164 research outputs found

    Erratum to: A genome-wide assessment of genetic diversity and population structure of Korean native cattle breeds

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    Background: The native cattle breeds are an important genetic resource for meat and milk production throughout Asia. In Asia cattle were domesticated around 10,000 years ago and in Korea cattle are being raised since 2000 B.C. There are three native breeds of cattle in Korea viz. Brown Hanwoo, Brindle Hanwoo and Jeju Black. While one of these breeds, Brown Hanwoo, is a part of a Food and Agricultural Organization and national genetic evaluation plans, others get little attention. This study is an effort to understand and provide a detailed insight into the population structure and genetic variability of the Korean cattle breeds along with other Asian breeds using various methods. In this study we report the genetic variation and structure of the Korean cattle breeds and their comparison with five other Asian cattle breeds along with a panel of animals from European taurine, African taurine and indicine cattle breeds. Results: Asian cattle were found to be least differentiated which reflects their recent history. Amongst the Asian breeds Hainan, which is an indicine breed, had the lowest gene diversity while Yanbian had the highest followed by Mongolian and Korean cattle. Amongst the Korean breeds Brown Hanwoo had the highest diversity followed by Brindle Hanwoo and Jeju Black. The genetic diversity in Asian cattle breeds was found comparable to the European taurines and more than the African taurines and Zebu cattle. Korean cattle breed, Brown Hanwoo was consistently found to be closer to Yanbian, a Chinese cattle breed. We found low divergence and moderate levels of genetic diversity among the native Korean breeds. Indicine introgression from Hainan was seen in other Asian breeds. From Europe, Limousin, Holstein and Hereford introgression was found in Asian breeds. Conclusions: In this study we provide a genome-wide insight into the genetic history of the native cattle breeds of Korea. The outcomes of this study will help in prioritization and designing of the conservation plans

    Demographic Trends in Korean Native Cattle Explained Using Bovine SNP50 Beadchip

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    Linkage disequilibrium (LD) is the non-random association between the loci and it could give us a preliminary insight into the genetic history of the population. In the present study LD patterns and effective population size (Ne) of three Korean cattle breeds along with Chinese, Japanese and Mongolian cattle were compared using the bovine Illumina SNP50 panel. The effective population size (Ne) is the number of breeding individuals in a population and is particularly important as it determines the rate at which genetic variation is lost. The genotype data in our study comprised a total of 129 samples, varying from 4 to 39 samples. After quality control there were ~29,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for which r2 value was calculated. Average distance between SNP pairs was 1.14 Mb across all breeds. Average r2 between adjacent SNP pairs ranged between was 0.1 for Yanbian to 0.3 for Qinchuan. Effective population size of the breeds based on r2 varied from 16 in Hainan to 226 in Yanbian. Amongst the Korean native breeds effective population size of Brindle Hanwoo was the least with Ne = 59 and Brown Hanwoo was the highest with Ne = 83. The effective population size of the Korean cattle breeds has been decreasing alarmingly over the past generations. We suggest appropriate measures to be taken to prevent these local breeds in their native tracts

    Gene Co-expression Analysis to Characterize Genes Related to Marbling Trait in Hanwoo (Korean) Cattle

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    Marbling (intramuscular fat) is an important trait that affects meat quality and is a casual factor determining the price of beef in the Korean beef market. It is a complex trait and has many biological pathways related to muscle and fat. There is a need to identify functional modules or genes related to marbling traits and investigate their relationships through a weighted gene co-expression network analysis based on the system level. Therefore, we investigated the co-expression relationships of genes related to the ‘marbling score’ trait and systemically analyzed the network topology in Hanwoo (Korean cattle). As a result, we determined 3 modules (gene groups) that showed statistically significant results for marbling score. In particular, one module (denoted as red) has a statistically significant result for marbling score (p = 0.008) and intramuscular fat (p = 0.02) and water capacity (p = 0.006). From functional enrichment and relationship analysis of the red module, the pathway hub genes (IL6, CHRNE, RB1, INHBA and NPPA) have a direct interaction relationship and share the biological functions related to fat or muscle, such as adipogenesis or muscle growth. This is the first gene network study with m.logissimus in Hanwoo to observe co-expression patterns in divergent marbling phenotypes. It may provide insights into the functional mechanisms of the marbling trait

    The transcriptomic blueprint of molt in rooster using various tissues from Ginkkoridak (Korean long-tailed chicken)

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    Background Annual molt is a critical stage in the life cycle of birds. Although the most extensively documented aspects of molt are the renewing of plumage and the remodeling of the reproductive tract in laying hens, in chicken, molt deeply affects various tissues and physiological functions. However, with exception of the reproductive tract, the effect of molt on gene expression across the tissues known to be affected by molt has to date never been investigated. The present study aimed to decipher the transcriptomic effects of molt in Ginkkoridak, a Korean long-tailed chicken. Messenger RNA data available across 24 types of tissue samples (9 males) and a combination of mRNA and miRNA data on 10 males and 10 females blood were used. Results The impact of molt on gene expression and gene transcript usage appeared to vary substantially across tissues types in terms of histological entities or physiological functions particularly related to nervous system. Blood was the tissue most affected by molt in terms of differentially expressed genes in both sexes, closely followed by meninges, bone marrow and heart. The effect of molt in blood appeared to differ between males and females, with a more than fivefold difference in the number of down-regulated genes between both sexes. The blueprint of molt in roosters appeared to be specific to tissues or group of tissues, with relatively few genes replicating extensively across tissues, excepted for the spliceosome genes (U1, U4) and the ribosomal proteins (RPL21, RPL23). By integrating miRNA and mRNA data, when chickens molt, potential roles of miRNA were discovered such as regulation of neurogenesis, regulation of immunity and development of various organs. Furthermore, reliable candidate biomarkers of molt were found, which are related to cell dynamics, nervous system or immunity, processes or functions that have been shown to be extensively modulated in response to molt. Conclusions Our results provide a comprehensive description at the scale of the whole organism deciphering the effects of molt on the transcriptome in chicken. Also, the conclusion of this study can be used as a valuable resource in transcriptome analyses of chicken in the future and provide new insights related to molt.This work was funded by Population genomics of Korean long-tailed fowl the Program for Agriculture Science and Technology Development (Project No. PJ0133402) of the Rural Development Administration (RDA). The funding body had a role in sample collection

    Case report: Investigation of genetic mutations in a case of schistosomus reflexus in a Holstein dairy cattle fetus in Korea

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    Schistosomus reflexus (SR) is one of the most common congenital anomalies found in cases of cattle dystocia; this disorder occurs mostly in cattle. Congenital anomalies such as SR are caused by various genetic and environmental factors, but no specific cause has been elucidated for SR. This study reports a case of SR in a Holstein dairy cattle fetus with congenital anomalies in Korea. Grossly, a distinct spine curvature was observed between the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, accompanied by a consequential malformation from the sacrum to the occipital bone. Furthermore, the thoracic and abdominal organs were exposed. In computed tomography (CT) images, mild and severe kyphoscoliosis was observed in T1~11 and L1~6, respectively. Additionally, vertebral dysplasia was observed in S1~5 and Cd 1~5. To pinpoint the causal genes and mutations, we leveraged a custom 50K Hanwoo SNP-Chip and the Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals (OMIA) database. As a result, we identified a nonsense mutation in apoptotic protease activating factor 1 (APAF1) within HH1 that was associated with a decrease in conception rate and an increase in abortion in Holstein dairy cattle. The genotype of the SR case was A/A, and most of the 1,142 normal Holstein dairy cattle tested as a control group had the genotype G/G. In addition, the A/A genotype did not exist in the control group. Based on the pathological, genetic, and radiological findings, the congenital abnormalities observed were diagnosed as SR

    Estimation of Genetic Parameters by Single-Trait and Multi-Trait Models for Carcass Traits in Hanwoo Cattle

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    Hanwoo breed is preferred in South Korea because of the high standards in marbling and the palatability of its meat. Numerous studies have been conducted and are ongoing to increase the meat production and quality in this beef population. The aim of this study was to estimate and compare genetic parameters for carcass traits using BLUPF90 software. Four models were constructed, single trait pedigree model (STPM), single-trait genomic model (STGM), multi-trait pedigree model (MTPM), and multi-trait genomic model (MTGM), using the pedigree, phenotype, and genomic information of 7991 Hanwoo cattle. Four carcass traits were evaluated: Back fat thickness (BFT), carcass weight (CWT), eye muscle area (EMA), and marbling score (MS). Heritability estimates of 0.40 and 0.41 for BFT, 0.33 and 0.34 for CWT, 0.36 and 0.37 for EMA, and 0.35 and 0.38 for MS were obtained for the single-trait pedigree model and the multi-trait pedigree model, respectively, in Hanwoo. Further, the genomic model showed more improved results compared to the pedigree model, with heritability of 0.39 (CWT), 0.39 (EMA), and 0.46 (MS), except for 0.39 (BFT), which may be due to random events. Utilization of genomic information in the form of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) has allowed more capturing of the variance from the traits improving the variance components

    Identification of Recently Selected Mutations Driven by Artificial Selection in Hanwoo (Korean Cattle)

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    Hanwoo have been subjected over the last seventy years to intensive artificial selection with the aim of improving meat production traits such as marbling and carcass weight. In this study, we performed a signature of selection analysis to identify recent positive selected regions driven by a long-term artificial selection process called a breeding program using whole genome SNP data. In order to investigate homozygous regions across the genome, we estimated iES (integrated Extended Haplotype Homozygosity SNP) for the each SNPs. As a result, we identified two highly homozygous regions that seem to be strong and/or recent positive selection. Five genes (DPH5, OLFM3, S1PR1, LRRN1 and CRBN) were included in this region. To go further in the interpretation of the observed signatures of selection, we subsequently concentrated on the annotation of differentiated genes defined according to the iES value of SNPs localized close or within them. We also described the detection of the adaptive evolution at the molecular level for the genes of interest. As a result, this analysis also led to the identification of OLFM3 as having a strong signal of selection in bovine lineage. The results of this study indicate that artificial selection which might have targeted most of these genes was mainly oriented towards improvement of meat production

    Accuracy of Imputation of Microsatellite Markers from BovineSNP50 and BovineHD BeadChip in Hanwoo Population of Korea

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    Until now microsatellite (MS) have been a popular choice of markers for parentage verification. Recently many countries have moved or are in process of moving from MS markers to single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers for parentage testing. FAO-ISAG has also come up with a panel of 200 SNPs to replace the use of MS markers in parentage verification. However, in many countries most of the animals were genotyped by MS markers till now and the sudden shift to SNP markers will render the data of those animals useless. As National Institute of Animal Science in South Korea plans to move from standard ISAG recommended MS markers to SNPs, it faces the dilemma of exclusion of old animals that were genotyped by MS markers. Thus to facilitate this shift from MS to SNPs, such that the existing animals with MS data could still be used for parentage verification, this study was performed. In the current study we performed imputation of MS markers from the SNPs in the 500-kb region of the MS marker on either side. This method will provide an easy option for the labs to combine the data from the old and the current set of animals. It will be a cost efficient replacement of genotyping with the additional markers. We used 1,480 Hanwoo animals with both the MS data and SNP data to impute in the validation animals. We also compared the imputation accuracy between BovineSNP50 and BovineHD BeadChip. In our study the genotype concordance of 40% and 43% was observed in the BovineSNP50 and BovineHD BeadChip respectively