikan informasi dan pengetahuan hukum terkait pentingnya informasi mengenai pencegahan kekerasan seksual kepada masyarakat di Desa Sapen Kecamatan Mojolaban Kabupaten Sukoharjo sebagai bentuk pembelajaran atau edukasi. Dosen Fakultas Hukum juga memberikan bantuan secara sukarela kepada masyarakat Desa Sapen untuk membantu mereka ketika mereka ingin melakukan konsultasi hukum sekaligus sebagai melayani upaya pendampingan hukum. Penyuluhan hukum ini sangat membantu masyarakat Desa Sapen dalam memahami dan mengetahui apa saja yang terkait kebutuhan mereka dan diharapkan setelah penyuluhan ini, masyarakat Desa Sapen dapat memahami tindak pidana kekerasan seksual dalam kehidupan sehari hari. Kegiatan penyuluhan ini berakhir dengan sesi foto bersama Dosen-Dosen Fakultas Hukum universitas Islam batik Surakarta, Kepala Desa beserta seluruh staff pemerintah Desa serta masyarakat setempat. Secara umum hasil dari penyuluhan hukum dalam rangka kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini mendapatkan respon positif dari peserta yang notabene adalah warga masyarakat Desa Sapen, dalam rangkaian acara penyuluhan hukum ini peserta dapat memahami mengenai bentuk-bentuk kekerasan seksual, dampak kekerasan seksual, cara pencegahan kekerasan seksual, pengaturan hukum kekerasan seksual terhadap korban

    Perkembangan Politik Populisme di Indonesia

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    Tulisan ini bertujuan mengeksplorasi bertumbuhnya populisme di Indonesia. Perkembangan politik di dunia juga berpengaruh terhadap politik di Indonesia. Tulisan ini untuk mengetahui tentang populisme di Indonesia sekarang ini. Metode Metode pendekatan yang dipergunakan dalam penyusunan artikel ini adalah penelitian yuridis normatif (metode penelitian hukum normatif). Metode penelitian yuridis normatif. Dengan menggunakan metode berpikir deduktif Dengan demikian objek yang dianalisis dengan pendekatan yang bersifat kualitatif adalah metode penelitian yang mengacu pada norma-norma hukum yang terdapat dalam peraturan Perundang-undangan. Perkembangan demokrasi pasca-Orde Baru bersamaan dengan tumbuhnya politik identitas dalam perebutan kekuasaan bahkan lebih kelihatan daripada pertarungan program-program. Populisme yang berkaitan dengan politik identitas akan terus menjadi isu dalam pemilu karena kandidat juga mewakili identitas tertentu, seperti Jawa, Islam, luar Jawa Populisme yang berkembang di Eropa akan menyebar ke seluruh dunia, termasuk Indonesia. Perkembangan populisme di Indonesia jika kita merujuk pada kasus pilkada DKI Jakarta bukanlah hal yang menggembirakan. Perkembangan populisme di Indonesia disinyalir karena karena kebangkitan politik Islam garis keras dan penggunaan politik identitas. Populisme harus sedapat mungkin dihindari di Indonesia, meskipun tidak sepenuhnya. Populisme yang wajib dihindari apabila menggunakan agama sebagai bahan kampanye dan memecah belah bangsa dengan memanfaatkan politik identitas. Jika populisme yang demikian tidak dihindari, akibatnya rusaknya solidaritas masyarakat multikultural di Indonesia


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    Life is a gift given by God Almighty that must be respected by everyone. Life is given to every human being is a human rights that can only be revoked by the Giver of life. The right to life is one of the human rights that are set out in the Constitution of the State, as described in Article 28 (a) of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945 which states that "Everyone has the right to live and to defend life and living". With the right to life of the country will preserve and protect the right to life of every citizen so that the state through the state law enforcement tool will act if there is known to occur and the removal of the right to human life. Abortion (abortion) is always a conversation, either in forumresmi and unofficial concerning the fields of medicine, law and other disciplines. Abortion is not a new issue, abortion is an old problem that is always controversy. One of the controversies about abortion are the priority discourse of human rights as an excuse or reason for the pro-abortion cons of abortion. Lately case of abortion the fruit simalakama in Indonesia. On the other hand nonmedical abortion with reason is strictly prohibited in Indonesia but on the other side of illegal abortions increase the risk of death due to lack of medical facilities and infrastructure, even illegal abortions mostly done by traditional means which increase the risk of death. In Indonesia alone, although abortion is prohibited, but still many women who have abortions. Well done based on specific medical indication or performed by non-medical indications. Experts religion sees that whatever the reason, abortion is an act contrary to the religion, because it is taking the life of the fetus, which means murder, though no one argues that the life of the fetus did not exist before 90 days.Ā Based on consideration of moral and social side, it's hard to let a mother who must care for unwanted pregnancies mainly as a result of rape, the result of commercial sex (with commercial sex workers) and women who know that the fetus has severe physical disabilities. Children born in the conditions and environment such that, in the future will most likely be knocked out of the social life is normal, lack of protection and affection that should be obtained by a child who had grown up in an environment that is fair, so it was likely the child will an outcast. On the other hand, in terms of religion, any religion would not allow men to commit acts termination of pregnancy for any reason, while in terms of the law, there are still debates and contradictions of the pros and cons about the perception or understanding of the laws that exist to date. Today many women became pregnant and had an abortion as a sign of moral degradation. Unwanted pregnancy is not a reason to kill the fetus. The fetus is a creature of Allah SWT. Why should be killed? What is wrong is not a rapist penzinanya or her fetus. The fetus also has the right to life. Legalize abortion is not the solution to reduce the number of maternal deaths. The amount will actually increase because there is the possibility of fetal owner claimed to be raped in order to be aborted. In consideration of hunger, abortion is permitted with some conditions. First, the fetus was detected suffering from a genetic defect that is born later is difficult to cure. Then, pregnancy due to rape were determined by a team competent in it, among others, the victim, a team of doctors and scholars. Terms of abortion due to rape, the age of the fetus can not be longer than 40 days. Criminal punishment against criminal abortion should be through the criminal justice procedure as formal criminal law or the law of criminal procedure. Criminal procedure law that can be formulated as a law establishing how the state uses its right to carry out criminal. Also commonly referred to as Concreto In criminal law, since it contains the rules of how the criminal law or criminal law materiel In Abstracto poured in reality. As known, the setting is a criminal offense in the Criminal Code a criminal abortion contained in the Penal Code Book II Chapter XIV On Crimes Against Life, in Article 299, Article 346, Article 347, Article 348, Article 349. To simplify and ease in this study, the focus directed primarily to the criminal sanctions to abortion

    Individual Corporations in Indonesia: Fostering Economic Growth and Fairness through Simplified Business Formation

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    In the pursuit of an organized and conducive business environment, the Indonesian government has ratified the Job Creation Law, introducing a legal concept of Individual Corporations for small and medium-sized entrepreneurs (UMK). This normative study employs a conceptual approach through Economic Analysis of Law, using primary, secondary, and non-legal materials to analyze the implications and orientation of this policy. The research findings suggest that the implementation of Individual Corporations, requiring only one founder or shareholder for establishment, leads to ease in creation and expansion of micro-small businesses, potentially impacting the ease of doing business index positively. This policy also fosters a proportionately growing, fair national economic structure, and is expected to enhance employment opportunities. The introduction of Individual Corporations represents a significant change in Indonesia's corporate law, aligning with national goals to improve investment conditions. Highlights: ā€¢ Introduction of Individual Corporations requiring only one founder simplifies business formation. ā€¢ Positive impact on the ease of doing business index and alignment with national investment goals. ā€¢ Fosterment of a proportionate, growing, and fair economic structure, enhancing employment opportunities. Keywords: Individual Corporations, Economic Growth, Small Entrepreneurs, Business Formatio

    Potential Cybercrime and Prevention in the Overseas Official Travel Approval Letter

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    The aim of this research is to the potential for cybercrime and its prevention in foreign official travel approval letters. The research method used is normative juridical. The data collection technique is library research. The data analysis technique is descriptive qualitative which is used in the form of an interactive analysis model. The research results show that the potential for cybercrime in foreign official travel approval letters includes hacking, identity theft, data breaches, phishing, spamming, cyber vandalism, virus writers, XML injection, security configuration errors. To prevent cybercrime, the simple web application or https://simpel.setneg.go.id has data security, namely security testing by the state cyber and password agency, a captcha feature on the simple web, one time password feature on simple phones, application of certified digital signatures. The conclusion of this research is that the potential for cybercrime in overseas official travel approval letters is increasing. Prevention solutions can include educating users, using a hacker perspective, patch systems, policies, Intrusion Detection Systems bundled with Intrusion Prevention Systems, antivirus firewalls. Legal regulatory steps to support the implementation of cybercrime prevention solutions, namely Law No. 11 of 2008 concerning ITE and PP No. 82 of 2012 concerning the implementation of Electronic Systems and Transactions