587 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pemberdayaan Ibu dalam Perawatan Bayi melalui Pendekatan Modelling

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    Ibu merupakan faktor lingkungan yang utama dan dapat berperan terhadap tumbuh kembang bayi melalui pemberian ASI. Pemberian ASI sangat dianjurkan pada bayi sampai anak berusia 2 tahun. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi efektivitas pemberdayaan ibu dalam merawat bayi 0-6 bulan dengan memberikan pendidikan kesehatan dengan pendekatan modeling terhadap pengetahuan dan dukungan keluarga dengan status laktasi bayi. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain quasi eksperiment pre-post control group design. Analisis menggunakan uji wilcoxson dan uji Mann Whitney. Intervensi yang diberikan berupa pemberian pendidikan kesehatan dengan pendekatan modelling tentang manajemen laktasi dan stimulasi tumbuh kembang bayi. Sampel berjumlah 81 orang terdiri atas 41 orang kelompok perlakuan dan 40 orang kelompok kontrol. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan ibu dari kelompok intervensi dan kontrol masing-masing menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan pengetahuan sebelum dan sesudah intervensi (p=0,000; p=0,001). Dukungan keluarga dari kelompok intervensi dan kontrol masing masing menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan pengetahuan sebelum dan sesudah intervensi (p=0,000; p=0,009). Status laktasi menunjukkan ada perbedaan yang signifikan (p=0,001) antara kelompok perlakuan dan kelompok kontrol. Kesimpulan dari penelitian bahwa efektivitas pemberdayaan ibu dalam merawat bayi menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan antara pengetahuan, dukungan keluarga dan status laktasi sebelum dan sesudah pemberian pendidikan kesehatan dengan pendekatan modelling

    Analisis Pembelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Melalui Video Animasi di Kelas 6 Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 02 Bogor

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    Dalam penelitian ini, media video animasi digunakan untuk menganalisis kemampuan anak dalam memahami pembelajaran PKn di sekolah dasar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peningkatan dalam proses pembelajaran dan hasil dari pembelajaran anak ketika diberikan materi melalui video animasi dan tidak melalui video animasi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam pembuatan jurnal ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif yaitu dengan menggunakan metode pengumpulan data. Objek yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa siswi MIM MUHAMMADIYAH 02 yang berjumlah 10 orang. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam menganalisis adalah metode kuisioner dan observasi dengan menggunakan media Google Form dan Whatsapp sebagai media perantara. Hasil analisis dari penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa siswa siswi MIM Muhammadiyah 02 cenderung lebih memilih belajar menggunakan video animasi dibandingkan dengan membaca materi secara online. Penelitian yang samapun pernah dilakukan oleh Handayani dan Siska pada tahun 2018. Hasil penelitian mereka membuktikan bahwa pembelajaran menggunakan video animasi, dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar peserta didik. Dengan mengaplikasikan video animasi pada pembelajaran diharapkan berdampak pada keefektifan dan efisiensi waktu yang digunakan saat pembelajaran daring sedang berlangsun

    Biochemical and Molecular Mechanisms of Folate Transport in Rat Pancreas; Interference with Ethanol Ingestion

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    Folic acid is an essential nutrient that is required for one-carbon biosynthetic processes and for methylation of biomolecules. Deficiency of this micronutrient leads to disturbances in normal physiology of cell. Chronic alcoholism is well known to be associated with folate deficiency which is due, in part to folate malabsorption. The present study deals with the mechanistic insights of reduced folate absorption in pancreas during chronic alcoholism. Male Wistar rats were fed 1 g/kg body weight/day ethanol (20% solution) orally for 3 months and the mechanisms of alcohol associated reduced folate uptake was studied in pancreas. The folate transport system in the pancreatic plasma membrane (PPM) was found to be acidic pH dependent one. The transporters proton coupled folate transporter (PCFT) and reduced folate carrier (RFC) are involved in folate uptake across PPM. The folate transporters were found to be associated with lipid raft microdomain of the PPM. Ethanol ingestion decreased the folate transport by reducing the levels of folate transporter molecules in lipid rafts at the PPM. The decreased transport efficiency of the PPM was reflected as reduced folate levels in pancreas. The chronic ethanol ingestion led to decreased pancreatic folate uptake. The decreased levels of PCFT and RFC expression in rat PPM were due to decreased association of these proteins with lipid rafts (LR) at the PPM

    Differentiation of Glioma and Radiation Injury in Rats Using In Vitro Produce Magnetically Labeled Cytotoxic T-Cells and MRI

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    A limitation with current imaging strategies of recurrent glioma undergoing radiotherapy is that tumor and radiation injury cannot be differentiated with post contrast CT or MRI, or with PET or other more complex parametric analyses of MRI data. We propose to address the imaging limitation building on emerging evidence indicating that effective therapy for recurrent glioma can be attained by sensitized T-cells following vaccination of primed dendritic cells (DCs). The purpose of this study was to determine whether cord blood T-cells can be sensitized against glioma cells (U-251) and if these sensitized cytotoxic T-cells (CTLs) can be used as cellular magnetic resonance imaging probes to identify and differentiate glioma from radiation necrosis in rodent models.Cord blood T and CD14+ cells were collected. Isolated CD14+ cells were then converted to dendritic cells (DCs), primed with glioma cell lysate and used to sensitize T-cells. Phenotypical expression of the generated DCs were analyzed to determine the expression level of CD14, CD86, CD83 and HLA-DR. Cells positive for CD25, CD4, CD8 were determined in generated CTLs. Specificity of cytotoxicity of the generated CTLs was also determined by lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release assay. Secondary proliferation capacity of magnetically labeled and unlabeled CTLs was also determined. Generated CTLs were magnetically labeled and intravenously injected into glioma bearing animals that underwent MRI on days 3 and 7 post- injection. CTLs were also administered to animals with focal radiation injury to determine whether these CTLs accumulated non-specifically to the injury sites. Multi-echo T2- and T2*-weighted images were acquired and R2 and R2* maps created. Our method produced functional, sensitized CTLs that specifically induced U251 cell death in vitro. Both labeled and unlabeled CTLs proliferated equally after the secondary stimulation. There were significantly higher CD25 positive cells (p = <0.006) in CTLs. In addition, T2- and T2*-weighted MR images showed increased low signal intensity areas in animals that received labeled CTLs as compared to the images from animals that received control cells. Histological analysis confirmed the presence of iron positive cells in sites corresponding to MRI low signal intensity regions. Significant differences (p = <0.001) in tumor R2 and R2* values were observed among the groups of animals. Animals with radiation injury exhibited neither MRI hypointense areas nor presence of iron positive cells.Our results indicate that T-cells can be effectively sensitized by in vitro methods and used as cellular probes to identify and differentiate glioma from radiation necrosis

    Endothelial Progenitor Cells (EPCs) as Gene Carrier System for Rat Model of Human Glioma

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    Due to their unique property to migrate to pathological lesions, stem cells are used as a delivery vehicle for therapeutic genes to tumors, especially for glioma. It is critically important to track the movement, localization, engraftment efficiency and functional capability or expression of transgenes of selected cell populations following transplantation. The purposes of this study were to investigate whether 1) intravenously administered, genetically transformed cord blood derived EPCs can carry human sodium iodide symporter (hNIS) to the sites of tumors in rat orthotopic model of human glioma and express transgene products, and 2) whether accumulation of these administered EPCs can be tracked by different in vivo imaging modalities.Collected EPCs were cultured and transduced to carry hNIS. Cellular viability, differential capacity and Tc-99m uptake were determined. Five to ten million EPCs were intravenously administered and Tc-99-SPECT images were acquired on day 8, to determine the accumulation of EPCs and expression of transgenes (increase activity of Tc-99m) in the tumors. Immunohistochemistry was performed to determine endothelial cell markers and hNIS positive cells in the tumors. Transduced EPCs were also magnetically labeled and accumulation of cells was confirmed by MRI and histochemistry. SPECT analysis showed increased activity of Tc-99m in the tumors that received transduced EPCs, indicative of the expression of transgene (hNIS). Activity of Tc-99m in the tumors was also dependent on the number of administered transduced EPCs. MRI showed the accumulation of magnetically labeled EPCs. Immunohistochemical analysis showed iron and hNIS positive and, human CD31 and vWF positive cells in the tumors.EPC was able to carry and express hNIS in glioma following IV administration. SPECT detected migration of EPCs and expression of the hNIS gene. EPCs can be used as gene carrier/delivery system for glioma therapy as well as imaging probes

    Adolescent male with anorexia nervosa: a case report from Iraq

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    This is the first reported case of an adolescent male with anorexia nervosa in Iraq. This disorder is believed to be rare in males across cultures and uncommon for both genders in Arab countries. The patient met the DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervosa. He was hospitalized and received medical and psychiatric treatment at local facilities as discussed below and responded well to treatment

    Reliability analysis of moment redistribution in reinforced concrete beams

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    Design codes allow a limited amount of moment redistribution in continuous reinforced concrete beams and often make use of lower bound values in the procedure for estimating the moment redistribution factors. Here, based on the concept of demand and capacity rotation, and by means of Monte Carlo simulation, a probabilistic model is derived for the evaluation of moment redistribution factors. Results show that in all considered cases, the evaluated mean and nominal values of moment redistribution factor are greater than the values provided by the ACI code. On the other hand, the 5th percentile value of moment redistribution factor could be lower than those specified by the code. Although the reduction of strength limit state reliability index attributable to uncertainty in moment redistribution factors is not large, it is comparable to the reduction in reliability index resulting from increasing the ratio of live to dead load

    Effects of Ferumoxides – Protamine Sulfate Labeling on Immunomodulatory Characteristics of Macrophage-like THP-1 Cells

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    Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide (SPIO) complexed with cationic transfection agent is used to label various mammalian cells. Labeled cells can then be utilized as an in vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) probes. However, certain number of in vivo administered labeled cells may be cleared from tissues by the host's macrophages. For successful translation to routine clinical application of SPIO labeling method it is important that this mode of in vivo clearance of iron does not elicit any diverse immunological effects. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate that SPIO agent ferumoxides-protamine sulfate (FePro) incorporation into macrophages does not alter immunological properties of these cells with regard to differentiation, chemotaxis, and ability to respond to the activation stimuli and to modulate T cell response. We used THP-1 cell line as a model for studying macrophage cell type. THP-1 cells were magnetically labeled with FePro, differentiated with 100 nM of phorbol ester, 12-Myristate-13-acetate (TPA) and stimulated with 100 ng/ml of LPS. The results showed 1) FePro labeling had no effect on the changes in morphology and expression of cell surface proteins associated with TPA induced differentiation; 2) FePro labeled cells responded to LPS with slightly higher levels of NFκB pathway activation, as shown by immunobloting; TNF-α secretion and cell surface expression levels of CD54 and CD83 activation markers, under these conditions, were still comparable to the levels observed in non-labeled cells; 3) FePro labeling exhibited differential, chemokine dependent, effect on THP-1 chemotaxis with a decrease in cell directional migration to MCP-1; 4) FePro labeling did not affect the ability of THP-1 cells to down-regulate T cell expression of CD4 and CD8 and to induce T cell proliferation. Our study demonstrated that intracellular incorporation of FePro complexes does not alter overall immunological properties of THP-1 cells. The described experiments provide the model for studying the effects of in vivo clearance of iron particles via incorporation into the host's macrophages that may follow after in vivo application of any type of magnetically labeled mammalian cells. To better mimic the complex in vivo scenario, this model may be further exploited by introducing additional cellular and biological, immunologically relevant, components

    Advancing Tests of Relativistic Gravity via Laser Ranging to Phobos

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    Phobos Laser Ranging (PLR) is a concept for a space mission designed to advance tests of relativistic gravity in the solar system. PLR's primary objective is to measure the curvature of space around the Sun, represented by the Eddington parameter γ\gamma, with an accuracy of two parts in 10710^7, thereby improving today's best result by two orders of magnitude. Other mission goals include measurements of the time-rate-of-change of the gravitational constant, GG and of the gravitational inverse square law at 1.5 AU distances--with up to two orders-of-magnitude improvement for each. The science parameters will be estimated using laser ranging measurements of the distance between an Earth station and an active laser transponder on Phobos capable of reaching mm-level range resolution. A transponder on Phobos sending 0.25 mJ, 10 ps pulses at 1 kHz, and receiving asynchronous 1 kHz pulses from earth via a 12 cm aperture will permit links that even at maximum range will exceed a photon per second. A total measurement precision of 50 ps demands a few hundred photons to average to 1 mm (3.3 ps) range precision. Existing satellite laser ranging (SLR) facilities--with appropriate augmentation--may be able to participate in PLR. Since Phobos' orbital period is about 8 hours, each observatory is guaranteed visibility of the Phobos instrument every Earth day. Given the current technology readiness level, PLR could be started in 2011 for launch in 2016 for 3 years of science operations. We discuss the PLR's science objectives, instrument, and mission design. We also present the details of science simulations performed to support the mission's primary objectives.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figures, 9 table