263 research outputs found


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    Pembuktian matematika merupakan salah satu aspek yang harus diperhatikan dalam pembelajaran matematika di sekolah. Salah satu kendala yang dialami siswa terhadap geometri adalah kesulitan dalam mengkonstruksi bukti. Salah satu penyebab belum tersedia perangkat pembelajaran khusus bukti. Adapun untuk mencapai maksud tersebut diperlukan perangkat pembelajaran pembuktian menggunakan model Guided Inquiry. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran pembuktian menggunakan model pembelajaran Guided Inquiry untuk mengembangkan kemampuan geometri siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan dengan menggunakan model ADDIE yang terdiri atas lima tahap. Tahap pertama yaitu Analysis (analisis), kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah menganalisi kebutuhan, karakteristik siswa, silabus, dan materi. Tahap kedua yaitu Design (desain), kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah menyusun perangkat pembelajaran berupa materi ajar, RPP, LKPD, dan THB yang berupa produk awal. Tahap ketiga yaitu Development (pengembangan), kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah proses validasi dari validator yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan perangkat pembelajaran yang valid. Setelah divalidasi diperoleh prototipe 1. Tahap keempat yaitu Implementation (pelaksanaan), kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah ujicoba kelompok keterbacaan dan uji coba lapangan yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan perangkat pembelajaran yang praktis dan efektif. Setelah uji coba keterbacaan diperoleh prototipe 2. Setelah ujicoba lapangan diperoleh prototipe 3. Tahap kelima yaitu Evaluation (evaluasi), kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah menganalisis data kepraktisan dan keefektifan, kemudian dihasilkan prototipe akhir yang valid, praktis dan efektif. Subjek ujicoba dalam penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas XII-4 MAN Model Banda Aceh 1. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa perangkat pembelajaran berupa materi ajar, RPP, LKPD, dan THB. Perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan dikatergorikan valid, praktis dan efektif.Kata kunci: Pembuktian pada Geometri Transformasi dan Guided Inquir

    The development of sustainable cultural heritage tourism in Malaysia :implication for planning and management

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    PhD ThesisThis thesis examines the development of cultural heritage tourism in Malaysia, and questions if this tourism development has been managed in a sustainable manner. Recent national tourism policies in Malaysia increasingly have been aimed towards promoting cultural heritage tourism, signifying that cultural heritage tourism could be potentially one of the most important areas in the growth of the country’s tourism industry. While tourism development has contributed to the country’s economic growth, for cultural heritage, the thrust of the tourism industry is to make the most of the country’s non-renewable resources. This thesis identifies three key objectives required for creating sustainable tourism development in Malaysia: meeting the needs of local communities, satisfying the demands of a growing number of tourists, and safeguarding the remaining natural and cultural resources. Knowledge leading to improvements in the development of cultural heritage tourism is important, as knowledge is a primary means of strengthening its positive aspects and simultaneously mitigating its negative aspects, so that development can maintain a long-term viability. This study also explores some of the key management issues relating to the development of cultural heritage tourism at both Federal and State levels. A broad understanding is necessary for providing a firm basis in prescribing a thorough and realistic sustainable development framework. The study employs questionnaires, surveys, and interviews with a range of government officials, local communities, and tourists. The findings indicate that the government has played a major role in shaping the development of sustainable cultural heritage tourism in Malaysia, but at present there are many shortcomings that need to be addressed, such as definitions of the term Cultural Heritage, as well as management issues, including conflicts and bureaucratic barriers. These problems, consequently, hinder a comprehensive management of cultural heritage tourism. Additional findings indicate that local communities are not actively involved in tourism planning or decision-making processes, though they generally are satisfied with development at the locations of this study. The study also calls for higher quality tourist services, and the promotion of other elements of cultural heritage to compliment the already established yet limited elements. Finally, it suggests a Sustainable Cultural Heritage Tourism Framework, incorporating social and cultural elements. This thesis contributes new knowledge to the field of cultural heritage tourism in Malaysia and may serve as a starting point for researchers interested in this area. Furthermore, the results of this study are expected to be useful for guiding policy actions in the future.University Utara Malaysi

    The Development of Sustainable Cultural Heritage Tourism in Malaysia: Implication for Planning and Management

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    This thesis examines the development of cultural heritage tourism in Malaysia, and questions if this tourism development has been managed in a sustainable manner. Recent national tourism policies in Malaysia increasingly have been aimed towards promoting cultural heritage tourism, signifying that cultural heritage tourism could be potentially one of the most important areas in the growth of the country’s tourism industry. While tourism development has contributed to the country’s economic growth, for cultural heritage, the thrust of the tourism industry is to make the most of the country’s non-renewable resources. This thesis identifies three key objectives required for creating sustainable tourism development in Malaysia: meeting the needs of local communities, satisfying the demands of a growing number of tourists, and safeguarding the remaining natural and cultural resources. Knowledge leading to improvements in the development of cultural heritage tourism is important, as knowledge is a primary means of strengthening its positive aspects and simultaneously mitigating its negative aspects, so that development can maintain a long-term viability. This study also explores some of the key management issues relating to the development of cultural heritage tourism at both Federal and State levels. A broad understanding is necessary for providing a firm basis in prescribing a thorough and realistic sustainable development framework. The study employs questionnaires, surveys, and interviews with a range of government officials, local communities, and tourists. The findings indicate that the government has played a major role in shaping the development of sustainable cultural heritage tourism in Malaysia, but at present there are many shortcomings that need to be addressed, such as definitions of the term Cultural Heritage, as well as management issues, including conflicts and bureaucratic barriers. These problems, consequently, hinder a comprehensive management of cultural heritage tourism. Additional findings indicate that local communities are not actively involved in tourism planning or decision-making processes, though they generally are satisfied with development at the locations of this study. The study also calls for higher quality tourist services, and the promotion of other elements of cultural heritage to compliment the already established yet limited elements. Finally, it suggests a Sustainable Cultural Heritage Tourism Framework, incorporating social and cultural elements. This thesis contributes new knowledge to the field of cultural heritage tourism in Malaysia and may serve as a starting point for researchers interested in this area. Furthermore, the results of this study are expected to be useful for guiding policy actions in the future

    Conductor minimum safe distance analysis: Application of a 20 kV medium voltage airline (SUTM) system

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    Medium Voltage Air Line Conductor (SUTM) has a voltage of 20 kV. The SUTM network should have the criteria for electricity safety techniques, including minimum safety distances between the trees and the environment and the effectiveness of electricity distribution development. There are ten stages in the installation of the new SUTM 20 kV network. The results of the study concluded that the Conductor used in the planning of the 20 kV SUTM new network construction was AAACS - 150 mm2. The safe distance between the conductors and the conditions contained Billboards are 0.5 meters with a minimum height difference of ± 2.5 meters. Whereas the safe distance between the conductor and the tree is ± 0.5 meters, but the Medium Voltage Network Construction Standard for Electric Power must have a height difference of 2.5 meters. The distance between the conductor and billboards is 0.5 meters, which does not complete the standard instructions


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    Siswa diharapkan dapat aktif mengkonstruksi suatu konsep selama proses pembelajaran. Model 5E memiliki karakter konstruktivis sehingga dapat membantu siswa mengkonstruksi konsep pada materi vertebrata yang memiliki cakupan cukup luas. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan validitas dan kepraktisan LKS Berorientasi Model 5E Berbahasa Inggris pada Subpokok Bahasan Vertebrata. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan yang mengacu pada model 4-D (Define, Design, Develop, dan Disseminate), namun tahap Disseminate tidak dilakukan. Kegiatan pengembangan dilaksanakan di Jurusan Biologi, Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Selanjutnya LKS diujicobakan secara terbatas kepada 15 siswa Kelas XI SMA Darul Ulum 3 Peterongan Jombang. Hasil validasi menunjukkan bahwa, LKS yang dikembangkan dinyatakan sangat valid (3,87). Kepraktisan LKS ditinjau berdasarkan keterlaksanaan LKS dinyatakan sangat praktis (3,98).   Kata kunci: LKS Berorientasi Model 5E, subpokok bahasan vertebrata, LKS berbahasa Inggri

    Community Perceptions On Tourism Impacts: A Case Of University Students In Malaysia

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    The purpose of this study is to evaluate Malaysia’s university students’ perceptions of the tourism industry in Malaysia, particularly focusing on the differences in perceptions between the Muslim and non-Muslim students. The rapid development of tourism in the recent years, in line with the country’s healthy long-term economic prospects and the government’s commitment to tourism, resulted in the increase of employment opportunity in the tourism industry in Malaysia. However, there is a great concern for the participation of the Muslim population in tourism related jobs. Tourism has always being associated with alcohol and general permissiveness by the Muslims and the two Factors are prohibited by their religion. The findings of the analysis, therefore, reveal some important assumptions that can be useful for future references. The study proves that there are broadly similar views among the students from both Muslim and non-Muslim respondents. In fact,a very high percentage of the answers stresses the benefits of tourism. In general terms, the majority welcome tourism for economic reasons, and see it as a positive force. However, a distinct minority see some problems arising from tourism. Having said that, it is interesting to note that there is a difference in perceptions between the liberal and orthodox Muslims themselves. Several recommendations are made particularly concerning local community participation in developing an area, and the emphasis on higher education for tourist related areas. All of these will be discussed at length in the next chapters

    Optimization Method Using Modified Harmony Search For Coverage And Energy Efficiency In Wireless Sensor Network

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    Coverage and energy efficiency metrics are two fundamental issues for almost all types of application in wireless sensor network (WSNs).Coverage reflects how well an area is monitored by sensor nodes and in energy efficient networks where less energy is consumed to provide the same level of services.These twin specifics are presented to evaluate the performance of a wireless sensor network.Due to its simplicity and ease of analysis,full coverage is widely implemented in many theoretical studies.However,sometimes full coverage is not the best way to represent some real-world application due to its strong restrictions and its deterministic characteristics.In this thesis,Modified Harmony Search algorithm (MHS) is proposed to achieve a sensor node deployment such that the covered area is optimal and data transfer has low energy consumption.Through computer simulations, experimental results verified that the proposed method improved the coverage of area in compare to some related methods.Based on the result obtain from every experiments,coverage area percentage performance is affected by the number of hotspots.This is shown by Harmony Search (HS) based method where the coverage area percentage increases as the number of hotspot increase. However,the sink node position and size of data transmitted will not affect the performance of coverage area.This is because the coverage area value is fluctuated as the parameters value increases.Throughout the experiment conducted,sensor nodes deployed using Modified Harmony Search algorithm (MHS) gives better coverage area compared to other existing methods.The average coverage area percentage obtained by Modified Harmony Search is 63 %.The average coverage area percentage obtained by Modified Random is 48 % and the average coverage area percentage obtained by Harmony Search is 46 %.The highest coverage area recorded for Modified Harmony Search is 70 %.To enhance the energy efficiency,shortest path distance finder is added to each method.Throughout the research,Modified Harmony Search with shortest path distance finder gives optimum results

    Comparisons of nonlinear estimators for wastewater treatment plants

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    This paper deals with five existing nonlinear estimators (filters), which include Extended Kalman Filter (EKF), Extended H-infinity Filter (EHF), State Dependent Filter (SDF), State Dependent H-Infinity Filter (SDHF) and Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) that are formulated and implemented to estimate unmeasured states of a typical biological wastewater system. The performance of these five estimators of different complexities, behaviour and advantages are demonstrated and compared via nonlinear simulations. This study shows promising application of UKF for monitoring and control of the process variables, which are not directly measurable

    Studi Aplikasi Smart Switch RFID pada Kelistrikan Kantor dan Ruang Belajar

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    Abstrak -Penelitian ini, RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) digunakan sebagai alat identifikasi personal pada sistem akses. sistem ini ditujukan untuk menjaga keamanan dan privasi ruangan dari pihak-pihak yang tidak memiliki otoritas untuk memasuki ruangan tersebut. Melalui perancangan dan implementasi sistem akses ruangan ini, jarak dan posisi optimal pembacaan RFID tag guna memberikan kenyamanan pada pengguna saat mengakses ruangan. Untuk mempermudah mobilitas, pengembangan penggunaan RFID sebagai pengganti kunci pintu, selain praktis penggunaan RFID juga lebih ekonomis dan dapat mengefisiensi energi yang digunakan, serta meminimalisir bahaya kebakaran yang diakibatkan hubungan pendek arus listrik yang sering terjadi di rumah dan perkantoran. alat kunci pintu dan saklar lampu RFID berbasis arduino uno adalah suatu alat yang dapat diarahkan untuk menghidupkan dan mematikan lampu serta peralatan elektronik lainnya saat membuka dan mengunci pintu. Dengan itu dibuatlah suatu sistem kontrol yang mampu di kendalikan menggunakan sensor Kata Kunci : kunci elektrik, RFID, sistem akses ruangan, sistem database, solenoi

    Internal mimics hernias and their mimics: How would radiologists help?

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    AbstractPurposeTrying to define the most valuable radiological sign(s) for the diagnosis of internal hernias and their mimics; mainly cocoon syndrome and adhesions.ReviewNowadays with the increasing number of bariatric surgeries, the number of diagnosed internal hernias has increased significantly. Adhesions and cocoon syndrome are among the differential diagnosis. Although many signs were suggested for the diagnosis of such conditions, yet no single sign is enough to diagnose each of the above.Method and subjectsThis is a retrospective study. In a period of 32 consecutive months, from June 2010 to February 2013 a total of 240 patients were admitted with abdominal pain with signs of remittent or persistent intestinal obstruction. All cases are subjected to multislice CT examination. Several criteria are used to diagnose internal hernia. Informed consents were taken from all patients and organizational ethics committee were informed.ResultsThe age of the patients varies between 22 and 63years with average age of 36±2.3years. Most of the patients were females with ratio of 2:1. Commonest presentation was abdominal pain present in all cases. The study diagnosed 13 cases/internal hernias, 14/adhesions, two cases/cocoon syndrome, two cases/intussusceptions and one case/malrotation. The most important signs used are Swirl’s sign, localized bowel gathering and segmental bowel dilatation.ConclusionA single sign is not enough for the diagnosis of internal hernia, rather the use of more than one sign is essential to narrow the differential diagnosis.Clinical relevance/applicationThe prevalence of internal hernia is increasing due to increased rate of operative abdominal intervention. Prompt radiological diagnosis is crucial to avoid unwanted surgery in a non-virgin abdomen
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