241 research outputs found

    PRIMA: A Model-Based Method for Analyzing Place-Related Information in Disaster Response Processes

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    Processes in disaster response management (DRM) and business processes are similar due to their general structure and goals. Thus, applying workflow management systems (WfMS) is discussed as a promising approach to manage disaster response processes (DRP). However, one main obstacle for realizing the potentials of WfMS in DRM is the lack of methods and tools addressing disaster-specific aspects that exceed the “classical” business context. A particular challenge is posed by the analysis of interdependencies resulting from stationary and mobile activities and resources. Therefore, in this contribution, a novel model-based method for analyzing place-related information is proposed and discussed. The PRIMA method aims at the identification of non-operable activities (and possible remedies) before the execution of an actual DRP stalls and is improvised. Applying the method promises a sound basis for both effective and efficient planning of DRP as well as their successful management by future disaster response WfMS

    Case-based learning in der Thoraxchirurgie

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    Hintergrund In der modernen medizinischen Lehre wird der klassische Frontalunterricht zunehmend durch innovative Lehrmethoden, wie z. B. „case-based learning“ oder E‑Learning (Electronic-Learning), ergänzt. Ziel der Arbeit Konzipierung und Evaluation eines neuen Kurskonzeptes in der Thoraxchirurgie, um Studierende zu motivieren und zugleich Möglichkeiten zu finden, das ärztliche Personal in seiner Lehrtätigkeit zu entlasten. Material und Methoden Alle Studierenden des jeweils 3. klinischen Semesters der Universität Regensburg absolvierten im Sommersemester 2016 und Wintersemester 2016/17 im Rahmen des Blockpraktikums Chirurgie ein Seminar nach dem Prinzip des fallbasierten Lernens zum Thema „Pulmonaler Rundherd“. Dabei wurde bei einer Gruppe von Studierenden ein moderiertes Präsenzseminar, bei der anderen eine reine Onlineveranstaltung abgehalten. Der Wissensgewinn und die subjektive Bewertung des Kurses durch die Studierenden wurden über Fragebögen ermittelt. Ergebnisse Insgesamt nahmen 190 Studierende an den Seminaren teil, davon 88 am Präsenz- und 102 am Onlinekurs. Obwohl beide Gruppen einen deutlichen Wissenszuwachs durch die Kursintervention verzeichneten, zeigten die Studierenden des Präsenzkurses eine deutlich höhere subjektive Zufriedenheit im Vergleich zu ihren KommilitonInnen im Onlinekurs. Diskussion Das fallbasierte Lernen erwies sich als Erfolg versprechendes Konzept in der thoraxchirurgischen Lehre, wobei sich die Etablierung von Onlinelernverfahren deutlich schwieriger gestaltete als bei präsenzbasiertem Unterricht

    M+D: conceptual guidelines for compiling a materials library

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    This article proposes to present a study conducted by the Raw Materials research group, the results of which comprise the conceptual guidelines for compiling an M+D material library. The study includes the topic, materials and design taking the impact of the changes that came into being in the post industrial era on project methodologies and the search for information regarding materials. Taking into account the importance and complexity that these relationships have taken on currently, we have studied the issue of materials based on Manzini (1983) and Ashby and Johnson (2002). Afterward different databases and materials libraries located in the Brazil, the United States, France and Italy geared toward design professionals and students were analyzed to understand what information and means of access to them were available. The project methodologies were approached based on Löbach (1991), Bürdeck (1994), Schulmann (1994), Baxter (1998), Dantas (1998 and 2005) and Papanek (1995 and 2000). This study sought to identify the key elements of the role of materials in the project process today, to serve as a parameter for the analysis of the models studied. A comparative analysis of the models investigated enabled identification of positive and negative aspects to adapt to the needs previously mentioned and identify conceptual guidelines for compiling a collection of materials for use in design projects. Keywords: Design, Materials, Project Methodology, Library</p

    Entering PIN codes by smooth pursuit eye movements

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    Despite its potential gaze interaction is still not a widely-used interaction concept. Major drawbacks as the calibration, strain of the eyes and the high number of false alarms are associated with gaze based interaction and limit its practicability for every-day human computer interaction. In this paper two experiments are described which use smooth pursuit eye movements on moving display buttons. The first experiment was conducted to extract an easy and fast interaction concept and at the same time to collect data to develop a specific but robust algorithm. In a follow-up experiment, twelve conventionally calibrated participants interacted successfully with the system. For another group of twelve people the eye tracker was not calibrated individually, but on a third person. Results show that for both groups interaction was possible without false alarms. Both groups rated the user experience of the system as positive

    The Autoimmune Regulator AIRE in Thymoma Biology: Autoimmunity and Beyond

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    Abstract:Thymomas are tumors of thymic epithelial cells. They associate more often than any other human tumors with various autoimmune diseases; myasthenia gravis is the commonest, occurring in 10–50% of thymoma patients, depending on the World Health Organization-defined histologic subtype. Most thymomas generate many polyclonal maturing T lymphocytes but in disorganized microenvironments Failure to induce self-tolerance may be a key factor leading to the export of potentially autoreactive CD4+ progeny, thus predisposing to autoimmune diseases. Normally, the master Autoimmune Regulator promotes expression of peripheral tissue-restricted antigens such as insulin by medullary thymic epithelial cells and induction of tolerance to them. The failure of ∼95% of thymomas to express autoimmune regulator is another feature potentially contributing to autoimmunity

    Immune Architecture of Colorectal Lung Metastases and Implications for Patient Survival

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    Background: Pulmonary metastases occur in 10-20% of patients with colorectal cancer and significantly influence long-term survival. In this study, the immunological architecture of colorectal lung in comparison to liver metastases and its impact on patient survival were examined. Methods: Specimens of patients with colorectal lung and liver metastases were stained for HE, CD4, CD8, CD20, CD68 and CD45RO. Besides histomorphological evaluation, immunohistochemical stainings were analyzed for the respective cell numbers separately for tumor area, infiltrative margin and distant lung or liver stroma. These findings were correlated with clinical data and patient outcome. Results: In colorectal lung (n = 69) in comparison to liver (n = 222) metastases, the immunological focus is located in the tumor region. A high CD4(+) cell infiltration of this area is associated with prolonged survival of patients after resection of colorectal lung metastases [103 +/- 33 (high) vs. 37 +/- 6 months (low); p = 0.0246]. Patients who were treated with preoperative chemotherapy did not show differences in immune infiltrates compared to chemotherapy-naive patients. Conclusion: Colorectal lung and liver metastases showed a distinct immunological architecture. A dense cell infiltration of colorectal lung metastases by CD4(+) cells was related to prolonged patient survival. Preoperative chemotherapy did not influence cellular immune infiltrates. (C) 2016 S. Karger AG, Base

    Radical surgical resection of advanced thymoma and thymic carcinoma infiltrating the heart or great vessels with cardiopulmonary bypass support

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    Background Radical surgical resection of advanced thymic tumors invading either the heart or great vessels facing towards the heart is uncommonly performed because of the potential morbidity and mortality. To achieve a complete tumor resection, the use of cardiolpulmonary bypass (CPB) support might be necessary. Methods Retrospective analysis of the results in six patients, who underwent radical tumor resection with CBP support. Results Mean age was 46 years (27 to 66 years) and five patients were male. Tumor infiltration of the heart or the great vessels was evident in all patients. Five patients underwent induction therapy. Two patients were operated in complete cardioplegic arrest (antegrade cerebral perfusion: n = 1). Arterial cannulation of the ascending aorta (n = 5) or the femoral artery (n = 1) and venous cannulation of the right atrium (n = 4) or the femoral vein (n = 2) were performed. Resection of the left brachiocephalic vein (n = 6), resection of the superior caval vein (n = 2), the ascending aorta (n = 1) and the complete aortic arch with outgoing branches (n = 1) were performed. A macroscopic complete resection (R0/R1) was achieved in five patients, whereas one patient was resected incompletely (R2). In-hospital mortality was 0 %. Three (50 %) patients needed operative revision (hematothorax: n = 2, chylothorax: n = 1). All patients had a complicated postoperative course and developed respiratory insufficiency. Conclusions Locally advanced thymoma/thymic carcinoma invading the heart or great vessels can be treated with radical surgical resection alongside with increased perioperative morbidity. The usage of CBP improves the chance of complete tumor resection in selected patients and might lead to a prolonged survival