218 research outputs found

    Teaching Legal Ethics: Exploring the Continuum

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    Spaeth et al assert that the only reason to teach legal ethics, or professional responsibility, is to try to make the legal profession more worthy of its stated ideals. The University of Pennsylvania Law School Center on Professionalism\u27s efforts to achieve this are discussed

    The Nonpenetrating Telescopic Sham Needle May Blind Patients with Different Characteristics and Experiences When Treated by Several Therapists

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    Background. Little is known which factors influence the blinding in acupuncture studies. Aim. To investigate if blinding varied between patients with different characteristics receiving verum or sham acupuncture. Methods. We randomised cancer patients to verum (n = 109) or sham acupuncture (n = 106) with a nonpenetrating telescopic sham needle for nausea. Level of blinding was compared between different sub-groups of patients using Bang's blinding index (BI) ranged −1 to 1 (−1 = all state the opposite treatment, 1 = all identify treatment). Results. Most patients in the verum (74 of 95; 78%, BI 0.72) and the sham (68 of 95; 72%, BI −0.60). acupuncture group believed they had received verum acupuncture. The probability for a patient to believe he/she received verum acupuncture was related to the received needling type (P = .003) and to the patient's belief in received treatment effects (P = .008). Hospital (P = .425), therapist (P = .434), previous acupuncture experience (P = .578), occurrence of nausea (P = .157), gender (P = .760), and age (P = .357) did not affect blinding. Conclusions. Blinding was successfully achieved irrespective of age, gender, acupuncture experience, treatment effect, or in which hospital or by which therapist the patient received treatment. Patients with higher belief in the effect of the treatment were more likely to believe they had received verum acupuncture

    Knowledge Actors : Revisiting Agency in the History of Knowledge

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    Historical actors are central to the history of knowledge as they are to all historical scholarship. Every country, every era has its biographies of eminent scientists, intellectuals, and educational reformers. Yet the theoretical currents that have left their mark on the historical and sociological study of knowledge since the 1960s have emphasized structures over actors, collectives over individuals.Knowledge Actors instead stresses the importance of historical actors and re-engages with their actions from fresh perspectives. This volume thus fosters a larger discussion among historians about the role of knowledge actors. Do we want individuals and networks to take centre stage in our historical narratives? And if so, which knowledge actors do we want to highlight and how best to conduct our research? What are the potential pitfalls of following an actor-centric path?This is the third of three volumes about the history of knowledge from the Lund Centre for the History of Knowledge (LUCK). The two other books are Forms of Knowledge and Circulation of Knowledge

    Acupuncture as Treatment of Hot Flashes and the Possible Role of Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide

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    The mechanisms behind hot flashes in menopausal women are not fully understood. The flashes in women are probably preceded by and actually initiated by a sudden downward shift in the set point for the core body temperature in the thermoregulatory center that is affected by sex steroids, β-endorphins, and other central neurotransmitters. Treatments that influence these factors may be expected to reduce hot flashes. Since therapy with sex steroids for hot flashes has appeared to cause a number of side effects and risks and women with hot flashes and breast cancer as well as men with prostate cancer and hot flashes are prevented from sex steroid therapy there is a great need for alternative therapies. Acupuncture affecting the opioid system has been suggested as an alternative treatment option for hot flashes in menopausal women and castrated men. The heat loss during hot flashes may be mediated by the potent vasodilator and sweat gland activator calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) the concentration of which increases in plasma during flashes in menopausal women and, according to one study, in castrated men with flushes. There is also evidence for connections between the opioid system and the release of CGRP. In this paper we discuss acupuncture as a treatment alternative for hot flashes and the role of CGRP in this context

    Error-rate-agnostic decoding of topological stabilizer codes

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    Efficient high-performance decoding of topological stabilizer codes has the potential to crucially improve the balance between logical failure rates and the number and individual error rates of the constituent qubits. High-threshold maximum-likelihood decoders require an explicit error model for Pauli errors to decode a specific syndrome, whereas lower-threshold heuristic approaches such as minimum weight matching are "error agnostic". Here we consider an intermediate approach, formulating a decoder that depends on the bias, i.e., the relative probability of phase-flip to bit-flip errors, but is agnostic to error rate. Our decoder is based on counting the number and effective weight of the most likely error chains in each equivalence class of a given syndrome. We use Metropolis-based Monte Carlo sampling to explore the space of error chains and find unique chains, that are efficiently identified using a hash table. Using the error-rate invariance the decoder can sample chains effectively at an error rate which is higher than the physical error rate and without the need for "thermalization" between chains in different equivalence classes. Applied to the surface code and the XZZX code, the decoder matches maximum-likelihood decoders for moderate code sizes or low error rates. We anticipate that, because of the compressed information content per syndrome, it can be taken full advantage of in combination with machine-learning methods to extrapolate Monte Carlo-generated data.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures; V2 Added analysis of low error-rate performanc

    Two modes of acupuncture as a treatment for hot flushes in men with prostate cancer – a prospective multicenter study with long-term follow-up. Eur Urol

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    Ö stergö tland, Norrkö ping and Linkö ping, Sweden e u r o p e a n u r o l o g y 5 5 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 1 5 6 -1 6 3 a v a i l a b l e a t w w w . s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e u r o p e a n u r o l o g y . c o m 3) at baseline in the EA group to 4.1 (IQR, 2.0-6.5) ( p = 0.012) after 12 wk, and from 5.7 (IQR, 5.1-9.5) in the TA group to 3.4 (IQR1.8-6.3) ( p = 0.001). Distress by flushes decreased from 8.2 (IQR, 6.5-10.7) in the EA group to 3.3 (IQR, 0.3-8.1) ( p = 0.003), and from 7.6 (IQR, 4.7-8.3) to 3.4 (IQR, 2.0-5.6) ( p = 0.001) in the TA group after 12 wk, (78% and 73% reduction in ''hot flush score,'' respectively). The effect lasted up to 9 mo after treatment ended. CGRP did not change significantly. Few, minor side effects were reported. Article info Limitations: small number of patients; no placebo control, instead a small group controlled for 6 wk pretreatment. Conclusions: EA and TA lowered number of and distress from hot flushes. The hot flush score decreased 78% and 73%, respectively, in line with or better than medical regimens for these symptoms. Acupuncture should be considered an alternative treatment for these symptoms, but further evaluation is needed, preferably with a non-or placebo-treated control group

    Selvitys Pohjois-Savon säännöstellyistä järvistä

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    Tässä selvityksessä tarkasteltiin Pohjois-Savon säännösteltyjen järvien tilaa ja mahdollisia säännöstelyjen kehittämistarpeita. Suomen ympäristökeskuksen ja Pohjois-Savon ympäristökeskuksen yhteistyönä toteutettu selvitys kohdennettiin niille Pohjois-Savon maakunnan säännöstellyille järville, jotka eivät ole olleet mukana viimeisen 20 vuoden aikana tehdyissä suuria järviä koskevissa säännöstelyn kehittämisselvityksissä. Kohdejärvistä 20 sijaitsee Vuoksen vesistön alueella. Nämä järvet ovat: Sorsavesi, Kiuruvesi, Salahmijärvi, Hautajärvi, Kilpijärvi, Rytkynjärvi,Iso Vehkalahti, Pieni Vehkalahti, Karjalankosken allas, Vuotjärvi, Syväri, Karsanjärvi, Korpijärvi, Säleväjärvi, Kiltuanjärvi, Haajaistenjärvi, Laakajärvi, Juojärvi, Rikkavesi ja Kaavinjärvi. Kymijoen vesistöalueelta tarkastelussa olivat mukana Sonkari- ja Kiesimäjärvi sekä Hirvijärvi, Kalliovesi ja Ahveninen. Vesistöjen tilaa ja säännöstelyn vaikutuksia arvioitiin veden laadun ja kuormituksen, vedenkorkeuksien, käyttäjien haastatteluiden sekä maastotöiden tulosten perusteella. Kaikilla kohdejärvillä tarkasteltiin veden laatua ja kuormitusta sekä tehtiin REGCEL -vedenkorkeusanalyysi. Osalla järvistä tehtiin lisäksi suppea maastoselvitys ja toteutettiin haastatteluja, joilla selvitettiin paikallisten asukkaiden ja toimijoiden käsityksiä vesistön tilasta ja käytöstä sekä kehittämistarpeista. Vesienhoitolain edellyttämää arviointia varten tarkasteltiin myös vesistöjen hydrologismorfologista muuttuneisuutta keinotekoiseksi tai voimakkaasti muutetuksi nimeämisen kriteerien kannalta. Selvityksen aikana järjestettiin keskeisille sidosryhmille kolme tilaisuutta, joissa keskusteltiin selvityksen sisällöstä, selvityksen tuloksista ja jatkotoimenpiteistä. Tarkastelujen perusteella on ehdotettu järvikohtaisia jatkotoimenpiteitä, jotka liittyvät vesistöjä koskevien tietojen täydentämiseen, säännöstelykäytäntöihin, haittojen vähentämistoimiin sekä viestintään ja vuorovaikutukseen

    Epidemiology of malaria in a village in the Rufiji River Delta, Tanzania: declining transmission over 25 years revealed by different parasitological metrics

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    Background: Assessments of the epidemiology of malaria over time are needed to understand changes in transmission and guide control and elimination strategies. Methods: A longitudinal population study was established in 1985 in Nyamisati village in the Rufiji River Delta, Tanzania. A physician and research team lived in the village 1984–2000. Parasite prevalence by microscopy and two PCR methods, spleen rates and haemoglobin levels were measured in repeated cross-sectional surveys between 1985 and 2010. Passive surveillance of malaria cases was maintained until end 1999. Bed nets were distributed after the surveys 1993, 1999 and 2010. Results: In 1985, overall parasite prevalence by microscopy was 70% (90% in children ages two to nine years). The prevalence decreased gradually by microscopy (38.9% 1994, 26.7% 1999) and msp2-PCR (58.7% 1994, 44.8% 1999), whereas real-time PCR prevalence remained higher throughout the 1990s (69.4% 1994, 64.8% 1999). In 2010, parasite prevalence was 17.8% by real-time PCR and 16.3% by msp2-PCR, and estimated to 4.8% by microscopy. Spleen rates in children ages two to nine years decreased earlier than parasite prevalence, from \u3e75 to 42% in the 1980s, to nil during the 1990s. The prevalence of severe and moderate anaemia decreased from 41.1 to 13.1%. No deaths at the time of acute malaria were recorded when the research team lived in the village. Conclusions:A marked decline in malaria transmission was observed over 25 years. The decrease was detected after the arrival of the research team and continued gradually both before and after distribution of bed nets. Spleen rates and microscopy identified early changes when transmission was still intense, whereas real-time PCR was a more sensitive metric when transmission was reduced. The study provides historical data on malaria within a closely monitored rural village and contributes to the understanding of changing epidemiology in sub-Saharan Africa