1,739 research outputs found

    Parthenolide Cytotoxic Effect on GC-2SPD Cancer Cell Line

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    The purpose of this experiment is to test the effect of the drug Parthenolide on cancer cell line GC-2SPD (2196) in vitro. This will be done by testing dose range of the drug at different two temperature; 32C, and 39C. The cells were grown at in a very similar environment as they were inside the body and they were conditioned to grow in spheroid architecture to resemble their structure as solid tumor in the tissue. Growth material was needed to maintain viable cells and routine subculture was performed as needed. Cells were drugged with different concentrations of Parthenolide and assayed, and then they were let to recover for some time and then assayed again to actually asses the ratio of viable cells to dead cells. Although there were some unintended mistakes, the experiment was successful and yielded good results.  The cells showed more sensitivity at 39C as photos and curves showed. Keywords: Parthenolide, cytotoxicity

    Mass/Count Variation: A Mereological, Two-Dimensional Semantics

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    We argue that two types of context are central to grounding the semantics for the mass/count distinction. We combine and develop the accounts of Rothstein (2010) and Landman (2011), which emphasize (non-)overlap at a context. We also adopt some parts of Chierchia’s (2010) account which uses precisifying contexts. We unite these strands in a two-dimensional semantics that covers a wide range of the puzzling variation data in mass/count lexicalization. Most importantly, it predicts where we should expect to find such variation for some classes of nouns but not for others, and also explains why

    Pengaruh Komitmen Organisasi dan Tindakan Supervisi terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Auditor Junior

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    The important and significant for academicians is about expectation after college. Their weakness is unbalance between theory and actual knowledge in real work conditions. Through this research, researcher tried to help them to choice their own works. The result for these research about relation between supervisory actions (leadership & mentoring, working conditions, assignments) and job satisfaction that entry level accountant tend to increase their satisfaction if joined with big accountant public. The objective of this research is to empirically analyses the impact of organizational and professionalism commitment toward job satisfaction. The result of this research is expected to give contribution in developing the theory, especiallyconcerning attitude of accountant. I addition, it is expected to give practical contribution for organization, especially for public accountant.The results show the work satisfaction of employees has positive influence on the organizational commitment. Another finding is that work satisfaction of the employees in turn positively influences their work motivation. On the contrary the organizational commitment does not positively influence the work satisfaction of the employees

    The Relationship between Mental Imagery, Creative Thinking and Academic Achievement of Tenth Grade Students in Physics

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    This study aimed at inquiring the relationship between mental imagery, creative thinking and academic achievement of tenth grade students in Physics. To achieve the objectives of the connectivity study Descriptive Methodology was adopted, and Purposive sample was limited to (54) of female students. Three tools were also utilized to achieve the purposes of this study, its Validity and reliability were assured, and these tools are: (Mental Imagery, Creative Thinking, as well Standard Reference Academic Achievement) tests. The results of the study revealed that statistically correlation coefficient was found at the significance level (α = 0.01) between the post-test (Mental Imagery and Academic Achievement, Creative Thinking and Academic Achievement, Mental Imagery and Creative Thinking) in physics. Key words: Mental Imagery, Creative Thinking, Academic Achievement, Physics

    Mekanisme Koping Pasien Kusta

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    . Leprae is one of the infectious diseases that pose a very complex issue, not only in terms of medical, but also extends to social and economic problems. Is coping mechanism to deal with the changes facing or load received. Coping mechanisms or also called adaptive behavior, psychological, can be constructive (adaptive) or destructive (maladaptive) The aim of this study to describe the coping mechanisms of the leprae patients in Puskesmas Buaran and Tirto, Pekalongan 2014. Design of this study using descriptive cross-sectional study is research done by cross-sectional (one point in time) on the population or on a sample study, which is part of the population with sample number 43 responden and using sampling techniques jenuh.Teknik data collection by using instrument peneltiain a questionnaire. The result of this study indicate that most clients Buaran leprae in the district and the distict Tirto Pekalongan have adaptive good coping strategies

    An innovative assembly to maintain isoflurane anaesthesia for dental procedure in rats

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    An innovative assembly to maintain isoflurane anaesthesia in rats is described. This assembly was used successfully in laboratory rats for dental procedures that may last as long as sixty minutes. Repeated exposures to isoflurane anaesthesia, of up to eight times within a 30-day study period in healthy laboratory rats did not result in any observable adverse-effects

    Kualitas Permukiman pada Basin Wonosari dan Perbukitan Karst Gunungsewu di Kabupaten Gunungkidul

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    Kualitas permukiman merupakan modal dasar dan berperan penting dalam pembangunan berkelanjutan karena permukiman merupakan tempat dalam pusat pendidikan keluarga, budaya, dan tempat peningkatan kualitas generasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kualitas permukiman pada tiap bentuklahan, mengetahui ada tidaknya pengaruh bentuklahan terhadap kualitas permukiman beserta perbedaannya, dan mengetahui faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kualitas permukiman pada tiap bentuklahan. Pengolahan data menggunakan program Ms. Excel dan SPSS. Analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ada tiga yaitu analisis tabel deskriptif kuantitatif, analisis Mann Whiteney-U, dan analisis tabel silang. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kualitas permukiman pada bentuklahan Basin Wonosari sedikit lebih baik dibanding bentuklahan Perbukitan Karst Gunungsewu, bentuklahan tidak berpengaruh terhadap kualitas permukiman dan perbedaan terletak pada potensi sumberdayanya, dan variabel sosial ekonomi memberikan pengaruh langsung bagi daya dan upaya manusia yang tinggal di dalam rumah tersebut dalam meningkatkan kualitas permukiman terutama parameter tinglat pendapata

    “PHC Leadership: Are Health Centres in Good Hands?Perspectives from 3 districts in Malawi”

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    The study aimed to document the kinds of leadership styles are practiced at health centres (H/C) and how these styles can be explained by the contexts, characteristics of the health centre in charge (IC) and subordinate trained health staff (STHS).MethodsA well-researched leadership style model was applied, which included task, relation and change styles. This is a cross-sectional study using self-administered questionnaires in 47 H/C in 3 districts. 347 STHSs (95%) and 46 ICs (98%) responded. Questions explored background data and perceived leadership behaviour. Style items were factor analysed, and bivariate analyses and hierarchical regressions determined how styles could be explained.ResultsTwo leadership styles were revealed: “Trans”style contained all relation and the majority of task and change items; “Control” style focused on health statistics (Health Management Information System), reporting and evaluation. STHS and IC had a median age/median work experience of 34/5 years and 38,5/2 years, respectively. 48% of IC reported having no management training. CHAM H/Cs had the lowest score on “Control” style. Distance to referral hospital had no impact on style scores. No contexts or STHS characteristics predicted any leadership styles. For ICs, young age and increasing work experience were significant predictors for both styles, while Nurse ICs were negative predictors for “Control style”. Management training was not a significant predictor for any style.ConclusionFrontline PHC leadership may be forced by situation and context to use a comprehensive style which could lack the diversity and flexibility needed for effective leadership. The missing associations between staff characteristics and leadership styles might indicate that this group is not sufficiently considered and included in leadership processes in the PHC organization. Leadership competency for the ICs seems not to be based on formal training, but substituted by young age and work experience. Health centre organization could also influence the options for leadership behaviour. In conclusion this calls for a reassessment of H/C leadership and formal leadership training