55,213 research outputs found

    Dynamics of Scalar Field in Polymer-like Representation

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    In recent twenty years, loop quantum gravity, a background independent approach to unify general relativity and quantum mechanics, has been widely investigated. We consider the quantum dynamics of a real massless scalar field coupled to gravity in this framework. A Hamiltonian operator for the scalar field can be well defined in the coupled diffeomorphism invariant Hilbert space, which is both self-adjoint and positive. On the other hand, the Hamiltonian constraint operator for the scalar field coupled to gravity can be well defined in the coupled kinematical Hilbert space. There are 1-parameter ambiguities due to scalar field in the construction of both operators. The results heighten our confidence that there is no divergence within this background independent and diffeomorphism invariant quantization approach of matter coupled to gravity. Moreover, to avoid possible quantum anomaly, the master constraint programme can be carried out in this coupled system by employing a self-adjoint master constraint operator on the diffeomorphism invariant Hilbert space.Comment: 24 pages, accepted for pubilcation in Class. Quant. Gra

    Commuting Simplicity and Closure Constraints for 4D Spin Foam Models

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    Spin Foam Models are supposed to be discretised path integrals for quantum gravity constructed from the Plebanski-Holst action. The reason for there being several models currently under consideration is that no consensus has been reached for how to implement the simplicity constraints. Indeed, none of these models strictly follows from the original path integral with commuting B fields, rather, by some non standard manipulations one always ends up with non commuting B fields and the simplicity constraints become in fact anomalous which is the source for there being several inequivalent strategies to circumvent the associated problems. In this article, we construct a new Euclidian Spin Foam Model which is constructed by standard methods from the Plebanski-Holst path integral with commuting B fields discretised on a 4D simplicial complex. The resulting model differs from the current ones in several aspects, one of them being that the closure constraint needs special care. Only when dropping the closure constraint by hand and only in the large spin limit can the vertex amplitudes of this model be related to those of the FK Model but even then the face and edge amplitude differ. Curiously, an ad hoc non-commutative deformation of the BIJB^{IJ} variables leads from our new model to the Barrett-Crane Model in the case of Barbero-Immirzi parameter goes to infinity.Comment: 41 pages, 4 figure

    Post-Newtonian gravitational radiation and equations of motion via direct integration of the relaxed Einstein equations. IV. Radiation reaction for binary systems with spin-spin coupling

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    Using post-Newtonian equations of motion for fluid bodies that include radiation-reaction terms at 2.5 and 3.5 post-Newtonian (PN) order O[(v/c)^5] and O[(v/c)^7] beyond Newtonian order), we derive the equations of motion for binary systems with spinning bodies, including spin-spin effects. In particular we determine the effects of radiation-reaction coupled to spin-spin effects on the two-body equations of motion, and on the evolution of the spins. We find that radiation damping causes a 3.5PN order, spin-spin induced precession of the individual spins. This contrasts with the case of spin-orbit coupling, where there is no effect on the spins at 3.5PN order. Employing the equations of motion and of spin precession, we verify that the loss of total energy and total angular momentum induced by spin-spin effects precisely balances the radiative flux of those quantities calculated by Kidder et al.Comment: 10 pages, coincides with published versio

    Heavy-tailed statistics in short-message communication

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    Short-message (SM) is one of the most frequently used communication channels in the modern society. In this Brief Report, based on the SM communication records provided by some volunteers, we investigate the statistics of SM communication pattern, including the interevent time distributions between two consecutive short messages and two conversations, and the distribution of message number contained by a complete conversation. In the individual level, the current empirical data raises a strong evidence that the human activity pattern, exhibiting a heavy-tailed interevent time distribution, is driven by a non-Poisson nature.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures and 1 tabl

    Parallel processing architecture for computing inverse differential kinematic equations of the PUMA arm

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    In advanced robot control problems, on-line computation of inverse Jacobian solution is frequently required. Parallel processing architecture is an effective way to reduce computation time. A parallel processing architecture is developed for the inverse Jacobian (inverse differential kinematic equation) of the PUMA arm. The proposed pipeline/parallel algorithm can be inplemented on an IC chip using systolic linear arrays. This implementation requires 27 processing cells and 25 time units. Computation time is thus significantly reduced

    Combining All Pairs Shortest Paths and All Pairs Bottleneck Paths Problems

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    We introduce a new problem that combines the well known All Pairs Shortest Paths (APSP) problem and the All Pairs Bottleneck Paths (APBP) problem to compute the shortest paths for all pairs of vertices for all possible flow amounts. We call this new problem the All Pairs Shortest Paths for All Flows (APSP-AF) problem. We firstly solve the APSP-AF problem on directed graphs with unit edge costs and real edge capacities in O~(tn(ω+9)/4)=O~(tn2.843)\tilde{O}(\sqrt{t}n^{(\omega+9)/4}) = \tilde{O}(\sqrt{t}n^{2.843}) time, where nn is the number of vertices, tt is the number of distinct edge capacities (flow amounts) and O(nω)<O(n2.373)O(n^{\omega}) < O(n^{2.373}) is the time taken to multiply two nn-by-nn matrices over a ring. Secondly we extend the problem to graphs with positive integer edge costs and present an algorithm with O~(tc(ω+5)/4n(ω+9)/4)=O~(tc1.843n2.843)\tilde{O}(\sqrt{t}c^{(\omega+5)/4}n^{(\omega+9)/4}) = \tilde{O}(\sqrt{t}c^{1.843}n^{2.843}) worst case time complexity, where cc is the upper bound on edge costs

    Exploring the diffeomorphism invariant Hilbert space of a scalar field

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    As a toy model for the implementation of the diffeomorphism constraint, the interpretation of the resulting states, and the treatment of ordering ambiguities in loop quantum gravity, we consider the Hilbert space of spatially diffeomorphism invariant states for a scalar field. We give a very explicit formula for the scalar product on this space, and discuss its structure. Then we turn to the quantization of a certain class of diffeomorphism invariant quantities on that space, and discuss in detail the ordering issues involved. On a technical level these issues bear some similarity to those encountered in full loop quantum gravity.Comment: 20 pages, no figures; v3: corrected typos, added reference, some clarifications added; version as published in CQ

    Cooperative Secure Transmission by Exploiting Social Ties in Random Networks

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    Social awareness and social ties are becoming increasingly popular with emerging mobile and handheld devices. Social trust degree describing the strength of the social ties has drawn lots of research interests in many fields in wireless communications, such as resource sharing, cooperative communication and so on. In this paper, we propose a hybrid cooperative beamforming and jamming scheme to secure communication based on the social trust degree under a stochastic geometry framework. The friendly nodes are categorized into relays and jammers according to their locations and social trust degrees with the source node. We aim to analyze the involved connection outage probability (COP) and secrecy outage probability (SOP) of the performance in the networks. To achieve this target, we propose a double Gamma ratio (DGR) approach through Gamma approximation. Based on this, the COP and SOP are tractably obtained in closed-form. We further consider the SOP in the presence of Poisson Point Process (PPP) distributed eavesdroppers and derive an upper bound. The simulation results verify our theoretical findings, and validate that the social trust degree has dramatic influences on the security performance in the networks.Comment: 30 pages, 11 figures, to be published in IEEE Transactions on Communication

    Asymptotics of Spinfoam Amplitude on Simplicial Manifold: Lorentzian Theory

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    The present paper studies the large-j asymptotics of the Lorentzian EPRL spinfoam amplitude on a 4d simplicial complex with an arbitrary number of simplices. The asymptotics of the spinfoam amplitude is determined by the critical configurations. Here we show that, given a critical configuration in general, there exists a partition of the simplicial complex into three type of regions R_{Nondeg}, R_{Deg-A}, R_{Deg-B}, where the three regions are simplicial sub-complexes with boundaries. The critical configuration implies different types of geometries in different types of regions, i.e. (1) the critical configuration restricted into R_{Nondeg}impliesanondegeneratediscreteLorentziangeometry,(2)thecriticalconfigurationrestrictedintoRDeg−A implies a nondegenerate discrete Lorentzian geometry, (2) the critical configuration restricted into R_{Deg-A} is degenerate of type-A in our definition of degeneracy, but implies a nondegenerate discrete Euclidean geometry on R_{Deg-A}, (3) the critical configuration restricted into R_{Deg-B} is degenerate of type-B, and implies a vector geometry on R_{Deg-B}. With the critical configuration, we further make a subdivision of the regions R_{Nondeg} and R_{Deg-A} into sub-complexes (with boundary) according to their Lorentzian/Euclidean oriented 4-simplex volume V_4(v), such that sgn(V_4(v)) is a constant sign on each sub-complex. Then in the each sub-complex, the spinfoam amplitude at the critical configuration gives the Regge action in Lorentzian or Euclidean signature respectively on R_{Nondeg} or R_{Deg-A}. The Regge action reproduced here contains a sign factor sgn(V_4(v)) of the oriented 4-simplex volume. Therefore the Regge action reproduced here can be viewed a discretized Palatini action with on-shell connection. Finally the asymptotic formula of the spinfoam amplitude is given by a sum of the amplitudes evaluated at all possible critical configurations, which are the products of the amplitudes associated to different type of geometries.Comment: 54 pages, 2 figures, reference adde

    Deformation and spallation of shocked Cu bicrystals with Σ3 coherent and symmetric incoherent twin boundaries

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    We perform molecular dynamics simulations of Cu bicrystals with two important grain boundaries (GBs), Σ3 coherent twin boundaries (CTB), and symmetric incoherent twin boundaries (SITB) under planar shock wave loading. It is revealed that the shock response (deformation and spallation) of the Cu bicrystals strongly depends on the GB characteristics. At the shock compression stage, elastic shock wave can readily trigger GB plasticity at SITB but not at CTB. The SITB can induce considerable wave attenuation such as the elastic precursor decay via activating GB dislocations. For example, our simulations of a Cu multilayer structure with 53 SITBs (∼1.5-μm thick) demonstrate a ∼80% elastic shock decay. At the tension stage, spallation tends to occur at CTB but not at SITB due to the high mobility of SITB. The SITB region transforms into a threefold twin via a sequential partial dislocation slip mechanism, while CTB preserves its integrity before spallation. In addition, deformation twinning is a mechanism for inducing surface step during shock tension stage. The drastically different shock response of CTB and SITB could in principle be exploited for, or benefit, interface engineering and materials design
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