228 research outputs found

    The Role of Kindergarten in Instilling the Moral Values among Children from the Viewpoint of Female Teachers and Administrators in the State of Kuwait

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    The current study aimed at identifying the role of kindergartens in instilling the moral values among children from the viewpoint of female teachers and principals in the State of Kuwait.A randomized, proportional sample of 380 female principals and teachers in public and private kindergartens, distributed among 75 female principals and 305 female teachers, were selected. The descriptive approach was used, and the reliability of the study tool was tested by using the Cronbach alpha test. The study questions were answered by using the appropriate statistical methods, and the results of the study showed the following:The role of kindergarten in instilling the moral values among its children came in a high degree, and ranked first followed by “the role of the interactive curriculum in instilling the moral values.” The role of the teacher in instilling moral values”, has ranked second, and finally “the role of extra-curricular activities in instilling moral values" has ranked last.In light of the results, the study recommended several recommendations, the most important of which was to pay extra-curricular educational activities (such as story, play, games, and video) a great attention, as they increase the child's awareness, and focus on the role of the teacher in instilling the moral values in kindergarten. Keywords: Role, Kindergarten, Moral Values DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/101-13 Publication date:September 30th 202


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    Objective: The objective of this study was to develop and validate a single HPLC method, in order to separate and assay four antihistamine drugs diphenhydramine, chlorpheniramine, cyproheptadine and fexofenadine in pharmaceutical forms. This method was a practical additional choice in quality control laboratories.Methods: The chromatographic conditions comprised of a classical C18-type stationary phase (150 × 4.6 mm, 5μ), with a mobile phase consisting of, 2.5g of sodium octane sulfonic acid in a mixture of 500 ml of deionized water and 500 ml of acetonitrile, and apparent pH of 2.0 was adjusted with phosphoric acid. The flow rate was 1 ml/min; the detection wavelengths were at 220 nm, 230 nm, 265 nm and 254 nm for diphenhydramine, chlorpheniramine, cyproheptadine and fexofenadine respectively. The temperature was ambient temperature.Results: The method was validated for linearity with correlation coefficients very close to one, the accuracy with mean recovery values between 95.0-105.0%, precision with relative standard deviations of the calculated concentrations less than 5.0% and specificity in the presence of degradation products. Then it was used successfully to separate a mixture of them and to assay these drugs in pharmaceutical forms purchased from Syria.Conclusion: The results presented in this paper showed that the developed method was simple and applicable, for the separation and determination of the four drugs in their pharmaceutical forms

    Cultural interferences in Arabic-Spanish public service interpreting: a study case of interpretations at the civil registry

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    Frecuentemente, los traductores e intérpretes se encuentran ante el reto de las interferencias culturales en los procesos de traducción e interpretación. En este trabajo nos ocupamos de los procesos de interpretación en los casos en los que se contrae matrimonio entre ciudadanos españoles y otros de procedencia extranjera –nos referimos a los ciudadanos procedentes de países árabes– y que son llevados a cabo en las sedes del Registros Civil en España. En este tipo de trámites en los servicios públicos se requiere una serie de medidas preparatorias anteriores a la celebración del matrimonio, entre las cuales se encuentra la realización de una entrevista por el juez competente a cada uno de los interesados en contraer matrimonio. En este trabajo, basado en un estudio de caso en el Registro Civil Nº 1 de Sevilla, pretendemos aclarar, desde nuestra experiencia y nuestro punto de vista, algunas situaciones en las que las interferencias culturales de índole religiosa pueden causar confusiones durante el proceso de interpretación. Se trata de ofrecer propuestas interpretativas que preserven tanto el derecho del interesado como la fiabilidad de la información facilitada a la Administración de Justicia.Translators and interpreters are frequently challenged by cultural interferences that take place in translation and interpreting processes. This paper focuses on interpreting processes at a civil wedding between a Spaniard and a Muslim Arab at an office of the Spanish Civil Registry. A series of preparatory steps are required before actually interpreting at this type of ceremonies, for example an interview to both partners conducted by the judge. This article, specifically based on a study-case from the Civil Registry No 1 of Seville, deals with some of those situations in which religious cultural inferences may cause some confusion at the process of interpreting. Thus, we offer interpreting solutions that may preserve both the right of the citizen and the trustworthiness of the information provided to justice authorities

    Atsar Al-Tholaq Fi Al Fiqh Al Islami Wa Alqanun Al Indonisi (Dirasah Muqaranah Maydaniyah Fi Madinati Solo)

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    Divorce is an old social problem and it is a common phenomenon in all societies. Now days, it seems to be increasing rapidly in Indonesia in general and especially in the city of Solo. There is no doubt that divorce has moral, financial and social effects. The moral and financial effects of divorce come in five things: iddat, the period in which the widow is not allowed remarrying, composition given to a divorced woman, alimony, breastfeeding and the nursery. Islam has taken into account those effects so it binds duties and maintains rights. It emphasized on the importance of duties and rights and not to take them for guarantee. But today with the ability to play on the law of personal status concerning divorce in Indonesia and the ignorance to the provisions of Islamic jurisprudence, a lot of problems and differences on divorce and its issues have increased. The researcher, when writing this study, has talked in both theory and application. She followed the inductive approach to the provisions of Islamic jurisprudence and the methodology of criticism compared to the laws of personal status on the Marriage Law in Indonesia No. 1 of 1974 in the section of divorce. She compared them to the applications of Indonesian Muslim society and she supported that with a field study. She also revealed the data issued by the Religious Court related to divorce issues in Solo city. To sum up, we must fight against the indirect ways of playing with the law in the Indonesian Marriage Law No. 1 of 1974 especially in the section of divorce. Also, organizing the activities of institutions and courses related to the family in educating the community about their rights and duties that go with the spirit of Islamic law

    Pragmalinguistics in the Spanish Translation of Humorous Discourse

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es demostrar la relevancia del factor pragma lingüístico en los procesos de traducción del discurso humorístico del árabe al español, en concreto en la obra del escritor egipcio Naguib Mahfouz. La selección de la narrativa de este autor como base del presente trabajo se debe al aumento de las traducciones publicadas de sus obras a otras lenguas, entre ellas el español, sobre todo en las últimas dos décadas. En muchas ocasiones, se observa la carencia o la dificultad del trasvase del discurso humorístico al español como lengua meta, debido a la falta de implicación del factor pragmalingüístico en el proceso traslativo. En este sentido, realizaremos un análisis pragmático de algunos fragmentos de la obra del escritor egipcio, con el fin de constatar la influencia de este factor en el éxito o el fracaso del proceso de traducción del discurso humorístico. Asimismo, ofreceremos respuestas a algunas de las dificultades planteadas en el proceso traductológico, con el fin de garantizar el efecto hilarante para el lector en lengua meta. El resultado de este análisis podrá servir de ayuda para futuras traducciones de las obras del escritor, así como en la traducción del discurso humorístico en general.The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the relevance of the pragmalinguistic factor in the processes of translation of humorous discourse from Arabic into Spanish, specifically in the work of the Egyptian writer Naguib Mahfouz. The selection of this author’s narrative as the basis of the present work is due to the increase in the number of published translations of his works into other languages, including Spanish, especially in the last two decades. On many occasions, the lack or difficulty of transferring the humorous discourse into Spanish as the target language is observed, due to the lack of involvement of the pragmalinguistic factor in the translation process. In this sense, we will carry out a pragmatic analysis of some fragments of the Egyptian writer’s work, to verify the influence of this factor in the success or failure of the translation process of the humorous discourse. We will also provide answers to some of the difficulties encountered in the translation process, to guarantee the hilarious effect for the reader in the target language. The result of this analysis may help in future translations of the writer’s works, as well as in the translation of humorous discourse in general

    Análisis pragmático del discurso humorístico en la narrativa de Naguib Mahfuz y su traducción al español

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    Programa de Doctorado en Lenguas Modernas, Traducción y Español como Lengua ExtranjeraEn este proyecto realizamos un análisis lingüístico, desde una perspectiva pragmática, del discurso humorístico en la narrativa del escritor egipcio Naguib Mahfuz. El objetivo del estudio es detectar y analizar los recursos lingüísticos que suele utilizar el insigne novelista egipcio a la hora de crear la comicidad en sus obras. Es un análisis de carácter investigador y analítico, en el que se estudia la creación de los mecanismos del humor basada en la teoría de las máximas conversacionales de Paul Grice y, asimismo, en la ruptura de la lógica social. En esta investigación, aplicamos otro análisis traductológico en el que se analizan los procedimientos de traducción utilizados por los traductores en las obras traducidas del árabe al español de la narrativa de Naguib Mahfuz. Estos dos análisis ayudan a desvelar y comprender las áreas de dificultades que puede entrañar el trasvase del discurso humorístico del árabe al español; al mismo tiempo que nos indica las posibles soluciones a las que suelen recurrir los traductores en estos casos. Los ejemplos analizados en este trabajo pertenecen al corpus de cinco novelas de este escritor, a saber: Jan Aljalili, El callejón de los milagros, La azucarera, Palacio del deseo y Entre dos palacios.Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla. Departamento de Filología y TraducciónPostprin


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    Objective: The objectives of this study were to assess the prevalence of hypertension and the level of blood pressure (BP) control among a cohort of diabetic Lebanese patients on antihypertensive medications, as well as to identify factors associated with hypertension prevalence and uncontrolled BP.Methods: This cross-sectional retrospective study was conducted in a tertiary health care clinic that is specialized in the management and follow-up of diabetic outpatients.Results: Among the 700 type 2 diabetes mellitus patient files that were screened529 (75%) were found to have hypertension. Hypertension was more prevalent in women, patients aged ≥65-year-old, and those having a body mass index (BMI) of ≥30 (kg/m2) (p-value<0.05). Among the hypertensive cohort, 465 T2DM were on antihypertensive medications and were included in the hypertension control analysis. Ninety-three patients (20%) attained BP control (SBP<140 and DBP<90 mmHg). Multivariate analyses revealed three factors that were significantly associated with uncontrolled BP control: Age being ≥65 y (adjusted OR = 1.96 (95% CI: 1.07–3.61, p-value<0.05), male gender (adjusted OR = 2.57, 95% CI: 1.41–4.66, p-value<0.05) and uncontrolled HDL (adjusted OR = 1.58, 95% CI: 1.33–2.01, p-value = 0.05). Conclusion: Hypertension is prevalent among the study patients. However, attainment of BP control was poor among these patients. Therefore, there is a need for studies that determine reasons behind this low BP control rate in order to design interventions aiming at improving the standard of care for these patients


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    Objective: The aim of this work was to investigate the protective role of L-carnitine and baker yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) against the effect of sodium valproate (VPA) induced toxicity and oxidative stress in the liver.Methods: Chronic administration of sodium valproate was studied by oral administration of VPA for six months. The protective effect was conducted by an administration of L-carnitine or/and baker yeast for one month before chronic administration of VPA. Some biochemical parameters, lipid profile, oxidative stress and histopathological studies were analyzed.Results: Chronic administration of VPA for six months caused a significant increase in serum amino transferases (AST, ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), bilirubin, total lipids, total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein (LDL) as well as oxidative stress; malodialdehyde (MDA) and nitric oxide. While decreased total protein, albumin, and globulin in addition to glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase (SOD). The administration of L-carnitine and baker yeast cause significant decreases in the activities of AST, ALT, bilirubin, lipid peroxidation, LDL level and MDA levels and return the levels of total protein, albumin, globulin, glutathione peroxidase and SOD to the normal levels. Histopathological results revealed improvement of the liver structure.Conclusion: L-carnitine and baker yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) offer protection to the liver by preserving the structural integrity of hepatocellular membrane against sodium valproate induced hepatotoxicity and oxidative stress.Â

    The Role of UNICEF's Intervention Programs in Improving Polio Coverage During the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen

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    The poor humanitarian situation in Yemen resulted from many factors such as political instability, multiple localized conflicts and chronic underdevelopment. However, when the armed conflict started in March 2015 the whole country started experiencing a great shortage of vaccines which risks the lives of millions of children from infectious diseases such as polio. Therefore, fighting against polio was one of UNICEF’s battles in the country. This research aims to provide an assessment regarding the major interventions that UNICEF uses to deliver immunization services including polio vaccines to children during the current humanitarian crisis in the country. The analysis of the results showed that UNICEF’s support has a positive impact on children in Yemen. The coverage rate continues to improve slowly despite the challenges faced during the humanitarian crisis. Recommendations to resolve these challenges and to improve the current immunization interventions in the future were proposed. Keywords: Yemen, UNICEF, Humanitarian Interventions, Immunization, Poli