8 research outputs found

    Multi-national perceptions on challenges, opportunities, and support structures for Dual Career migrations in European studentathletes

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    Despite Dual Careers (sports and education) and mobility of students being priorities in the funding policies of the European Commission, migrating student-athletes report severe challenges and decreased performance or dropouts at sport and academic levels. The objective of this study was to depict and assess the perceptions on challenges, support services, and their effectiveness in consideration of specific characteristics of participants and migrations. Based on a meta-synthesis and previous findings, a 50-items questionnaire was developed and completed by 245 student-athletes in 5 European countries. Participants with Dual Careers migration experience (n = 140) were considered for analyses of qualitative and quantitative (ordinal 5pt-Likert-scaled and metric) data on the Dual Career status, migration characteristics, received services, and outcomes. Chi-square-tests were conducted for differences between countries and genders at a significance level of p < .05. Country-related differences were found for experiences and intentions to migrate (X2(12) = 50.52, p<0.001), duration of the migration (X2(16) = 38.20, p = 0.001), financial support (X2(8) = 29.87, p<0.001), and decreased performances in academics (X2(16) = 56.12, p<0.001) and sports (X2(16) = 31.79, p = 0.01). Gender-related difference emerged in financial support (X2(4) = 10.68, p = 0.03), duration of the migration (X2(4) = 14.56, p = 0.01), and decreased academic performance (X2(4) = 10.57, p = 0.03). Tutoring and counselling support was ranked as the most effective support, especially when received from the academic field (4.0±1.0 pt) and others (4.1±0.8 pt), followed by online services from sport and academic sectors (both: 3.9±0.9 pt). Considering the pervasive globalization of sport and education, Dual Career migration can contribute to the development of a European sport culture. The high ratio of migrating student-athletes underlines the relevance of migrations in the field of Dual Careers. This study contributes to the literature by adding insights on practices, challenges, supports, and outcomes perceived by student-athletes migrating in Europe. Moreover, country- and gender-related differences support the consideration of specific characteristics and reveal critical factors in specific target groups. The findings contribute to identifying requirements and effective support measures in Dual Career migrations and can be used to improve support services

    Zarządzanie cyklem życia produktu w okresie transformacji gospodarczej

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    Background: The role of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) in business change varies in scope and impact. PLM initiatives range from Information System (IS) change to strategic business transformation, and capabilities to implement PLM successfully are unclear. The paper identifies a PLM framework for transition and related variables. Understanding these variables influence successful PLM transformation. Methods: The methods used in this paper include a literature review on existing frameworks available for PLM initiatives. This paper is based on a PLM case study done between 2011-2015, when the company's strategy transformed it from an engineering company to a product and service company. Results: The results show that strategy-driven PLM transformation impacting a company on many levels, and PLM focusing on IS-driven process harmonisation fails due to limited knowledge of the business models, products and services. Conclusions: The conclusions are that PLM is at the core of business transformation and cross-functional impacting products, services and customers.Wstęp: Znaczenie i wielkość roli zarządzania cyklem życia produktu (PLM) zależy od obszaru działalności gospodarczej. Zarządzanie cyklem życia produktu inicjuje różne zmiany zarówno w systemie informacyjnym przedsiębiorstwa jak z transformacji na poziomie strategicznym. Trudno też określić jednoznacznie warunki pomyślnego wdrożenia zarządzania życiem produktu. W pracy zidentyfikowano ramy dla zarządzania cyklem życia produktu jak i zmienne zależne procesu. Prawidłowe zrozumienie wpływu tych czynników ma istotne znaczenie dla pomyślnej transformacji zarządzania cyklem życia produktu. Metody: Główną metodą pozyskiwania danych był przegląd istniejącej literatury naukowej dotyczącej różnych inicjatyw związanych z zarządzaniem cyklem życia produktu. Praca obejmuje analizę przypadku zarządzania cyklem życia produktu w oparciu o dane konkretnego przedsiębiorstwa z lat 2010-2015, w okresie którym uległa transformacji strategia tego przedsiębiorstwa z profilu inżynierskiego na produktowy i usługowy. Wyniki: Otrzymane wyniki pokazują, że przeprowadzona transformacja miała wpływ na działalność przedsiębiorstwa na wielu poziomach. Zarządzanie cyklem życia produktu skupione tylko na harmonizacji procesu w oparciu o system informacyjne nie odniósł pożądanego skutku ze względu na ograniczoną wiedzę na temat modeli przedsiębiorstwa, produktów i usług. Wnioski: Zarządzenie cyklem życia produktu jest kluczowym elementem transformacji biznesowej i ma wpływ na wzajemne zależności pomiędzy produktami, usługami i klientami

    Lifecycle-Based Requirements of Product-Service System in Customer-Centric Manufacturing

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    Part 11: Service and ManufacturingInternational audienceManaging through-life information of products and services has become an important competitive means in customer-centric industries. The need for managing new types of product-service requirements for sustainability, traceability and performance have widened the traditional perspective of PLM information to integrate new issues, e.g. service information. In this study we examine how the diverse and through-life requirements information could better be integrated in product and business processes of customer-centric manufacturing. The study is based on a literature review and two case interviews. The objective is to elicit requirements information for Product-Service System (PSS). The study introduces the concepts of product-service system, and outlines through-life requirements in customer-centric business. PSS is a new concept for customer-centric business to improve the performance of sustainability, traceability, reusability and repeatability

    Physics-based digital twins merging with machines:cases of mobile log crane and rotating machine

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    Abstract Real-world products and physics-based simulations are becoming interconnected. In particular, real-time capable dynamic simulation has made it possible for simulation models to run in parallel and simultaneously with operating machinery. This capability combined with state observer techniques such as Kalman filtering have enabled the synchronization between simulation and the real world. State estimator techniques can be applied to estimate unmeasured quantities, also referred as virtual sensing, or to enhance the quality of measured signals. Although synchronized models could be used in a number of ways, value creation and business model development are currently defining the most practical and beneficial use cases from a business perspective. The research reported here reveals the communication and collaboration methods that lead to economically relevant technology solutions. Two case examples are given that demonstrate the proposed methodology. The work benefited from the broad perspective of researchers from different backgrounds and the joint effort to drive the technology development towards business relevant cases

    Coordinating knowledge creation: A systematic literature review on the interplay between operational excellence and industry 4.0 technologies

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    In the process of creating new knowledge, literature has scarcely studied how bodies of knowledge arising from different sources should be coordinated to enhance performance. In particular, the present research focuses on two sources of newly created knowledge, i.e., operational excellence and Industry 4.0, to understand whether they should be implemented sequentially or simultaneously. Operational excellence refers to the implementation of practices such as just in time, total quality management, and Six Sigma that help a firm to create knowledge that facilitates waste reduction and customer value improvement. Industry 4.0 refers to the implementation of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, robotics, Internet of Things, and laser cutting that help a firm to create knowledge to improve overall business performance. We identified and analyzed 30 papers published in 13 peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings in the field of operations management. Our findings based on the systematic literature review suggest that the interplay between operational excellence and Industry 4.0 can be categorized into four groups: (1) Industry 4.0 supports operational excellence; (2) operational excellence supports Industry 4.0; (3) complementary; and (4) no interdependence. Majority of the papers under study are in the first category, suggesting Industry 4.0 technologies as enabler of operational excellence