404 research outputs found

    A test for normality based on the empirical distribution function

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    In this paper, a goodness-of-fit test for normality based on the comparison of the theoretical and empirical distributions is proposed. Critical values are obtained via Monte Carlo for several sample sizes and different significance levels. We study and compare the power of forty selected normality tests for a wide collection of alternative distributions. The new proposal is compared to some traditionaltest statistics, such as Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Kuiper, Cramér-von Mises, Anderson-Darling, Pearson Chi-square, Shapiro-Wilk, Shapiro-Francia, Jarque-Bera, SJ, Robust Jarque-Bera, and also to entropy-based test statistics. From the simulation study results it is concluded that the best performance against asymmetric alternatives with support on the whole real line and alternative distributions with support on the positive real line is achieved by the new test. Other findings derivedfrom the simulation study are that SJ and Robust Jarque-Bera tests are the most powerful ones for symmetric alternatives with support on the whole real line, whereas entropy-based tests are preferable for alternatives with support on the unit interval

    Students’ Motivations for Enrolling in Universities in Jordan In The Light of Some Variables

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    This study aims to identify students’ motivations for enrolling in universities in Jordan, in the light of  some variables whether they are career, financial, social or academic motivations. The current study also seeks to determine the impact of gender, major and academic year on these motivations. The study sample consisted of (188) male and female students. Results indicate that the most important career and financial motivations were to get a more prestigious job, while the most important social and personal motivation was ‘because I feel a sense of joy and satisfaction when learning new things’. Whereas the most important academic motivation was ‘the joy I get when I learn things I did not previously know’. Furthermore, the results indicate that there are no statistically significant differences at (?> 0.5) attributable to the variables of gender, major, and academic year on students’ motivations to enroll in universities in Jordan. The study recommends the need to provide career counseling to students and their parents during the last stages of school so that they would be able to determine the majors they want to study at the undergraduate level. Keywords: Motivations, Universities

    MRFS: A Multi-Resource Fair Scheduling Algorithm in Heterogeneous Cloud Computing

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    Task scheduling in cloud computing is considered as a significant issue that has attracted much attention over the last decade. In cloud environments, users expose considerable interest in submitting tasks on multiple Resource types. Subsequently, finding an optimal and most efficient server to host users’ tasks seems a fundamental concern. Several attempts have suggested various algorithms, employing Swarm optimization and heuristics methods to solve the scheduling issues associated with cloud in a multi-resource perspective. However, these approaches have not considered the equalization of dominant resources on each specific resource type. This substantial gap leads to unfair allocation, SLA degradation and resource contention. To deal with this problem, in this paper we propose a novel task scheduling mechanism called MRFS. MRFS employs Lagrangian multipliers to locate tasks in suitable servers with respect to the number of dominant resources and maximum resource availability. To evaluate MRFS, we conduct time-series experiments in the cloudsim driven by randomly generated workloads. The results show that MRFS maximizes per-user utility function by %15-20 in FFMRA compared to FFMRA in absence of MRFS. Furthermore, the mathematical proofs confirm that the sharingincentive, and Pareto-efficiency properties are improved under MRF

    A New Approach to Calculate Resource Limits with Fairness in Kubernetes

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    Containerization has become a new approach that facilitates application deployment and delivers scalability, productivity, security, and portability. As a first promising platform, Docker was proposed in 2013 to automate the deployment of applications. There are many advantages of Docker for delivering cloud native services. However, its widespread use has revealed problems such as performance overhead. In order to deal with those problems, Kubernetes was introduced in 2015 as a container orchestration platform to simplify the management of containers. Kubernetes simplifies managing a large scale number of docker containers, however, the fairness is a missing point in the Kubernetes that has been applied in other platforms such as Apache Hadoop, YARN and Mesos. Assigning resource limits fairly among the pods in kubernetes becomes a challenging issue as some applications may require intensive resources such as CPU and memory that should be maximized to satisfy them. In order to do that, in this paper, we practice a novel way to assign resource limits fairly among the pods in the Kubernetes environment

    Naming the Identified Feature Implementation Blocks from Software Source Code

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    Identifying software identifiers that implement a particular feature of a software product is known as feature identification. Feature identification is one of the most critical and popular processes performed by software engineers during software maintenance activity. However, a meaningful name must be assigned to the Identified Feature Implementation Block (IFIB) to complete the feature identification process. The feature naming process remains a challenging task, where the majority of existing approaches manually assign the name of the IFIB. In this paper, the approach called FeatureClouds was proposed, which can be exploited by software developers to name the IFIBs from software code. FeatureClouds approach incorporates word clouds visualization technique to name Feature Blocks (FBs) by using the most frequent words across these blocks. FeatureClouds had evaluated by assessing its added benefit to the current approaches in the literature, where limited tool support was supplied to software developers to distinguish feature names of the IFIBs. For validity, FeatureClouds had applied to draw shapes and ArgoUML software. The findings showed that the proposed approach achieved promising results according to well-known metrics in terms of Precision and Recall
