6,218 research outputs found

    Thinking with Birds: Mary Elizabeth Barber’s Advocacy for Gender Equality in Ornithology

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    This article explores parts of the first South African woman ornithologist’s life and work. It concerns itself with the micro-politics of Mary Elizabeth Barber’s knowledge of birds from the 1860s to the mid-1880s. Her work provides insight into contemporary scientific practices, particularly the importance of cross-cultural collaboration. I foreground how she cultivated a feminist Darwinism in which birds served as corroborative evidence for female selection and how she negotiated gender equality in her ornithological work. She did so by constructing local birdlife as a space of gender equality. While male ornithologists naturalised and reinvigorated Victorian gender roles in their descriptions and depictions of birds, she debunked them and stressed the absence of gendered spheres in bird life. She emphasised the female and male birds’ collaboration and gender equality that she missed in Victorian matrimony, an institution she harshly criticised. Reading her work against the background of her life story shows how her personal experiences as wife and mother as well as her observation of settler society informed her view on birds, and vice versa. Through birds she presented alternative relationships to matrimony. Her protection of insectivorous birds was at the same time an attempt to stress the need for a New Woman, an aspect that has hitherto been overlooked in studies of the transnational anti-plumage movement


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    The article provides a broad overview of general disability law, and the distinctive features of New York City\u27s disability law. The author introduces American human rights law as distinct in that it does not purport to advance the needs of the disabled, but merely penalizes individuals found to discriminate against them. After providing a definition of disability discrimination by drawing parallels to race, the article outlines the impacts of New York City\u27s uniquely broad definition of disability and concludes that the disabled are inevitably given less relief than a model which understands their needs, while at the same time the uniqueness of disability law from other forms of discrimination often leads to a protection of substantive rights for the disabled that are unavailable to other victims of discrimination. Finally, the author draws on case studies to illustrate the problems in fashioning remedies for discrimination violations

    Space processing applications payload equipment study. Volume 1: Executive summary

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    A study was conducted to derive and collect payload information on the anticipated space processing payload requirements for the Spacelab and space shuttle orbiter planning activities. The six objectives generated by the study are defined. Concepts and requirements for space processing payloads to accommodate the performance of the shuttle-supported research phase are analyzed. Diagrams and tables of data are developed to show the experiments involved, the power requirements, and the payloads for shared missions

    Sensitivity and spatial resolution for electron-spin-resonance detection by magnetic resonance force microscopy

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    The signal intensity of electron spin resonance in magnetic resonance force microscopy (MRFM) experiments employing periodic saturation of the electron spin magnetization is determined by four parameters: the rf field H1, the modulation level of the bias field Hm, the spin relaxation time tau1, and the magnetic size R([partial-derivative]H/[partial-derivative]z) of the sample. Calculations of the MRFM spectra obtained from a 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl particle have been performed for various conditions. The results are compared with experimental data and excellent agreement is found. The systematic variation of the signal intensity as a function of H1 and Hm provides a powerful tool to characterize the MRFM apparatus

    Space processing applications payload equipment study. Volume 2B: Payload interface analysis (power/thermal/electromagnetic compatibility)

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    As a part of the task of performing preliminary engineering analysis of modular payload subelement/host vehicle interfaces, a subsystem interface analysis was performed to establish the integrity of the modular approach to the equipment design and integration. Salient areas that were selected for analysis were power and power conditioning, heat rejection and electromagnetic capability (EMC). The equipment and load profiles for twelve representative experiments were identified. Two of the twelve experiments were chosen as being representative of the group and have been described in greater detail to illustrate the evaluations used in the analysis. The shuttle orbiter will provide electrical power from its three fuel cells in support of the orbiter and the Spacelab operations. One of the three shuttle orbiter fuel cells will be dedicated to the Spacelab electrical power requirements during normal shuttle operation. This power supplies the Spacelab subsystems and the excess will be available to the payload. The current Spacelab sybsystem requirements result in a payload allocation of 4.0 to 4.8 kW average (24 hour/day) and 9.0 kW peak for 15 minutes

    Space processing applications payload equipment study. Volume 2D: SPA supplemental power and heat rejection kit

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    The design and application of a supplementary power and heat rejection kit for the Spacelab are discussed. Two subsystems of electric power and thermal control were analyzed to define the requirements for the power and heat rejection kit (PHRK). Twelve exemplary experiments were defined and power timelines were developed. From these timeline, the experiment requirements for sustained power, peak power, and energy were determined. The electrical power subsystem of the PHRK will consist of two fuel cells, oxygen and hydrogen reactant tank assemblies, water storage tanks, plumbing, cabling, and inverters to convert the nominal 28 volt dc fuel cell output to ac power

    A fish stinks from the head: Ethnic diversity, segregation, and the collapse of Yugoslavia

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    Demographic analysis clarifies political issues in the collapse of Yugoslavia. In most regions, 1961-1991, ethnic diversity (estimated by informational entropy) increased and segregation (estimated by Theil’s H) decreased. In a few regions there was a reversal in 1991 as migration flows or presentations of self perhaps changed in anticipation of war. The analysis strengthens refutations of the view that long standing ethnic hatreds were the root cause of the Yugoslav collapse and supports analyses that attribute collapse to general economic crisis, economic competition between regions, and failures at the peak of government.collapse of Yugoslavia, diversity, ethnic politics, ethnicity, segregation, Yugoslavia

    Entwicklung des Kölner Risikoindex fĂŒr Betroffene von VerkehrsunfĂ€llen

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    Am Beispiel der ZugunglĂŒcke von Eschede und BrĂŒhl wurde im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit der Kölner Risikoindex fĂŒr Betroffene von VerkehrsunfĂ€llen entwickelt. Dabei handelt es sich um einen Screeningbogen, der bewusst fĂŒr Zielpersonen außerhalb der psychotrauma-tologischen Fachwelt konzipiert wurde. Er richtet sich in der Anwendung vor allem an Perso-nen aus der Notfallmedizin, vornehmlich Ärzte und Helfer sowie Pflegepersonal, aber auch an Juristen im Kraftfahrt-Schadenbereich, etwa bei Haftpflichtversicherungen oder an Rechtsan-wĂ€lte, die Verkehrsunfallopfer vertreten. Der Screeningbogen wird mit dem Ziel eingesetzt, Risikopatienten rechtzeitig zu erkennen und fachlicher Hilfe zuzuweisen. Er funktioniert dabei wie ein Filter und nutzt das bei vielen Laien vorhandene intuitive Wissen aufgrund alltĂ€glicher Praxis. Die gefilterten Risikopatien-ten tragen das Risiko, ein chronifiziertes posttraumatisches Belastungssyndrom (PTBS) zu entwickeln. Werden diese rechtzeitig erkannt und einem Kompetenzzentrum zugewiesen, kann im Sinne der SekundĂ€rprĂ€vention einer Chronifizierung vorgebeugt werden. Sinnvoll wird dieses Vorgehen, da das PTBS eine Störung ist, die a) zeitlich verzögert erscheint und b) nur bei einem Prozentsatz der Betroffenen auftritt. Die Arbeit beschreibt zunĂ€chst ausfĂŒhrlich das Vorgehen bei der Konzeptentwicklung fĂŒr eine psychotraumatologische Betreuung im Großschadenbereich im Rahmen der Projekte Eschede und BrĂŒhl, die im Auftrag der Deutschen Bahn erfolgten. Sodann werden Faktoren von prĂ€-diktivem Wert fĂŒr ein spĂ€teres PTBS aus diesen Stichproben extrahiert und diskutiert. Ab-schließend werden VorschlĂ€ge fĂŒr eine Laien- und eine Expertenversion des Kölner Risikoin-dexes fĂŒr Verkehrsunfallopfer vorgelegt. Damit steht dem Institut fĂŒr klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie der UniversitĂ€t Köln neben den Versionen fĂŒr Gewalt und Opfer von BankĂŒberfĂ€llen sowie fĂŒr Bundeswehrsoldaten eine weitere Version des Kölner Risikoindexes zur VerfĂŒgung

    Crew Exploration Vehicle Landing and Recovery Scenarios

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