19 research outputs found

    Pneumotsütoom – kopsu ümarvarju haruldane põhjus

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    Eesti Arst 2016; 95(8):536–54

    Veebipõhise tiimiõppe võtsid arstiüliõpilased entusiastlikult vastu

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    Eesti Arst 2021; 100(5):323 &nbsp

    Bronhopulmonaalne sekvestratsioon

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    Eesti Arst 2019; 98(7):404–40

    Whole exome sequencing of benign pulmonary metastasizing leiomyoma reveals mutation in the BMP8B gene

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    Background: Benign metastasizing leiomyoma (BML) is an orphan neoplasm commonly characterized by pulmonary metastases consisting of smooth muscle cells. Patients with BML have usually a current or previous uterine leiomyoma, which is therefore suggested to be the most probable source of this tumour. The purpose of this case report was to determine the possible genetic grounds for pulmonary BML. Case presentation: We present a case report in an asymptomatic 44-year-old female patient, who has developed uterine leiomyoma with subsequent pulmonary BML. Whole exome sequencing (WES) was used to detect somatic mutations in BML lesion. Somatic single nucleotide mutations were identified by comparing the WES data between the pulmonary metastasis and blood sample of the same BML patient. One heterozygous somatic mutation was selected for validation by Sanger sequencing. Clonality of the pulmonary metastasis and uterine leiomyoma was assessed by X-chromosome inactivation assay. Conclusions: We describe a potentially deleterious somatic heterozygous mutation in bone morphogenetic protein 8B (BMP8B) gene (c.1139A > G, Tyr380Cys) that was identified in the pulmonary metastasis and was absent from blood and uterine leiomyoma, and may play a facilitating role in the metastasizing of BML. The clonality assay confirmed a skewed pattern of X-chromosome inactivation, suggesting monoclonal origin of the pulmonary metastases.Peer reviewe

    Programmi RITA tegevuse 1 projekti „Varustuskindluse tagamine toidu, esmatarbekaupade, isikukaitsevahendite ja vee tarneahelas Eestis“ lõpparuanne

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    Uuring valmis Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeeriumi, Rahandusministeeriumi, Sotsiaalministeeriumi, Siseministeeriumi, Kaitseministeeriumi, Maaeluministeeriumi ja Riigikantselei eesmärkide elluviimiseks.Lõpparanne täieneb aja jooksul. Käesolev versioon on seisuga 30.03.2022.Käesolev aruanne võtab kokku uuringu „Varustuskindluse tagamine toidu, esmatarbekaupade, isikukaitsevahendite ja vee tarneahelas Eestis (VARUST)“ olulisemad järeldused. Uuringut rahastati Eesti Teadusagentuuri Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fondi programmi „Valdkondliku teadus- ja arendustegevuse tugevdamine“ (RITA) tegevusest 1 „Strateegilise TA tegevuse toetamine“ (leping nr 7.2-2/20/24). Uuring valmis Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeeriumi, Rahandusministeeriumi, Sotsiaalministeeriumi, Siseministeeriumi, Kaitseministeeriumi, Maaeluministeeriumi ja Riigikantselei eesmärkide elluviimiseks. Uuringu viis läbi kolmest organisatsioonist koosnev konsortsium, kuhu kuulusid Eesti Maaülikool (3 töögruppi), Eesti Konjunktuuriinstituut ja Eesti Taimekasvatuse Instituut. Uuringu lähteülesande kohaselt oli uuringu eesmärgiks luua ettevõtetele toimepidevuse hindamiseks universaalne lähenemine (edaspidi mudel), pakkuda välja varustuskindluse mõõdikud ja sihttasemed ning pakkuda välja soovitused, kuidas korraldada varustuskindluse lahendamine Eesti oludele sobivaimal ja riigieelarvet ning ettevõtjaid vähem koormaval viisil.Uuringu tellis ja uuringut rahastas Eesti Teadusagentuur Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fondist toetatava programmi „Valdkondliku teadus- ja arendustegevuse tugevdamine“ (RITA) tegevuse 1 „Strateegilise TA tegevuse toetamine“ kaudu

    Resection of unicentric interlobar Castleman disease with following adjuvant radiotherapy

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    A 22-year-old female patient with rare interlobar unicentric Castleman disease is presented. The tumour was discovered incidentally and thoracoscopic biopsy was planned to rule out malignancy. Due to dense adhesions to the adjacent anatomical structures and diffuse bleeding when mobilizing the tumour, a thoracoscopic approach was converted to thoracotomy. The tumour was removed without lung resection. Adjuvant radiotherapy was used to avoid possible recurrence of the disease. During the follow-up of 6 years, the patient remains free of any symptoms and evidence of recurrence

    Dataset of air ion and aerosol measurements. Tahkuse 2004-2014

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    The present dataset of air ion mobility and aerosol particle size distributions is a follow-up of the dataset Tahkuse_1993_1994, http://datadoi.ut.ee/handle/33/22. It makes available results of routine measurements in Tahkuse Air Monitoring Station from 01.01.2004 to 31.12.2014. The station is located in the Sepa farmhouse in Tahkuse village about 27 km northeast of the city of Pärnu, Estonia. Geographical coordinates are 58º31'28"N, 24º55'32"E, 24 m a.s.l. The farmhouse is surrounded with flat open landscape with some tree groups, grassland and agricultural land. The level of air pollution is typical for atmospheric air at a sparsely populated rural area. The dataset includes results of simultaneous measurements of positive and negative air ions and neutral aerosol particles. The small air ions are charged molecules and clusters up to 1.6 nm, the intermediate and large air ions are charged fine aerosol particles of size 1.6 – 70 nm. The air ion spectrometers are the same as used in Tahkuse during 1993 – 1994. Important upgrades of the instrumentation are taking into use the aerosol particle size spectrometer EAS and the AlphaGUARD radon monitor. The spectrometers are installed in the attic of the building. The air intake is at a height of 5 m above the ground. The continued measurements of wind speed, wind direction, air temperature, relative humidity, and concentration of NO2 are complemented with measurements of air pressure, sun radiation and radon activity concentration. The detailed description of the landscape, station, and instruments is presented in the thesis by Hõrrak, U. (2001) Air ion mobility spectrum at a rural area, https://dspace.ut.ee/handle/10062/50218. The measurements are saved into 11 yearly files as a tab-separated ANSI text. The zip-package of files should be downloaded from the present website, unpacked and operated in the personal computer of the scientist. The data can be immediately opened and analyzed using MS Excel as well as by means of different computer programs, which are able to process the ANSI text. Every file consists of a table with 114 columns and 8761 or 8785 rows. The columns correspond to variables and rows to measurement hours. The data are written without omissions for 24 hours per day even when the measurements were stopped or failed and the values of variables are unknown. The missing values are marked with the code –99. The data is accompanied with an instruction for the user Tahkuse_data_2004–2014_guide.pdf and a presentation of data preparation algorithms Tahkuse_data_2004–2014_supplement.pdf. The authors acknowledge Aadu Mirme for great work designing the original instrumentation