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    Keberadaan kendaraan becak saat ini mulai berkurang seiring dengan kemajuan teknologi di bidang transportasi. Hal ini sangat disayangkan karena becak merupakan alat transportasi traditional yang nyaman digunakan terutama untuk jarak dekat, selain itu becak merupakan alat transportasi yang ramah lingkungan karena tidak menghasilkan asap kendaraan yang menimbulkan polusi udara. Untuk tetap menjaga keberadaan becak, penulis akan merancang becak listrik yang bertenaga hybrid sebagai sumber tenaganya. Dengan memanfaatkan solar sell, cahaya matahari diubah menjadi energy listrik. Keluaran energi listrik dari solar sell diinputkan ke rangkaian boost converter,output dari boost converter kemudian digunakan untuk mencharger akumulator untuk mensuplai motor dc. Selain itu dapat menggunakan sumber dari PLN secara langsung untuk mencharger akumulator. Kecepatan putaran motor diatur menggunakan kontrol PI-Fuzzy. Dengan terciptanya becak listrik tenaga hybrid ini diharapkan dapat menjaga keberadaan becak sebagai alat transportasi

    Procceding 2rd International Seminar on Linguistics

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    Excessive use of technology has a negative impact and causes a moral crisis. Educational institutions are a forum for students in handling these cases. SMP Sunan Kalijogo 2 Jabung has a new breakthrough by holding the Madrosatul Qur'an. The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of the Madrosatul Qur'an program, the supporting and inhibiting factors, the results of internalizing the Nabawiyah through the Madrosatul Qur'an. This research is a mixed methods with explaratory sequential design. The results showed; 1) The Madrosatul Qur'an at SMP Sunan Kalijogo 2 is a Qur'an reading program which is carried out every day before learning, 2) the supporting factors are trained teachers and the pesantren environment. the inhibiting factor is that students are less religious and less time allocated, 3) The results of internalizing Nabawiyah through this program Students have consistent honesty, responsibility, good reasoning, and being open to other


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    This study aimed to determine the effect of students activiness in extracurricular activities toward students achievement MAN Yogyakarta II 11th class academic year 2012/2013. The population in this study were students of 11th class who take extracurricular activities as much 211 students and the sample was 118 students. The data of student activeness in this study were taken with a questionnaire instrument, while for the learning achievement data retrieved by using the method of documentation, namely student report cards. Validity test of the instrument using Product Moment correlation and reliability test using Cronbach Alpha. Data requirements analysis test using the normality test and linearity test, while for hypothesis testing using simple correlation. The results of data analysis showed that the students activeness in extracurricular activities are belong to the category of very high (40%), high (30.5%), fair (22.9%), less (4.2%) and low categories ( 1.7%). As for the learning achievement of students belong to the category of very high (7.7%), high (26.2%), fair (33.9%), less (23.7%), and low categories (8, 5%). The results of hypothesis testing showed that there was a positive and significant effect between students activeness in extracurricular activities toward students achievement at a value rcount (0.761)> rtable (0.195). While the significance value (0,00) < significance level (0,05). Regression equation Y = 43.386 +0.498 X showed that the application of students activiness in extracurricular activities increased by one, then the learning achievement increased 0,498. Determinant value R2 = 0.579 which means that contributions effect of students activeness in extracurricular activities toward student achievement were at 57.9%, while 42.1% were determined by other factors

    Penyelesaian masalah harga batas persamaan differensial poission dengan metode fungsi green

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    Penyelesaian masalah harga batas persamaan diferensial Poisson adalah suatu proses untuk mencari solusi masalah harga batas persamaan diferensial Poisson , atau dengan kata lain suatu proses untuk menentukan fungsi u yang kontinyu pada D dimana u mempunyai turunan parsial kedua yang juga kontinyu pada D sedemikian sehingga memenuhi Didalam proses mencari solusi tersebut ,terdapat suatu lang yang sangat penting yaitu menurunkan suatu bentuk fungsi yang disebut sebagai fungsi Green. dimana untuk menurunkan fung si Green ini membutuhkan pengetahuan tentang teorema Green ,fung si Dirac Delta ,transformasi Fourier dan pernetaan yang konformal. Jika fungsi Green untuk suatu masalah dapat diturunkan makes - -so lus untuk-masatah --tersebut- --dapat-- cliturunkan- pules _-- - yang menghubungkan solusi suatu masalah dengan fungsi Green-nya yaitu identitas Green yang kedua

    Proceeding The 3rd International Seminar on Linguistics (ISOL-3): Language and Social Change

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    It is undeniable that, like human being, language also changes. The lexicon once used in a language may no longer be used in the next few years. In contrast, a lexicon that did&nbsp; not&nbsp; exist&nbsp; before&nbsp; appeared&nbsp; and&nbsp; was&nbsp; widely&nbsp; used&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; next&nbsp; period.&nbsp; The pronunciation of a word may change from time to time.&nbsp; It is undeniable that, like human being, language also changes. The lexicon once used in a language may no longer be used in the next few years. In contrast, a lexicon that did&nbsp; not&nbsp; exist&nbsp; before&nbsp; appeared&nbsp; and&nbsp; was&nbsp; widely&nbsp; used&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; next&nbsp; period.&nbsp; The pronunciation of a word may change from time to time.&nbsp; Social change in a society is triggered by various factors. In Indonesia, reform is one of&nbsp; the&nbsp; causes&nbsp; of&nbsp; change&nbsp; in&nbsp; various&nbsp; aspects&nbsp; of&nbsp; social&nbsp; life,&nbsp; including&nbsp; government, politics,&nbsp; economy&nbsp; and&nbsp; culture.&nbsp; All&nbsp; these&nbsp; changes&nbsp; are&nbsp; recorded&nbsp; by&nbsp; or&nbsp; reflected&nbsp; in language.&nbsp


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    Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) merupakan pengembangan dari IKIP Yogyakarta, dimana dalam pengembangannya masih tetap mempertahankan dan terus mengembangkan salah satu fungsinya yaitu untuk mempersiapkan serta menghasilkan guru atau tenaga kependidikan lainnya yang memiliki nilai, sikap, pengetahuan dan keterampilan sehingga menjelma menjadi tenaga professional pendidikan. Untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut, maka UNY memberikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan kepada mahasiswa dalam serangkaian mata kuliah yang salah satunya adalah Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL). Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan merupakan wahana bagi mahasiswa untuk melatih diri dan menambah pengalaman dalam bidang pembelajaran dan manajerial di sekolah. PPL bertujuan untuk melatih mahasiswa agar memiliki pengalaman nyata tentang proses belajar mengajar dan diharapkan dengan PPL ini dapat menjadi bekal bagi mahasiswa untuk mengembangkan diri sebagai tenaga kependidikan yang profesional. Salah satu lokasi yang menjadi sasaran tempat pelaksanaan program PPL pada semester khusus tahun 2015 ini adalah di lingkungan masyarakat sekolah, yaitu masyarakat SMP N 1 MUNGKID khususnya seluruh siswa SMP N 1 MUNGKID . Kegiatan atau program PPL dilaksanakan di SMP N 1 MUNGKID pada tanggal 10 Agustus 2015 sampai dengan 12 September 2015. Sebelum kegiatan dilaksanakan, terlebih dahulu diawali dengan berbagai kegiatan persiapan, di antaranya pengajaran mikro, pembekalan, dan observasi. Kegiatan praktik pengalaman lapangan yang dilakukan di SMP N 1 MUNGKID adalah kegiatan praktik mengajar di kelas sebagai program utama. Program utama individu praktikan adalah membuat perangkat pembelajaran, praktik mengajar, dan penyusunan evaluasi pembelajaran. Praktikan mengampu pelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani kelas 7 sebanyak 9 kelas, yaitu kelas VII A sampai VII I dengan total pertemuan sebanyak 14 kali. Proses pembelajaran dilakukan menggunakan metode Scientific sebagai metode dalam kurikulum 2013 yang menuntut siswa aktif melalui kegiatan pengamatan, penyelidikan, diskusi, dan komunikasi (presentasi). Hasil dari kegiatan PPL selama 1 bulan adalah pelaksanaan PPL berjalan dengan baik dan lancar, tanpa kendala yang berarti. Kelancaran pelaksanaan program PPL UNY 2015 ini tak lepas dari adanya kerjasama yang baik antara pihak sekolah, khususnya guru pembimbing, mahasiswa serta peserta didik SMP N 1 MUNGKID

    Proceeding The 3rd International Seminar on Linguistics (ISOL-3): Language and Social Change

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    It is undeniable that, like a human being, language also changes. The lexicon once used in a language may no longer be used in the next few years. In contrast, a lexicon that did not exist before appeared and was widely used in the next period. The pronunciation of a word may change from time to time. Social change in a society is triggered by various factors. In Indonesia, reform is one of the causes of change in various aspects of social life, including government, politics, economy, and culture. All these changes are recorded by or reflected in language

    Desain dan Simulasi Dental Implant Resistens Menggunakan Finite Elemen Analysis

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    Tooth decay is a developmental disorder and trauma that causes tooth extraction. The solution is to make dental implants and dentures to restore normal contours, function, comfort, aesthetics, speech, and health. However, the problem of complications that arise is also a concern to be resolved; this occurs due to damage to the dental implant component itself. Based on these problems, it is necessary to conduct research to produce dental implants with good strength and service life by considering the value of stress and force distribution. This study discusses the differences in implant designs with different thread geometries: square, buttress, standard V-thread, and reverse buttress. This study used a static test in FEA (finite element analysis) SOLIDWORKS software using the ISO 14801 standard, using a loading of 100 N, the direction of vertical loading is 00, and using TiZr (Titanium Zirconium) material in the implant. The simulation results are validated by comparing the von Mises current study value with the existing research literature with a limit of ±5%. After the validation results are appropriate, the results are analyzed. The results of this study indicate that the buttress-type dental implant design is the most suitable dental implant to be applied. This is supported by the high value of the buttress type von Mises, which is 14.4 MPa. As for the square type, standard V-thread and reverse buttress type have a von Mises value of 13.8 MPa, 12.5 MPa, and 13.8 MPa. In addition, the profile of the buttress type is also very consistent, according to some literature, because it increases the transfer of stress to the surrounding bone according to the symmetrical profile
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