17 research outputs found

    Istraživanje virusnih bolesti u nekih slatkovodnih riba u Republici Kosovo.

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    This research was carried out to study the occurrence of viruses causing diseases in fish, namely Viral Haemorrhagic Septicaemia (VHS), Infectious Haematopoietic Necrosis (IHN), Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis (IPN) in wild brown trout and Spring Vireaemia of Carp (SVC) in carp and silver crucian carp in Kosovo. Laboratory analyses were performed at the animal health service laboratory in Munich in Germany using the biomolecular method of RT-PCR and nested-PCR. Sampling sites included one carp farm, one lake, one river for common carp, as well as natural habitats from five rivers populated with brown trout in Kosovo. In the period from 2006 to 2008, 255 fish organs and whole fish (fry) were collected and pooled (five fish per pool) in 51 pools. The results of the laboratory analysis from the research showed that 25% (8 of 32) of brown trout sampled were IHNV positive in pools originating from three rivers and 3.1% (1 of 32) were IPNV positive from one river. Pools of cyprinids were 15.7% (3 of 19) SVCV positive originating from one carp farm. These results are indicative of a significant distribution of IHNV in brown trout, the presence of IPNV in brown trout and SVCV in cyprinids.U radu je istražena prisutnost virusne hemoragijske septikemije, zarazne hematopoetske nekroze i zarazne nekroze gušterače u potočne pastrve te proljetne viremije šarana u šarana i bijelog glavaša na Kosovu. Uzeti materijal bio je pretražen RT-PCR-om i ugniježđenim PCR-om u laboratoriju službe za životinjsko zdravlje u Münchenu u Njemačkoj. Uzorci šarana i bijeloga glavaša bili su prikupljeni na šaranskom ribnjačarstvu, na jezeru i rijeci, a uzorci potočne pastrve na pet rijeka. U razdoblju od 2006. do 2008. bilo je prikupljeno 255 uzoraka organa i cijelih riba (mlađ) te je po pet uzoraka bilo spojeno u 51 skupni uzorak. Rezultati laboratorijskih pretraga pokazali su da je u skupnim uzorcima potočne pastrve uzetima na trima rijekama 25% (8 od 32) uzoraka bilo pozitivno na virus zarazne hematopoetske nekroze, a na virus zarazne nekroze gušterače bilo je pozitivno 3,1% (1 of 32) iz jedne rijeke. Od skupnih uzoraka organa ciprinida uzetih na ribnjačarstvu, ukupno je 15,7% (3 od 19) bilo pozitivno na virus proljetne viremije šarana. Rezultati ukazuju na znatnu proširenost virusa zarazne hematopoetske nekroze i zarazne nekroze gušterače u potočne pastrve te virusa proljetne viremije šarana u ciprinida

    Bacteriocin production by lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from traditional cheese

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    Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) are a group of bacteria that are found as natural microbiota in various ecosystems. They are used ato producea huge variety of fermented foods, they occur in pharmaceutical formulations and as probiotics in functional foods. They can produce a number of antimicrobial metabolites, including organic acids and other organic components, hydrogen peroxide and bacteriocins. The aim of this study was the evaluation of antibacterial activity of LAB isolated during production and maturation of traditional Rugova cheese. Samples for analysis were collected from different points of Rugova region and were transported to the laboratory under constant cooling conditions. The bacterial isolation was performed using standard methods and the isolates of LAB were identified down to the species level using a Biotyper Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). Out of 140 tested isolates 105 had the ability to produce bacteriocins. The large number of bacteriocin producers demonstrates the great assertiveness of the natural LAB microbiota over potentially existing pathogens. Thus, the ability of bacteriocin production by LAB isolated from Rugova cheese can be taken as a measure of quality and safety of this traditional product

    Utjecaj gospodarenja i fizioloških čimbenika na broj somatskih stanica u sirovu kravljem mlijeku u Kosovu

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    The main aim of this research was to study the effect of somatic cell count (SCC/mL) in raw milk in some cattle dairy farms according to the existing standards for raw milk quality in Kosovo. The results derive from 2203 individual samples from milk recording laboratory analyses in the period August 2007-February 2008. The GLM model was used to analyze the effect of different variables on the presence of SCC in raw milk. The effect of all variables was considered as a fi xed. The overall results show that herd (P<0.0001), breed (P<0.0004), month of the year (P<0.0001) and lactation number (P<0.0005), respectively, had a significant effect on the presence of SCC. According to the existing legislation in regard to the quality of raw milk for 2008 and 2009 the results gained show that if the milk quality produced continues to be the same then about 78.45% for 2008 and 70.88% for 2009, respectively, will belong to extra class milk quality (SCC/mL<300.000, SCC/mL<200.000). While about 11.31% for 2008 and 16.61% for 2009 will belong to poor quality milk-below standard (SCC/mL<600.000, SCC/mL<400.000). Although the presence rate of SCC on raw milk tends to be relatively low, it cannot by any means be underestimated bearing in mind that a high rate of SCC in raw milk is negatively correlated with farmers’ profi t, consumer food safety and overall animal health.Glavni cilj istraživanja bio je odrediti utjecaj broja somatskih stanica u mililitru na kakvoću sirova mlijeka na nekim gospodarstvima mliječnih krava na osnovi postojećih normi za kakvoću sirova mlijeka u Kosovu. U razdoblju od kolovoza 2007. do veljače 2008. laboratorijski su bila pretražena 2203 pojedinačna uzorka mlijeka. Model GLM bio je upotrijebljen za analizu učinka različitih varijabli na broj somatskih stanica u sirovom mlijeku. Učinak svih varijabli smatran je trajnim. Sveukupni rezultati pokazuju da su veličina stada (P<0,0001), pasmina (P<0,0004), mjesec u godini (P<0,0001) i broj laktacija (P<0,0005) značajno utjecali na broj somatskih stanica. Sukladno postojećim zakonskim odredbama s obzirom na kakvoću sirova mlijeka za 2008. i 2009. godinu polučeni rezultati pokazuju da će, zadrži li se kakvoća proizvedenoga mlijeka na istoj razini, oko 78,45% za 2008. i 70,88% za 2009. biti mlijeko iznimne kakvoće (broj somatskih stanica/mL<300.000, odnosno<200.000). S druge strane oko 11,31% za 2008. i 16,61% za 2009. uzoraka mlijeka bit će slabe kakvoće, tj. izvan standarda (broj somatskih stanica/mL<600.000 odnosno<400.000). Premda je broj somatskih stanica u sirovom mlijeku pretraženih krava zasada relativno nizak, njegov nalaz nipošto ne smije biti podcijenjen imajući na umu da visoka stopa povećanog broja somatskih stanica u uzorcima sirova mlijeka negativno utječe na dobit stočara, na sigurnost hrane za potrošača i općenito na zdravlje životinja

    The Occurrence of Bovine Digital Dermatitis (BDD) on Service Period in Dairy Cows in Kosovo

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    The aim of the study was to estimate the frequency of bovine digital dermatitis (BDD) in dairy cows in region of north Kosovo in the period of time from calving to conception. A total of 200 dairy cows were examined clinically for the presence of bovine digital dermatitis (BDD) on service period in Dairy Cows in Kosovo. 25 out of 200 cows have been affected by BDD. The prevalence of this condition was evaluated, and the time of successful insemination was surveyed. The most affected numbers of animals were first parity heifers 11 or 44 %25, CI 95%25 (26.67 to 62.93), second parity 06 or 24 %25, CI 95%25 (11.5 to 43.43), third parity 04 or 16 %25, CI 95%25 (6.40 to 34.65), fourth parity 03 or 12 %25, CI 95%25 (4.16 to 29.95) as well as fifth parity with 03 or 12 %25, CI 95%25 (4.16 to 29.95). Our study revealed that the hind legs were mostly affected than the front legs. 64 %25 of the pathologies were detected in the hind legs and 36 %25 in the front legs. The affected cows were successfully inseminated 127, 2 plusmn%253B 14.42 days after parturition. This study shows on how important is the health management of the farms and farmers are often not cautious about the consequences

    Dermanyssus gallinae in layer farms in Kosovo: a high risk for salmonella prevalence

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    Background The poultry red mite (PRM), Dermanyssus gallinae (D.g.) is a serious ectoparasitic pest of poultry and potential pathogen vector. The prevalence of D. g. and the prevalence of Salmonella spp. within mites on infested laying poultry farms were investigated in Kosovo. Findings In total, 14 populated layer farms located in the Southern Kosovo were assessed for D. g. presence. Another two farms in this region were investigated 6 months after depopulation. Investigated flocks were all maintained in cages, a common housing system in Kosovo. A total of eight farms were found to be infested with D. g. (50%) at varying levels, including the two depopulated farms. The detection of Salmonella spp. from D. g. was carried out using PCR. Out of the eight layer farms infested with D. g., Salmonella spp. was present in mites on three farms (37.5%). Conclusions This study confirms the high prevalence of D. g. in layer flocks in Kosovo and demonstrates the link between this mite and the presence of Salmonella spp. on infested farms

    \u3ci\u3eShort communication\u3c/i\u3e: A countrywide survey of antimicrobialresistant indicator bacteria in Kosovo’s dairy farms

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    The World Health Organization recently recognized the Republic of Kosovo as one of the highest consumers per capita of antibiotics for human use among non- European Union Eastern European countries; however, data are limited regarding antimicrobial usage and antimicrobial resistance in the livestock sector for this recently formed country. The objective of this study was to conduct the first nationwide survey of antimicrobial resistance phenotypes in indicator bacteria collected from dairy farms in Kosovo. Composite fecal samples were collected from 52 farms located within all 7 administrative districts of Kosovo in the summer of 2014. Isolation and characterization of the indicator bacteria Escherichia coli (n = 165) and Enterococcus spp. (n = 153) from these samples was achieved by culturing on selective/differential media with and without select antibiotics, followed by MALDI-TOF (matrixassisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight) mass spectrometry-based identification and antimicrobial susceptibility testing using the disk diffusion method. When no selective pressure was applied in culture-based isolation, the majority of E. coli and Enterococcus spp. collected were resistant to ≤1 of 16 and ≤2 of 12 antibiotics tested, respectively. In contrast, E. coli and Enterococcus spp. isolated using sub-minimum inhibitory concentrations of cefoxitin, ciprofloxacin, or erythromycin were typically resistant to at least one and often multiple antibiotic types, which primarily consisted of certain β-lactams, quinolones, sulfonamides, phenicols, and tetracyclines for E. coli isolates and macrolides, tetracyclines, and rifamycins for enterococci isolates


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    Rad se odnosi na otkrivanje virusa odgovornih za VHSV, IHNV i IPNV bolesti kalifornijske pastrmke na Kosovu tokom trogodišnjeg perioda između 2006-2008. Gubici u mlađi su često prijavljivani, mada virus nikad nije izolovan na Kosovu. Istraživanja su provedena da se odredi pojava virusne hemragične septikemije pastrmki (VHSV), zarazne hematopoetske nekroze (IHNV) i zarazne nekroze gušterače (IPNV) iz uzoraka tkiva jedinki i uzoraka ovarijalne tečnosti polno zrelih jedinki. Ukupno 467 riba, iz 113 zbirnih uzoraka, sa 10 ribljih farmi je pretraženo. Laboratorijske analize su izvršene u TGD (Tiergesundheitsdienst Bayern e. V) laboratoriji u Njemačkoj, koristeći biomolekularnu metodu RT-PCR i nested-PCR. Virus IPN-a je otkriven na sedam farmi i prevalencija u ukupnom broju uzoraka bila je 11,5%. Ovo je prvo istraživanje i izvještaj za IPN dijagnozu kod mlađi kalifornijske pastrmke na rastilištima i matičnjacima na Kosovu. Ključne riječi: Kalifornijska pastrmka, viralne bolesti, IPN, RT-PCR, nested PC


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    In this study two protocols of anesthesia in dogs using different medicament combinations were compared for their efficiency and side effects in dogs. For this purpose dogs of different ages, races, and weight delivered for curing purposes have been involved in this study. In the first group of dogs the anaesthesia protocol comprising of xylazine as sedative substance, acepromazine as tranqulizier, ketamine as narcotic medicament IM (Intramusculuar) wereadministered, and in control group prior to application of xylazine, acepromazine, ketamine IM the atropine sulphate was administered. The goal of different combinations of medicaments with tranquilizing, sedative, narcotic and anticholinergic effect was the evaluation for better combination with fewer side effects for narcosis in ambulatory conditions. In first group, effect of mixture acepromazine + xylazine is reached after 51,3 minutes after I/M injection, meanwhile the speed of anaesthetic induction with additional application of ketamine is reached after 3 1,6 min after injection. In the second group as control group the administration of atropine sulphate 10 minutes prior injection of mixture acepromazine + xylazine and ketamine reaches the mixture effect after 41,2 minutes from last injection I/M. Meanwhile the speed of anaesthetic induction in second group with additional application of ketamine is reached after 3 1,1 minutes after injection. The combinations studied here revealed satisfactory results, assuring good anesthesia, less side effects and easy to perform in ambulatory conditions