
This article discusses the understanding, actors, and the drivers of trafficking and also the impact of trafficking in Indonesia. Trafficking is one form of violence committed against children, which concerns physical, mental and/or sexual violence. The purpose of writing this article is to explore the trafficking issue from the human rights perspective and to understand its impact and to seek the solution to this kind of crime. In article 4 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) it has been argued that slavery and trade of slaves in any form shall be prohibited. In addition to the provisions of this article, the prohibition of human trafficking as a violation of human rights is also contained in Article 8 of the ICCPR. Trafficking practices have been conducted in various ways, including threats, coercion, kidnapping, and fraud. Traffickers include the initial trading party, the providing party and the end party ie the recipient or the buyer. The vulnerable targets for trafficking victims are the children, especially street children. In short, people who are looking for work and do not have enough knowledge will also be targeted. So then the women and children who are in conflict areas or become refugees. In addition to the list, women, and children from poor families and women and children residing in border areas between countries, as well as women and children whose families are in debt. The targets expanded to the victims of domestic violence and victims of rape. The list shows us that it can be concluded that the main factor of the rampant crime of trafficking is poverty. As a result of this crime, from the physical aspects, the victim will get the disease, and from the psychological side, the victim will experience the depression. The solutions could be obtained from two ways: people follow government counseling on employment system, or the government expanding employment fields. It is expected that the government, along with religious leaders and parties concerned with criminal acts of trafficking in Indonesia, to be willing to provide counseling to the community. The government is also expected to maximize the performance of the national child protection commission, national human rights commission, and the government is expected to maximize SMEs (UMKM) in order to make the field work more widely

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