19 research outputs found

    Odlingssubstrat för vednedbrytande matsvampar

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    Sedan tidigt 2000-tal har den globala produktionen för matsvamp varit under stor tillvÀxt för att förse en vÀxande marknad, vilket har bidragit till att vednedbrytande matsvampar som ostronskivling och shiitake har börjat fÄ allt större erkÀnnande i vÀstvÀrlden, dÀr champinjon fortfarande dominerar. För inhemsk produktion av matsvamp Àr svenska svampodlare till stor del beroende av import av odlingssubstrat, vilket Àr mÀrkligt dÄ förutsÀttningarna för dess tillverkning Àven bör finnas i Sverige. I denna litteraturstudie undersöktes vad som ligger bakom de vednedbrytande matsvamparna ostronskivling och shiitakes preferenser av odlingssubstrat och vad som utgör ett lÀmpligt substrat av organiska restprodukter. Dessa svampar Àr beroende av en repertoar av vednedbrytande enzymer för att kunna bryta ner och absorbera nÀring och energi ur det de vÀxer pÄ, vilket pÄverkar vilket substrat svampen föredrar för att kunna vÀxa och producera fruktkroppar. Ostronskivlingen Àr en generalistisk svamp vars enzymproduktion tillÄter effektivt tillgodogörande av en mÀngd olika vedartade material, medan shiitake inte har samma nerbrytande förmÄga. Detta kan förklaras av att den inte Àr lika enzymatiskt kompetent som ostronskivingen p.g.a. fÀrre lignolytiska enzym. Medan vednedbrytande svampar naturligt vÀxer i ved frÄn trÀd kan ett tillverkat odlingssubstrat förbÀttra produktiviteten vid svampodling. Det krÀvs dock att det tillrÀckligt efterliknar sammansÀttningen av substratumet som svampen evolutionÀrt Àr anpassad till. Detta inkluderar egenskaper som nÀringsinnehÄll, men kemiska-, sÄvÀl som fysikaliska- och biologiska faktorer spelar ocksÄ in. Svenskt lant- och skogsbruk med binÀringar genererar stora volymer restprodukter som kan anses lÀmpliga för svampodling och skulle kunna anvÀndas för att tillverka odlingssubstrat. Svampens interaktion med substratet Àr komplext och svÄrtolkat. För att dÄ fullstÀndigt kunna utvÀrdera restprodukternas lÀmplighet kommer praktiska odlingsförsök och matchning med rÀtt svampart och kulturstam krÀvas. Infrastrukturella förutsÀttningar och logistiska lösningar fordras ocksÄ för att substrattillverkning ska bli ekonomisk. Men skulle det visa sig lönsamt finns potential att mÄngdubbla den svenska produktionen av vednedbrytande matsvampar genom anvÀndning av inhemska restprodukter som annars hade anvÀnts för andra syften, sÄ som uppvÀrmning.Since the early 00s there's been a substantial growth in the global production of culinary mushrooms. This growth in industry has contributed the increasing popularity of wood-decaying culinary mushrooms, such as the oyster- and shiitake mushroom, on the western market, where the button mushroom still has a significant stronghold. The domestic cultivation of mushrooms in Sweden is largely dependent on substrate imported from manufacturers in other European countries, which is fairly odd as the conditions for substrate manufacturing should present in Sweden as well. This literature study served to explore the basis of the substrate preferences of the wood-decaying oyster- and shiitake mushroom, and what could constitute a suitable substrate from organic residues for growing these. These mushrooms relies on an array of wood-decaying enzymes in order to break down its substrate for nutrients and energy, which in turn affects what sort of substrate is needed for growth and production of fruiting bodies. The oyster mushroom can be considered as a generalist whose enzyme production allows for efficient degradation and bioconversion of a plethora of ligneous materials, while shiitake isn't as proficient. This can be explained by it not being as enzymatically competent and having fewer lignolytic enzymes than the oyster mushroom. Wood-decaying mushrooms grows naturally on dead wood, however a manufactured composite substrate can provide a superior yield. It is however necessary for it to be adequately similar to the native substrate, to which the mushroom has been adapted to through evolution. This also encompasses nutritional-, chemical as well as physical and biological factors. The Swedish agricultural- and forestry industry, along with respective subsidiary industries generates large quantities of organic residues that could be used for the manufacturing of mushroom substrate. The mushroom-substrate interaction is complex and not easily deciphered. So in order to fully assess the suitability of these residues for mushroom cultivation, growing trials has to be performed, with accompanying evaluation of mushroom species and strain. Infrastructural and logistical conditions must also be met in order for the domestic substrate manufacturing to be economically feasible. But if it would show to be profitable, there is opportunity to significantly increase the Swedish production of wood-decaying culinary mushrooms by using domestically sourced organic residues that otherwise would've been used for various forms of energy production

    Value Creation in Private Equity: A Case Study of Outperforming Buyouts in the Nordic Countries

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    A number of studies have reported that the returns from acquisitions made by private equity (PE) firms have exceeded those of the public markets, e.g. the S&P 500. The outperformance displayed in the buyouts made by private equity firms is perplexing, particularly given the underperformance and high failure rate typically reported in studies of traditional corporate mergers and acquisitions (M&A). This dissertation strives to shed a light on the dichotomy by examining the activities in a select sample of buyouts during the pre-buyout phase, holding period, and the exit transaction. The study makes a number of significant contributions. It contributes to the theoretical and conceptual understanding of private equity buyouts by materially extending previous models of value creation into a novel taxonomy and cohesive structure. It contributes empirically by filling an important research gap concerning the subset of buyouts that exhibited exceptional outperformance compared to peer firms in PE portfolios. The inductive multiple–case study approach in combination with access to proprietary interview data permitted an in-depth analysis of the factors conducive to buyout value creation. The analysis indicates the key factors resulting in the outperformance were timing the entry and exit transaction to the business and industry cycles, identifying and executing the apposite business strategy, utilizing alternative modes of debt financing, discerning the pre-buyout target firm characteristics, implementing a pervasive array of operational improvements, and lastly, achieving high-levels of employee motivation and commitment across the organization

    Innovation and research roadmap

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    hukkalainen2015aThe READY4SmartCities (R4SC) project examines the adaption of Information and CommunicationTechnologies (ICT) in energy systems, in order to improve their sustainability and energy efficiency insmart cities. This deliverable presents an innovation and research roadmap, suggesting thedevelopment needs of ICTs in short, medium and long term for the holistic design, planning andoperation of energy systems. The focus is on large energy systems at the city level: centralized anddistributed energy systems with connections to both national level energy systems and to theneighbourhood and building level energy systems.The roadmap is divided into five roadmap sections: citizens, the building sector, the energy sector,municipality and energy data. Each roadmap sector introduces drivers, needs and requirements,visions, barriers, expected impacts and key stakeholders. In the following, the goals of the differentroadmap sections are specified from the viewpoints of key stakeholders. The role of ICTs and energydata in enabling these goals is also identified.The involvement of citizens in decision making related to energy aspects should be increased. Citizensshould take an active role in the operation and use of energy to improve their energy behaviour. ICTscould help citizens to improve their energy behaviour by making them aware of the impacts of theiractions.Buildings should become connected objects operating actively with energy networks and are optimizedto balance the energy behaviour and thereby maximize the comfort of the inhabitants. Efficient energyuse and on-site renewable energy production in the buildings is expected to be of high importance.Buildings could also be able to act as energy providers. This requires the smart use of data from thebuilt environment, energy grids, the weather etc., implying that interoperability is ensured at differentlevels.The energy supply in cities should rely both on distributed and centralised energy production with usingmany renewable and local energy sources. Cities would become large power plants and virtual storage,reacting flexibly on the availability of renewables. ICT standards are needed for the communicationbetween all the energy systems.Municipalities should foster the integration of different city systems to maximize their synergy impacts.Efficient energy use and supply could be realized through appropriate decision making, energyplanning, development projects and daily operation within cities. Energy supply and use are integratedto other city operations with various ICT solutions.Access to open energy data would enable the sharing of cross-domain data between differentstakeholders, leading to the consolidation of energy-related knowledge in cities. The use of energy datawould also give the stakeholders a holistic view of the energy systems.The repeating theme throughout the roadmap is a strong need for broad collaboration, communicationand interoperability within all the stakeholder networks. This requires the standardisation of bothinterfaces and systems themselves, to enable cross-organisational operation

    TorktÄlighetens variation inom Betula pendula Roth. : ekotypisk lÀmplighet som trÀdselektionskriterium för det urbana landskapet

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    The ecosystem services provided by urban trees are substantial contributors to the quality of urban living, and their environmentally regulating capabilities are increasingly regarded as integral in order to efficiently secure urban resilience, by ameliorating the human and material impacts of extreme weather events. However, current trends of urban development presents challenges of how to preserve urban greenery ecosystem functioning, particularly in light of the ongoing climate change; which also has brought forth the importance of taxonomically diverse urban forests, to mitigate risks of catastrophic tree loss associated with these conditions. The elevated temperatures and irregular water availability which generally characterizes the highly urbanized landscape thusly necessitates approaches that promotes usage of trees with corresponding adaptations which adequately facilitates survival in spite of such environmental stressors. Such adaptations have previously been studied in species native to similarly tough habitats. But granted the wide distribution of some cosmopolitan tree species, such as Betula pendula Roth., there’s opportunity for significant differential ecotypic variations due to the locally distinct selective pressures, which could be expedient from an urban tree selection perspective and leveraged to further the goal of improved urban forest resilience. To probe this opportunity, the leaf drought tolerance of 13 global B. pendula s.l. proveniences was investigated by measuring leaf osmotic potential at full turgor in order to estimate their hydrological limitations by its firm linear correlation with the turgor loss point (TLP). Local climatic selective pressure was investigated by characterization and statistical comparison of the local climates and atmospheric water balance. The group of European subspecies ssp. pendula was found to be significantly more drought tolerant than the Asiatic subspecies ssp. mandshurica and ssp. szechuanica, at a TLP of -2,75 MPa, compared with -2,28 MPa for both respectively. A linear correlation was found between the birch provenience’s TLP and the local climatic potential evapotranspiration (PET). Though the relationship couldn’t be fully established due to lack of conclusive data; the possible driving factors for this adaptive separation were however discussed, and besides currently acting pressures, the recent evolutionary history of ssp. pendula was highlighted as possibly contributing to the observed results. The modes and extent of drought adaptations in B. pendula were also discussed in the wider context of ecotypic differentiation of other deciduous temperate tree species, along the role of geography. Methods for enhancing the selection of fit ecotypes for the urban landscape were explored, e.g. by using analytical advantages provided by GIS-aided spatial analysis.De ekosystemtjĂ€nster som urbana trĂ€d tillhandahĂ„ller bidrar vĂ€sentligt till livskvalitĂ©n i stĂ€der och dess klimatreglerande egenskaper betraktas allt mer som ett centralt verktyg för att sĂ€kra urban resiliens, genom att reglera de negativa effekterna av extremvĂ€der pĂ„ mĂ€nniskor och material. Nuvarande stadsutvecklingstrender presenterar emellertid utmaningar för hur man ska kunna bevara urban grönska och dess ekosystemtjĂ€nster, sĂ€rskilt med hĂ€nsyn till pĂ„gĂ„ende klimatförĂ€ndringar. Dessa tendenser har belyst vikten av taxonomisk diversitet av trĂ€d i vĂ„ra stĂ€der som en strategi för att mitigera de överhĂ€ngande risker för katastrofal trĂ€dförlust som följer av de stadstypiska förhĂ„llandena. De förhĂ„llanden av förhöjda temperaturer och ojĂ€mn vattentillgĂ€nglighet –som generellt prĂ€glar det urbana landskapet– fordrar sĂ„lunda en kompetent trĂ€danvĂ€ndning som Ă€r observant pĂ„ och frĂ€mjar sorter som har motsvarande anpassningar för att överleva stressen av stadens extrema stĂ„ndorter. Anpassningar som dessa har tidigare studerats hos trĂ€darter som vĂ€xer under liknande vĂ€xtbetingelser i det vilda. Men den vida, nĂ€st intill hemisfĂ€rt globala, utbredningen av somliga trĂ€darter, som Betula pendula Roth., medför en möjlighet till mĂ€rkbar ekotypisk differentiering som följd av lokalt evolutionĂ€rt distinkta selektionstryck, som i sin tur skulle kunna utnyttjas för att hitta nya genotyper inom en och samma art för att ytterligare förbĂ€ttra den klimatmĂ€ssiga resiliensen hos trĂ€den i vĂ„ra stĂ€der. För att utforska denna möjlighet undersöktes torktoleransen av 13 internationella provenienser av B. pendula s.l. Detta genom att mĂ€ta bladens osmotiska potential vid full turgor, för att utröna dess hydrologiska begrĂ€nsningar genom ett linjĂ€rt samband till bladets vissningspunkt (TLP). Lokalt klimat och atmosfĂ€risk vattenbalans karaktĂ€riserades och jĂ€mfördes statistiskt för att undersöka dess potentiella inverkan pĂ„ torkanpassning. Gruppen av den europeiska underarten ssp. pendula visade sig hĂ€r vara betydligt mer tĂ„lig för torka Ă€n de asiatiska underarterna ssp. mandshurica och ssp. szechuanica, vid en TLP pĂ„ -2,75 MPa, jĂ€mfört med -2,28 MPa för de bĂ„da. LinjĂ€rt korrelat fanns mellan björkproveniensernas TLP och den lokala potentiella evapotranspirationen (PET). Fast detta samband kunde inte sĂ€kerstĂ€llas fullstĂ€ndigt, pĂ„ grund av det begrĂ€nsade antalet samplingsgrupper; de möjliga orsaksfaktorerna för den adaptiva separeringen diskuterades emellertid, och förutom rĂ„dande selektivt tryck av klimatfaktorer belystes den sentida evolutionĂ€rhistorian av ssp. pendula som möjligt bidragande till en högre torktolerans. Björkens olika drag av torkanpassningar och dess omfattningar diskuterades ocksĂ„ i det bredare sammanhanget av ekotypisk differentiering hos lövtrĂ€d, samt geografins betydelse. GIS diskuterades dĂ€rför som viktigt verktyg för vidare studier och trĂ€dselektion

    Value Creation in Private Equity: A Case Study of Outperforming Buyouts in the Nordic Countries

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    A number of studies have reported that the returns from acquisitions made by private equity (PE) firms have exceeded those of the public markets, e.g. the S&P 500. The outperformance displayed in the buyouts made by private equity firms is perplexing, particularly given the underperformance and high failure rate typically reported in studies of traditional corporate mergers and acquisitions (M&A). This dissertation strives to shed a light on the dichotomy by examining the activities in a select sample of buyouts during the pre-buyout phase, holding period, and the exit transaction. The study makes a number of significant contributions. It contributes to the theoretical and conceptual understanding of private equity buyouts by materially extending previous models of value creation into a novel taxonomy and cohesive structure. It contributes empirically by filling an important research gap concerning the subset of buyouts that exhibited exceptional outperformance compared to peer firms in PE portfolios. The inductive multiple–case study approach in combination with access to proprietary interview data permitted an in-depth analysis of the factors conducive to buyout value creation. The analysis indicates the key factors resulting in the outperformance were timing the entry and exit transaction to the business and industry cycles, identifying and executing the apposite business strategy, utilizing alternative modes of debt financing, discerning the pre-buyout target firm characteristics, implementing a pervasive array of operational improvements, and lastly, achieving high-levels of employee motivation and commitment across the organization

    Sjuksköterskors syn pÄ omvÄrdnadsdokumentation

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    Bakgrund/Syfte: Sjuksköterskan har i sin kompetensbeskrivning att föra omvĂ„rdnadsdokumentation. Syftet med arbetet Ă€r att ta reda pĂ„ vad sjuksköterskan har för syn pĂ„ denna. Olika lagar och författningar styr hur dokumentationen ska skrivas, dock ser detta inte likadant ut i alla lĂ€nder. ÄndĂ„ beskriver detta arbete en internationell syn pĂ„ dokumentationen, dĂ„ systemen inte beskrivs i detalj, utan presenteras mer överskĂ„dligt med fokus pĂ„ sjĂ€lva dokumentationen. Att föra anteckningar om en patient gĂ„r tillbaka sĂ„ lĂ„ngt som Florence Nightingales tid och Ă€r i stĂ€ndig utveckling. Den utveckling och anpassning som sker kontinuerligt stĂ€rks av teorin om copingmekanismer som Callista Roy beskriver. Metod: Kvalitativ litteraturstudie med fokus pĂ„ omvĂ„rdnad har anvĂ€nts. En manifest innehĂ„llsanalys har följts. Resultat: I resultatet beskrivs det att synen pĂ„ dokumentationen Ă€r komplex, dĂ„ det anvĂ€nds flera olika system. ÄndĂ„ Ă€r synen pĂ„ dokumentationen inte riktat pĂ„ specifika system, utan mer generellt. De kategorier som presenteras Ă€r: Sjuksköterskans dokumentationskunskap och dennes syn pĂ„ utbildning i dokumentation, sjuksköterskors syn pĂ„ och instĂ€llning till dokumentationssystem, synen pĂ„ sitt eget och andras ansvar dĂ„ det gĂ€ller omvĂ„rdnadsdokumentation och sjuksköterskors upplevelser kring hur patienten pĂ„verkas av omvĂ„rdnadsdokumentation. Slutsats: En god och kontinuerlig utbildning och genomgĂ„ng i de system som anvĂ€nds i respektive arbetsplats Ă€r förutsĂ€ttningen för att sjuksköterskor ska kunna kĂ€nna sig trygga och sĂ€kra i sin egna omvĂ„rdnadsdokumentation