14 research outputs found

    Quantum Information at the Interface of Light with Atomic Ensembles and Micromechanical Oscillators

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    This article reviews recent research towards a universal light-matter interface. Such an interface is an important prerequisite for long distance quantum communication, entanglement assisted sensing and measurement, as well as for scalable photonic quantum computation. We review the developments in light-matter interfaces based on room temperature atomic vapors interacting with propagating pulses via the Faraday effect. This interaction has long been used as a tool for quantum nondemolition detections of atomic spins via light. It was discovered recently that this type of light-matter interaction can actually be tuned to realize more general dynamics, enabling better performance of the light-matter interface as well as rendering tasks possible, which were before thought to be impractical. This includes the realization of improved entanglement assisted and backaction evading magnetometry approaching the Quantum Cramer-Rao limit, quantum memory for squeezed states of light and the dissipative generation of entanglement. A separate, but related, experiment on entanglement assisted cold atom clock showing the Heisenberg scaling of precision is described. We also review a possible interface between collective atomic spins with nano- or micromechanical oscillators, providing a link between atomic and solid state physics approaches towards quantum information processing

    Robust entanglement generation by reservoir engineering

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    Following a recent proposal [C. Muschik et. al., Phys. Rev. A 83, 052312 (2011)], engineered dissipative processes have been used for the generation of stable entanglement between two macroscopic atomic ensembles at room temperature [H. Krauter et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 080503 (2011)]. This experiment included the preparation of entangled states which are continuously available during a time interval of one hour. Here, we present additional material, further-reaching data and an extension of the theory developed in [C. Muschik et. al., Phys. Rev. A 83, 052312 (2011)]. In particular, we show how the combination of the entangling dissipative mechanism with measurements can give rise to a substantial improvement of the generated entanglement in the presence of noise.Comment: Submitted to Journal of Physics B, special issue on "Quantum Memory

    Entanglement generated by dissipation and steady state entanglement of two macroscopic objects

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    Entanglement is a striking feature of quantum mechanics and an essential ingredient in most applications in quantum information. Typically, coupling of a system to an environment inhibits entanglement, particularly in macroscopic systems. Here we report on an experiment, where dissipation continuously generates entanglement between two macroscopic objects. This is achieved by engineering the dissipation using laser- and magnetic fields, and leads to robust event-ready entanglement maintained for 0.04s at room temperature. Our system consists of two ensembles containing about 10^{12} atoms and separated by 0.5m coupled to the environment composed of the vacuum modes of the electromagnetic field. By combining the dissipative mechanism with a continuous measurement, steady state entanglement is continuously generated and observed for up to an hour.Comment: This is an update of the preprint from June 2010. It includes new results on the creation of steady state entanglement, which has been maintained up to one hou

    Quantum teleportation between light and matter

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    Quantum teleportation is an important ingredient in distributed quantum networks, and can also serve as an elementary operation in quantum computers. Teleportation was first demonstrated as a transfer of a quantum state of light onto another light beam; later developments used optical relays and demonstrated entanglement swapping for continuous variables. The teleportation of a quantum state between two single material particles (trapped ions) has now also been achieved. Here we demonstrate teleportation between objects of a different nature - light and matter, which respectively represent 'flying' and 'stationary' media. A quantum state encoded in a light pulse is teleported onto a macroscopic object (an atomic ensemble containing 10^12 caesium atoms). Deterministic teleportation is achieved for sets of coherent states with mean photon number (n) up to a few hundred. The fidelities are 0.58+-0.02 for n=20 and 0.60+-0.02 for n=5 - higher than any classical state transfer can possibly achieve. Besides being of fundamental interest, teleportation using a macroscopic atomic ensemble is relevant for the practical implementation of a quantum repeater. An important factor for the implementation of quantum networks is the teleportation distance between transmitter and receiver; this is 0.5 metres in the present experiment. As our experiment uses propagating light to achieve the entanglement of light and atoms required for teleportation, the present approach should be scalable to longer distances.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, incl. supplementary informatio

    Community psychology and counselling psychology: developing collaborative ways of working

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    We analyse a novel squeezing and entangling mechanism which is due to correlated Stokes and anti-Stokes photon forward scattering in a multi-level atom vapour. Following the proposal we present an experimental demonstration of 3.5 dB pulsed frequency nondegenerate squeezed (quadrature entangled) state of light using room temperature caesium vapour. The source is very robust and requires only a few milliwatts of laser power. The squeezed state is generated in the same spatial mode as the local oscillator and in a single temporal mode. The two entangled modes are separated by twice the Zeeman frequency of the vapour which can be widely tuned. The narrow-band squeezed light generated near an atomic resonance can be directly used for atom-based quantum information protocols. Its single temporal mode characteristics make it a promising resource for quantum information processing