7,996 research outputs found

    Alternate multiple-outer-planet missions using a Saturn-Jupiter flyby sequence

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    A study has been made of a method for providing more frequent launch opportunities for multiple-planet Grand Tour type missions to the outer solar system. A Saturn-Jupiter flyby sequence was used in the analysis to initiate the mission instead of the normal Jupiter-Saturn sequence. The Saturn-first approach is shown to yield several new launch opportunities following the 1980 cutoff date for Jupiter-first missions. Results are given for various two-planet, three-planet, and four-planet Jupiter-first and Saturn-first missions. A unique five-planet Saturn-first mission and a Saturn-Jupiter flyby which returns to earth are also discussed. Mission performance is evaluated for each flyby technique by comparing Saturn-first and Jupiter-first missions with respect to launch energy requirements, available launch windows, planetary encounter conditions, and total mission times

    Flutter Investigation of 60 Degree to 80 Degree Delta-Planform Surfaces at a Mach Number of 7.0

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    The flutter characteristics of a series of half-span delta surfaces which had leading-edge sweep angles ranging from 60 degrees to 80 degrees were investigated in helium flaw at a Mach number of 7.0 in the Langley hypersonic aeroelasticity tunnel. For each value of sweep angle both wedge and double-wedge airfoil sections were tested at two pitch-axis positions, The models were mounted so that a rigid-body flapping-pitching type of flutter was encountered. Analysis of the results and comparison with theory show that the wedge models are more stable than the corresponding double-wedge models; the pitch-axis location at or near the center of gravity is more stable than the more forward location; the effects of leading-edge sweep angle on the flutter characteristics appear to be small; and an uncoupled-mode piston-theory analysis gave the best agreement with the experimental results

    Limits on Clouds and Hazes for the TRAPPIST-1 Planets

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    The TRAPPIST-1 planetary system is an excellent candidate for study of the evolution and habitability of M-dwarf planets. Transmission spectroscopy observations performed with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) suggest the innermost five planets do not possess clear hydrogen atmospheres. Here we reassess these conclusions with recently updated mass constraints and expand the analysis to include limits on metallicity, cloud top pressure, and the strength of haze scattering. We connect recent laboratory results of particle size and production rate for exoplanet hazes to a one-dimensional atmospheric model for TRAPPIST-1 transmission spectra. Doing so, we obtain a physically-based estimate of haze scattering cross sections. We find haze scattering cross sections on the order of 1e-26 to 1e-19 cm squared are needed in hydrogen-rich atmospheres for TRAPPIST-1 d, e, and f to match the HST data. For TRAPPIST-1 g, we cannot rule out a clear hydrogen-rich atmosphere. We also modeled the effects an opaque cloud deck and substantial heavy element content have on the transmission spectra. We determine that hydrogen-rich atmospheres with high altitude clouds, at pressures of 12mbar and lower, are consistent with the HST observations for TRAPPIST-1 d and e. For TRAPPIST-1 f and g, we cannot rule out clear hydrogen-rich cases to high confidence. We demonstrate that metallicities of at least 60xsolar with tropospheric (0.1 bar) clouds agree with observations. Additionally, we provide estimates of the precision necessary for future observations to disentangle degeneracies in cloud top pressure and metallicity. Our results suggest secondary, volatile-rich atmospheres for the outer TRAPPIST-1 planets d, e, and f.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables, accepted in the Astronomical Journa

    Coronal response to an EUV wave from DEM analysis

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    EUV (Extreme-Ultraviolet) waves are globally propagating disturbances that have been observed since the era of the SoHO/EIT instrument. Although the kinematics of the wave front and secondary wave components have been widely studied, there is not much known about the generation and plasma properties of the wave. In this paper we discuss the effect of an EUV wave on the local plasma as it passes through the corona. We studied the EUV wave, generated during the 2011 February 15 X-class flare/CME event, using Differential Emission Measure diagnostics. We analyzed regions on the path of the EUV wave and investigated the local density and temperature changes. From our study we have quantitatively confirmed previous results that during wave passage the plasma visible in the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) 171A channel is getting heated to higher temperatures corresponding to AIA 193A and 211A channels. We have calculated an increase of 6 - 9% in density and 5 - 6% in temperature during the passage of the EUV wave. We have compared the variation in temperature with the adiabatic relationship and have quantitatively demonstrated the phenomenon of heating due to adiabatic compression at the wave front. However, the cooling phase does not follow adiabatic relaxation but shows slow decay indicating slow energy release being triggered by the wave passage. We have also identified that heating is taking place at the front of the wave pulse rather than at the rear. Our results provide support for the case that the event under study here is a compressive fast-mode wave or a shock.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Hard X-ray footpoint sizes and positions as diagnostics of flare accelerated energetic electrons in the low solar atmosphere

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    The hard X-ray (HXR) emission in solar flares comes almost exclusively from a very small part of the flaring region, the footpoints of magnetic loops. Using RHESSI observations of solar flare footpoints, we determine the radial positions and sizes of footpoints as a function of energy in six near-limb events to investigate the transport of flare accelerated electrons and the properties of the chromosphere. HXR visibility forward fitting allows to find the positions/heights and the sizes of HXR footpoints along and perpendicular to the magnetic field of the flaring loop at different energies in the HXR range. We show that in half of the analyzed events, a clear trend of decreasing height of the sources with energy is found. Assuming collisional thick-target transport, HXR sources are located between 600 and 1200 km above the photosphere for photon energies between 120 and 25 keV respectively. In the other events, the position as a function of energy is constant within the uncertainties. The vertical sizes (along the path of electron propagation) range from 1.3 to 8 arcseconds which is up to a factor 4 larger than predicted by the thick-target model even in events where the positions/heights of HXR sources are consistent with the collisional thick-target model. Magnetic mirroring, collisional pitch angle scattering and X-ray albedo are discussed as potential explanations of the findings.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Ap