24 research outputs found

    The Activities and Program of the American Association of Law Libraries

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    Denna rapport kommer att behandla konstruktion och design av ett smÄskaligt portabelt solvÀrmesystem. Rapportens första del Àr en teoretisk referensram som ligger till grund för byggandet av en prototyp av den behandlade solvÀrmetypen som har testats för att se vilken prestanda som uppnÄtts och hur systemet förhÄller sig till en given mÄlfunktion. Prototypen togs fram med hjÀlp av produktutvecklingsmetodik, vilken Àven finns utförligt förklarad i rapporten. Verkningsgraden för den byggda prototypen berÀknades efter tester till 65 % och Àr dimensionerad för 70 liter vatten. SolvÀrmesystemet som uppvÀrmningsalternativ och dess konkurrenskraft bland andra uppvÀrmningsalternativ har ocksÄ studerats och slutsatsen dragits att solvÀrme har mÄnga miljömÀssigt positiva aspekter men lÄng pay off-tid per utvunnen kWh vilket gör att det kan anses som ett mindre attraktivt alternativ i Sverige jÀmfört med lÀnder med högre solinstrÄlning

    Prospective life cycle assessment of a flexible all-organic battery

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    Strong interest from researchers and industry is accelerating development of flexible energy storage technologies for future flexible devices. It is critical to consider the environmental perspective in early development of new emerging technologies. In this study, cradle-to-factory gate prospective life cycle assessment (LCA) was performed on production of an all-organic battery with conductive redox polymers as electrode material. To gain a better understanding of the environmental performance of the all-organic battery, a flexible lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery with lithium titanate oxide and lithium cobalt oxide as electrode active materials was modeled as reference. Main environmental impacts of the all-organic battery were attributable to anode and cathode production, with electrode backbones being the main contributors. Solvents, catalysts, waste treatment, energy, and bromine were key individual contributors. Comparison with the flexible Li-ion battery indicated inferior environmental performance of the all-organic battery due to its relatively low specific energy (Wh/kg) and large amount of materials needed for production of its electrode backbones. Sensitivity analysis showed that changing scaling-up parameters and the production route of 3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene (a precursor of electrode backbones) strongly influenced the results. In order to lower the environmental impacts of the all-organic battery, future research should focus on designing a short production chain with lower material inputs of electrode backbones, increasing battery cycle life, and improving the specific energy of the battery. In addition, relevant recommendations were provided for prospective LCAs of upscaled systems

    Brain Abnormalities and Glioma-Like Lesions in Mice Overexpressing the Long Isoform of PDGF-A in Astrocytic Cells

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    BACKGROUND: Deregulation of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) signaling is a hallmark of malignant glioma. Two alternatively spliced PDGF-A mRNAs have been described, corresponding to a long (L) and a short (S) isoform of PDGF-A. In contrast to PDGF-A(S), the PDGF-A(L) isoform has a lysine and arginine rich carboxy-terminal extension that acts as an extracellular matrix retention motif. However, the exact role of PDGF-A(L) and how it functionally differs from the shorter isoform is not well understood.\ud \ud METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We overexpressed PDGF-A(L) as a transgene under control of the glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) promoter in the mouse brain. This directs expression of the transgene to astrocytic cells and GFAP expressing neural stem cells throughout the developing and adult central nervous system. Transgenic mice exhibited a phenotype with enlarged skull at approximately 6-16 weeks of age and they died between 1.5 months and 2 years of age. We detected an increased number of undifferentiated cells in all areas of transgene expression, such as in the subependymal zone around the lateral ventricle and in the cerebellar medulla. The cells stained positive for Pdgfr-α, Olig2 and NG2 but this population did only partially overlap with cells positive for Gfap and the transgene reporter. Interestingly, a few mice presented with overt neoplastic glioma-like lesions composed of both Olig2 and Gfap positive cell populations and with microvascular proliferation, in a wild-type p53 background.\ud \ud CONCLUSIONS: Our findings show that PDGF-A(L) can induce accumulation of immature cells in the mouse brain. The strong expression of NG2, Pdgfr-α and Olig2 in PDGF-A(L) brains suggests that a fraction of these cells are oligodendrocyte progenitors. In addition, accumulation of fluid in the subarachnoid space and skull enlargement indicate that an increased intracranial pressure contributed to the observed lethality.\ud \u

    Participatory communication for a culture of peace in a post-conflict context

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    This study aims at researching how a sustainable culture of peace can be built through civic engagement in the Abkhaz-Georgian post-conflict context. It does so by learning from locally based NGOs, working for a culture of peace in areas affected by the Abkhaz-Georgian armed conflict which occurred 1993 to 1994. The studied NGOs work for different components within a Culture of Peace such as; women’s rights, peace building, social and economic development, democratic participation and human rights. In order to answer the research question following sub questions are answered: ‱What can we learn from the experiences of the studied organizations’ participatory communication for social change? ‱How has the culture of communication in the Abkhaz-Georgian post conflict context been affecting the participatory communication for social change for the different organizations?The method to collect data to the research has been through a field study in Abkhazia and outside its border on the Georgian side, in the city Zugdidi which is the closest city to the Abkhazian border. Participatory observations and interviews with representatives from the different organizations working for a culture of peace were conducted during two and a half months. The theoretical framework used for the study consists of three theories. The first is the theory of “Culture of Peace”, used to analyze how the studied NGOs are working for a culture of peace. The second is the theory “participatory communication for social change” which is used to analyze the work of the studied organizations in order to know how they work for sustainable civic engagement. Lastly, the theory used to look at how the Abkhaz-Georgian post-conflict context is affecting the communication, is the theory “culture of communication”. The findings of the research present solutions of how to practice participatory communication to build a culture of peace in a post-conflict context. However, the research also discovers how certain public values and views in a post-conflict context can hinder effective work through participatory communication as well as ways of overcoming these challenges


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    I norra delen av NynÀshamn ligger idag dess gymnasium, idrottsanlÀggningar, kolonilotter och ett industriomrÄde. Ett nytt bostadsomrÄde finns som förslag för att göra omrÄdet mer attraktivt.  För att uppnÄ detta Àr mitt förslag att anlÀgga en ny pendeltÄgsstation pÄ platsen som Àven inkluderar samlingssalar för konferenser, restaurang för hungriga gymnasieelever och arbetare samtidigt som det gÄr att vÀnta i lokalerna pÄ buss eller pendeltÄg. Ett minibibliotek inkluderas pÄ ovanvÄningen samt studierum och kontor.  Ur ett hÄllbarhetsperspektiv sÄ vill projektet frÀmja pendling utan bil, knyta ihop cyklister, fotgÀngare och pendeltÄgsresenÀrer. Materialvalet  och formen Àr baserat pÄ den natur som kolonilotterna pÄ platsen ger.In the northern part of NynÀshamn there is a high school, sports facilities, allotments and an industrial area. A new residential area is proposed to make the area more attractive. To achieve this, my proposal is to build a new commuter train station that also includes meeting rooms for conferences, a restaurant for hungry high school students and workers, while being able to wait in the building for the bus or commuter train. A mini-library is included upstairs as well as study rooms and offices. From a sustainability perspective, the project wants to promote commuting without a car, connect cyclists, pedestrians and commuter train travelers. The choice of material and form is based on the nature that the allotments on the site provide

    Participatory communication for a culture of peace in a post-conflict context

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    This study aims at researching how a sustainable culture of peace can be built through civic engagement in the Abkhaz-Georgian post-conflict context. It does so by learning from locally based NGOs, working for a culture of peace in areas affected by the Abkhaz-Georgian armed conflict which occurred 1993 to 1994. The studied NGOs work for different components within a Culture of Peace such as; women’s rights, peace building, social and economic development, democratic participation and human rights. In order to answer the research question following sub questions are answered: ‱What can we learn from the experiences of the studied organizations’ participatory communication for social change? ‱How has the culture of communication in the Abkhaz-Georgian post conflict context been affecting the participatory communication for social change for the different organizations?The method to collect data to the research has been through a field study in Abkhazia and outside its border on the Georgian side, in the city Zugdidi which is the closest city to the Abkhazian border. Participatory observations and interviews with representatives from the different organizations working for a culture of peace were conducted during two and a half months. The theoretical framework used for the study consists of three theories. The first is the theory of “Culture of Peace”, used to analyze how the studied NGOs are working for a culture of peace. The second is the theory “participatory communication for social change” which is used to analyze the work of the studied organizations in order to know how they work for sustainable civic engagement. Lastly, the theory used to look at how the Abkhaz-Georgian post-conflict context is affecting the communication, is the theory “culture of communication”. The findings of the research present solutions of how to practice participatory communication to build a culture of peace in a post-conflict context. However, the research also discovers how certain public values and views in a post-conflict context can hinder effective work through participatory communication as well as ways of overcoming these challenges

    Participatory communication for a culture of peace in a post-conflict context

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    This study aims at researching how a sustainable culture of peace can be built through civic engagement in the Abkhaz-Georgian post-conflict context. It does so by learning from locally based NGOs, working for a culture of peace in areas affected by the Abkhaz-Georgian armed conflict which occurred 1993 to 1994. The studied NGOs work for different components within a Culture of Peace such as; women’s rights, peace building, social and economic development, democratic participation and human rights. In order to answer the research question following sub questions are answered: ‱What can we learn from the experiences of the studied organizations’ participatory communication for social change? ‱How has the culture of communication in the Abkhaz-Georgian post conflict context been affecting the participatory communication for social change for the different organizations?The method to collect data to the research has been through a field study in Abkhazia and outside its border on the Georgian side, in the city Zugdidi which is the closest city to the Abkhazian border. Participatory observations and interviews with representatives from the different organizations working for a culture of peace were conducted during two and a half months. The theoretical framework used for the study consists of three theories. The first is the theory of “Culture of Peace”, used to analyze how the studied NGOs are working for a culture of peace. The second is the theory “participatory communication for social change” which is used to analyze the work of the studied organizations in order to know how they work for sustainable civic engagement. Lastly, the theory used to look at how the Abkhaz-Georgian post-conflict context is affecting the communication, is the theory “culture of communication”. The findings of the research present solutions of how to practice participatory communication to build a culture of peace in a post-conflict context. However, the research also discovers how certain public values and views in a post-conflict context can hinder effective work through participatory communication as well as ways of overcoming these challenges


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    I norra delen av NynÀshamn ligger idag dess gymnasium, idrottsanlÀggningar, kolonilotter och ett industriomrÄde. Ett nytt bostadsomrÄde finns som förslag för att göra omrÄdet mer attraktivt.  För att uppnÄ detta Àr mitt förslag att anlÀgga en ny pendeltÄgsstation pÄ platsen som Àven inkluderar samlingssalar för konferenser, restaurang för hungriga gymnasieelever och arbetare samtidigt som det gÄr att vÀnta i lokalerna pÄ buss eller pendeltÄg. Ett minibibliotek inkluderas pÄ ovanvÄningen samt studierum och kontor.  Ur ett hÄllbarhetsperspektiv sÄ vill projektet frÀmja pendling utan bil, knyta ihop cyklister, fotgÀngare och pendeltÄgsresenÀrer. Materialvalet  och formen Àr baserat pÄ den natur som kolonilotterna pÄ platsen ger.In the northern part of NynÀshamn there is a high school, sports facilities, allotments and an industrial area. A new residential area is proposed to make the area more attractive. To achieve this, my proposal is to build a new commuter train station that also includes meeting rooms for conferences, a restaurant for hungry high school students and workers, while being able to wait in the building for the bus or commuter train. A mini-library is included upstairs as well as study rooms and offices. From a sustainability perspective, the project wants to promote commuting without a car, connect cyclists, pedestrians and commuter train travelers. The choice of material and form is based on the nature that the allotments on the site provide

    How to be an inclusive leader at the workplace : A qualitative interview study on how eight leaders act in practice to achieve the inclusion of their employees

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    Inkluderande ledarskap Ă€r ett relativt nytt och modernt omrĂ„de inom ledarskapsforskningen som fortfarande Ă€r under utveckling, det rĂ„der dĂ€rav fortfarande en viss förvirring kring hur inkluderande ledarskap ska förverkligas och praktiseras i arbetslivet. Syftet med detta arbete Ă€ratt undersöka hur Ă„tta ledare frĂ„n olika företag definierar inkluderande ledarskap och hur de agerar i praktiken för att uppnĂ„ inkludering av sina medarbetare pĂ„ arbetsplatsen. Studien Ă€r utförd med semistrukturerade intervjuer av kvalitativ forskningsdesign. Åtta ledare med skildayrkesbefattningar, som arbetar pĂ„ olika företag i varierande branscher medverkar i undersökningen. Intervjuerna spelades in, transkriberades och analyserades sedan med tematisk analys. Ur den tematiska analysen identifierades tre teman vilka etiketterats som ledarnas definition och praktiserande av inkluderande ledarskap, inkluderande ledarskaps bidrag till arbetsplatsen samt hinder för att utöva inkluderande ledarskap. Vidare diskuteras forskningsfĂ€ltets ideologiska karaktĂ€r och hur det pĂ„verkas dess diskurs samt vĂ„r egen uppsats. Studiens slutsats Ă€r att ledarnas definition av ett inkluderande ledarskap grundas i mellanmĂ€nskliga relationer, dĂ€r ledaren bĂ€r ett primĂ€rt ansvar för att skapa och vĂ„rda dessa. Detta kan förverkligas genom att lyssna, vara lyhörd och be om feedback frĂ„n sina medarbetare, samt att tillĂ„ta dem att vara delaktiga i beslutsfattande och att tillĂ„ta dem att vara personliga och unika pĂ„ arbetsplatsen. Genom att praktisera ett inkluderande ledarskap och bemöta medarbetarna pĂ„ detta vis alstras ett inkluderande klimat, vilket kĂ€nnetecknas som en trygg arbetsmiljö dĂ€r alla medarbetare fĂ„r komma till tals och dĂ€r olika tankar samt Ă„sikter uppmuntras. Inclusive leadership is relatively new within leadership research and there is still some confusion about how this should be realized and practiced in working life. The purpose of this study is to examine how eight leaders from different companies define inclusive leadership and how they act in practice to achieve inclusion of their employees in the workplace. The study is conducted with semi-structured interviews of qualitative research design. Eight leaders with different professional positions, who work at different companies in various industries, participate in the survey. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and then analyzed with thematic analysis. From the thematic analysis, three themes were identified which were labeled as the leaders definition and practice of inclusive leadership, inclusive leadershipÂŽs contribution to the workplace and obstacles to exercising inclusive leadership. Furthermore, the ideological nature of the research field and how it affects its discourse as well as our own thesis are discussed. The study concludes that the leaders definition of inclusive leadership is based on interpersonal relationships, where the leader bears a primary responsibility for creating and nurturing them. This can be accomplished by listening, being responsive and asking for feedback from their employees, as well as allowing them to be involved in decision making and allowing them to be personal and unique in the workplace. By practicing inclusive leadership and treating employees in this way, an inclusive climate is created, which is characterized as a safe work environment where all employees are allowed to speak and where different thoughts and opinions are encouraged.