33 research outputs found

    NtGNL1 Plays an Essential Role in Pollen Tube Tip Growth and Orientation Likely via Regulation of Post-Golgi Trafficking

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    Background: Tobacco GNOM LIKE 1 (NtGNL1), a new member of the Big/GBF family, is characterized by a sec 7 domain. Thus, we proposed that NtGNL1 may function in regulating pollen tube growth for vesicle trafficking. Methodology/Principal Findings: To test this hypothesis, we used an RNAi technique to down-regulate NtGNL1 expression and found that pollen tube growth and orientation were clearly inhibited. Cytological observations revealed that both timing and behavior of endocytosis was disrupted, and endosome trafficking to prevacuolar compartments (PVC) or multivesicular bodies (MVB) was altered in pollen tube tips. Moreover, NtGNL1 seemed to partially overlap with Golgi bodies, but clearly colocalized with putative late endosome compartments. We also observed that in such pollen tubes, the Golgi apparatus disassembled and fused with the endoplasmic reticulum, indicating abnormal post-Golgi trafficking. During this process, actin organization was also remodeled. Conclusions/Significance: Thus, we revealed that NtGNL1 is essential for pollen tube growth and orientation and it likel

    Assembly, organization, and function of the COPII coat

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    A full mechanistic understanding of how secretory cargo proteins are exported from the endoplasmic reticulum for passage through the early secretory pathway is essential for us to comprehend how cells are organized, maintain compartment identity, as well as how they selectively secrete proteins and other macromolecules to the extracellular space. This process depends on the function of a multi-subunit complex, the COPII coat. Here we describe progress towards a full mechanistic understanding of COPII coat function, including the latest findings in this area. Much of our understanding of how COPII functions and is regulated comes from studies of yeast genetics, biochemical reconstitution and single cell microscopy. New developments arising from clinical cases and model organism biology and genetics enable us to gain far greater insight in to the role of membrane traffic in the context of a whole organism as well as during embryogenesis and development. A significant outcome of such a full understanding is to reveal how the machinery and processes of membrane trafficking through the early secretory pathway fail in disease states

    The ER-membrane transport system is critical for intercellular trafficking of the NSm movement protein and Tomato Spotted Wilt Tospovirus

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    Plant viruses move through plasmodesmata to infect new cells. The plant endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is interconnected among cells via the ER desmotubule in the plasmodesma across the cell wall, forming a continuous ER network throughout the entire plant. This ER continuity is unique to plants and has been postulated to serve as a platform for the intercellular trafficking of macromolecules. In the present study, the contribution of the plant ER membrane transport system to the intercellular trafficking of the NSm movement protein and Tomato spotted wilt tospovirus (TSWV) is investigated. We showed that TSWV NSm is physically associated with the ER membrane in Nicotiana benthamiana plants. An NSm-GFP fusion protein transiently expressed in single leaf cells was trafficked into neighboring cells. Mutations in NSm that impaired its association with the ER or caused its mis-localization to other subcellular sites inhibited cell-to-cell trafficking. Pharmacological disruption of the ER network severely inhibited NSm-GFP trafficking but not GFP diffusion. In the Arabidopsis thaliana mutant rhd3 with an impaired ER network, NSm-GFP trafficking was significantly reduced, whereas GFP diffusion was not affected. We also showed that the ER-to-Golgi secretion pathway and the cytoskeleton transport systems were not involved in the intercellular trafficking of TSWV NSm. Importantly, TSWV cell-to-cell spread was delayed in the ER-defective rhd3 mutant, and this reduced viral infection was not due to reduced replication. On the basis of robust biochemical, cellular and genetic analysis, we established that the ER membrane transport system serves as an important direct route for intercellular trafficking of NSm and TSWV