10 research outputs found

    Strategiske lederutfordringer: Hvordan kan tenkning om logistikk og effektivisering kombineres med menneskelige hensyn?

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    Prøveforelesning holdt 7. juni 2013 før forsvar av doktorgrad i logistikk ved Høgskolen i Molde - Vitenskapelig høgskole i logistik

    Innovasjonsinvasjon – og hvorfor det?

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    I dette essayet tar forfatterne opp fenomenet innovasjon. Hvordan og hvorfor det kan synes som om samfunnet og særlig offentlig sektor for tiden invaderes av krav om innovasjon. Innovasjon knyttes her særlig til følgende tre sammenhengende områder i offentlig sektor: fusjoner, organiseringsformer (lean) og privatisering (velferdsprofitørene). Essayet avsluttes med at forfatterne lanserer ni teser om innovasjon i offentlig sektor. Tesene lanseres for å fremme en videre diskusjon om fenomenet innovasjon i offentlig sektor. Nøkkelord: innovasjon, offentlig sektor, fusjon, lean, velferdsprofitørenepublishedVersio

    Psykisk helsearbeid i Romsdalskommunene : organisering og ledelse. Kommunenettverket

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    Tverrprofesjonell samarbeidslæring (TPS) ved Høgskolen i Molde

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    Tverrprofesjonell samarbeidslæring (TPS) er nødvendig for å sikre god kvalitet på helse- og sosialtjenestene. Ved Høgskolen i Molde arbeides det aktivt for å anvende TPS som virkemiddel på tvers av profesjonsutdanningene og langs utdanningsnivåene

    University teachers’ views of interprofessional learning and their role in achieving outcomes - a qualitative study

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    Over the past decade, there has been a rapid increase in higher education institutions offering opportunities for interprofessional learning (IPL) to their students. The literature presents a number of factors that contribute to effective IPL, including having trained facilitators that help optimise the learning process. Many of these IPL facilitators are university teachers and the literature provides us with some insight into their views of IPL. However, little is known about university teachers’ views about IPL and their role in supporting students in achieving outcomes linked to IPL during their own teaching; this paper explores these areas. University teachers, working with students in Norway and England who contribute to patients’ care pathway were purposively invited to join focus groups. Data collected from the teachers’ conversations during these focus groups were analysed to elicit the main themes. Findings show that university teachers have a wide range of views about IPL, its potential to enhance collaborative practice and care, and their role in helping students achieve outcomes linked to IPL. A key challenge appears to be whether IPL is “worth the struggle,” which emphasises the need for strong leadership in order to align pedagogical approaches in education and practice that strive to achieve agreed outcomes

    Homologous Recombination Deficiency Across Subtypes of Primary Breast Cancer

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    Purpose - Homologous recombination deficiency (HRD) is highly prevalent in triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) and associated with response to PARP inhibition (PARPi). Here, we studied the prevalence of HRD in non-TNBC to assess the potential for PARPi in a wider group of patients with breast cancer. Methods - HRD status was established using targeted gene panel sequencing (360 genes) and BRCA1 methylation analysis of pretreatment biopsies from 201 patients with primary breast cancer in the phase II PETREMAC trial (ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT02624973). HRD was defined as mutations in BRCA1, BRCA2, BRIP1, BARD1, or PALB2 and/or promoter methylation of BRCA1 (strict definition; HRD-S). In secondary analyses, a wider definition (HRD-W) was used, examining mutations in 20 additional genes. Furthermore, tumor BRCAness (multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification), PAM50 subtyping, RAD51 nuclear foci to test functional HRD, tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte (TIL), and PD-L1 analyses were performed. Results - HRD-S was present in 5% of non-TNBC cases (n = 9 of 169), contrasting 47% of the TNBC tumors (n = 15 of 32). HRD-W was observed in 23% of non-TNBC (n = 39 of 169) and 59% of TNBC cases (n = 19 of 32). Of 58 non-TNBC and 30 TNBC biopsies examined for RAD51 foci, 4 of 4 (100%) non-TNBC and 13 of 14 (93%) TNBC cases classified as HRD-S had RAD51 low scores. In contrast, 4 of 17 (24%) non-TNBC and 15 of 19 (79%) TNBC biopsies classified as HRD-W exhibited RAD51 low scores. Of nine non-TNBC tumors with HRD-S status, only one had a basal-like PAM50 signature. There was a high concordance between HRD-S and either BRCAness, high TIL density, or high PD-L1 expression (each P Conclusion - The prevalence of HRD in non-TNBC suggests that therapy targeting HRD should be evaluated in a wider breast cancer patient population. Strict HRD criteria should be implemented to increase diagnostic precision with respect to functional HRD

    University teachers’ experience of students interprofessional education: Qualitative contributions from teachers towards a framework

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    Background: Health and social care professionals need to be equipped to work together. Universities have a duty of care to their students to incorporate interprofessional education into the curricula. Here, we present findings from focus groups to delve deeper into the issues previously identified. Method: Three focus group interviews with teachers were conducted—two in Norway and one in the UK. Findings: We identified four themes: Organizational commitment. Values related to students’ interprofessional and collaborative practice. Professional identity and commitment to collaborative practice. Challenges with implementing interprofessional education. Discussion and conclusion: Educators continue to agree that interprofessional education is important, but the findings highlight the ongoing divide and uncertainty as to what to do and when to equip students for interprofessional collaboration. The educators call for the organization to show commitment and leadership so that stakeholders can come together to develop an Interprofessional education curriculum that students can sign up to. Time is of the essence, and a framework may help us here, especially if we can embrace the concept of social innovation and cocreate

    En styrking av menneskerettighetene? Betydningen av grunnlovsrevisjonen i 2014 for internasjonale menneskerettigheters stilling i norsk rett (A Strengthening of Human Rights? The Relevance of the Constitutional Revision in 2014 for the International Human Rightts Status in Norwegian Law)

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