379 research outputs found

    Penyeliaan pengajaran dan pembelajaran di sekolah-sekolah kebangsaan di daerah Kota Tinggi, Johor

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    Kajian diskritif ini bertujuan untuk meninjau penyeliaan pengajaran di sekolah-sekolah kebangsaan di daerah Kota Tinggi, Johor. Secara khusus kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti tanggapan guru-guru terhadap penyeliaan pengajaran yang dilaksanakan di sekolah; mengenalpasti amalan penyeliaan pengajaran yang dijalankan di sekolah; dan mengenalpasti implikasi amalan penyeliaan pengajaran terhadap profesionalisme guru dari segi peningkatan kualiti pengajaran, perkukuhan hubungan profesionalisme, perkongsian pengalaman dan pengetahuan, dan bantuan kepada guru dalam proses pengajaran. Sampel kajian melibatkan 321 orang guru dari sekolah-sekolah kebangsaan di daerah Kota Tinggi Johor. Soal selidik yang diubahsuai dari kajian terdahulu digunakan sebagai instrumen kajian. Data dianalisis menggunakan perisian SPSS dan hasil analisis dilaporkan dalam bentuk statistik diskriptif. Kebolehpercayaan instrument menggunakan Alpha Cronbach ialah 0.914 bagi bahagian B dan 0.889 bagi Bahagian C. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa guru-guru mempunyai tanggapan yang positif terhadap penyeliaan pengajaran yang dilaksanakan di sekolah-sekolah; amalan penyeliaan pengajaran yang dijalankan di sekolah adalah tinggi; dan penyeliaan pengajaran yang diamalkan berkesan dalam meningkatkan profesionalisme guru dari segi kualiti guru, perkongsian pengalaman dan pengetahuan dalam kalangan guru, dan membantu guru dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Sebaliknya penyeliaan pengajaran ini didapati kurang berkesan dalam memperkukuhkan hubungan profesionalisme antara penyelia dan guru

    An improved artificial dendrite cell algorithm for abnormal signal detection

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    In dendrite cell algorithm (DCA), the abnormality of a data point is determined by comparing the multi-context antigen value (MCAV) with anomaly threshold. The limitation of the existing threshold is that the value needs to be determined before mining based on previous information and the existing MCAV is inefficient when exposed to extreme values. This causes the DCA fails to detect new data points if the pattern has distinct behavior from previous information and affects detection accuracy. This paper proposed an improved anomaly threshold solution for DCA using the statistical cumulative sum (CUSUM) with the aim to improve its detection capability. In the proposed approach, the MCAV were normalized with upper CUSUM and the new anomaly threshold was calculated during run time by considering the acceptance value and min MCAV. From the experiments towards 12 benchmark and two outbreak datasets, the improved DCA is proven to have a better detection result than its previous version in terms of sensitivity, specificity, false detection rate and accuracy


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    This report basically discusses the project research and basic understanding for one of the elements in the chosen topic, which is The Study of 2D Thermal Distributions Using Fluent Simulation Program for Passive Solar Concept of Low Rise Building. The general objective is to study the Green Building features for low rise residential building. This lead to the specific objective of the project which is to analyze the temperature distribution inside a low rise terrace house and simulate using Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) program in order to compare the temperature distribution pattern. The method established was using the CFD simulation program, named Gambit and Fluent, with all the parameters and conditions set to obtain the temperature distribution in 2D dimension. The Green Building features were proposed into the subject rooms by modifYing the window dimension and proposed the air chimney at the room's ceiling. The results indicate that the temperature inside the master and single bedroom was reduced when the window dimension is increased and the proposed air chimney help to ventilate the room better. The study also shown that the simulated data was reliable compare to the measured data with an error less than 1%


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    The political turmoil in Malaysia following the resignation of Mahathir Mohammad (February 2020), and the success of Muhyiddin Yassin in the position of Prime Minister, made the political atmosphere even more dynamic. There are those who think that Malaysian politics currently shows a serious problem with the fierce battle between political figures. There have even been various accusations that say there is treason that justifies any means to achieve the goal. Muhyiddin Yassin, who is Mahathir's representative in the Malaysian Indigenous United Party (PPBM), was accused of treason. Likewise, Azmin Ali who was deputy chairman of the People's Justice Party (PKR) was accused of treason by Anwar Ibrahim, so that Azmin was fired from the PKR. Mahathir Mohammad is a senior Malaysian political figure with long experience in politics. The political communication that Mahthir has built is very intelligent with his success as a UMNO figure and the Prime Minister of Malaysia for more than 20 years. As a doctor, since the age of 25, he has been active in politics through the UMNO party. Mahathir understands that politics is very dynamic and political figures must be able to adapt to the existing political dynamics. It was this political dynamic that made Mahathir leave UMNO when he saw the many deviations committed by his figures. Mahathir then formed a new party, Partai Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) which succeeded in ending UMNO's domination in the 2018 elections. Mahathir's political communications were truly tested when he succeeded in becoming the second prime minister of Malaysia at the age of 92 years. The political message delivered by Mahathir was able to convince the Malaysian people about the direction of national development. His long and successful experience in politics made him known as the father of modernization in Malaysia. However, in the end, he was removed by Muhyiddin Yassin (his own friend) from the seat of Prime Minister at the age of 94. Because actually in politics there are no friends and enemies who are eternal, it is political interests themselves that are eternal

    Implications of Zakat Management on Improving the Welfare of The Poor (Case Study on Indonesian National Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) Gorontalo City)

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    Poverty is still a problem in Indonesia. Not a few of the Indonesian people are still living below a decent standard of living. In everyday reality, there are still often homeless people and people who cannot meet their basic needs. Poverty becomes a big problem because it impacts the difficulty of accessing education, increasing criminality, and others. A high poverty rate is a form of economic equality. One of the efforts that can be made to create economic equality is through zakat. This study aims to uncover the implications of zakat management at the National Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) Gorontalo city in improving the welfare of the poor. The main problem is described that zakat is a very strategic Islamic Law in alleviating poverty and improving the welfare of the poor. This research is a field study with qualitative descriptive analysis. The approach used is a multidisciplinary approach, namely normative juridical approach, philosophical approach, theological and historical socio approach. The methods used are observation, interview, survey, and documentation. Furthermore, the data obtained is analyzed and displayed deductively and comparatively. The results showed that the implications of zakat management at the National Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) Gorontalo city in improving the welfare of the poor are seen in various innovations rolled out programs that are oriented towards improving the welfare of the poor. Innovation of the program in the form of empowerment of the poor through the utilization of productive zakat distribution, distribution of consumptive zakat, the synergy of zakat management with professional financial institutions, caring for disaster victims, Construction of Livable Houses (MAHAYANI), scholarships for outstanding children and the amaliah ramadhan movement. Keywords: zakat, welfare, the poor DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/11-14-04 Publication date:July 31st 202

    Kesan tahap realistik karakter animasi talking-head ke atas emosi dan prestasi pelajar : satu kajian awal

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    Animasi talking-head merupakan animasi arahan yang mampu membantu pembelajaran kemahiran sebutan sesuatu perkataan secara betul dan tepat. Namun, kesilapan dalam penggunaan karakter animasi memberi kesan negatif kepada pelajar. Kajian ini memfokus kepada isu Uncanny Valley yang dapat memberi kesan kepada emosi pelajar akibat daripada karakter animasi yang hampir menyerupai manusia. Justeru, kajian ini menilai penggunaan animasi talking-head yang berbeza tahap realistik terhadap pembelajaran sebutan perkataan di Kolej Komuniti. Penilaian keberkesanan animasi ini diukur melalui ujian sebutan dan ujian emosi mengguna soal selidik AEQ. Empat perisian animasi talking-head dengan tahap realistik berbeza dibangun untuk diuji dan setiap perisian tersebut dipelajari secara kendiri oleh sekumpulan pelajar yang terdiri daripada 20 orang. Jumlah keseluruhan sampel ialah 80 orang terdiri daripada pelajar di empat buah kolej komuniti di Perak. Ujian statistik deskriptif seperti nilai min, sisihan piawai dan peratus diguna bagi menjawab persoalan kajian. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan perisian animasi talking-headtiga dimensi tidak realistik (3D-TR) memperoleh peratusan tertinggi dari sudut emosi dan prestasi sebutan pelajar manakala perisian animasi talking-head tiga dimensi realistik (3D-R) memperoleh peratusan terendah dari kedua-dua aspek tersebut. Justeru, penggunaan karakter animasi tiga dimensi talking-head yang tidak realistik merupakan tahap realistik yang terbaik untuk membentuk emosi yang positif seterusnya berpotensi meningkat prestasi pelajar

    Effects of spice dust on lung functions and respiratory symptoms in spice factory workers in Selangor

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    Exposure to spice dust has long been associated with increased prevalence of respiratory symptoms and reduced lung function in man. This study was carried out to investigate the effect of such exposure on the workersi lung function and respiratory symptoms in three spice-processing factories in Selangor. Spirometry measurements (VC, vital capacity; FVC, forced vital capacity; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 second) were performed on 56 workers (39 males, 17 females) who were occupationally exposed to 249611g/m3 respirable fine dust, PM10 ' The subjects also completed a set of standard respiratory questionnaires (modified ATS questionnaires). 61 persons from Universiti Putra Malaysia (36 males, 25 females) served as controls. The PMlO measurement in UPM was only 10111g/m3. Significant differences in VC, FVC and FE~ were observed between the two groups for both the male and the female. In addition to the decrease in spirometric values, the workers also reported higher prevalence of respiratory symptoms compared to controls. Therefore, the study suggests that exposure to spice dust in the spice factories leads to an increased prevalence of respiratory symptoms and impaired lung function

    Mental Health Professional's knowledge, Attitudes and Practice about Talking Therapies in Clinical Practice in Gaza Strip

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    It is clear that we need to heal emotional wounds, which means that we are looking for a psychological recovery alongside our economic recovery. Talking therapies in this study refers to evidence-based psychological therapies used by Mental health professional's including, Counseling, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Motivational Interviewing (MI), Family Therapy, and Group therapy. The current study addresses community mental health professional's knowledge, attitudes and practice about talking therapies in clinical practice in governmental community mental health centers . A total of 118 participants 20 of them were pilot (excluded) and 90 participants completed knowledge, attitudes and practice ( KAP) questionnaire, And 8 participants did not participate because of absences for different conditions. The result of gender distribution show that the male percentages 53.3% while the female percentage is 46.7%. and Age range between 24 and 58 with mean 35 years. The Specialty was divided into five groups, Psychiatrist physician 11.1%, Psychiatric nurse 41.1%, Practical nurse 2.2%, Psychologist 24.4%,and Sociologist 21.2%. Descriptive statistics indicated that that mental health professionals most of participants reflects positive knowledge toward talking therapies with mean 72.9, counseling therapy with mean 86,05, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with mean 67,75, family therapy with mean 72.6, Group psychotherapy with mean 62,2, and motivational interview with mean 64,95,.Their attitudes toward talking therapies were positive with mean 70.45.(Annex 1) Also participants reflects varies response to practice with mean 66.1 to counseling, 53,3 to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy , 51,1 to family therapy, 48,3 to group therapy, 61,1 to Motivational Interviewing, 57,60 to talking therapy in general. And 85,6 of participant have sufficient knowledge of communication skills as a basis in the talking therapy process but 72,2 of participant Said they needs training courses in talking therapy to improve knowledge and application into practice ,Also mental health professionals who have postgraduate studies have a higher level of and positive knowledge compared to those who have diploma or bachelor degree with a mean difference 5.161 and P value 0.026, participants who have (6 – 12) years of experience have higher knowledge compared to those who have less years of experience (5 years and less), mean difference was – 7.390 and P value was 0.003.(Annex 1) Correlation analyses indicated that there was no significant relationship between mental health professional's knowledge, attitudes and practice toward talking therapies and sociodemographic characteristics. he study conclude that with minimal education and training we can improve the knowledge and practice about talking therapies among community mental health professionals and also make their attitude positive regarding it

    Mental Health Professional's knowledge, Attitudes and Practice about Talking Therapies in Clinical Practice in Gaza Strip

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    It is clear that we need to heal emotional wounds, which means that we are looking for a psychological recovery alongside our economic recovery. Talking therapies in this study refers to evidence-based psychological therapies used by Mental health professional's including, Counseling, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Motivational Interviewing (MI), Family Therapy, and Group therapy. The current study addresses community mental health professional's knowledge, attitudes and practice about talking therapies in clinical practice in governmental community mental health centers . A total of 118 participants 20 of them were pilot (excluded) and 90 participants completed knowledge, attitudes and practice ( KAP) questionnaire, And 8 participants did not participate because of absences for different conditions. The result of gender distribution show that the male percentages 53.3% while the female percentage is 46.7%. and Age range between 24 and 58 with mean 35 years. The Specialty was divided into five groups, Psychiatrist physician 11.1%, Psychiatric nurse 41.1%, Practical nurse 2.2%, Psychologist 24.4%,and Sociologist 21.2%. Descriptive statistics indicated that that mental health professionals most of participants reflects positive knowledge toward talking therapies with mean 72.9, counseling therapy with mean 86,05, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with mean 67,75, family therapy with mean 72.6, Group psychotherapy with mean 62,2, and motivational interview with mean 64,95,.Their attitudes toward talking therapies were positive with mean 70.45.(Annex 1) Also participants reflects varies response to practice with mean 66.1 to counseling, 53,3 to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy , 51,1 to family therapy, 48,3 to group therapy, 61,1 to Motivational Interviewing, 57,60 to talking therapy in general. And 85,6 of participant have sufficient knowledge of communication skills as a basis in the talking therapy process but 72,2 of participant Said they needs training courses in talking therapy to improve knowledge and application into practice ,Also mental health professionals who have postgraduate studies have a higher level of and positive knowledge compared to those who have diploma or bachelor degree with a mean difference 5.161 and P value 0.026, participants who have (6 – 12) years of experience have higher knowledge compared to those who have less years of experience (5 years and less), mean difference was – 7.390 and P value was 0.003.(Annex 1) Correlation analyses indicated that there was no significant relationship between mental health professional's knowledge, attitudes and practice toward talking therapies and sociodemographic characteristics. he study conclude that with minimal education and training we can improve the knowledge and practice about talking therapies among community mental health professionals and also make their attitude positive regarding it