35 research outputs found

    Structural characterization of suppressor lipids by high-resolution mass spectrometry

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    Rationale: Suppressor lipids were originally identified in 1993 and reported to encompass six lipid classes that enable Saccharomyces cerevisiae to live without sphingolipids. Structural characterization, using non-mass spectrometric approaches, revealed that these suppressor lipids are very long chain fatty acid (VLCFA)- containing glycerophospholipids with polar head groups that are typically incorporated into sphingolipids. Here we report, for the first time, the structural characterization of the yeast suppressor lipids using high-resolution mass spectrometry.Methods: Suppressor lipids were isolated by preparative chromatography and subjected to structural characterization using hybrid quadrupole time-of-flight and ion trap-orbitrap mass spectrometry.Results: Our investigation recapitulates the overall structural features of the suppressor lipids and provides an in-depth characterization of their fragmentation pathways. Tandem mass analysis identified the positionally defined molecular lipid species phosphatidylinositol (PI) 26:0/16:1, PI mannoside (PIM) 16:0/26:0 and PIM inositol-phosphate (PIMIP) 16:0/26:0 as abundant suppressor lipids. This finding differs from the original study that only inferred the positional isomer PI 16:0/26:0 and prompts new insight into the biosynthesis of suppressor lipids. Moreover, we also report the identification of a novel suppressor lipid featuring an amino sugar residue linked to a VLCFA-containing PI molecule.Conclusions: Fragmentation pathways of yeast suppressor lipids have been delineated. In addition, the fragmentation information has been added to our open source ALEX lipid database to support automated identification and quantitative monitoring of suppressor lipids in yeast and bacteria that produce similar lipid molecules

    Compromised Mitochondrial Fatty Acid Synthesis in Transgenic Mice Results in Defective Protein Lipoylation and Energy Disequilibrium

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    A mouse model with compromised mitochondrial fatty acid synthesis has been engineered in order to assess the role of this pathway in mitochondrial function and overall health. Reduction in the expression of mitochondrial malonyl CoA-acyl carrier protein transacylase, a key enzyme in the pathway encoded by the nuclear Mcat gene, was achieved to varying extents in all examined tissues employing tamoxifen-inducible Cre-lox technology. Although affected mice consumed more food than control animals, they failed to gain weight, were less physically active, suffered from loss of white adipose tissue, reduced muscle strength, kyphosis, alopecia, hypothermia and shortened lifespan. The Mcat-deficient phenotype is attributed primarily to reduced synthesis, in several tissues, of the octanoyl precursors required for the posttranslational lipoylation of pyruvate and a-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complexes, resulting in diminished capacity of the citric acid cycle and disruption of energy metabolism. The presence of an alternative lipoylation pathway that utilizes exogenous free lipoate appears restricted to liver and alone is insufficient for preservation of normal energy metabolism. Thus, de novo synthesis of precursors for the protein lipoylation pathway plays a vital role in maintenance of mitochondrial function and overall vigo

    Seipin is required for converting nascent to mature lipid droplets

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    How proteins control the biogenesis of cellular lipid droplets (LDs) is poorly understood. Using Drosophila and human cells, we show here that seipin, an ER protein implicated in LD biology, mediates a discrete step in LD formation—the conversion of small, nascent LDs to larger, mature LDs. Seipin forms discrete and dynamic foci in the ER that interact with nascent LDs to enable their growth. In the absence of seipin, numerous small, nascent LDs accumulate near the ER and most often fail to grow. Those that do grow prematurely acquire lipid synthesis enzymes and undergo expansion, eventually leading to the giant LDs characteristic of seipin deficiency. Our studies identify a discrete step of LD formation, namely the conversion of nascent LDs to mature LDs, and define a molecular role for seipin in this process, most likely by acting at ER-LD contact sites to enable lipid transfer to nascent LDs. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.16582.00

    Exogenous Ether Lipids Predominantly Target Mitochondria

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    Ether lipids are ubiquitous constituents of cellular membranes with no discrete cell biological function assigned yet. Using fluorescent polyene-ether lipids we analyzed their intracellular distribution in living cells by microscopy. Mitochondria and the endoplasmic reticulum accumulated high amounts of ether-phosphatidylcholine and ether-phosphatidylethanolamine. Both lipids were specifically labeled using the corresponding lyso-ether lipids, which we established as supreme precursors for lipid tagging. Polyfosine, a fluorescent analogue of the anti-neoplastic ether lipid edelfosine, accumulated to mitochondria and induced morphological changes and cellular apoptosis. These data indicate that edelfosine could exert its pro-apoptotic power by targeting and damaging mitochondria and thereby inducing cellular apoptosis. In general, this study implies an important role of mitochondria in ether lipid metabolism and intracellular ether lipid trafficking

    Induction of apoptosis in COS7 cells by polyfosine or edelfosine.

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    <p>(A) Cells incubated with 10 µM of polyfosine or edelfosine for indicated times were fixed and probed for activated caspase-3, a landmark of apoptosis. After 18 h many apoptotic cells had detached from support. Confocal laser immuno-fluorescent microscopy images are shown as inverted grayscale. Bars, 50 µm. (B & C) Lysates of cells incubated with 10 µM of polyfosine or edelfosine for indicated times were assayed by Western blotting for activated caspase-3 and for a-tubulin, which served as a load control. (C) Signal intensities from four Western blots were quantified. Shown is the amount of activated caspase-3 corrected for background and normalized to the a-tubulin signal. The amount of active caspase-3 in edelfosine treated cells was set to 100.</p