1,198 research outputs found

    Partially Blind Domain Adaptation for Age Prediction from {DNA} Methylation Data

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    Over the last years, huge resources of biological and medical data have become available for research. This data offers great chances for machine learning applications in health care, e.g. for precision medicine, but is also challenging to analyze. Typical challenges include a large number of possibly correlated features and heterogeneity in the data. One flourishing field of biological research in which this is relevant is epigenetics. Here, especially large amounts of DNA methylation data have emerged. This epigenetic mark has been used to predict a donor's 'epigenetic age' and increased epigenetic aging has been linked to lifestyle and disease history. In this paper we propose an adaptive model which performs feature selection for each test sample individually based on the distribution of the input data. The method can be seen as partially blind domain adaptation. We apply the model to the problem of age prediction based on DNA methylation data from a variety of tissues, and compare it to a standard model, which does not take heterogeneity into account. The standard approach has particularly bad performance on one tissue type on which we show substantial improvement with our new adaptive approach even though no samples of that tissue were part of the training data

    Neural correlates of action perception at the onset of functional grasping

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    Event-related potentials were recorded while infants observe congruent or incongruent grasping actions at the age when organized grasping first emerges (4-6 months of age). We demonstrate that the event-related potential component P400 encodes the congruency of power grasps at the age of 6 months (Experiment 1) and in 5-month-old infants that have developed the ability to use power grasps (Experiment 2). This effect does not extend to precision grasps, which infants cannot perform (Experiment 3). Our findings suggest that infants' encoding of the relationship between an object and a grasping hand (the action-perception link) is highly specialized to actions and manual configurations of actions that infants are able to perfor

    Reliable Generation of Native-Like Decoys Limits Predictive Ability in Fragment-Based Protein Structure Prediction

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    Our previous work with fragment-assembly methods has demonstrated specific deficiencies in conformational sampling behaviour that, when addressed through improved sampling algorithms, can lead to more reliable prediction of tertiary protein structure when good fragments are available, and when score values can be relied upon to guide the search to the native basin. In this paper, we present preliminary investigations into two important questions arising from more difficult prediction problems. First, we investigated the extent to which native-like conformational states are generated during multiple runs of our search protocols. We determined that, in cases of difficult prediction, native-like decoys are rarely or never generated. Second, we developed a scheme for decoy retention that balances the objectives of retaining low-scoring structures and retaining conformationally diverse structures sampled during the course of the search. Our method succeeds at retaining more diverse sets of structures, and, for a few targets, more native-like solutions are retained as compared to our original, energy-based retention scheme. However, in general, we found that the rate at which native-like structural states are generated has a much stronger effect on eventual distributions of predictive accuracy in the decoy sets, as compared to the specific decoy retention strategy used. We found that our protocols show differences in their ability to access native-like states for some targets, and this may explain some of the differences in predictive performance seen between these methods. There appears to be an interaction between fragment sets and move operators, which influences the accessibility of native-like structures for given targets. Our results point to clear directions for further improvements in fragment-based methods, which are likely to enable higher accuracy predictions

    Improved fragment-based protein structure prediction by redesign of search heuristics

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    Difficulty in sampling large and complex conformational spaces remains a key limitation in fragment-based de novo prediction of protein structure. Our previous work has shown that even for small-to-medium-sized proteins, some current methods inadequately sample alternative structures. We have developed two new conformational sampling techniques, one employing a bilevel optimisation framework and the other employing iterated local search. We combine strategies of forced structural perturbation (where some fragment insertions are accepted regardless of their impact on scores) and greedy local optimisation, allowing greater exploration of the available conformational space. Comparisons against the Rosetta Abinitio method indicate that our protocols more frequently generate native-like predictions for many targets, even following the low-resolution phase, using a given set of fragment libraries. By contrasting results across two different fragment sets, we show that our methods are able to better take advantage of high-quality fragments. These improvements can also translate into more reliable identification of near-native structures in a simple clustering-based model selection procedure. We show that when fragment libraries are sufficiently well-constructed, improved breadth of exploration within runs improves prediction accuracy. Our results also suggest that in benchmarking scenarios, a total exclusion of fragments drawn from homologous templates can make performance differences between methods appear less pronounced

    On heuristic bias in fragment-Assembly methods for protein structure prediction

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    We discuss the issue of heuristic bias in fragment-Assembly methods for protein structure prediction. We explain the importance of this issue, which has been paid insufficient a.ention by evolutionary computation researchers engaging with the structural biology community. We proceed by describing preliminary data that illustrates the signi.cant (and expectable) impact that fragment library composition has on search performance, and discuss the challenges this poses for the development of improved fragment libraries

    An optimized TOPS+ comparison method for enhanced TOPS models

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    This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Background Although methods based on highly abstract descriptions of protein structures, such as VAST and TOPS, can perform very fast protein structure comparison, the results can lack a high degree of biological significance. Previously we have discussed the basic mechanisms of our novel method for structure comparison based on our TOPS+ model (Topological descriptions of Protein Structures Enhanced with Ligand Information). In this paper we show how these results can be significantly improved using parameter optimization, and we call the resulting optimised TOPS+ method as advanced TOPS+ comparison method i.e. advTOPS+. Results We have developed a TOPS+ string model as an improvement to the TOPS [1-3] graph model by considering loops as secondary structure elements (SSEs) in addition to helices and strands, representing ligands as first class objects, and describing interactions between SSEs, and SSEs and ligands, by incoming and outgoing arcs, annotating SSEs with the interaction direction and type. Benchmarking results of an all-against-all pairwise comparison using a large dataset of 2,620 non-redundant structures from the PDB40 dataset [4] demonstrate the biological significance, in terms of SCOP classification at the superfamily level, of our TOPS+ comparison method. Conclusions Our advanced TOPS+ comparison shows better performance on the PDB40 dataset [4] compared to our basic TOPS+ method, giving 90 percent accuracy for SCOP alpha+beta; a 6 percent increase in accuracy compared to the TOPS and basic TOPS+ methods. It also outperforms the TOPS, basic TOPS+ and SSAP comparison methods on the Chew-Kedem dataset [5], achieving 98 percent accuracy. Software Availability: The TOPS+ comparison server is available at http://balabio.dcs.gla.ac.uk/mallika/WebTOPS/.This article is available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fun

    Composite Materials with Combined Electronic and Ionic Properties

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    In this work, we develop a new type of composite material that combines both electrocatalytic and ionic properties, by doping a silver metal catalyst with an anion-conducting ionomer at the molecular level. We show that ionomer entrapment into the silver metallic structure is possible, imparting unique properties to the catalytic character of the metallic silver. The novel composite material is tested as the cathode electrode of fuel cells, showing significant improvement in cell performance as compared with the undoped counterpart. This new type of material may then replace the current design of electrodes in advanced fuel cells or other electrochemical devices. The possibility to merge different properties into one composite material by molecular entrapment in metals can open the way to new materials, leading to unexplored fields and applications
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