250 research outputs found

    A Review and Characterization of Progressive Visual Analytics

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    Progressive Visual Analytics (PVA) has gained increasing attention over the past years. It brings the user into the loop during otherwise long-running and non-transparent computations by producing intermediate partial results. These partial results can be shown to the user for early and continuous interaction with the emerging end result even while it is still being computed. Yet as clear-cut as this fundamental idea seems, the existing body of literature puts forth various interpretations and instantiations that have created a research domain of competing terms, various definitions, as well as long lists of practical requirements and design guidelines spread across different scientific communities. This makes it more and more difficult to get a succinct understanding of PVA’s principal concepts, let alone an overview of this increasingly diverging field. The review and discussion of PVA presented in this paper address these issues and provide (1) a literature collection on this topic, (2) a conceptual characterization of PVA, as well as (3) a consolidated set of practical recommendations for implementing and using PVA-based visual analytics solutions

    Explorative Graph Visualization

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    Netzwerkstrukturen (Graphen) sind heutzutage weit verbreitet. Ihre Untersuchung dient dazu, ein besseres Verständnis ihrer Struktur und der durch sie modellierten realen Aspekte zu gewinnen. Die Exploration solcher Netzwerke wird zumeist mit Visualisierungstechniken unterstützt. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, einen Überblick über die Probleme dieser Visualisierungen zu geben und konkrete Lösungsansätze aufzuzeigen. Dabei werden neue Visualisierungstechniken eingeführt, um den Nutzen der geführten Diskussion für die explorative Graphvisualisierung am konkreten Beispiel zu belegen.Network structures (graphs) have become a natural part of everyday life and their analysis helps to gain an understanding of their inherent structure and the real-world aspects thereby expressed. The exploration of graphs is largely supported and driven by visual means. The aim of this thesis is to give a comprehensive view on the problems associated with these visual means and to detail concrete solution approaches for them. Concrete visualization techniques are introduced to underline the value of this comprehensive discussion for supporting explorative graph visualization

    A spatially resolved in-situ calibration applied to infrared thermography

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    When using thermography at elevated ambient temperature levels to determine the surface temperature of test specimen, radiation reflected on the test surfaces can lead to a large measurement error. Calibration methods accounting for this amount of radiation are available in the open literature. Those methods, however, only account for a scalar calibration parameter. With new, complex test rigs and inhomogeneous reflected radiation distribution, the need for a spatially resolved calibration arises. Therefore, this paper presents a new correction method accounting for a spatially varying reflected radiation. By computing a geometrical raytracing, a spatially resolved correction factor is determined. An extended calibration technique based on an in situ approach is proposed, allowing a local correction of reflected radiation. This method is applied to a test case with defined boundary conditions. The results are compared to a well-known in situ calibration method. A major improvement in measurement accuracy is achieved: the error in calibrated temperature can be reduced from over 10% to well below 2.5%. This reduction in error is especially prominent when the test surfaces are colder than the hot ambient, which is the case in many cooling applications, e.g. in gas turbine cooling researc

    Supporting the Integrated Visual Analysis of Input Parameters and Simulation Trajectories

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    The visualization of simulation trajectories is a well-established approach to analyze simulated processes. Likewise, the visualization of the parameter space that configures a simulation is a well-known method to get an overview of possible parameter combinations. This paper follows the premise that both of these approaches are actually two sides of the same coin: Since the input parameters influence the simulation outcome, it is desirable to visualize and explore both in a combined manner. The main challenge posed by such an integrated visualization is the combinatorial explosion of possible parameter combinations. It leads to insurmountably high simulation runtimes and screen space requirements for their visualization. The Visual Analytics approach presented in this paper targets this issue by providing a visualization of a coarsely sampled subspace of the parameter space and its corresponding simulation outcome. In this visual representation, the analyst can identify regions for further drill-down and thus finer subsampling. We aid this identification by providing visual cues based on heterogeneity metrics. These indicate in which regions of the parameter space deviating behavior occurs at a more fine-grained scale and thus warrants further investigation and possible re-computation. We demonstrate our approach in the domain of systems biology by a visual analysis of a rule-based model of the canonical Wnt signaling pathway that plays a major role in embryonic development. In this case, the aim of the domain experts was to systematically explore the parameter space to determine those parameter configurations that match experimental data sufficiently well

    An Enhanced Visualization Process Model for Incremental Visualization

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    Abstract-With today's technical possibilities, a stable visualization scenario can no longer be assumed as a matter of course, as underlying data and targeted display setup are much more in flux than in traditional scenarios. Incremental visualization approaches are a means to address this challenge, as they permit the user to interact with, steer, and change the visualization at intermediate time points and not just after it has been completed. In this paper, we put forward a model for incremental visualizations that is based on the established Data State Reference Model, but extends it in ways to also represent partitioned data and visualization operators to facilitate intermediate visualization updates. In combination, partitioned data and operators can be used independently and in combination to strike tailored compromises between output quality, shown data quantity, and responsiveness-i.e., frame rates. We showcase the new expressive power of this model by discussing the opportunities and challenges of incremental visualization in general and its usage in a real world scenario in particular

    Exploring Hierarchical Visualization Designs Using Phylogenetic Trees

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    Ongoing research on information visualization has produced an ever-increasing number of visualization designs. Despite this activity, limited progress has been made in categorizing this large number of information visualizations. This makes understanding their common design features challenging, and obscures the yet unexplored areas of novel designs. With this work, we provide categorization from an evolutionary perspective, leveraging a computational model to represent evolutionary processes, the phylogenetic tree. The result — a phylogenetic tree of a design corpus of hierarchical visualizations — enables better understanding of the various design features of hierarchical information visualizations, and further illuminates the space in which the visualizations lie, through support for interactive clustering and novel design suggestions. We demonstrate these benefits with our software system, where a corpus of two-dimensional hierarchical visualization designs is constructed into a phylogenetic tree. This software system supports visual interactive clustering and suggesting for novel designs; the latter capacity is also demonstrated via collaboration with an artist who sketched new designs using our system