1,089 research outputs found

    Il carbone vegetale aiuta a proteggere il clima

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    Il carbone vegetale aiuta a proteggere il clima. Le eccedenze di azoto sono le principali responsabili delle emissioni di gas esilarante (N2O) dannose per il clima, delle quali è responsabile l’agricoltura. Queste emissioni possono però essere nettamente ridotte introducendo nel suolo carbone vegetale

    Pflanzenkohle hilft beim Klimaschutz

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    Nach der Zugabe von Pflanzenkohle in Ackerboden konnte ein überproportionaler Anstieg an spezialisierten Mikroorganismen, die N2O abbauen, beobachtet werden

    Discovery of an X-ray cavity near the radio lobes of Cygnus A indicating previous AGN activity

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    Cygnus A harbours the nearest powerful radio jet of an Fanaroff-Riley (FR) class II radio galaxy in a galaxy cluster where the interaction of the jet with the intracluster medium (ICM) can be studied in detail. We use a large set of Chandra archival data, VLA and new LOFAR observations to shed new light on the interaction of the jets with the ICM. We identify an X-ray cavity in the distribution of the X-ray emitting plasma in the region south of the Cyg A nucleus which has lower pressure than the surrounding medium. The LOFAR and VLA radio observations show that the cavity is filled with synchrotron emitting plasma. The spectral age and the buoyancy time of the cavity indicates an age at least as large as the current Cyg A jets and not much larger than twice this time. We suggest that this cavity was created in a previous active phase of Cyg A when the energy output of the Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) was about two orders of magnitude less than today.Comment: Letter submitted on 4 May 2012 to A&A, 4 pages, 4 figure

    Громадська діяльність польських жінок Північного Причорномор’я наприкінці ХІХ – початку ХХ ст.

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    Польська спільнота посідає важливе місце в історії Північного Причорномор’я. Сучасні історичні дослідження як вітчизняних, так і польських науковців показали вагомий внесок поляків в соціально-економічний розвиток та культурне життя регіону. Однак картина минулого досі залишається половинчастою, бо в ній відсутня така важлива постать як особистість жінки. Громадське життя, про яке є можливість дізнатись з архівних матеріалів чи періодичної преси, оминало жінок, як правило зосереджених в приватній, родинній сфері. Тому є потреба висвітити саме діяльність жінок в суспільному житті Причорномор’я. Факти участі жінок в громадській діяльності треба розглядати не як простий вияв активності, але й спробувати відповісти на питання, чим вони були продиктовані і які наслідки мали особисто для жінки і для жіноцтва в цілому

    Climate effects of recycled fertilizers and biochar: emissions of nitrous oxide, methane and ammonia in a field experiment

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    Background Nitrogen (N) fertilizers are essential for crop production. Farmyard manure and slurry traditionally constitute about half of the total N inputs into crop production in Switzerland. Recycled fertilizers such as biogas slurry, liquid digestates and compost enable simultaneous energy production and closing of nutrient cycles. There is evidence that recycled fertilizers can help to increase N use efficiencies and to improve N supply in organic farming. Biochar amendment has shown a potential to mitigate soil greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, in particular nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. Here, we combine one of the liquid recycled fertilizer treatments with biochar. In a 2.5-years on-farm experiment, we quantify GHG emissions and further gaseous N-losses via ammonia (NH3) emissions

    Red list and checklist of the lichens

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    Derzeit sind aus Berlin 315 Flechtensippen (310 Arten, 3 Unterarten, eine Varietät und eine Form) bekannt. Davon werden 112 (35,6 %) in die Rote Liste aufgenommen. 59 Taxa gelten als ausgestorben oder verschollen, 47 sind bestandsgefährdet und 6 Arten sind sehr selten. Der Vergleich mit der Vorgängerliste (Otte 2005) zeigt, dass sich bei 44 Taxa die Kategorie verändert hat, 21 Taxa erhielten einen geringeren Gefährdungsgrad, 23 einen höheren.Currently, 315 lichen taxa (310 species, 3 subspecies, 1 variety and 1 forma) are known from Berlin. The Red List contains 112 (35.6 %) of them. 59 taxa are extinct or missing, 47 are endangered and 6 species are extremely rare. Compared to the last Red List (Otte 2005) the categories of 44 taxa have changed. 21 taxa are classified into a lower category of threat, 23 taxa into a higher category

    Ein Solitär wird 40 Jahre alt

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    Der weltweit einmalige Langzeitversuch „DOK“, der die drei Ackerbausysteme biologisch-dynamisch, organisch-biologisch und konventionell vergleicht, feiert Geburtstag. Paul Mäder, Hans-Martin-Krause und Andreas Fliessbach fassen die spannendsten Ergebnisse zu Boden, Artenvielfalt, Klimawirkung, Ertrag und Effizienz aus 40 Jahren DOK zusammen

    Red list and checklist of the lichenicolous fungi

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    Derzeit sind aus Berlin 23 lichenicole Pilzarten bekannt. Davon werden lediglich zwei ausgestorbene Arten in die Rote Liste aufgenommen. Neun Arten (39,1 %) gelten als ungefährdet. Für die Einschätzung von 12 Arten (52,2 %) sind die Daten unzureichend. Besonders die ungenügende historische Erfassung der lichenicolen Pilze macht eine Einschätzung der Gefährdung schwierig.Currently, 23 species of lichenicolous fungi are known from Berlin. The Red List contains only two extinct or at least possibly extinct species. Nine species (39.1 %) are classified as not threatened. For 12 species (52.2 %) data are not sufficient. Especially the scarcity of historical records makes an assessment difficult

    High energy astroparticle physics for high school students

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    The questions about the origin and type of cosmic particles are not only fascinating for scientists in astrophysics, but also for young enthusiastic high school students. To familiarize them with research in astroparticle physics, the Pierre Auger Collaboration agreed to make 1% of its data publicly available. The Pierre Auger Observatory investigates cosmic rays at the highest energies and consists of more than 1600 water Cherenkov detectors, located near Malarg\"{u}e, Argentina. With publicly available data from the experiment, students can perform their own hands-on analysis. In the framework of a so-called Astroparticle Masterclass organized alongside the context of the German outreach network Netzwerk Teilchenwelt, students get a valuable insight into cosmic ray physics and scientific research concepts. We present the project and experiences with students.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, Proceedings of the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2015), The Hague, The Netherlands, PoS(ICRC2015)30