323 research outputs found

    Anesthetic management of a patient with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy undergoing modified radical mastectomy.

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    Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM) is a rare genetic disorder characterized by left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) obstruction. Clinical presentation ranges from absence of symptoms to sudden death. Our 60 year old Patient scheduled for left modified radical mastectomy had HOCM since seventeen years with severe LVOT obstruction and mitral regurgitation. An implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) and permanent pacemaker (PPM) was inserted 15 months earlier for ventricular tachycardia. Anesthetic management of these Patients presents considerable challenges and requires maintenance of desired hemodynamic parameters and management of specific complications. Factors like tachycardia, hypovolemia, vasodilation and increased cardiac contractility leads to exacerbation of the obstruction. In our Patient there was the additional consideration of the ICD which required to be turned off during surgery with full provision for external defibrillation. We managed to successfully maintain the desired hemodynamics throughout the surgery and the Patient was discharged home on the seventh postoperative day

    Transdermal patches: Design and current approaches to painless drug delivery

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    Use of transdermal patches can evade many issues associated with oral drug delivery, such as first-pass hepatic metabolism, enzymatic digestion attack, drug hydrolysis and degradation in acidic media, drug fluctuations, and gastrointestinal irritation. This article reviews various transdermal patches available in the market, types, structural components, polymer role, and the required assessment tools. Although transdermal patches have medical applications for smoking cessation, pain relief, osteoporosis, contraception, motion sickness, angina pectoris, and cardiac disorders, advances in formulation development are ongoing to make transdermal patches capable of delivering more challenging drugs. Transdermal patches can be tailored and developed according to the physicochemical properties of active and inactive components, and applicability for long-term use. Therefore, a number of chemical approaches and physical techniques for transdermal patch development are under investigation

    Adsorption studies of non-ionic surfactants at different vegetable oil-water interfaces

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    The adsorption studies of non-ionic surfactants (tween 20, tween 40 and tween 80) were conducted at olive oil-water, sunflower oil-water and corn oil-water interfaces by ring detachment method with a du Nouy Tensiometer at 20 °C. A decrease in interfacial tension with an increase in surfactant concentration was observed at all the oil-water interfaces under investigation. Surface excess was calculated from Gibb’s equation while area per molecule was computed from surface excess. Surface pressure-area curves were plotted to study the states of films formed. On close examination of π-A graphs, it was indicated that all the graphs have three distinct parts. The extreme left portion (a) of the graphs represents condensed state, called solid film region, the curved region (b) of the π-A graphs corresponds to liquid film region, while the gaseous film region (c) is indicated by the shallow right hand part of the curves. The solid film region was more prominent in corn oil-water system while a more distinct gaseous film region was observed in olive oil-water system than in other oil-water systems studied. However, liquid film region was observed in all the systems investigated. The observed difference in the behaviour of surfactants at different vegetable oil-water interfaces could be attributed to the difference in types of interacting forces between the surfactant molecules and various vegetable oil phasesColegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    Adsorption studies of non-ionic surfactants at different vegetable oil-water interfaces

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    The adsorption studies of non-ionic surfactants (tween 20, tween 40 and tween 80) were conducted at olive oil-water, sunflower oil-water and corn oil-water interfaces by ring detachment method with a du Nouy Tensiometer at 20 °C. A decrease in interfacial tension with an increase in surfactant concentration was observed at all the oil-water interfaces under investigation. Surface excess was calculated from Gibb’s equation while area per molecule was computed from surface excess. Surface pressure-area curves were plotted to study the states of films formed. On close examination of π-A graphs, it was indicated that all the graphs have three distinct parts. The extreme left portion (a) of the graphs represents condensed state, called solid film region, the curved region (b) of the π-A graphs corresponds to liquid film region, while the gaseous film region (c) is indicated by the shallow right hand part of the curves. The solid film region was more prominent in corn oil-water system while a more distinct gaseous film region was observed in olive oil-water system than in other oil-water systems studied. However, liquid film region was observed in all the systems investigated. The observed difference in the behaviour of surfactants at different vegetable oil-water interfaces could be attributed to the difference in types of interacting forces between the surfactant molecules and various vegetable oil phasesColegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    Implementation of variational iteration method for various types of linear and nonlinear partial differential equations

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    There are various linear and nonlinear one-dimensional partial differential equations that are the focus of this research. There are a large number of these equations that cannot be solved analytically or precisely. The evaluation of nonlinear partial differential equations, even if analytical solutions exist, may be problematic. Therefore, it may be necessary to use approximate analytical methodologies to solve these issues. As a result, a more effective and accurate approach must be investigated and analyzed. It is shown in this study that the Lagrange multiplier may be used to get an ideal value for parameters in a functional form and then used to construct an iterative series solution. Linear and nonlinear partial differential equations may both be solved using the variational iteration method (VIM) method, thanks to its high computing power and high efficiency. Decoding and analyzing possible Korteweg-De-Vries, Benjamin, and Airy equations demonstrates the method’s ability. With just a few iterations, the produced findings are very effective, precise, and convergent to the exact answer. As a result, solving nonlinear equations using VIM is regarded as a viable option

    Fundamental Research on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to Support Precision Agriculture in Oil Palm Plantations

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    Unmanned aerial vehicles carrying multimodal sensors for precision agriculture (PA) applications face adaptation challenges to satisfy reliability, accuracy, and timeliness. Unlike ground platforms, UAV/drones are subjected to additional considerations such as payload, flight time, stabilization, autonomous missions, and external disturbances. For instance, in oil palm plantations (OPP), accruing high resolution images to generate multidimensional maps necessitates lower altitude mission flights with greater stability. This chapter addresses various UAV-based smart farming and PA solutions for OPP including health assessment and disease detection, pest monitoring, yield estimation, creation of virtual plantations, and dynamic Web-mapping. Stabilization of UAVs was discussed as one of the key factors for acquiring high quality aerial images. For this purpose, a case study was presented on stabilizing a fixed-wing Osprey drone crop surveillance that can be adapted as a remote sensing research platform. The objective was to design three controllers (including PID, LQR with full state feedback, and LQR plus observer) to improve the automatic flight mission. Dynamic equations were decoupled into lateral and longitudinal directions, where the longitudinal dynamics were modeled as a fourth order two-inputs-two-outputs system. State variables were defined as velocity, angle of attack, pitch rate, and pitch angle, all assumed to be available to the controller. A special case was considered in which only velocity and pitch rate were measurable. The control objective was to stabilize the system for a velocity step input of 10m/s. The performance of noise effects, model error, and complementary sensitivity was analyzed

    Development of a Field Robot Platform for Mechanical Weed Control in Greenhouse Cultivation of Cucumber

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    A prototype robot that moves on a monorail along the greenhouse for weed elimination between cucumber plants was designed and developed. The robot benefits from three arrays of ultrasonic sensors for weed detection and a PIC18 F4550-E/P microcontroller board for processing. The feedback from the sensors activates a robotic arm, which moves inside the rows of the cucumber plants for cutting the weeds using rotating blades. Several experiments were carried out inside a greenhouse to find the best combination of arm motor (AM) speed, blade rotation (BR) speed, and blade design. We assigned three BR speeds of 3500, 2500, and 1500 rpm, and two AM speed of 10 and 30 rpm to three blade designs of S-shape, triangular shape, and circular shape. Results indicated that different types of blades, different BR speed, and different AM speed had significant effects (P < 0.05) on the percentage of weeds cut (PWC); however, no significant interaction effects were observed. The comparison between the interaction effect of the factors (three blade designs, three BR speeds, and two AM speeds) showed that maximum mean PWC was equal to 78.2% with standard deviation of 3.9% and was achieved with the S-shape blade when the BR speed was 3500 rpm, and the AM speed was 10 rpm. Using this setting, the maximum PWC that the robot achieved in a random experiment was 95%. The lowest mean PWC was observed with the triangular-shaped blade (mean of 50.39% and SD = 1.86), which resulted from BR speed of 1500 rpm and AM speed of 30 rpm. This study can contribute to the commercialization of a reliable and affordable robot for automated weed control in greenhouse cultivation of cucumber

    A survey on sentiment analysis in Urdu: A resource-poor language

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    © 2020 Background/introduction: The dawn of the internet opened the doors to the easy and widespread sharing of information on subject matters such as products, services, events and political opinions. While the volume of studies conducted on sentiment analysis is rapidly expanding, these studies mostly address English language concerns. The primary goal of this study is to present state-of-art survey for identifying the progress and shortcomings saddling Urdu sentiment analysis and propose rectifications. Methods: We described the advancements made thus far in this area by categorising the studies along three dimensions, namely: text pre-processing lexical resources and sentiment classification. These pre-processing operations include word segmentation, text cleaning, spell checking and part-of-speech tagging. An evaluation of sophisticated lexical resources including corpuses and lexicons was carried out, and investigations were conducted on sentiment analysis constructs such as opinion words, modifiers, negations. Results and conclusions: Performance is reported for each of the reviewed study. Based on experimental results and proposals forwarded through this paper provides the groundwork for further studies on Urdu sentiment analysis

    Fine-grained sentiment analysis for measuring customer satisfaction using an extended set of fuzzy linguistic hedges

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    © 2020 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL. In recent years, the boom in social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter has brought people together for the sharing of opinions, sentiments, emotions, and experiences about products, events, politics, and other topics. In particular, sentiment-based applications are growing in popularity among individuals and businesses for the making of purchase decisions. Fuzzy-based sentiment analysis aims at classifying customer sentiment at a fine-grained level. This study deals with the development of a fuzzy-based sentiment analysis by extending fuzzy hedges and rule-sets for a more efficient classification of customer sentiment and satisfaction. Prior studies have used a limited number of linguistic hedges and polarity classes in their rule-sets, resulting in the degraded efficiency of their fuzzy-based sentiment analysis systems. The proposed analysis of the current study classifies customer reviews using fuzzy linguistic hedges and an extended rule-set with seven sentiment analysis classes, namely extremely positive, very positive, positive, neutral, negative, very negative, and extremely negative. Then, a fuzzy logic system is applied to measure customer satisfaction at a fine-grained level. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed analysis has an improved performance over the baseline works

    Sequence and phylogenetic analysis of H7N3 avian influenza viruses isolated from poultry in Pakistan 1995-2004

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Avian influenza virus (AIV) infections have caused heavy economic losses to the poultry industry in Pakistan as well as numerous other regions worldwide. The first introduction of H7N3 AIV to Pakistan occurred during 1995, since then H7N3, H9N2 and H5N1 AIVs have each been sporadically isolated. This report evaluates the genetic origin of the H7N3 viruses from Pakistan collected 1995-2004 and how they disseminated within the country. To accomplish this we produced whole genome sequences for 6 H7N3 viruses and data for the HA and NA genes of an additional 7 isolates. All available sequence from H7N3 AIV from Pakistan was included in the analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Phylogenetic analysis revealed that there were two introductions of H7 into Pakistan and one N3 introduction. Only one of the H7 introductions appears to have become established in poultry in Pakistan, while the other was isolated from two separate outbreaks 6 years apart. The data also shows that reassortment has occurred between H7N3 and H9N2 viruses in the field, likely during co-infection of poultry. Also, with the exception of these few reassortant isolates, all 8 genes in the predominant H7N3 virus lineage have evolved to be phylogenetically distinct.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Although rigorous control measures have been implemented in commercial poultry in Pakistan, AIV is sporadically transmitted to poultry and among the different poultry industry compartments (broilers, broiler breeders, table egg layers). Since there is one primary H7 lineage which persists and that has reassorted with the H9N2 AIV in poultry, it suggests that there is a reservoir with some link commercial poultry. On a general level, this offers insight into the molecular ecology of AIV in poultry where the virus has persisted despite vaccination and biosecurity. This data also illustrates the importance of sustained surveillance for AIVs in poultry.</p