202 research outputs found

    Performance Evaluation of IPTV over WiMAX Networks Under Different Terrain Environments

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    Deployment Video on Demand (VoD) over the next generation (WiMAX) has become one of the intense interest subjects in the research these days, and is expected to be the main revenue generators in the near future. In this paper, the performance of Quilty of Service of video streaming (IPTV) over fixed mobile WiMax network is investigated under different terrain environments, namely Free Space, Outdoor to Indoor and Pedestrian. OPNET is used to investigate the performance of VoD over WiMAX. Our findings analyzing different network statistics such as packet lost, path loss, delay, network throughput.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1302.1409, and substantial text overlap with other internet sources by other author

    Rule Extraction in Diagnosis of Vertebral Column Disease

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    Computer aided diagnosis systems are getting importance in recent years. In this paper i worked on vertebral column disease (Disc Hernia, Spondylolisthesis) biomedical Dataset for disease diagnosis. i have results with a performance comparison among some of the best data mining techniques (classifying and clustering). Different type of classification algorithms gives very promising results (more than %90 accuracy) in disease diagnosis. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15035

    ¿Transmiten los libros de texto el valor de la igualdad desde la perspectiva de género? Estudio del lenguaje icónico de dos editoriales.

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    Producción CientíficaABSTRACT: This article shows the results of the analysis of four textbooks of the course "Spanish Language" for the 4th and 6th grade of Elementary Education published by Anaya and Santillana. Methodologically, a content analysis technique has been used, which has allowed us to quantify the images that appear on the textbooks that have been part of the sample. Focus has been on the number of images where men and women appear, as well as the roles and feelings that are assigned to each of them. The main findings point to a reproduction of androcentrism in textbooks.RESUMEN: En este artículo se muestran los resultados del análisis de cuatro libros de texto de la asignatura de “lengua castellana”: los de los cursos de 4º y 6º de Educación Primaria pertenecientes a las editoriales Anaya y Santillana. Metodológicamente, se ha utilizado como técnica el análisis de contenido de las imágenes o ilustraciones de los libros que han formado parte de la muestra, lo que ha permitido cuantificarlas. Se ha puesto el foco de atención en el número de imágenes que aparecen de hombres y de mujeres, así como en los roles y los sentimientos que se le asigna a cada una de ellas. Las principales conclusiones obtenidas apuntan a una reproducción del androcentrismo en los libros de texto.RESUM: En aquest article es mostren els resultats de l'anàlisi de quatre llibres de text de l'assignatura de "Llegua Castellana": els dels cursos 4º i 6º d'Educació Primària que pertanyen a les editorials Anaya i Santillana. Metodològicament, s'ha utilitzat com a tècnica l'anàlisi de contingut, que ha permès quantificar les imatges que apareixen en els llibres que han format part de la mostra. S'ha posat el focus d'atenció en el nombre d'imatges que apareixen d'homes i de dones, així com en els rols i els sentiments que s'assignen a cadascuna d'elles. Les principals conclusions obtingudes apunten a una reproducció de l'androcentrisme en els llibres de text

    Land Subsidence in Tehran District, Iran

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    Land subsidence is a worldwide phenomenon, where there is a sudden sinking or gradual downward settling of the earth\u27s surface with little or no horizontal motion. In Iran, this phenomenon is noticed to take place in many areas among which are Meshhed, Kerman, Tehran, Hamedan and others. In some of the above areas, water well installations seem to rise into the air, or some times to produce fissures in the soil and/or showing sinkhole in carbonated rocks. Land subsidence could causes damages in surface and subsurface installations. UNISCO was concerning with this worldwide phenomenon and tried to study it in different parts of the world through groups of work by using GPS, SAR and InSAR techniques that uses radar satellite image. The Iranian authorities in cooperation with others were interesting to see the extension and reasons for Tehran\u27s land subsidence by using the new InSAR techniques, which assured later on the existence of 2 profiles (namely NE-SW profile 1 and N-S profile 3) in a V shape in SW Tehran with 15 cm and 16 cm Land subsidence respectively. The subsidence is mainly due to depletion of aquifer (i.e. water level drop), which causes aquifer compaction

    Formative and shared assessment in the pre-service teacher education from the perspective of students and graduates

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    This paper presents the assessment of students and graduates of higher education (initial teacher training) on formative assessment and shared. The research was conducted with two discussion groups with students a thirdyear graduates and another for the last three years because it had given generations in one or more of their subjects this evaluation model. Both groups had men and women of all specialties taught at the School of Education. The discussion groups were conducted in the spring of 2009 and the theme of discourse analysis was done qualitative software Atlas.ti 6.0. Five are the conclusions drawn from his speeches on which we reflect: (1) Clear consensus that formative assessment helps you learn more and better; (2) consideration of the evaluation as something useful to educate; (3) the conviction that participation gives value to the model, accepting more collaborative assessment with the teacher to peer; (4) demand for consistency between discourse and educational practice teaching; and (5) request for trainning to implement anything experienced in their teaching practice, beginning with the practicum. We believe, based on the results, which must continue to deepen students’ speeches, especially in the less favorable of the model, in order to improve it. It would also be interesting to explore two new roads that indicate the analyzed speeches: to open new lines of research-action on the practicum, and contrast the networking possibilities for training

    ¿Transmiten los libros de texto el valor de la igualdad desde la perspectiva de género? estudio del lenguaje icónico de dos editoriales

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    En aquest article es mostren els resultats de l'anàlisi de quatre llibres de text de l'assignatura de "Llegua Castellana": els dels cursos 4º i 6º d'Educació Primària que pertanyen a les editorials Anaya i Santillana. Metodològicament, s'ha utilitzat com a tècnica l'anàlisi de contingut, que ha permès quantificar les imatges que apareixen en els llibres que han format part de la mostra. S'ha posat el focus d'atenció en el nombre d'imatges que apareixen d'homes i de dones, així com en els rols i els sentiments que s'assignen a cadascuna d'elles. Les principals conclusions obtingudes apunten a una reproducció de l'androcentrisme en els llibres de text.This article shows the results of the analysis of four textbooks of the course "Spanish Language" for the 4th and 6th grade of Elementary Education published by Anaya and Santillana. Methodologically, a content analysis technique has been used, which has allowed us to quantify the images that appear on the textbooks that have been part of the sample. Focus has been on the number of images where men and women appear, as well as the roles and feelings that are assigned to each of them. The main findings point to a reproduction of androcentrism in textbooks.En este artículo se muestran los resultados del análisis de cuatro libros de texto de la asignaturade “lengua castellana”: los de los cursos de 4º y 6º de Educación Primaria pertenecientes a laseditoriales Anaya y Santillana. Metodológicamente, se ha utilizado como técnica el análisis decontenido de las imágenes o ilustraciones de los libros que han formado parte de la muestra, loque ha permitido cuantificarlas. Se ha puesto el foco de atención en el número de imágenes queaparecen de hombres y de mujeres, así como en los roles y los sentimientos que se le asigna acada una de ellas. Las principales conclusiones obtenidas apuntan a una reproducción delandrocentrismo en los libros de texto