4 research outputs found

    Varying levels of female promiscuity in four Apodemus mice species

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    Abstract Sexual selection in most vertebrates is based on the evolution of fitness optimization strategies such as multiple-male mating (MMM). Several ecological correlates of MMM have been identified in bird and fish populations; however, only few studies have documented the effects of environmental change on promiscuity in mammals. In this study, the 127 pregnant females from four central European and ecologically diverse species of field mice (genus Apodemus) were studied to assess the role of ecological factors that may have shaped the evolution of particular mating systems. MMM was found in all analyzed species: in Apodemus uralensis and Apodemus flavicollis, up to two males could be identified as the fathers of a particular litter, while three males sired 9.1% of analyzed litters of Apodemus sylvaticus and 20.6% of Apodemus agrarius. Furthermore, there were obvious differences between species in relative testes size and the proportion of multiple sired litters during those seasons when the opportunity for multiple mating was high. The species with the smallest testes and the least promiscuous was A. uralensis (only 43.5% of multiple sired litters), while the species with the biggest testes and the most promiscuous was A. agrarius (69.2%). MMM was significantly associated with higher litter size in A. flavicollis, and the probability of MMM strongly increased with season in A. agrarius and with abundance in A. uralensis. These results indicate that ecological factors are associated with MMM rates in Apodemus field mice and more research is needed to fully understand the evolution of mating strategies at different levels of biological resolution

    Selection workers at factory Škoda Auto Inc. Kvasiny

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá činnostmi personálního útvaru společnosti se zaměřením na oblast výběru pracovníků. Cílem práce je popsat a analyzovat výběr pracovníků firmy v kontextu řízení lidských zdrojů. První kapitola se věnuje definici managementu a jeho jednotlivým funkcím. Druhá kapitola se zaměřuje na význam a úkoly řízení lidských zdrojů. Popisuje personální útvar včetně jeho personálních činností. Třetí kapitola se zabývá výběrem pracovníků a analýzou pracovních míst. Čtvrtá kapitola popisuje základní charakteristiky a současný stav společnosti Škoda Auto, a. s. Pátá kapitola se zaměřuje na oblast péče o zaměstnance ve firmě, popisuje a analyzuje výběr pracovníků.Ústav ekonomiky a managementuDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Data from: Parentage analysis of Ansell's mole-rat family groups indicates a high reproductive skew despite relatively relaxed ecological constraints on dispersal

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    To better understand evolutionary pathways leading to eusociality, interspecific comparisons are needed, which would use a common axis, such as that of reproductive skew, to array species. African mole-rats (Bathyergidae, Rodentia) provide an outstanding model of social evolution because of a wide range of social organizations within a single family; however, their reproductive skew is difficult to estimate, due to their cryptic lifestyle. A maximum skew could theoretically be reached in groups where reproduction is monopolized by a stable breeding pair, but the value could be decreased by breeding-male and breeding-female turnover, shared reproduction and extra-group mating. The frequency of such events should be higher in species or populations inhabiting mesic environments with relaxed ecological constraints on dispersal. To test this prediction, we studied patterns of parentage and relatedness within 16 groups of Ansell's mole-rat (Fukomys anselli) in mesic miombo woodland. Contrary to expectation, there was no shared reproduction (more than one breeder of a particular sex) within the studied groups, and proportion of immigrants and offspring not assigned to current breeding males was low. The within-group parentage and relatedness patterns observed resemble arid populations of ‘eusocial’ Fukomys damarensis, rather than a mesic population of ‘social’ Cryptomys hottentotus. As a possible explanation, we propose that the extent ecological conditions affect reproductive skew may be markedly affected by life history and natural history traits of the particular species and genera


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    The genotypes of nine microsatellite loci obtained using the fragment analysis (ABI PRISM 3130) and scored using th GeneMapper 3.7. For each individual, its ID, sex, reproductive status, weight and group membership is shown