72 research outputs found

    Direct certification of a class of quantum simulations

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    One of the main challenges in the field of quantum simulation and computation is to identify ways to certify the correct functioning of a device when a classical efficient simulation is not available. Important cases are situations in which one cannot classically calculate local expectation values of state preparations efficiently. In this work, we develop weak-membership formulations of the certification of ground state preparations. We provide a non-interactive protocol for certifying ground states of frustration-free Hamiltonians based on simple energy measurements of local Hamiltonian terms. This certification protocol can be applied to classically intractable analog quantum simulations: For example, using Feynman-Kitaev Hamiltonians, one can encode universal quantum computation in such ground states. Moreover, our certification protocol is applicable to ground states encodings of IQP circuits demonstration of quantum supremacy. These can be certified efficiently when the error is polynomially bounded.Comment: 10 pages, corrected a small error in Eqs. (2) and (5

    Nondestructive selective probing of phononic excitations in a cold Bose gas using impurities

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    We introduce a detector that selectively probes the phononic excitations of a cold Bose gas. The detector is composed of a single impurity atom confined by a double-well potential, where the two lowest eigenstates of the impurity form an effective probe qubit that is coupled to the phonons via density-density interactions with the bosons. The system is analogous to a two-level atom coupled to photons of the radiation field. We demonstrate that tracking the evolution of the qubit populations allows probing both thermal and coherent excitations in targeted phonon modes. The targeted modes are selected in both energy and momentum by adjusting the impurity's potential. We show how to use the detector to observe coherent density waves and to measure temperatures of the Bose gas down to the nano-Kelvin regime. We analyze how our scheme could be realized experimentally, including the possibility of using an array of multiple impurities to achieve greater precision from a single experimental run.Comment: 11+4 pages, 7 figure

    On the quantum versus classical learnability of discrete distributions

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    Correlated terahertz acoustic and electromagnetic emission in dynamically screened InGaN/GaN quantum wells

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    We investigate acoustic and electromagnetic emission from optically excited strained piezoelectric In0.2Ga0.8N/GaN multiple quantum wells (MQWs), using optical pump-probe spectroscopy, time-resolved Brillouin scattering, and THz emission spectroscopy. A direct comparison of detected acoustic signals and THz electromagnetic radiation signals demonstrates that transient strain generation in InGaN/GaN MQWs is correlated with electromagnetic THz generation, and both types of emission find their origin in ultrafast dynamical screening of the built-in piezoelectric field in the MQWs. The measured spectral intensity of the detected Brillouin signal corresponds to a maximum strain amplitude of generated acoustic pulses of 2%. This value coincides with the static lattice-mismatch-induced strain in In0.2Ga0.8N/GaN, demonstrating the total release of static strain in MQWs via impulsive THz acoustic emission. This confirms the ultrafast dynamical screening mechanism in MQWs as a highly efficient method for impulsive strain generatio

    Semiconductor membranes for electrostatic exciton trapping in optically addressable quantum transport devices

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    Combining the capabilities of gate defined quantum transport devices in GaAs-based heterostructures and of optically addressed self-assembled quantum dots could open broad perspectives for new devices and functionalities. For example, interfacing stationary solid-state qubits with photonic quantum states would open a new pathway towards the realization of a quantum network with extended quantum processing capacity in each node. While gated devices allow very flexible confinement of electrons or holes, the confinement of excitons without some element of self-assembly is much harder. To address this limitation, we introduce a technique to realize exciton traps in quantum wells via local electric fields by thinning a heterostructure down to a 220 nm thick membrane. We show that mobilities over 1×1061 \times 10^{6} cm2^{2}V−1^{-1}s−1^{-1} can be retained and that quantum point contacts and Coulomb oscillations can be observed on this structure, which implies that the thinning does not compromise the heterostructure quality. Furthermore, the local lowering of the exciton energy via the quantum-confined Stark effect is confirmed, thus forming exciton traps. These results lay the technological foundations for devices like single photon sources, spin photon interfaces and eventually quantum network nodes in GaAs quantum wells, realized entirely with a top-down fabrication process.Comment: v2: added missing acknowledgement. v3: fixed typos in acknolwedgemen

    Cleaved-facet violet laser diodes with lattice-matched Al0.82In0.18N/GaN multilayers as n-cladding

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    Electrically injected, edge-emitting cleaved-facet violet laser diodes were realized using a 480 nm thick lattice matched Si doped Al0.82In0.18N/GaN multilayer as the cladding on the n-side of the waveguide. Far-field measurements verify strong mode confinement to the waveguide. An extra voltage is measured and investigated using separate mesa structures with a single AlInN insertion. This showed that the electron current has a small thermally activated shunt resistance with a barrier of 0.135 eV and a current which scales according to V-n, where n similar to 3 at current densities appropriate to laser operation. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. (doi:10.1063/1.3589974

    Accrediting outputs of noisy intermediate-scale quantum computing devices

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    We present an accreditation protocol for the outputs of noisy intermediate-scale quantum devices. By testing entire circuits rather than individual gates, our accreditation protocol can provide an upper-bound on the variation distance between noisy and noiseless probability distribution of the outputs of the target circuit of interest. Our accreditation protocol requires implementation of quantum circuits no larger than the target circuit, therefore it is practical in the near term and scalable in the long term. Inspired by trap-based protocols for the verification of quantum computations, our accreditation protocol assumes that noise in single-qubit gates is bounded (but potentially gate-dependent) in diamond norm. We allow for arbitrary spatial and temporal correlations in the noise affecting state preparation, measurements and two-qubit gates. We describe how to implement our protocol on real-world devices, and we also present a novel cryptographic protocol (which we call `mesothetic' protocol) inspired by our accreditation protocol.Comment: Accepted versio

    Logical quantum processor based on reconfigurable atom arrays

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    Suppressing errors is the central challenge for useful quantum computing, requiring quantum error correction for large-scale processing. However, the overhead in the realization of error-corrected ``logical'' qubits, where information is encoded across many physical qubits for redundancy, poses significant challenges to large-scale logical quantum computing. Here we report the realization of a programmable quantum processor based on encoded logical qubits operating with up to 280 physical qubits. Utilizing logical-level control and a zoned architecture in reconfigurable neutral atom arrays, our system combines high two-qubit gate fidelities, arbitrary connectivity, as well as fully programmable single-qubit rotations and mid-circuit readout. Operating this logical processor with various types of encodings, we demonstrate improvement of a two-qubit logic gate by scaling surface code distance from d=3 to d=7, preparation of color code qubits with break-even fidelities, fault-tolerant creation of logical GHZ states and feedforward entanglement teleportation, as well as operation of 40 color code qubits. Finally, using three-dimensional [[8,3,2]] code blocks, we realize computationally complex sampling circuits with up to 48 logical qubits entangled with hypercube connectivity with 228 logical two-qubit gates and 48 logical CCZ gates. We find that this logical encoding substantially improves algorithmic performance with error detection, outperforming physical qubit fidelities at both cross-entropy benchmarking and quantum simulations of fast scrambling. These results herald the advent of early error-corrected quantum computation and chart a path toward large-scale logical processors.Comment: See ancillary files: five supplementary movies and captions. Main text + Method
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