2,491 research outputs found

    Types and Systems of Actors in Regional Development: Their Function and Regulatory Potential

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    Differentiation of actors derives primarily from the distribution of power and wealth in a society, and thus it has always played an exceptionally significant role. However, as a consequence of the hierarchical organisation of the society this differentiation was noticeably asymmetrical. The non-equivalence of partial subjects/actors of regional development has led to the understandable domination of ‘deterministic’ relations and the plurality of interests and then to the dominance of ‘competitive’ relations. Only gradually do interactions of a cooperative kind successively break through the growth of mutual interconnections, linkages and necessity of social elements and partial systems, and thus the increasing of organic nature of (geo)societal systems. This will be finally illustrated through the difference between ‘symmetric’ systems of actors in developed countries and the ‘asymmetric’ global system

    Share of open access journal articles published by Berlin authors from 2018: data

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    The publication output from nine research institutions from Berlin (Germany) was analysed and the share of open access for journal articles published in 2018 was determined. Journal articles whose authors are affiliated with at least one of the nine institutions were analysed. The data description includes: description of provided files and respective sheets, list of data fields and their source, data re-use cases. The data described here were retrieved from multiple bibliographic databases. Due to license terms raw data from individual databases cannot be provided for download. Data was aggregated, normalised and analysed with a Python script which is available at https://github.com/tuub/oa-eval (code documentation in English). For a detailed description of the retrieval process and the analysis steps see the report (https://doi.org/10.14279/depositonce-9606). Search queries and the respective download settings for these databases are included in the data file

    The influence of copper on the properties of ductile iron for producing centrifugally cast rolls

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    An intentional change in material properties is an important condition for castings production. It is one way how to meet the casting requirements of how to adapt the material properties to the operating conditions. Centrifugally cast rolls are multi-layer rollers, castings. The working layer of the barrel is called the "shell" and the body of the roll and the necks rolls are called "core". The article deals with the influence of the properties of the core iron. Earlier laboratory experiments were primary analysed for metallographic analysis and mechanical properties. These data were compared back to the experiments. The results of these laboratory working were later applied in the operating conditions of the roll foundry Vitkovitcke slevarny, spol. s r.o. The spun cast roll produced with the applied metallurgical processing change was supplied to the hot strip mill. There were monitored the positive effect of the change of the metallurgical process of the production of the core iron on the useful properties of the centrifugally cast roll. The experiment was done in order to increase the mechanical properties of ductile pearlite ductile iron. The copper in these core iron material increases the hardness and strength primarily.Web of Science18310610

    Expert system for analysis of casting defects - ESVOD

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    The powerful tool for defect analysis is an expert system. It is a computer programme based on the knowledge of experts for solving the quality of castings. We present the expert system developed in the VSB-Technical University of Ostrava called 'ESWOD'. The ESWOD programme consists of three separate modules: identification, diagnosis / causes and prevention / remedy. The identification of casting defects in the actual form of the system is based on their visual aspect.Web of Science151201

    Placing the Czech shadow banking sector under the light

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    The size of the shadow banking sector (SBS) has more than doubled in the Czech Republic over the last decade. This places a potential burden on policy makers. On the one hand, the SBS complements regular banking by expanding access to credit and investments, enabling better risk sharing and maturity transformation, and supporting market liquidity. On the other hand, SBS activities can put the stability of the financial system at risk and amplify its procyclicality by exacerbating the buildup of leverage and asset price bubbles. We implement a FAVAR model of the Czech economy to determine the impact of macroeconomic factors on the SBS. We find that the SBS: (i) is sensitive to changes in market interest rates and term spread; (ii) exhibits great procyclicality; (iii) can act as a complement to regular banking and satisfy some additional demand for credit. We also define some potential risks of continued growth of the SBS, linked to our empirical evidence.Web of Science29128

    Alternative methods in cryptology

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    V první části této bakalářská práce je vysvětleno, co je to obecně kryptografie, dále je všeobecně rozebrána problematika současných šifrovacích metod. Patří mezi ně asymetrické, symetrické a hybridní šifrovací metody. Druhá část práce je zaměřena na teorii mříží a jejich hlavní matematické problémy, tedy problém nejkratšího vektoru, problém nejbližšího vektoru, problém přibližně nejkratšího vektoru a problém přibližně nejbližšího vektoru. Těchto matematicky nejtěžších problémů mříže je využíváno v šifrovací metodě GGH pro asymetricky šifrovanou komunikaci a v metodě GGH pro digitální podpisy. Je zde vysvětlen matematický aparát, který tyto šifrovací metody využívají. Další část práce se zabývá šifrovací metodou XTR a navázáním XTR na Diffie-Hellmanův protokol, tedy XTR-DH. Je zde vysvětlený matematický aparát, který využívají metody XTR, XTR-DH a protokol Diffie-Hellman. Jsou zde ukázány hlavní matematické problémy pro tuto část práce DHP (problém Diffie-Hellman) a DLP (problém diskrétního logaritmu). Čtvrtá část práce se zaměřuje na program vytvořený pro demonstraci šifrovací metody GGH pro asymetricky šifrovanou komunikaci. Popisuje strukturu, funkčnost, grafickou část programu a ukazuje uživateli možnosti práce s ním. Může si vyzkoušet, jak se bude šifrovací metoda GGH chovat při zadání různých vstupních hodnot. V průběhu práce s programem by měl uživatel získat dostačující informace k pochopení principu fungování této šifrovací metody.In the first part of this thesis explains, what is generally cryptography, generally analyze the problem of the current encryption methods. These include asymmetric, symmetric and hybrid encryption methods. The second part focuses on the theory of lattices and their main mathematical problems, then the shortest vector problem, the closest vector problem, the approximate shortest vector problem and the approximate closest vector problem. Mathematically difficult problems of lattice are used in an encryption method GGH for asymmetrically encrypted communications method and GGH for digital signatures. It explains mathematical methods, which use these encryption methods. Another part of this thesis deals with the encryption method and the establishment of XTR on Diffie-Hellman protocol, thus XTR-DH. It explains mathematical methods, which use methods XTR, XTR-DH and Diffie-Hellman protocol. There are shown the main mathematical problems for this part of thesis DHP (Diffie-Hellman problem) and DLP (discrete logarithm problem). The fourth part focuses on a program designed to demonstrate the GGH encryption method for asymmetrically encrypted communications. Describes the structure, functionality, graphical part of the program and shows to a user interface. Students can test how the GGH encryption method behave when entering different input values. During the work with the program, the user should obtain sufficient information to understand the principles of this encryption method.

    Analytical call center model with voice response unit and wrap-up time

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    The last twenty years of computer integration significantly changed the process of service in a call center service systems. Basic building modules of classical call centers – a switching system and a group of humans agents – was extended with other special modules such as skills-based routing module, automatic call distribution module, interactive voice response module and others to minimize the customer waiting time and wage costs. A calling customer of a modern call center is served in the first stage by the interactive voice response module without any human interaction. If the customer requirements are not satisfied in the first stage, the service continues to the second stage realized by the group of human agents. The service time of second stage – the average handle time – is divided into a conversation time and wrap-up time. During the conversation time, the agent answers customer questions and collects its requirements and during the wrap-up time (administrative time) the agent completes the task without any customer interaction. The analytical model presented in this contribution is solved under the condition of statistical equilibrium and takes into account the interactive voice response module service time, the conversation time and the wrap-up time

    Halbzeitergebnisse im Projekt Ökologische Bodenbewirtschaftung (PÖB) [Results of the project ecological soil management (POEB) after five years]

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    Mit dem Ziel, ökologische Bodenbewirtschaftungsverfahren zu erforschen, zu demonstrieren und das erarbeitete Wissen an die Praxis und Beratung weiterzugeben, wurde 1994 in Wörrstadt/Rheinhessen das Projekt Ökologische Bodenbewirtschaftung (PÖB) gestartet. Das auf zehn Jahre angelegte Projekt wird hauptsächlich durch das Land Rheinland-Pfalz finanziert und gemeinsam von der Stiftung Ökologie & Landbau und der Landesanstalt für Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenschutz, Mainz, durchgeführt. Bei dem Projekt werden regelmäßig erfasst: – Textur, Gefüge und Durchwurzelbarkeit des Bodens; – Luft- und Wasserhaushalt; – Stoff-Flüsse im Boden; – biologische Aktivität und biologische Vielfalt im Agrarökosystem. Dabei werden vergleichend die Einflüsse einer intensiven, reduzierten und konservierenden Grundbodenbearbeitung (Pflug – Zweischichtenpflug – Schichtengrubber) untersucht. Nach fünf Jahren lässt sich ein deutlicher Einfluss der variierten Grundbodenbearbeitung auf die Versuchsergebnisse feststellen

    Construction of electrical substation 110/22kV, Písnice

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    V této bakalářské práci se zabývám teoretickým pohledem a následnou analýzou problematiky rozšíření a tím i posílení stávající distribuční sítě v oblasti městských částí Písnice, Libuš a Kunratice. Na základě provedené analýzy oblasti pro realizaci jsem stanovil dvě varianty řešení v podobě posílení stávající sítě pomocí nových kabelů 22 kV napojených z okolních rozvoden nebo přímo výstavbou nové kompaktní rozvodny 110/22 kV v oblasti městské části Písnice. Za pomoci výkonové analýzy oblasti jsem došel k závěru, že vzhledem k plánovaným požadavkům pro budoucí velkoodběratelské stanice není provozně ani technicky možné zrealizovat první variantu. Z toho důvodu se ve své práci dále věnuji výhradně možnosti realizace rozvodny 110/22 kV Písnice, u které se předpokládá dostatečné zajištění výkonové rezervy za účelem výstavby stanice metra D pro plánovaného velkoodběratele Dopravní podnik hl. m. Prahy. V závěru práce se zaměřuji na ekonomickou stránku dvou možných provedení investičního záměru. První z nich je realizace celé investice najednou, druhá varianta řeší možnost odkladu části investice a dobudování rozvodny TR 110/22 kV Písnice s ohledem na postupný nárůst odběrů. Výsledné řešení doplňuji citlivostní analýzou a doporučením pro investora.The focus of this bachelor thesis is the issue of broadening and thereby strengthening the existing electrical distribution network in urban areas Písnice, Libuš and Kunratice from a theoretical and analytical standpoint. The conclusions are based on a complex analysis of the areas targeted for the implementation. There are two possible solutions set for this project to strengthen the existing distribution network: new 22 kV cables connected from surrounding substations or construction of a new 110/22 kV compact electrical substation named Písnice. After carrying out a performance (power) analysis of the targeted area it became clear that the planned requirements for future large power consumption are operationally and technically impossible to implement in the first option. Due to this fact the second part of the thesis deals only with the theoretical construction of the new 110/22 kV electrical substation Písnice, which is planned with sufficient power reserves in mind for future operating requirements of the new line "D" underground station planned to be built by Dopravní podnik hl. m. Prahy, a.s. The conclusion addresses two possible economical solutions for said implementation accompanied by an economical sensitivity analysis and a recommendation for a potential investor

    In the Belly of the Whale

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