1,002 research outputs found

    Impact of land legislation in Sarawak: politics and its legislative trends / Ahmad Bakhtiar Hamdan, Ahmad Dzufadzli, Nur ‘Asyiqin Ahmad

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    This paper is entitled "Impact of Land Legislation in Sarawak: Politics and its Legislative Trends". It is aimed at analyzing the development of land related legislations that have been passed by the Sarawak Legislative Assembly, since its inauguration till date. The analysis will also include the impact of the numerous amendments made to the ordinances and the Sarawak Land Code. Then, this paper seeks to highlight probable reasons that fuelled the initiative to amend the legislations

    PENDAMPINGAN DENGAN PENDEKATAN ANDRAGOGI DALAM MENINGKATKAN PERILAKU BERWIRAUSAHA: studi deskriptif tentang pendampingan program lembaga keuangan mikro kewirausahaan pada csr shafira foundation

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    Kemiskinan merupakan permasalahan yang sangat kompleks, sehingga diperlukan penanganan dengan solusi yang tepat dan terintegrasi melalui berbagai pihak dari berbagai komponen yang sifatnya berkelanjutan. Salah satu cara pengentasan kemiskinan, yaitu melalui CSR yang memiliki tanggung jawab sosial dalam memberdayakan masyarakat. CSR Shafira Foundation memiliki program pemberdayaan masyarakat di bidang ekonomi melalui kegiatan Lembaga Keuangan Mikro Kewirausahaan dalam rangka mengentaskan kemiskinan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) Memperoleh data tentang langkah-langkah pendampingan dengan pendekatan andragogi dalam meningkatkan perilaku berwirausaha mitra binaan; (2) Memperoleh data tentang penerapan prinsip andragogi dalam meningkatkan perilaku berwirausaha mitra binaan melalui pendampingan; dan (3) Memperoleh data tentang perubahan perilaku berwirausaha mitra binaan melalui pendampingan dengan pendekatan andragogi. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori tentang pendampingan, andragogi dan kewirausahaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yaitu menggali kondisi di lapangan melalui pengamatan yang akurat. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Responden penelitian ini berjumlah 6 orang yaitu 2 orang pegawai Shafira Foundation, 3 orang mitra binaan, dan 1 orang keluarga dari mitra binaan. Lokasi penelitian ini bertempat di CSR Shafira Foundation yang memiliki mitra binaan di beberapa lokasi di kabupaten Bandung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembinaan yang dilakukan kepada para mitra binaan dalam rangka membentuk perilaku berwirausaha mitra binaan yang memiliki usaha kecil dengan pengelolaan bisnis yang sederhana menuju modern dilakukan dalam bentuk pendampingan yang terprogram dan berkelanjutan. Pembinaan berupa pendampingan dilakukan dengan pendekatan andragogi dengan sifat pembelajaran untuk menumbuhkan kemampuan dan potensi yang dimiliki oleh masing-masing mitra binaan dari usaha yang berbeda-beda untuk mencapai tujuan belajar lanjutan secara mandiri. Pertemuan dilakukan dengan santai dan tidak terlalu kaku dengan cara saling bertukar pengalaman usaha agar dapat saling membelajarkan baik itu antara field officer dengan mitra binaan ataupun antar sesama mitra binaan itu sendiri. Hasil pendampingan dengan pendekatan andragogi menunjukkan adanya peningkatan perubahan perilaku berwirausaha serta peningkatan pendapatan mitra binaan.----------Poverty is a very complex problem, requiring treatment with appropriate solutions and integrated through various parties of various components that are sustainable. One way to alleviate poverty, through CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) that have social responsibility in empowering the community. CSR Shafira Corporation has programs of society empowerment in the economy field through an activity called “Lembaga Keuangan Mikro Kewirausahaan” (Financial Association of Micro Entrepreneurship) to deal with poverty eradication. This research is aimed at (1) Obtaining data on assistance measures with andragogy approach in enhancing entrepreneurship behavior trained partners; (2) Obtain data on the application of the principle of andragogy in improving the behavior of the partners entrepreneurship through mentoring; and (3) Obtaining data on entrepreneurial behavior change through mentoring with trained partners andragogy approach. The theory used in this research is the theory of the mentoring, andragogy and entrepreneurship. The research uses the theory of counseling theory, according to Kamil, it is an activity conducted by a person in the consultative, interactive, and motivating ways to solve a problem, grow self-confidence and motivation into the counseled partner. The next theory is Andragogy theory, in which learning produces students to be able to develop their skills, enrich their knowledge, and grow their self-capacity. The last theory is theory of entrepreneurship, it is the ability of managers in optimizing all possible resources to create a product that is valuable for themselves and others. The research employs qualitative approach to find conditions of the field though an accurate observation. Data collection techniques employed in the research are interview, observation, and documentation. The respondents are six people; they are two staffs of Shafira Foundation, three coaching partners, and one husband of the coaching partner. The research location is at CSR Shafira Foundation which has several coaching partners in Bandung regency. The results showed that the coaching is done to its established partners in order to establish the behavior of entrepreneurial partners who have a small business with a simple management towards modern business is done in the form of programmed and ongoing mentoring. Guidance in the form of assistance was done with andragogy approach to the nature of learning to grow the capabilities and potential of each of the partners of different efforts to achieve the goal of an advanced study independently. Meetings were held with the relaxed and not too rigid a way to exchange business experiences that can benefit both the learner between field officer with the partners or between the members of the partners themselves. Assistance with andragogy approach results showed an increase in entrepreneurial behavior changes as well as increased revenue trained partners

    Impact of solar shading geometry on building energy use in hot humid climates with special reference to Malaysia

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    External solar shading devices can substantially reduce the cooling load of buildings and large energy savings can be achieved. Hence, intercepting the radiant heat wave before penetrating to the internal environment through envelope openings is the main criterion in designing solar shading. In hot and humid climate, one draw back of using shading devices is the risk to reduce daylight level thus increases in use of artificial lighting. Therefore it is important to understand the magnitude of energy consumption for cooling and lighting when shading devices are adapted in order to analyze optimum shading as energy conservation option in high-rise office buildings. In other words, little is known about the relationship between energy use and external horizontal shading device geometry. In an attempt to elucidate these complex relationships, a simple experiment of an office room is carried out using dynamic computer simulation program eQUEST- 3 (DOE 2.2). The study indicated depth of the external horizontal overhang can be manipulated to obtain an optimum energy use in high-rise buildings. The results showed that correlation between overhang depth and energy is an important aspect compared to correlation between overhang depth with building cooling loads and daylight level, especially in tropical climate conditions

    Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulation of synthetic jet cooling: a review

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    Synthetic jet which is also known as pulsed jet is a mechanism that is applied in many industries, such as manufacturing, automotive, and electronics. It is used in the industries as a cooling device. There have been many products developed and experimental data gained in the previous decade from synthetic jet technology. Interestingly, the expansion in computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulation for synthetic jet analysis becomes important due to the technical advantages in reducing the analysis time and cost of the test rig. Therefore, this paper reviews the parameters in the CFD simulation which affects the synthetic jet performance. The parameters involved are synthetic configuration, numerical method modelling, and cavity. The numerical methods employed are Shear Stress Transport, Reynolds Averaged Navier- Stokes (RANS), k-ε, and Lattice Boltzmann. The investigation on synthetic jet via CFD analysis still needs further enhancement, especially on numerical method selection and modification. In certain conditions, the results of CFD simulation perform very close to the real experimental data. Therefore, the CFD technology is crucial to expedite the synthetic jet product enhancement

    Evaluation of parametrics for the development of vertical solar chimney ventilation in hot and humid climate

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    In terms of housing passive cooling design, tropical climatic regions present the most difficult problem to solve. A good dwelling design can keep the indoor environment favorable and comfortable during most of the year without the use of any mechanical devices. This can be accomplished by various techniques such as the use of radiant barrier, insulation materials, and natural ventilation. Depending on ambient conditions, natural ventilation may lead to indoor thermal comfort without mechanical cooling. However, in cases where the wind effect is not well captured especially in single side ventilation, then solar–induced ventilation may be a viable alternative. Solar induced ventilation standing involved temperature difference experiments which can be done using both physical modeling and computer simulation (Computational Fluid Dynamics). Solar induced, especially vertical solar chimney ventilation combined air movement and solar radiation simulation. They have different input data which depend on the climatic data of the selected location. This paper evaluates the parametric study strategies in pilot testing, terrace house model and previous research model by simulation and experiment for solar induced ventilation in tropical condition. Comparison of the results of simulations and experiments illustrate a good agreement between numerical and experimental results. These results encourage further research to develop the vertical solar chimney suitable for tropical condition

    Empirical Evidence on the Relationship between Democratic Classroom and Social Skills Development of Students

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    The concept of democratic classroom is controversial for being vague and idealistic. It has been termed more rhetorical than a realistic. Despite of this, the role of democratic classroom in socialization of students has well recognized in every age. Therefore, a noticeable need exists to assess the degree and direction of relationship between democratic classroom and students’ social skill development. Previous studies have reported that classroom environment is a good predictor of social development of students. However, little research has explored the perspectives of students about their social skill development in a classroom environment, particularly focusing the three social skills such as listening to others carefully, waiting for turn and raising hands to ask questions. The present study fills this gap in the current literature on the relationship between democracy and education. The aim of this paper is to examine the effect of democratic classroom environment on social skills development of students. Based on causal comparative design, the study used a self-developed questionnaire to examine the perceptions of 80 male and female students selected on random sampling basis from 20 secondary schools in one district of Khyber Pkahtunkwa, Pakistan. For data analysis, Chi-square test was applied. Results of the study showed that there was no significant difference in the perceptions of male versus female secondary school students regarding the effect of classroom environment on social skills of students. Both equally considered democratic classroom environment important for social skills development. The study concludes that democratic classroom has a positive effect on all the three social skills development of students. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n2s1p1

    Study and Analysis of Fabrication and Properties of Sand Lime Bricks

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    The main purpose of this report is to document the author’s finding, activities and the progress work that had been done in Final Year Project. The project entitles “Study and Analysis of Fabrication and Properties of Sand Lime Brick”. Briefly the project is to study the process of making sand lime brick but with using powder processing root as the method of making the sample. The result of the experiment may vary from the ASTM requirement for sand lime brick. As for the compaction pressure and sintering temperature, the result has shown improvement as increasing compacting pressure will increase green density and decrease porosity of sample

    The Effect of Using Pictorial Story in raising the achievement in Arabic among second Grade Students' in Irbid

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    This study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of Using Pictorial Story in raising the achievement in Arabic among second Grade Students' in Irbid, The sample of the study consisted of 80 male and female students among second Grade, The sample was chosen intentionally, and the students were enrolled in four sections: two experimental groups (25 males and 25 females) and two control groups (25 males and 25 females). Item test was devised for the study. Its validity and reliability were verified, The findings of the study revealed that there were statistically significant differences in student performance due to group variable at a=0.05 level  and it was in favor of experimental groups. However, there were no statistically significant differences in student performance due to interaction between gender and group at a=0.05 level, whereas (F) did not reach to the statistical significance level. Keywords: (Pictorial Story, achievement, Arabic language, second grade)

    Suggested Policies for Accepting PhD Students at the University of Jordan to Align Its Educational Outcomes with the Needs of the Labor Market and to Improve Its Position in the World Universities Rankings According to the Experience of Canadian Universit

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    This study aimed to develop proposed policies for the acceptance of doctoral students at the University of Jordan to align its educational outcomes with the needs of the labor market and to improve their positions in the World Universities Rankings according to the experience of Canadian universities for the academic year 2019/2020, To accomplish the objectives of the study, the researchers used the methodology, the qualitative, quantitative, evolutionary survey research and Synthetic-Analytic Approach.  A study tool has been developed in the light of the methodology, two study tools were used, the questionnaire and the interview with a sample of (20) academic leaders, and its validity and reliability were assured by scientific methods. -        The fairness of the procedures followed by the Faculty of Graduate Studies in attracting doctoral students, so that the criteria and conditions for admission are applied based on the principle of equality and equal opportunities in the recruitment procedures. -        The current admission policy for graduate students at the University of Jordan, specifically PhD, does not keep pace with rapid global changes, and is ineffective and appropriate to contribute to sustainable development. -        The current policy aims to increase revenues as a result of increasing the numbers of those admitted to graduate studies, and therefore it focuses on quantity, not Quality. -        Lack of understanding and awareness of the heads of academic departments in choosing the appropriate admission policy to attract distinguished students for the doctoral programs that are offered by their departments. Based on the results of the study, the researchers developed admission policies for doctoral students at the University of Jordan and made sure that they could be applied by presenting them to a committee of experts. This study has come out with a set of recommendations, including: The researchers recommend the need to apply the policies reached by this study, and the necessity of introducing academic department heads and assistant deans of faculties to the policies and procedures adopted by the Faculty of Graduate Studies to attract doctoral students at the University of Jordan in order to be fully aware and able to define criteria and the appropriate conditions for choosing an effective admission policy to attract distinguished students for the specializations of doctoral programs offered by their departments, which would improve educational outcomes and scientific research. Keywords: Policies, PhD, Admission, Registration, Labor Market, The World Universities Ranking, University of Jordan, Canadian Universities Experience, Educational Outcomes DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-17-04 Publication date:June 30th 202

    The Impact of Climate Change on Agricultural Operations: an Applied Study on Crops in the Jordan Valley

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    Climate change, as manifested through its multifaceted dimensions encompassing economic, social, and security effects, on agricultural activities within the Jordan Valley region. The research sample encompassed a group of 9000 agricultural practitioners residing in the Jordan Valley region. Employing the well-established Morgan model, a representative subset of 368 individuals was selected through a random sampling technique. The questionnaires were disseminated among the participants of the study, resulting in the retrieval of a total of 350 questionnaires. Upon careful examination, it was determined that 340 of these questionnaires were deemed valid and suitable for analysis. A meticulously crafted survey instrument was devised to systematically gather firsthand information. The research employed a quantitative (descriptive analytical) methodology to examine the data and evaluate hypotheses by employing suitable statistical techniques available in the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS).  The findings of the study indicate a noteworthy and statistically significant relationship between climate change and agricultural operations. The analysis yielded a substantial coefficient of determination (R²=68.5%), suggesting that approximately 68.5% of the changes observed in agricultural operations can be attributed to the influence of climate change. The study proposes a strategic approach to enhance farmers' understanding of the indirect impact of climate change on various economic sectors, including manufacturing, energy production, transportation, and other services. This can be achieved through the implementation of educational initiatives, such as seminars and awareness sessions, which actively engage farmers in the learning process