24 research outputs found

    Difficulties Encountered by a Dyslexic Secondary School Student in Learning Science and Suggestions for Solutions

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    This study aims to reveal the problems faced by a dyslexic student in learning science and determine what can be considered an effective science teaching method for this kind of learner. The case study design was used, and the study was conducted with a 7th-grade dyslexic female student. This study used observations and a semi-structured interview form as data collection tools. According to the findings, the problems faced by the student with dyslexia in learning science were generally compatible with the literature and immediately affected science learning. It was deduced that the student's reading skills, writing skills, motor skills, attention, memory and comprehension, language skills, use of sensory organs, and math skills are effective in learning science and that the development of these skills is necessary for understanding and comprehending science. In order to develop these skills, it is predicted that technology-based student-centered activities and individualized teaching may be beneficial, which is in line with the constructivist philosophy. In addition, it may be practical to give technology-supported reading extracts containing scientific texts, tasks involving social interaction, and writing tasks to improve students' reading, writing, and language skills

    Testing Equality of Multiple Population Means under Contaminated Normal Model Using the Density Power Divergence

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    This paper considers the problem of comparing several means under the one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) setup. In ANOVA, outliers and heavy-tailed error distribution can seriously hinder the treatment effect, leading to false positive or false negative test results. We propose a robust test of ANOVA using an M-estimator based on the density power divergence. Compared with the existing robust and non-robust approaches, the proposed testing procedure is less affected by data contamination and improves the analysis. The asymptotic properties of the proposed test are derived under some regularity conditions. The finite-sample performance of the proposed test is examined via a series of Monte-Carlo experiments and two empirical data examples-bone marrow transplant dataset and glucose level dataset. The results produced by the proposed testing procedure are favorably compared with the classical ANOVA and robust tests based on Huber's M-estimator and Tukey's MM-estimator

    Deep desulfurization of gas oils by coupling oxidative desulfurization and hydrodesulfurization processes

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    Afin d’atteindre une désulfuration profonde des charges pétrolières, la désulfuration oxydante (ODS) est utilisée en traitement de finition des effluents d’hydrodésulfuration (HDS), les composés réfractaires à l’HDS étant plus réactifs en ODS. Les sulfones obtenues sont ensuite séparées par extraction ou par adsorption. L’objectif de cette étude est de proposer l’étape d’ODS non plus comme étape de finition mais en prétraitement de la charge avant HDS, en utilisant un même catalyseur pour les deux réactions. Les sulfones obtenues par le premier traitement peuvent potentiellement se fixer sur le catalyseur en agissant comme agent modifiant. De meilleures performances en HDS d’un SRGO ont été obtenues sur les catalyseurs modifiés par des sulfones, en lien avec une modification de la morphologie de la phase active due à la présence de sulfones. L’HDS de charges contenant des sulfones dissoutes a également été étudiée. Un taux de conversion significativement plus élevé est obtenu en hydrodésulfurant les charges oxydées, les sulfones présentes se désulfurant plus facilement que les molécules soufrées réfractaires. Enfin, le couplage des procédés ODS et HDS en micro-pilote sur le même catalyseur CoMoP/Al2O3 a permis de valider la meilleure désulfuration des gazoles oxydés, même sur un catalyseur ayant déjà subi un cycle d’ODS. Cette étude met donc en avant d’une part l’intérêt du prétraitement de la charge par ODS avant HDS, d’autre part la possibilité d’un couplage en continu sur le même catalyseur, évitant de plus les étapes de séparation des sulfones de la charge.In order to achieve a deep desulfurization of petroleum feedstocks, oxidative desulfurization (ODS) is used as post treatment of hydrodesulfurization effluents (HDS), the HDS refractory compounds being more reactive in ODS. The resulting sulfones are then separated by extraction or by adsorption. The objective of this study is to propose the ODS no longer as a finishing step but in pre-treatment of the charge before HDS, using the same catalyst for both reactions. The sulfones obtained by the first treatment can potentially be retained on the catalyst and act as a modifying agent. Improved performance in the HDS of a SRGO were obtained on the sulfone-modified catalysts in relation with a change in the morphology of the active phase due to the presence of sulfones. The HDS of feeds containing dissolved sulfones has also been studied. A significantly higher conversion rate is obtained by hydrodesulfurizing the oxidized feeds, the sulfones present being desulfurized more readily than the refractory sulfur molecules. Finally, the coupling of the ODS and HDS processes in micro-pilot on the same CoMoP/Al2O3 catalyst enabled to validate the more efficient desulfurization of the oxidized gas oils, even on a catalyst that has already undergone a cycle of ODS. This study therefore highlights on the one hand the advantage of the pretreatment of the charge by ODS before HDS and, on the other hand, the possibility of a continuous coupling on the same catalyst, moreover avoiding the steps of separation of the sulfones from the charge

    Çoklu yaşam sigortaları

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    Bu tezde, iki yaşamın olduğu durumda çoklu hayat sigortası ürünleri incelenmiştir. İlk olarak bileşik hayat poliçelerinin iki türü, bileşik-yaşam ve son-hayatta kalan ürünleri, geriye kalan ömürlerin bağımsızlığı varsayımı altında incelenmiştir. Evli çiftlerin olduğu durumda, bağımlı ölüm modeli kullanımının son - hayatta kalan poliçelerinin fiyatlaması üzerindeki etkisine çalışılmıştır. Çalışmanın ilk amacı son-hayatta kalan ürünlerinin prim değerlerini eşlerin yaşamlarının bağımlılığı ve bağımsızlığı varsayımına göre karşılaştırmaktır. İkinci amaç modelde yaş farkı faktörü kullanımının bağımlılık yapısı ve prim değerlemesi üzerinde etkisi olup olmadığını araştırmaktır. Bu amaçla, fonksiyonel yapısının uygun olmasından dolayı bağımlılık yapısını oluşturmak için Gumbel-Hougaard copula ile Weibull marjinal dağılım fonksiyonu seçilmiştir. Daha sonra, Türkiye'ye ilişkin Weibull sağ kalım dağılımının parametreleri kadınlar ve erkekler için şu üç modele göre tahmin edilmiştir : Bağımsız, bağımlı ve yaş farkı değişkenin olduğu bağımlı model. Sonuç olarak, sabit faiz oranı varsayımı altında, bütün modeller için son - hayatta kalan sigortaları ve anüitelerinin aktüeryal peşin değerleri Türkiye' ye ilişkin parametre tahminlerine dayalı olarak hesaplanmış ve sonuçlar oran olarak üç boyutlu grafikleri ile birlikte karşılaştırılmıştır. In this thesis, multiple life insurance products are investigated in the case of two lives. Initially two types of joint life policies, joint-life and last-survivor products, have been examined under the independence assumption of future lifetimes. In the case of married couples, the use of dependent mortality model have been studied the impact on pricing of last-survivor policies. The first purpose of the study is to compare the premium values of last - survivor products with the independence and dependence assumption of lifetimes of spouses. The second aim is to search whether using age difference factor in the model has the impact on dependence structure and premium valuation. Thus, Gumbel-Hougaard copula with Weibull marginal distribution function was chosen to generate the dependence structure because of its convenient functional form. Then, the parameters of Weibull survival distributions related to Turkey have been estimated for females and males according to three models: Independent, dependent and dependent with age difference variable. As a result, under the fixed interest rate assumption, the actuarial present values of joint last survivor insurances and annuities for all models have been calculated based on these parameter estimations related to Turkey, and the results have been compared as ratios together with three dimensional plots

    Haci Bektaş Veli'nin Eserlerindeki Ferdi Ve Toplumsal Değerler Üzerine

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    Wir haben in unserer Gesellschaft, sowohl auf der individuellen, als auch auf der ge- sellschaftlichen Ebene, eine Reihe von Problemen. Mit anstandigen und tugendhaften Menschen verschwinden auch die menschlichen Werte aus unserer Gesellschaft. Dass bewundernswerte Menschen eine bewundernswerte Gesellschaft bilden, dürfte jedem klar sein. Wir wissen auch, dass das Ziel des Sufismus die Erziehung eines ,,vollkom- menen Menschen" und Menschen, die ,,innerhalb der Gesellschaft für Gott wirken", ist. Wenn wir die Werke von Hacı Bektaş Veli aus diesem Blickwinkel heraus betrachten, bemerkt man, wie oft das Thema der spirituellen und ethischen Vervollkommnung des Individuums, das wir auch oben angedeutet haben, angesprochen wird. Neben den indi-viduelle Werte, wie Anstand, Ehrfurcht, Enthaltsamkeit, Geduld, Schamgefühl, Frei-giebigkeit, Wissen, Erkenntnis, Bescheidenheit oder Vernunft, werden auch gesell- schaftliche Werte, wie haram und helal, das Gebot zur Güte und das Verbot zur Bösar-tigkeit, sich des Alkohols, Glückspiels und Zinsgeschafts zu enthalten oder Almosen-geben, in den Werken von Hacı Bektaş Veli thematisiert. Ausgehend hiervon, werden wir versuchen, die individuellen und gesellschaftlichen Werte in den Werken Makalat, Şerh-i Besmele, Makalat-ı Gaybiyye und Kelimat-ı Ayniyye von Hacı Bektaş Veli zu untersuchen.There are both individual and social problems in our society, and it can be observed that humane val- ues have been weakening in parallel with the decrease in the number of morally upright and virtuous people. As everyone knows, perfect individuals form perfect societies. We also know that the aim of Sufism is to raise people who are called "kamil insan" (perfect man) and who works for God among people. When Hacı Bektash Veli's works are considered from this perspective, it can be observed that there is an abundant number of elements which help individuals become morally and ethically perfect. In Veli's works, there are some individual values such as respect, fear, 'perhizgerlik' (eating less), toleration, the feeling of shyness, generosity, science, modesty, wisdom, and 'marifet' (being virtuous) as well as the social values such as 'haram' (the things forbidden by religion), 'helal' (the things allowed by religion), ordering the good, giv- ing alms, avoiding the evil, alcohol, fortune-telling, interest, and gambling. Starting from this point, we tries to evaluate Hacı Bektash Veli's Works which are entitled Makalat, Besmele Şerhi ve Makalat-ı Gaybiyye ve Kelimat-ı Ayniye in terms of social and individual values.  Toplumumuzda hem ferdi hem de toplumsal olarak birtakım sıkıntılar yaşanmakta, ahlaklı ve faziletli insanların azalmasına paralel olarak insani değerlerin de zayıf!,adığı görülmektedir. Mükemmel fertlerin mükemmel toplumlar oluşturacağı herkesin malumudur. Tasavvuf ilminin amacının da "Kamil insan" denilen ve " halk içinde Hak için çalışan insanlar" yetiştirmek olduğunu biliyoruz. Hacı Bektaş Veli'nin eserlerine bu açıdan bakıldığında yukarıda da işaret edildiği gibi ferdin manevi ve ahlaki mükemmelleşmesini sağlayacak unsurların ne kadar bol olduğu görülmektedir. Veli'nin eserlerinde edep, korku, perhizgerlik, sabır, haya, cömertlik, ilim, tevazu, marifet, akıl gibi ferdi olan unsurlardan başka haram ve helal, iyiliği emredip kötülüğü men etmek, içki, kumar, fal ve faizden kaçınmak, sadaka vermek gibi içtimai olanlar da vardır. Bu noktadan hareketle Hacı Bektaş Veli'nin Makalat, Besmele Şerhi ve Makalat-ı Gaybiyye ve Kelimat-ı Ayniyye adlı eserleri toplumsal ve ferdi değerler açısından değerlendirilmeye çalışılmıştır


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    This study presents two interval-valued time series approaches to construct multivariate multi-step ahead joint forecast regions based on two bootstrap algorithms. The first approach is based on fitting a dynamic bivariate system via a VAR process for minimum and maximum of the interval while the second approach applies for mid-points and half-ranges of interval-valued time series. As a novel perspective, we adopt two bootstrap techniques into the proposed interval-valued time series approaches to obtain joint forecast regions of the lower/upper bounds of the intervals. The forecasting performances of the proposed approaches are evaluated by extensive Monte Carlo simulations and two real-world examples: (i) monthly S&P 500 stock indices; (ii) monthly USD/SEK exchange rates. Our results demonstrate that the proposed approaches are capable of producing valid multivariate forecast regions for interval-valued time series

    On Jackknife-After-Bootstrap Method for Dependent Data

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    In this paper, we adapt sufficient and ordered non-overlapping block bootsrap methods into jackknife-after-bootstrap (JaB) algorithm to estimate the standard error of a statistic where observations form a stationary sequence. We also extend the JaB algorithm to obtain prediction intervals for future returns and volatilities of GARCH processes. The finite sample properties of the proposed methods are illustrated by an extensive simulation study and they are applied to S&P 500 stock index data. Our findings reveal that the proposed algorithm often exhibits improved performance and, is computationally more efficient compared to conventional JaB method