10 research outputs found

    Role-playing jako živný roztok sociálna: experimentální metoda?

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    Text představuje aktivní role-playing jako výzkumnou experimentální metodu v sociálních vědách. Zasazuje role-playing do rámce simulačních výzkumných metod, rozkrývá jeho epistemo- logii a dosavadní metodologická uchopení zejména v sociální psychologii. Hlavní linií textu je obhajoba epistemologických kvalit metody a experimentu v sociálních vědách obecně. Inspiračním zdrojem je zde na jedné straně Latourova kvalitativní sociologie asociací, tázající se po původu sociality a problematizující samotný před- mět sociálních věd, tj. sociálno. A na druhé straně přístupy naturalizující sociálně- vědné výzkumy propojením s kognitivní vědou. V tomto ohledu je naším klíčovým předpokladem pro smysluplné uchopení sociální reality v její simulované podobě shodnost kognitivních mechanismů skutečného i simulovaného jednání. V pojetí textu jsou oba zdroje spojeny jejich akcentem na tematizaci sociálna jako inter-psychologického fenoménu mezi tradiční mikro a makro úrovní. Analogií s Petriho miskou text promýšlí posunutí původní metody situační sociální psycho- logie směrem k využití konstruovaných diegetických liminálních situací jako svého druhu laboratoří sociálna

    Náboženství v laboratoři sociální implicitní kognice: víra v automatických reakcích jako implicitní postoj a dovednost

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    Tento text na rozhraní teoretické eseje a přehledové studie poukazuje na metodologické paradigma experimentální sociální psychologie jako na vhodný prostor pro zkoumání a vysvětlování náboženské víry mezi universalistickým pojetím kognitivní vědy o náboženství s jejím důrazem na evolučně vyvinuté kognitivní kapacity lidského chování a tradičními historiografickými a antropologickými metodami s jejich důrazem na socio-kulturní kontext. Snaží se odpovědět na některé otázky po možnosti smysluplné redukce a experimentalizace náboženské víry a jejího měření za hranicemi dotazovacích metod s jejich limitem introspekce a sebeprezentačním zkreslením. Představuje experimentální prostor psychologické laboratoře jako místo, kde se paradoxně díky redukci a dekontextualizaci studovaného jevu plasticky odhaluje klíčová role situačního kontextu i přes reduktivní rámec vysvětlující vědy. Případná „náboženskost“ a náboženská víra tak o to více ukazuje svoji závislost na konkrétní praxi a performanci. Cílem textu je ukázat jak může experimentálně podložené pojetí afektivní složky víry jako implicitního postoje přispět k deesencializaci víry jako ryze náboženského znaku

    Connecting to Nature in the Lab through “Earth Song” : The Malleability of Implicit and Explicit Attitudes towards Nature

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    The focus of our empirical study was to determine whether a short laboratory-based intervention manipulating the self-nature relation through a new construct of environmental problem salience is capable of causing a situational change in implicit and explicit attitudes towards nature. We were interested in how the self would connect itself to the state of nature portrayed as a threatening problem for which the self is possibly responsible. The participants were divided into two groups based on their environmental profiles and exposed to a video clip which implied a global environmental problem. The study treatment was designed to make the environmental problem salient. We have observed a clear effect of the field of study, yet the sample size (N=77) was not sufficient for the treatment effect to be statistically significant. Our study brings mainly preliminary result and further and more robust research is needed. We observed a slight change in attitudes. The attitudes had divergent directions according to the environmental profile of the recipient. The results suggest that the participants with a low environmental profile more deeply perceived the problem as someone else’s problem and dissociated themselves from the nature framed by the treatment, while the participants with a high environmental profile accepted the problem and associated themselves with the nature framed by the treatment. Our findings are in agreement with the critique of the apocalyptical discursive pattern, which considers planned change of environmental policy with apocalyptical discursive pattern to be ineffective

    Connecting to Nature in the Lab through “Earth Song”: The Malleability of Implicit and Explicit Attitudes towards Nature

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    The focus of our empirical study was to determine whether a short laboratory-based intervention manipulating the self-nature relation through a new construct of environmental problem salience is capable of causing a situational change in implicit and explicit attitudes towards nature. We were interested in how the self would connect itself to the state of nature portrayed as a threatening problem for which the self is possibly responsible. The participants were divided into two groups based on their environmental profiles and exposed to a video clip which implied a global environmental problem. The study treatment was designed to make the environmental problem salient. We have observed a clear effect of the field of study, yet the sample size (N=77) was not sufficient for the treatment effect to be statistically significant. Our study brings mainly preliminary result and further and more robust research is needed. We observed a slight change in attitudes. The attitudes had divergent directions according to the environmental profile of the recipient. The results suggest that the participants with a low environmental profile more deeply perceived the problem as someone else’s problem and dissociated themselves from the nature framed by the treatment, while the participants with a high environmental profile accepted the problem and associated themselves with the nature framed by the treatment. Our findings are in agreement with the critique of the apocalyptical discursive pattern, which considers planned change of environmental policy with apocalyptical discursive pattern to be ineffective

    Mapping the lifestyle of 16-17-year-olds in Neratovice.

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    Title of the thesis: Mapping the lifestyle of 16-17-year-olds in Neratovice. Aim of the study: The thesis surveys the components of the lifestyle of young people in the Neratovice region, in the hope of influencing the state of health of the age group of 16-17 years. Method: The work is based on a sociological survey conducted in 2012 at two schools with different forms of tuition - a grammar school (gymnázium) and a vocational school (učiliště) in Neratovice. The research method was a poll. The polling had two stages: two pilot surveys on a sample of 149 respondents, and a study of 174 respondents. The final data were analyzed with respect to gender and the type of school using the Mann- Whitney U test. The survey questions were based on the questionnaire CAV 2001 for youth and the questionnaire "Determinanty účasti na cvičení" (University of Tasmania - FTK UP Olomouc). Results: The results of the survey show that boys are doing significantly better in physical activity (PA) and girls in physical inactivity (PI) and diet. Grammar school students are doing better in PA and they have a significantly better diet than vocational school students. As for PI, the results were similar for both groups. In terms of PA, 38% of boys and almost 75% of girls do not meet the current minimum levels of PA. As..

    The binding of José Arcadio to the fence: a cognitive ethnography of situational normativity of moral controversy in the LARP game Cien Años

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    The paper is an ethnographical probe into the chosen exotic environment of normativity in the fictive world enacted and embodied in a LARP game (role-playing simulation) and a theoretical essay about the artificial inter-subjectivity in role-playing simulation in general. Based on field research from participant observation and semi-structured interviews, the study analyses chosen parts of the recent Czech LARP game Cien Años de Soledad (One Hundred Years of Solitude) inspired by the book by García Márquez. The aim is to explore some aspects of the general problem of the situational normativity of moral behavior using the example of the game’s participant behavior. The focus is on situational micro-social relations between the acting individuals and the environment. The research is inspired by cognitive approaches to culture, like cognitive ethnography, ecological psychology and enactive cognitive – situational normativity is understood as a property of a concrete instance of the embodied and enacted social environment. The core of the study is an analysis of a chosen moral controversy from the game in terms of its participants as well as the situational construction. The analytical axis is the conflict or synergy of personal normative attitudes of participants (“real people”) with the fictional normative order of the shared world (“roles”). Through an analysis of the sources of LARP behavior, the study explores the situational normative attitudes of participants and shows the interplay of factors on three levels of the situation (the reality of persons, players, and roles)

    Mapping the lifestyle of 16-17-year-olds in Neratovice.

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    Title of the thesis: Mapping the lifestyle of 16-17-year-olds in Neratovice. Aim of the study: The thesis surveys the components of the lifestyle of young people in the Neratovice region, in the hope of influencing the state of health of the age group of 16-17 years. Method: The work is based on a sociological survey conducted in 2012 at two schools with different forms of tuition - a grammar school (gymnázium) and a vocational school (učiliště) in Neratovice. The research method was a poll. The polling had two stages: two pilot surveys on a sample of 149 respondents, and a study of 174 respondents. The final data were analyzed with respect to gender and the type of school using the Mann- Whitney U test. The survey questions were based on the questionnaire CAV 2001 for youth and the questionnaire "Determinanty účasti na cvičení" (University of Tasmania - FTK UP Olomouc). Results: The results of the survey show that boys are doing significantly better in physical activity (PA) and girls in physical inactivity (PI) and diet. Grammar school students are doing better in PA and they have a significantly better diet than vocational school students. As for PI, the results were similar for both groups. In terms of PA, 38% of boys and almost 75% of girls do not meet the current minimum levels of PA. As..