26 research outputs found

    The effects of prenatal and neonatal exposure to electromagnetic fields on infant rat myocardium

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    Introduction: Electromagnetic fields (EMF) have adverse effects as a result of widespread use of electromagnetic energy on biological systems. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of prenatal exposure to EMF on rat myocardium by biochemical and histopathological evaluations

    The Effect of Telomerase Inhibition on NK Cell Activity in Acute Myeloid Leukemia

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    Purpose: Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is known to be an invasive and highly lethal hematological malignancy in adults and children. Resistance to the present treatments, including radiotherapy and chemotherapy with their side effects and telomere length shortening are the main cause of the mortality in AML patients. Telomeres sequence which are located at the end of eukaryotic chromosome play pivotal role in genomic stability. Recent studies have shown that apoptosis process is blocked in AML patient by the excessive telomerase activity in cancerous blasts. Therefore, the find of effective ways to prevent disease progression has been considered by the researchers. Natural killer (NK) cells as granular effector cells play a critical role in elimination of abnormal and tumor cells. Given that the cytotoxic function of NK cells is disrupted in the AML patients, we investigated the effect of telomerase inhibitors on NK cell differentiation. Methods: To evaluate telomerase inhibition on NK cell differentiation, the expression of CD105, CD56, CD57, and KIRs was evaluated in CD34+derived NK cells after incubation of them with BIBR1532. Results: The results showed that the expression of CD105, CD56, CD57, and KIRs receptors reduces after telomerase inhibition. According to these findings, BIBR1532 affected the final differentiation of NK cells. Conclusion: The results revealed that telomerase inhibitor drugs suppress cancer cell progression in a NK cells-independent process

    Shape memory polymers in osteochondral tissue engineering

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    Bone and cartilage injuries are significantly increasing with population aging. Tissue engineering is considered an alternative and promising approach for alleviating osteochondral tissue injuries along with available therapeutic modalities. 3D- and 4D-printing fabrication protocols have been used to facilitate the production of bone/cartilage scaffolds that are similar to bone and cartilage microenvironments. In this regard, advanced biomaterials, including smart polymers and stimuli-responsive polymers are the first essential elements for improved bone/cartilage regeneration. Shape-memory polymers, are stimuli-responsive materials and are available in permanent and temporary structures. The application of shape-memory scaffolds can lead to providing in vivo-like conditions and improve cell bioactivity and phenotype acquisition. In this review article, we tried to highlight stimuli-responsive polymers and their application in osteochondral tissue engineering

    High dose vitamin D supplementation can improve menstrual problems, dysmenorrhea and premenstrual syndrome in adolescents

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    Vitamin D has a crucial role in female reproduction, possibly through its effects on calcium homeostasis, cyclic sex steroid hormone fluctuations, or neurotransmitter function. We have assessed the effects of vitamin D supplementation on dysmenorrhea and premenstrual syndrome (PMS) in adolescents. In this study, 897 adolescent girls living in Mashhad and Sabzevar, Iran, received 9 high-dose vitamin D supplements (as 50000 IU/ week of cholecalciferol) and were followed up over 9 weeks. We evaluated the effect of vitamin D supplementation on individuals in 4 categories: those with only PMS; individuals with only dysmenorrhea; subjects with both PMS and dysmenorrhea and normal subjects. The prevalence of PMS after the intervention fell from 14.9% to 4.8% (P<0.001). Similar results were also found for the prevalence of subjects with dysmenorrhea (35.9% reduced to 32.4%), and in subjects with both PMS and dysmenorrhea (32.7% reduced 25.7%). Vitamin D supplementation was associated with a reduction in the incidence of several symptoms of PMS such as backache and tendency to cry easily as well decrement in pain severity of dysmenorrhea (P<0.05). High dose vitamin D supplementation can reduced the prevalence of PMS and dysmenorrhea as well has positive effects on the physical and psychological symptoms of PMS

    Factors Associated with The Incidence of Coronary Heart Disease in The Mashad: A Cohort Study

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    Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality globally, and specifically in Iran. Accurate assessments of Coronary heart disease (CHD) incidence is very necessary for public health. In current study we aimed to investigate the incidence of CHD and importance of several classical, modifiable and un-modifiable risk factors for CHD among an urban population in eastern Iran after 6 years of follow-up. Methods The population of MASHAD cohort study were followed up for 6 years, every 3 years in two step by phone and who reported symptoms of CVD were asked to attend for a cardiac examination, to estimate the incidence of CHD with 95% confidence interval (95% CI) as well multiple logistic regression analysis was performed to assess the association of several baseline characteristics with incidence of CHD event. Evaluation of goodness-of-fit was done using ROC analysis. CHD cases divided into four different classes which include: stable angina, unstable angina pectoris, myocardial infarction and sudden cardiac death. Results In the six years\u27 follow-up of Mashhad study, the incidence rate of all CHD event in men and women in 100,000 people-years with 95% confidence intervals were 1920 (810-3030) and 1160 (730-1590), respectively. The areas under ROC curve (AUC), based on multivariate predictors of CHD outcome, was 0.7825. Conclusion Our findings indicated that the incidence rate of coronary heart diseases in MASHAD cohort study increases with age as well as our final model designed, was able to predict approximately 78% of CHD events in Iranian population

    A genetic variant in the cytochrome P450 family 2 subfamily R member 1 determines response to vitamin D supplementation

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    Background Globally, about 1 billion people have inadequate levels of serum vitamin D and it is prevalent in all ethnicities and age groups. Few foods naturally contain sufficient vitamin D; therefore, most people get their requirements through supplementation. Hence vitamin D status is affected by genetic and environmental determinants including season of measurement, diet habitual, health status, body mass index and concurrent medication. Further studies are necessary to understand how genetic variation influences vitamin D metabolism. We aimed to explore the association between a potential vitamin D-related polymorphism (the rs10766197 polymorphism in the CYP2R1 gene) with the response to supplementation of vitamin D in 253 healthy Iranian girls. Material and method A total of 253 healthy subjects received 50,000 IU of vitamin D3 weekly for 9 weeks. Serum 25(OH)D concentrations and metabolic profiles were measured at baseline and after 9 weeks of supplementation. The genotypes of the CYP2R1 variant (rs10766197) were identified using TaqMan genotyping assays. Results Serum 25(OH)D during the supplementation, increased in all individuals. Subjects with a AA major genotype at this locus had higher vitamin D concentrations after intervention (Changes (%) 448.4% ± 425% in AA vs 382.7% ± 301% in GG). This genetic variant modulated the response to supplementation (p < 0.001 and p-value SNP = 0.05). Regression analysis showed that the probability of affecting serum 25(OH)D, in individuals who had homozygous major allele GG was two-fold higher than carriers of the uncommon allele A (OR = 2.1 (1–4.2); p = 0.03). Interestingly, the Hs-CRP was reduced in AA carries while was elevated in individuals with GG and AG genotypes, after high-dose vitamin D supplementation. Conclusion Changes in serum vitamin D and metabolic profile following high dose supplementation with vitamin D were associated with CYP2R1 polymorphism. Although carriers of the common G allele showed a greater response in the serum vitamin D

    The effects of electromagnetic fields on oxidative stress, apoptosis and ultrastructure of rat myocardium

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    Günümüzde elektrik enerjisinin dağılımı ve kullanımı çok artmış olmasına bağlı olarak elektrik akımına eşlik eden Elektromanyetik Alana (EMA) maruz kalmaktan kaçınmak olanaksız hale gelmiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacıæ prenatal ve yetişkin dönemde maruz kalınan EMA'nın sıçan kalp dokusundaki etkilerini biyokimyasal ve histopatolojik olarak değerlendirmektir. Çalışmada yetişkin grubu için Wistar cinsi (250-300 g) erkek sıçanlar kullanıldı. Yavru grubu için 10 adet Wistar gebe sıçandan doğan yavrular kullanıldı. Sıçanlar sham (n=14), EMA (n=14), yavru-sham (n=20) ve yavru-EMA (n=30) olarak gruplandırıldı. Yetişkin sıçanlara 2 ay süreyle 4 saat/gün, 3 mT EMA uygulandı. Yavru sıçanlara intrauterin dönemde ve doğum sonrası 20 gün süreyle 4 saat/gün, 3 mT EMA uygulandı. Yetişkin ve yavru EMA gruplarında kalp lipid peroksidasyonu seviyeleri sham gruplarına göre anlamlı olarak yüksek bulundu. Süperoksit dismutaz ve glutatyon peroksidaz enzim aktiviteleri yetişkin ve yavru EMA gruplarında sham gruplarına göre anlamlı olarak düşük bulundu. Yetişkin ve yavru EMA gruplarında apopitotik hücreler sham gruplarına göre anlamlı olarak yüksek bulundu. Elektron mikroskopik incelemede, mitokondriyel dejenerasyon, miyofibril kaybı, sarkoplazmik retikulumda dilatasyon ve perinükleer vakuolizasyon saptandı. Sonuç olarak, bu çalışmanın bulguları EMA'nın miyokard dokusunda oksidatif stress, apopitozis ve morfolojik patolojiye neden olduğunu göstermektedir. Bu sonuçlara gore, EMA'nın olumsuz etkilerinin oluşmasında serbest radikaller aracı olabilir. Electromagnetic fields (EMF) have adverse effects due to widespread use of the electromagnetic energy on biological systems. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of prenatal and postnatal exposure to EMF on rat myocardium by biochemical and histopathological evaluation. In this study, adult Wistar male rats (250-300 g) were used for postnatal exposure to EMF. Ten pregnant Wistar rats were used for prenatal exposure of EMF. Rats were divided in four groups as followsæ sham (n=14), EMF (n=14), infant-sham (n=20) and infant-EMF (n=30). Rats in EMF group were exposed to EMF of 3 mT, 4 h/day, 7 days/week for 2 months.The half of the pregnant rats was exposed to EMF of 3 mT, and the other half to sham condition during gestation. After parturition, rat pups in EMF-exposed five litter from birth until postnatal day 20 were exposed to EMF of 3 mT for 4 h/day, 7 days/week In EMF-exposed groups, lipid peroxidation levels significantly increased compared to sham groups. Superoxide Dismutase and glutathione peroxidase activities decreased significantly in EMF-exposed groups compared to sham groups. TUNEL staining showed that the number of TUNEL positive cells increased significantly in EMF-exposed rats compared with sham. Under electron microscopy, there were mitochondrial degeneration, reduction in myofibrils, dilated sarcoplasmic reticulum and perinuclear vacuolization in EMF-exposed rats. In conclusion, the results show that prenatal and postnatal exposure to EMF causes oxidative stress, apoptosis and morphologic pathology in myocardium of rats. The results of our study indicate a probable role of free radicals in the adverse effects of prenatal exposure to EMF. Further studies are needed to demonstrate whether the EMF exposure can induce adverse effects on rat myocardium

    Anatomical variations of iliolumbar artery and its relation with surgical landmarks

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to reveal the variations of origin of iliolumbar artery, and its relations with the surrounding surgically important anatomical structures