484 research outputs found

    Collapses and revivals of exciton emission in a semiconductor microcavity: detuning and phase-space filling effects

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    We investigate exciton emission of quantum well embedded in a semiconductor microcavity. The analytical expressions of the light intensity for the cases of excitonic number state and coherent state are presented by using secular approximation. Our results show that the effective exciton-exciton interaction leads to the appearance of collapse and revival of the light intensity. The revival time is twice compared the coherent state case with that of the number state. The dissipation of the exciton-polariton lowers the revival amplitude but does not alter the revival time. The influences of the detuning and the phase-space filling are studied. We find that the effect of the higher-order exciton-photon interaction may be removed by adjusting the detuning.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Exciton-exciton scattering: Composite boson versus elementary boson

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    This paper introduces a new quantum object, the ``coboson'', for composite particles, like the excitons, which are made of two fermions. Although commonly dealed with as elementary bosons, these composite bosons -- ``cobosons'' in short -- differ from them due to their composite nature which makes the handling of their many-body effects quite different from the existing treatments valid for elementary bosons. Due to this composite nature, it is not possible to correctly describe the interaction between cobosons as a potential VV. Consequently, the standard Fermi golden rule, written in terms of VV, cannot be used to obtain the transition rates between exciton states. Through an unconventional expression for this Fermi golden rule, which is here given in terms of the Hamiltonian only, we here give a detailed calculation of the time evolution of two excitons. We compare the results of this exact approach with the ones obtained by using an effective bosonic exciton Hamiltonian. We show that the relation between the inverse lifetime and the sum of transition rates for elementary bosons differs from the one of composite bosons by a factor of 1/2, whatever the mapping from composite bosons to elementary bosons is. The present paper thus constitutes a strong mathematical proof that, in spite of a widely spread belief, we cannot forget the composite nature of these cobosons, even in the extremely low density limit of just two excitons. This paper also shows the (unexpected) cancellation, in the Born approximation, of the two-exciton transition rate for a finite value of the momentum transfer

    Phase diagram and critical properties in the Polyakov--Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model

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    We investigate the phase diagram of the so-called Polyakov--Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model at finite temperature and nonzero chemical potential with three quark flavours. Chiral and deconfinement phase transitions are discussed, and the relevant order-like parameters are analyzed. The results are compared with simple thermodynamic expectations and lattice data. A special attention is payed to the critical end point: as the strength of the flavour-mixing interaction becomes weaker, the critical end point moves to low temperatures and can even disappear.Comment: Talk given at the 9th International Conference on Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum - QCHS IX, Madrid, Spain, 30 August - September 201

    Optical spectra of a quantum dot in a microcavity in the nonlinear regime

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    The optical emission spectrum of a quantum dot in strong coupling with the single mode of a microcavity is obtained in the nonlinear regime. We study how exciton-exciton interactions alter the emission spectrum of the system, bringing the linear Rabi doublet into a multiplet structure that is strongly dependent on the cavity-exciton energy detuning. We emphasise how nonlinearity can be used to evidence the genuine quantum nature of the coupling by producing satellites peaks of the Rabi doublet that originate from the quantized energy levels of the interactions.Comment: Low quality figures. To be published in Phys. Rev. B. 78 (2008

    Analysis of the exciton-exciton interaction in semiconductor quantum wells

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    The exciton-exciton interaction is investigated for quasi-two-dimensional quantum structures. A bosonization scheme is applied including the full spin structure. For generating the effective interaction potentials, the Hartree-Fock and Heitler-London approaches are improved by a full two-exciton calculation which includes the van der Waals effect. With these potentials the biexciton formation in bilayer systems is investigated. For coupled quantum wells the two-body scattering matrix is calculated and employed to give a modified relation between exciton density and blue shift. Such a relation is of central importance for gauging exciton densities in experiments which pave the way toward Bose-Einstein condensation of excitons

    Regulated tissue-specific expression of antagonistic pre-mRNA splicing factors

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    The SR proteins are essential metazoan pre-mRNA splicing factors that can also influence the selection of alternative 5' splice sites in a concentration-dependent manner. Their activity in alternative splicing in vitro is antagonized by members of the hnRNP A/B family of proteins. The opposite effects of members of these two families of antagonistic splicing factors in vitro and upon overexpression in vivo suggest that changes in their relative levels may be a natural mechanism for the regulation of alternative splicing in vivo. One prediction of this model is that the ratios of these antagonists should vary in different cell types and in other situations in which cellular or viral transcripts are differentially spliced. We raised monoclonal antibodies specific for SFS/ASF and used them to measure the abundance of SFS/ASF protein and its isoforms, its phosphorylation state in vivo and during splicing in vitro, and its association with the spliceosome. SF2/ASF exists predominantly or exclusively in a highly phosphorylated state in vivo in all cell types examined, and unphosphorylated protein was not detectable. Unphosphorylated recombinant SFS/ASF becomes rapidly phosphorylated under splicing conditions in HeLa cell extracts and associates stably with one or more exons of beta-globin pre-mRNA. This interaction appears to persist through the splicing reaction and SF2/ASF remains bound to spliced mRNA. We compared the distribution of SFS/ASF to that of its antagonist, hnRNP Al, in different rat tissues and in immortal and transformed cell lines. We found that the protein levels of these antagonistic splicing factors vary naturally over a very wide range, supporting the notion that changes in the ratio of these proteins can affect alternative splicing of a variety of pre-mRNAs in vivo

    Semiconductor-cavity QED in high-Q regimes: Detuning effect

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    The non-resonant interaction between the high-density excitons in a quantum well and a single mode cavity field is investigated. An analytical expression for the physical spectrum of the excitons is obtained. The spectral properties of the excitons, which are initially prepared in the number states or the superposed states of the two different number states by the resonant femtosecond pulse pumping experiment, are studied. Numerical study of the physical spectrum is carried out and a discussion of the detuning effect is presented.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    On Critical Velocities in Exciton Superfluidity

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    The presence of exciton phonon interactions is shown to play a key role in the exciton superfluidity. We apply the Landau criterion for an exciton-phonon condensate moving uniformly at zero temperature. It turns out that there are essentially two critical velocities in the theory. Within the range of these velocities the condensate can exist only as a bright soliton. The excitation spectrum and differential equations for the wave function of this condensate are derived.Comment: 7 pages, Latex; to be published in Phys.Rev.Lett (1997

    Supersymmetry And Electron-hole Excitation in Semiconductor At Finite Temperature

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    The fermionic and bosonic electron-hole low lying excitations in a semiconductor are analyzed at finite temperature in a unified way following Nambu's quasi-supersymmetric approach for the BCS model of superconductivity. The effective lagrangian for the fermionic modes and for the bosonic low lying collective excitations in the semiconductor is no longer supersymmetric in a conventional finite temperature treatment. However the bosonic excitations don't couple directly to the heat bath and as a result, quasisupersymmetry is restored to the effective lagrangian when a redefinition of the coupling constant associated with the collective excitations is performed. Our result shows that although the mass and coupling parameters are now temperature dependent, the fermion and boson excited states pair together and can still be transmuted into one another.Comment: 23 pages with 3 independent EPS figures; to appear in Nulear Physics
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