116 research outputs found

    Developing a Collaborative Strategy to Manage and Preserve Cultural Heritage During the Libyan Conflict. The Case of the Gebel Nafusa

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    The paper discusses the potential of a collaborative scheme for the development of a protocol for recording and managing the cultural heritage in Libya. The critical political situation in the country urges the development of cultural heritage management policies in order to protect it more thoroughly and consistently. Moving on from the numerous international initiatives and projects dealing with a mostly “remote” approach to the issue, the project here presented to engages with staff members of the Department of Antiquities (DoA) in the development of a joint strategy for the application of remote sensing and geographical information systems (GIS) to the preservation and monitoring of Libyan cultural heritage. A series of training courses resulted in an initial development of new ways of recording and analysing field data for a better awareness of the full range of threats that the archaeology of the country is subject to. Focussing on the case of the Jebel Nafusa, the training involved the assessment of site visibility on satellite imagery, the analysis of high-resolution satellite datasets for archaeological mapping, the creation of a GIS spatial database of field data, and the mapping of risks and threats to archaeology from remote sensing data. This led to the creation of of a risk map showing the areas that are affected by a number of threats, thus giving the DoA a tool to prioritise future fieldwork to keep the assessment of site damage up to date. Only a collaborative approach can lead to a sustainable strategy for the protection of the invaluable cultural heritage of Libya

    Perceived Risk of falls among Acute Care Patients

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    Purpose: In an effort to lower the number of falls that occur among hospitalized patients, several facilities have begun introducing various fall prevention programs. However, the efficacy of fall prevention programs is diminished if patients do not consider themselves to be at risk for falls and do not follow recommended procedures. The goal of this study was to characterize how patients in four different acute care specialist services felt about their risk of falling while in the hospital. Methods: One hundred patients admitted to the study hospital with a Morse Fall Scale score of 45 or higher were given the Patient Perception Questionnaire, a tool designed to assess a patient's perception of their own fall risk, fear of falling, and motivation to take part in fall prevention efforts. Scores on the Morse Fall Scale were gathered through a historical assessment of medical records. Descriptive statistics, Pearson's correlation coefficients, and independent sample t tests were used to examine the data. Results: The average age was 65, and around half (52%) were men and half (48%) were women. Based on their ratings on the Morse Fall Scale, all 100 participants were classified as being at high risk for falls. However, only 55.5% of the individuals agreed with this assessment. The likelihood that a patient would seek assistance and the degree to which they feared falling both declined as their faith in their mobility improved. Patients hospitalized after a fall exhibited considerably lower confidence scores and greater fear scores than patients who had not been injured in a fall. Conclusions: Patients who have a high fall risk assessment score may not believe they are at risk for falls and may not take any steps to reduce their risk. The prevalence of falls in hospitals might be mitigated by the creation of a fall risk assessment technique that takes into account both objective and subjective factors

    Generation of polyclonal antibody with high avidity to rosuvastatin and its use in development of highly sensitive ELISA for determination of rosuvastatin in plasma

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    In this study, a polyclonal antibody with high avidity and specificity to the potent hypocholesterolaemic agent rosuvastatin (ROS) has been prepared and used in the development of highly sensitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for determination of ROS in plasma. ROS was coupled to keyhole limpt hemocyanin (KLH) and bovine serum albumin (BSA) using carbodiimide reagent. ROS-KLH conjugate was used for immunization of female 8-weeks old New Zealand white rabbits. The immune response of the rabbits was monitored by direct ELISA using ROS-BSA immobilized onto microwell plates as a solid phase. The rabbit that showed the highest antibody titer and avidity to ROS was scarified and its sera were collected. The IgG fraction was isolated and purified by avidity chromatography on protein A column. The purified antibody showed high avidity to ROS; IC50 = 0.4 ng/ml. The specificity of the antibody for ROS was evaluated by indirect ELISA using various competitors from the ROS-structural analogues and the therapeutic agents used with ROS in a combination therapy. The proposed ELISA involved a competitive binding reaction between ROS, in plasma sample, and the immobilized ROS-BSA for the binding sites on a limited amount of the anti-ROS antibody. The bound anti-ROS antibody was quantified with horseradish peroxidase-labeled second anti-rabbit IgG antibody (HRP-IgG) and 3,3',5,5'-tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) as a substrate for the peroxidase enzyme. The concentration of ROS in the sample was quantified by its ability to inhibit the binding of the anti-ROS antibody to the immobilized ROS-BSA and subsequently the color intensity in the assay wells. The assay enabled the determination of ROS in plasma at concentrations as low as 40 pg/ml

    Reduced microvascular density in omental biopsies of children with chronic kidney disease

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    Endothelial dysfunction is an early manifestation of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and consistently observed in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). We hypothesized that CKD is associated with systemic damage to the microcirculation, preceding macrovascular pathology. To assess the degree of "uremic microangiopathy", we have measured microvascular density in biopsies of the omentum of children with CKD.Omental tissue was collected from 32 healthy children (0-18 years) undergoing elective abdominal surgery and from 23 age-matched cases with stage 5 CKD at the time of catheter insertion for initiation of peritoneal dialysis. Biopsies were analyzed by independent observers using either a manual or an automated imaging system for the assessment of microvascular density. Quantitative immunohistochemistry was performed for markers of autophagy and apoptosis, and for the abundance of the angiogenesis-regulating proteins VEGF-A, VEGF-R2, Angpt1 and Angpt2.Microvascular density was significantly reduced in uremic children compared to healthy controls, both by manual imaging with a digital microscope (median surface area 0.61% vs. 0.95%, p<0.0021 and by automated quantification (total microvascular surface area 0.89% vs. 1.17% p = 0.01). Density measured by manual imaging was significantly associated with age, height, weight and body surface area in CKD patients and healthy controls. In multivariate analysis, age and serum creatinine level were the only independent, significant predictors of microvascular density (r2 = 0.73). There was no immunohistochemical evidence for apoptosis or autophagy. Quantitative staining showed similar expression levels of the angiogenesis regulators VEGF-A, VEGF-receptor 2 and Angpt1 (p = 0.11), but Angpt2 was significantly lower in CKD children (p = 0.01).Microvascular density is profoundly reduced in omental biopsies of children with stage 5 CKD and associated with diminished Angpt2 signaling. Microvascular rarefaction could be an early systemic manifestation of CKD-induced cardiovascular disease


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    The study is focused on a section of sediments exposed on the right bank of Mishikha River, Russia. These sediments have a wide range of ages, from the Eocene to the Lower Pliocene. The stratigraphic subdivision of the section is based on the lithogeochemical data and X-ray phase analysis of the mineral compositions. The particle-size analysis shows the alluvial origin of the deposits. Their ages are constrained by spore-pollen spectra in three palynozones: I – Eocene – Oligocene, II – Early – Middle Miocene (subzone a – Tsuga, Picea in the lower part, and Quercus, Taxodiaceae, Momipites, Carya in the upper part; subzone b – Fagus, Quercus, Tsuga), and III – the Late Miocene – beginning of the Pliocene (subzone ν – Ulmus, Juglans, Carya; subzone g – Carya, Alnus). The section shows a combination of normal and overturned sedimentary layers. The tectonic displacement of the block with its flip was accompanied by the entry into contact of the unlithified Pliocene sediments with a rigid bed and the development of a landslide. The lower age limit of deformations is constrained from the youngest (beginning of the Pliocene) spore and pollen spectrum extracted from deformed layers. It is suggested that the overturned layers result from strike-slip deformations of the sediments at the beginning of the late orogenic stage of the Baikal rift development. The regional correlations of the sedimentary strata give grounds to conclude that the Mishikha section is characteristic of alluvial sedimentation that dominated at the eastern end of the Tankhoi tectonic step (Mishikha-Klyuevka paleovalley), in contrast to the Tankhoi block in the central part of the step, wherein a thick Lower Miocene stratum of swampy-oxbow sediments accumulated. The stratons of the Mishikha section correlate with sedimentary units detected by drilling in the Selenga delta at the central part of the South Baikal basin.Разрез осадочных отложений широкого (эоцен-нижнеплиоценового) возрастного диапазона вскрыт и изучен на правобережье р. Мишиха. Стратиграфическое расчленение разреза основано на данных литогеохимии и рентгенофазового анализа минерального состава отложений. По результатам гранулометрического анализа сделан вывод об аллювиальном происхождении отложений. Их возраст определен по спорово-пыльцевым спектрам, которые отнесены к трем палинозонам: I – эоцена – олигоцена, II – раннего и среднего миоцена (подзона a – в нижней части Tsuga, Picea, в верхней части Quercus, Taxodiaceae, Momipites, Carya; подзона b – Fagus, Quercus, Tsuga) и III – позднего миоцена – начала плиоцена (подзона ν – Ulmus, Juglans, Carya; подзона g – Carya, Alnus). В разрезе установлено сочетание нормального и опрокинутого залегания осадочных слоев. Тектоническое смещение блока с его переворотом сопровождалось вхождением в контакт нелитифицированных плиоценовых осадков с жесткой подложкой и развитием оползня. Нижний предельный возраст деформаций определен по наиболее молодому (начало плиоцена) спорово-пыльцевому спектру, полученному в деформированных слоях. Предполагается, что в опрокинутом залегании реализованы присдвиговые деформации отложений в начале позднеорогенного этапа развития Байкальского рифта. Из региональных корреляций толщ сделан вывод о том, что Мишихинский разрез характеризует аллювиальное осадконакопление, которое доминировало на восточном окончании Танхойской тектонической ступени, в Мишихинско-Клюевской палеодолине, в отличие от Танхойского блока центральной части ступени, в котором обнажена мощная нижнемиоценовая толща болотно-старичной фации. Стратоны Мишихинского разреза коррелируются со стратонами, вскрытыми скважинами в дельте р. Селенги в центральной части Южно-Байкальской впадины